Пример #1
def create_open_loop_trajectories(x0, p, options):
    Create a nominal trajectory based on a SLIP model
    p_slip = p.copy()
    x0_slip = np.concatenate([x0[0:6], x0[-1:]])
    x0_slip = slip.reset_leg(x0_slip, p_slip)
    p_slip['total_energy'] = slip.compute_total_energy(x0_slip, p_slip)
    #aoa, success = slip.find_limit_cycle(x0_slip, p_slip, limit_cycle_options)
    val, success = slip.find_limit_cycle(x0_slip, p_slip, options)
    if not success:
        print("WARNING: no limit-cycles found")
        return (x0, p)

    searchP = options['search_parameter']
    if (searchP):
        p_slip[options['parameter_name']] = val
        p[options['parameter_name']] = val
        x0_slip[options['state_index']] = val
        x0[options['state_index']] = val

    p_slip['total_energy'] = slip.compute_total_energy(x0_slip, p_slip)
    p['total_energy'] = compute_total_energy(x0, p)
    sol_slip = slip.step(x0_slip, p_slip)

    # compute open-loop force trajectory from nominal slip traj
    actuator_time_force = create_force_trajectory(sol_slip, p)
    p['actuator_force'] = actuator_time_force
    p['actuator_force_period'] = np.max(actuator_time_force[0, :])

    t_contact = sol_slip.t_events[1][0]
    p['angle_of_attack_offset'] = -t_contact * p['swing_velocity']
    p['swing_leg_length_offset'] = -t_contact * p['swing_extension_velocity']

    # Update the model.step solution
    x0 = reset_leg(x0, p)
    p['total_energy'] = compute_total_energy(x0, p)

    return (x0, p)
Пример #2
    'gravity': 9.81,
    'angle_of_attack': 0.5452,
    'actuator_resting_length': 0.0
}  # offset of CoG to leg-start. Unimoprtant

x0 = np.array([
    0,  # x position: forwards
    0.2,  # y position: upwards
    2.6,  # x velocity
    0,  # y velocity
    0,  # foot position x
    0,  # foot position y
])  # ground position y
x0 = slip.reset_leg(x0, p)
p['total_energy'] = slip.compute_total_energy(x0, p)
sol = slip.step(x0, p)
import plotting.animation


# * The arguments you can pass to the function are:
# slow = 10       		: scales the animation relative to real time, default 10
# interval = 30   		: time (in ms) between frames in the animation, default 30ms
# com_radius = 60 		: size of the CoM dot
# see = True      		: calls up show() within the animation_visualisation function; I don't know why but if you call show here, you don't see the animation
# save = False    		: saves the animation, for this you need to have a matplotlib animation writer installed
# writer_name = 'html'	: this default writer can only write html files, 'pillow' writes gif, ffmpeg writes mp4
# filename = 'test.html': name of the animation file that will be saved

import plotting.single_trials
Пример #3
def get_slip_trajectory(x0, p):
    x0_slip = np.concatenate([x0[0:6], x0[-1:]])
    x0_slip = slip.reset_leg(x0_slip, p)
    p['total_energy'] = slip.compute_total_energy(x0_slip, p)
    sol = slip.step(x0_slip, p)
    return sol