def mb_ph_ops(hlat, perturb, omega, nimp, nocc, pemb, pcore, pvirt): """ external ops for part-hole Green's function """ nimp_sp = nimp * 2 nsites_sp = hlat.shape[0] * 2 nocc_sp = nocc * 2 # transform h into imp+bath/ext(all) basis pall = N.hstack([pemb, pcore, pvirt]) hall =,, pall)) hall_sp = _spinify(hall) # t1amp in (all) basis t1amp_ao = make_t1amp_ao(hlat, omega, perturb, nocc) t1amp_all =,, pall)) t1amp_all_sp = _spinify(t1amp_all) # mb_ext_operators sites_imp = range(0, nimp_sp * 2) sites_ext = range(nimp_sp * 2, nsites_sp) cops = [] dops = [] project = False if project: li_t1amp_ext_imp = _linear_orthonormal_basis( t1amp_all_sp[sites_ext, :][:, sites_imp], orient='c') print "retained %i out of %i vectors" % (li_t1amp_ext_imp.shape[1], len(sites_imp)) li_t1amp_imp_ext = _linear_orthonormal_basis( t1amp_all_sp[sites_imp, :][:, sites_ext], orient='r') print "retained %i out of %i vectors" % (li_t1amp_imp_ext.shape[0], len(sites_imp)) for i in xrange(li_t1amp_ext_imp.shape[1]): cops.append(models.ContractedC(sites_ext, li_t1amp_ext_imp[:, i])) for i in xrange(li_t1amp_imp_ext.shape[0]): dops.append(models.ContractedD(sites_ext, li_t1amp_imp_ext[i, :])) else: for imp in sites_imp: coeff_c = t1amp_all_sp[sites_ext, imp] cops.append(models.ContractedC(sites_ext, coeff_c)) coeff_d = t1amp_all_sp[imp, sites_ext] dops.append(models.ContractedD(sites_ext, coeff_d)) cd_coeffs = {} for i in sites_ext: for j in sites_ext: if abs(t1amp_all_sp[i, j]) > 1.e-8: cd_coeffs[i, j] = t1amp_all_sp[i, j] cdop = models.ContractedCD(cd_coeffs) ops = {"1": models.Unit(), "c": cops, "d": dops, "cd": cdop} return ops
def hubbard_imp_ext_h(h0, u, nocc, nimp, nsites): nsites_sp = nsites * 2 sites_imp = range(0, 4 * nimp) sites_ext = range(4 * nimp, 2 * nsites) t_dict = {} for i in xrange(nsites_sp): for j in xrange(nsites_sp): if abs(h0[i, j]) > 1.e-12: t_dict[i, j] = h0[i, j] t_dict[0, 0] = 0 t_dict[1, 1] = 0 u_dict = {} u_dict[0, 1] = u # h in imp+ext space hop = models.GeneralHubbard(t_dict, u_dict) t_imp = {} for i in sites_imp: for j in sites_imp: if abs(h0[i, j]) > 1.e-12: t_imp[i, j] = h0[i, j] t_imp[0, 0] = 0 t_imp[1, 1] = 0 t_ext = {} for i in sites_ext: for j in sites_ext: if abs(h0[i, j]) > 1.e-12: t_ext[i, j] = h0[i, j] hext = models.ContractedCD(t_ext) himp = models.GeneralHubbard(t_imp, u_dict) hcs_imp = [] hds_imp = [] hcs_ext = [] hds_ext = [] for i in sites_imp: imp_coeffs = utils.zeros(len(sites_imp)) imp_coeffs[i] = 1. hcs_imp.append(models.ContractedC(sites_imp, imp_coeffs)) hds_imp.append(models.ContractedD(sites_imp, imp_coeffs)) hcs_ext.append(models.ContractedC(sites_ext, h0[sites_ext, i])) hds_ext.append(models.ContractedD(sites_ext, h0[i, sites_ext])) return hop, himp, hcs_imp, hds_imp, hcs_ext, hds_ext, hext
def ph_greens(): # main loop for general density-density (ph) response functions utils.dtype = N.complex128 nimp = 1 nimp_sp = 2 * nimp nocc = 10 nsites = 20 nsites_sp = nsites * 2 ndim = 2 sz = 0 # sites numbered in order as imp+bath ... ext sites_imp = range(0, 2 * nimp_sp) sites_ext = range(2 * nimp_sp, nsites_sp) ncore = 2 * nocc - 2 * nimp cocc = range(2 * nimp_sp, 2 * nimp_sp + ncore) vocc = range(2 * nimp_sp + ncore, nsites_sp) N.set_printoptions(precision=3) t = -1. # hopping delta = 0.0 #25 # broadening # for u in [0.0,4.0,10.0]: for u in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0]: #,1.0,4.0,8.0]: # Single impurity Anderson model mu = 0. hlat, hall, hlat_sp, hall_sp, e0 = models_embed.si_anderson_imp_ext_ni_h( t, nocc, nimp, nsites) hop, himp, hcs_imp, hds_imp, hcs_ext, hds_ext, hext = models_embed.si_anderson_imp_ext_h( hall_sp, u, nocc, nimp, nsites) # single site Hubbard in DMET basis # mu=u/2 # hlat,hall,hlat_sp,hall_sp,e0=models_embed.hubbard_imp_ext_ni_h(t,u,nocc,nimp,nsites) # hop,himp,hcs_imp,hds_imp,hcs_ext,hds_ext,hext=models_embed.hubbard_imp_ext_h(hall_sp,u,nocc,nimp,nsites) # g.s embedding basis pemb, pcore, pvirt = embed.embed(hlat, nimp, nocc) # perturbation operator perturb = utils.zeros([nsites, nsites]) perturb[0, 0] = 1. p_coeffs = {} p_coeffs[0, 0] = 1. p_coeffs[1, 1] = 1. perturbop = models.ContractedCD(p_coeffs) fd = file("ph_siam.out." + str(u), "w") for omega in N.arange(0, 4, 0.01): if abs(omega - 2.0) < 0.00001: continue ops_dict = response_embed.mb_ph_ops(hlat, perturb, omega + 1j * delta, nimp, nocc, pemb, pcore, pvirt) configs_dict = response_embed.mb_configs(nsites, nimp, nimp_sp, 2 * nocc - nimp_sp, 0) neutral_ops_configs = response_embed.mb_ph_ops_configs( ops_dict, configs_dict) # basis is setup, now build matrix representations perturb_mat = opbasis_ni.oimp_matrix_form(perturbop, neutral_ops_configs, cocc, vocc) # h, neutral configs himp_mat = opbasis_ni.oimp_matrix_form(himp, neutral_ops_configs, cocc, vocc) himp_ext_mat = opbasis_ni.himp_ext_matrix_form( hcs_imp, hds_ext, hds_imp, hcs_ext, neutral_ops_configs, cocc, vocc) hext_mat = opbasis_ni.hext_matrix_form(hext, neutral_ops_configs, cocc, vocc, e0) #print 'himp_mat size: ',himp_mat.shape #print 'himp_mat',himp_mat[:,0] #print 'hext_mat size: ',hext_mat.shape #print 'himp_ext_mat size: ',himp_ext_mat.shape hmat = himp_mat + himp_ext_mat + hext_mat #print 'total size hmat: ',hmat.shape unit_mat = opbasis_ni.oimp_matrix_form(models.Unit(), neutral_ops_configs, cocc, vocc) # get neutral ground-state energy es, cs = la.peigh(hmat, unit_mat) e0 = es[0] psi0 = cs[:, 0] # all matrices setup, solve linear response (complex) psi1 = la.solve_perturb(omega - 1j * delta, unit_mat, hmat, e0, psi0, perturb_mat, project=True) ph_gf =,, psi0)) ph_gf0 = _second_order_energy(hlat, nocc, perturb, omega + 1j * delta) #print 'hlat size: ',hlat.shape #print 'hlat: ' #print hlat #print omega, ph_gf.imag,ph_gf0.imag print omega, ph_gf, 2 * ph_gf0 print >> fd, omega - mu, ph_gf.imag, ph_gf0.imag, ph_gf.real, 2 * ph_gf0.real