Пример #1
  def render_with_headers(self, callback):
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    headers = {}
    current = None

    # Get up to 5 artworks published earlier than 2 days from now, ordered by latest first
    latest_artworks = (FeaturedArtwork.all()
        .filter('publish_date <=', date.today() + timedelta(days=2))

    # Pick out the first artwork in that set that has actually been published
    for artwork in latest_artworks:
      if now >= datetime.combine(artwork.publish_date, START_TIME):
        current = artwork

    ret_obj = dict()
    if current is not None:
      # Found the next featured artwork
      ret_obj = dict(
      if current.thumb_url:
        ret_obj['thumbUri'] = current.thumb_url
      if current.attribution:
        ret_obj['attribution'] = current.attribution

      # The next update time is the next START_TIME
      next_start_time = datetime.combine(date.today(), START_TIME)
      while next_start_time < now:
        next_start_time += timedelta(hours=24)

      ret_obj['nextTime'] = _serialize_datetime(next_start_time + NEXT_PADDING)

      # Caches expire in an hour, but no later than the next start time minus padding
      cache_expire_time = min(
          now + MAX_HTTP_CACHE_AGE,
      expire_seconds = max(0, (cache_expire_time - now).total_seconds())

      # Note that this max-age header will be cached, so max-age may be off by the memcache
      # cache time which is set above to 60 seconds
      headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%d, must-revalidate, public' % expire_seconds
      headers['Expires'] = cache_expire_time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
      headers['Pragma'] = 'public'

      # Found no featured artwork; hopefully this is temporary; don't cache this response
      headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
      headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'

    body = json.dumps(ret_obj, sort_keys=True)
    if callback:
      body = '%s(%s)' % (callback, body)

    return (body, headers)
Пример #2
    def render_with_headers(self, callback):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        headers = {}
        current = None

        # Get up to 5 artworks published earlier than 2 days from now, ordered by latest first
        latest_artworks = (FeaturedArtwork.all().filter(
            'publish_date <=',
            date.today() + timedelta(days=2)).order('-publish_date').fetch(5))

        # Pick out the first artwork in that set that has actually been published
        for artwork in latest_artworks:
            if now >= datetime.combine(artwork.publish_date, START_TIME):
                current = artwork

        ret_obj = dict()
        if current is not None:
            # Found the next featured artwork
            ret_obj = dict(title=current.title.strip(),
            if current.thumb_url:
                ret_obj['thumbUri'] = current.thumb_url
            if current.attribution:
                ret_obj['attribution'] = current.attribution

            # The next update time is the next START_TIME
            next_start_time = datetime.combine(date.today(), START_TIME)
            while next_start_time < now:
                next_start_time += timedelta(hours=24)

            ret_obj['nextTime'] = _serialize_datetime(next_start_time +

            # Caches expire in an hour, but no later than the next start time minus padding
            cache_expire_time = min(now + MAX_HTTP_CACHE_AGE, next_start_time)
            expire_seconds = max(0, (cache_expire_time - now).total_seconds())

            # Note that this max-age header will be cached, so max-age may be off by the memcache
            # cache time which is set above to 60 seconds
                'Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%d, must-revalidate, public' % expire_seconds
            headers['Expires'] = cache_expire_time.strftime(
                '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
            headers['Pragma'] = 'public'

            # Found no featured artwork; hopefully this is temporary; don't cache this response
            headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
            headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'

        body = json.dumps(ret_obj, sort_keys=True)
        if callback:
            body = '%s(%s)' % (callback, body)

        return (body, headers)
Пример #3
  def render(self, callback):
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    current = None

    # Get up to 5 artworks published earlier than 2 days from now, ordered by latest first
    latest_artworks = (FeaturedArtwork.all()
        .filter('publish_date <=', datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=2))

    # Pick out the first artwork in that set that has actually been published
    for artwork in latest_artworks:
      if now >= datetime.datetime.combine(artwork.publish_date, START_TIME):
        current = artwork

    ret_obj = dict()
    if current is not None:
      featured = dict(
      if current.thumb_url:
        featured['thumbUri'] = current.thumb_url

      # The next update time is at START_TIME tomorrow
      next_time = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.today() \
          + datetime.timedelta(days=1), START_TIME) + NEXT_PADDING
      featured['nextTime'] = _serialize_datetime(next_time)

      # Caches expire in an hour, but no later than the next start time minus 5 minutes
      cache_expire_time = min(
          datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1),
          next_time - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
      expire_seconds = max(0, (cache_expire_time - now).total_seconds())
      self.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%d, must-revalidate, public' % expire_seconds
      self.response.headers['Expires'] = cache_expire_time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')

      ret_obj = featured

    s = json.dumps(ret_obj, sort_keys=True)
    if callback:
      return '%s(%s)' % (callback, s)
      return s