def post(self): data = UserParser.parser.parse_args() if not data['username'][0].isalpha(): return {'message': 'Invalid username.'}, 400 if UserModel.find_by_username(data['username']): return { "message": f"User with username: {data['username']} already exists." }, 400 if UserModel.find_by_code(data['code']): return { "message": f"User with code: {data['code']} already exists." }, 400 if UserModel.find_by_email(data['email']): return { "message": f"User with email: {data['email']} already exists." }, 400 temp_pass = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(data['password'], 10).decode('UTF-8') data['password'] = temp_pass user = AdminModel(**data) # unpacking the dictionary user.save_to_db() return {"message": f"Admin was created successfully."}, 201
def get(self, code): admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if admin: return { "message": [booklist.json() for booklist in admin.booklists] } return {"message": f"Admin {code} does not exist."}, 404
def get(self, code: str, name: str): # if booklist and admin exist, delete the booklist booklist = BooklistModel.find_by_name(name) if booklist: admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if admin: # make sure the booklist isn't already removed if booklist in admin.booklists: print(f"#######{booklist.json()}") return {"booklist": booklist.json()}, 200 return {"message": f"Booklist {} not found."}, 404 return {"message": f"Admin {code} does not exist."}, 404 return {"message": f"Booklist {booklist} does not exist."}, 404
def delete(self, code: str, name: str): # if booklist and Admin exist, delete the booklist booklist = BooklistModel.find_by_name(name) if booklist: admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if admin: # make sure the booklist isn't already removed if booklist in admin.booklists: admin.booklists.remove(booklist) admin.save_to_db() return { "message": f"Booklist {} removed." }, 200 return {"message": f"Admin {code} not in {booklist}"}, 404 return {"message": f"Admin {code} does not exist."}, 404 return {"message": f"Booklist {booklist} does not exist."}, 404
def post(self, code): name = AdminRegBooklist.parser.parse_args()['name'] booklist = BooklistModel.find_by_name(name) if booklist: Admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if Admin: # make sure the booklist isn't already added if booklist in Admin.booklists: return { "message": f"Booklist {} already added." }, 200 Admin.booklists.append(booklist) Admin.save_to_db() return {"message": "Booklist added successfully."}, 201 return {"message": f"Admin {code} does not exist."}, 404 return {"message": f"booklist {name} does not exist."}, 404
def delete(self, code: int): admin_to_delete = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if admin_to_delete: admin_to_delete.delete_from_db() return {'message': 'Admin deleted.'}, 200 return {}, 204
def put(self, code: int): # This parser will be used to update fields that can me modifiable parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('username', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('first_name', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('last_name', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('description', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('picture', type=str, required=False) data = parser.parse_args() admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if not data['username'][0].isalpha(): return {'message': 'Invalid username.'}, 400 if admin is None: # If the admin isn't found, create a new admin using the user parser # Creates a copy of the User parser and removes the 'code' argument so that # it is no longer necessary in the request body put_parser = copy.copy(UserParser.parser) put_parser.remove_argument('code') data1 = put_parser.parse_args() data1['code'] = code admin = AdminModel(**data1) admin.save_to_db() return admin.json(), 201 admin.username = data['username'] admin.first_name = data['first_name'] admin.last_name = data['last_name'] admin.description = data['description'] admin.picture = data['picture'] admin.save_to_db() return admin.json(), 200
def get(self, code: int): # only search admins admin = AdminModel.find_by_code(code) if admin: return admin.json(), 200 return {'message': 'Admin not found.'}, 404
def get(self, username: str): # only search admins admin = AdminModel.find_by_username(username) if admin: return admin.json() return {'message': 'Admin not found.'}, 404