Пример #1
def _messaging(req, groups=False):
    def cookie_recips(status):
        flat = urllib.unquote(req.COOKIES.get("recip-%s" % status, ""))
        return map(int, re.split(r'\s+', flat)) if flat != "" else []

    checked = cookie_recips("checked")
    error = cookie_recips("error")
    sent = cookie_recips("sent")

    show_search = False
    filtered = False
    hits = []

    def __decorate(obj):
        # this can decorate a reporter or group - anything in the UI
        obj.is_checked = obj.pk in checked
        obj.is_error = obj.pk in error
        obj.is_sent = obj.pk in sent
        obj.is_hit = obj.pk in hits
        return obj

    # set a few obects so we can deal with reporters and groups
    # through the same utility code and templates.

    # Instead of referencing the model, we do it through this
    # variable, allowing us to be agnostic about whether we're talking
    # about reporters or groups.
    model_class = ReporterGroup if groups else Reporter
    item_template = "messaging/partials/group.html" if groups \
                    else "messaging/partials/reporter.html"
    headers = ("Title", "Description", "Members") if groups \
              else ("Name", "Role", "Location")
    post_url = "/ajax/messaging/group_message" if groups \
               else "/ajax/messaging/send_message"

    # if the field/cmp/query parameters were provided (ALL
    # OF THEM), we will mark some of the reporters as HIT
    if "query" in req.GET or "field" in req.GET or "cmp" in req.GET:
        if "query" not in req.GET or "field" not in req.GET or "cmp" not in req.GET:
            return HttpResponse(
                "The query, field, and cmp fields may only be provided or omitted TOGETHER.",

        # search with: field__cmp=query
        kwargs = {
            str("%s__%s" % (req.GET["field"], req.GET["cmp"])):
        hits = model_class.objects.filter(**kwargs).values_list("pk",
        show_search = True
        filtered = True

    # optionally show the search field as default
    if "search" in req.GET and req.GET["search"]:
        show_search = True

    # the columns to display in the "field"
    # field of the search form. this is WAY
    # ugly, and should be introspected
    if not groups:
        columns = [("alias", "Alias"), ("first_name", "First Name"),
                   ("last_name", "Last Name")]  #,
        #("role__title", "Role"),
        #("location__name", "Location")]
        columns = [("title", "Title"), ("description", "Description")]

    resp = render_to_response(
        req, "messaging/index.html", {
            req.GET.get("query", ""),
            req.GET.get("field", ""),
            req.GET.get("cmp", ""),
            paginated(req, model_class.objects.all(), wrapper=__decorate)

    # if we just searched via GET (not via AJAX), store the hits
    # in a cookie for the client-side javascript to pick up. if
    # we don't, the javascript will overwrite the classes that
    # set in the template
    if filtered:
        flat_hits = " ".join(map(str, hits))
        resp.set_cookie("recip-hit", flat_hits)

        # update the search cookie (in the same weird-ass
        # pipe-delimited format as in the client-side script),
        # in case we're  mixing js and non-js searches
            "|".join([req.GET["field"], req.GET["cmp"], req.GET["query"]]))

    return resp
Пример #2
def index(req):
    def cookie_recips(status):
        flat = urllib.unquote(req.COOKIES.get("recip-%s" % status, ""))
        return map(int, re.split(r'\s+', flat)) if flat != "" else []

    checked  = cookie_recips("checked")
    error    = cookie_recips("error")
    sent     = cookie_recips("sent")

    show_search = False
    filtered    = False
    hits        = []

    def __reporter(rep):
        rep.is_checked = rep.pk in checked
        rep.is_error   = rep.pk in error
        rep.is_sent    = rep.pk in sent
        rep.is_hit     = rep.pk in hits
        return rep

    # if the field/cmp/query parameters were provided (ALL
    # OF THEM), we will mark some of the reporters as HIT
    if "query" in req.GET or "field" in req.GET or "cmp" in req.GET:
        if "query" not in req.GET or "field" not in req.GET or "cmp" not in req.GET:
            return HttpResponse("The query, field, and cmp fields may only be provided or omitted TOGETHER.",
                status=500, mimetype="text/plain")

        # search with: field__cmp=query
        kwargs = { str("%s__%s" % (req.GET["field"], req.GET["cmp"])): req.GET["query"] }
        hits = Reporter.objects.filter(**kwargs).values_list("pk", flat=True)
        show_search = True
        filtered = True

    # optionally show the search field as default
    if "search" in req.GET and req.GET["search"]:
        show_search = True

    # the columns to display in the "field"
    # field of the search form. this is WAY
    # ugly, and should be introspected
    columns = [
        ("alias", "Alias"),
        ("first_name", "First Name"),
        ("last_name", "Last Name")]#,
        #("role__title", "Role"),
        #("location__name", "Location")]

    resp = render_to_response(req,
        "messaging/index.html", {
            "columns":     columns,
            "filtered":    filtered,
            "query":       req.GET.get("query", ""),
            "field":       req.GET.get("field", ""),
            "cmp":         req.GET.get("cmp", ""),
            "show_search": show_search,
            "message_log": paginated(req, combined_message_log(checked), prefix="msg", wrapper=__combined_message_log_row),
            "reporters":   paginated(req, Reporter.objects.all(), wrapper=__reporter) })

    # if we just searched via GET (not via AJAX), store the hits
    # in a cookie for the client-side javascript to pick up. if
    # we don't, the javascript will overwrite the classes that
    # set in the template
    if filtered:
        flat_hits = " ".join(map(str, hits))
        resp.set_cookie("recip-hit", flat_hits)

        # update the search cookie (in the same weird-ass
        # pipe-delimited format as in the client-side script),
        # in case we're  mixing js and non-js searches

    return resp
Пример #3
def _messaging(req, groups=False):
    def cookie_recips(status):
        flat = urllib.unquote(req.COOKIES.get("recip-%s" % status, ""))
        return map(int, re.split(r'\s+', flat)) if flat != "" else []

    checked  = cookie_recips("checked")
    error    = cookie_recips("error")
    sent     = cookie_recips("sent")

    show_search = False
    filtered    = False
    hits        = []

    def __decorate(obj):
        # this can decorate a reporter or group - anything in the UI
        obj.is_checked = obj.pk in checked
        obj.is_error   = obj.pk in error
        obj.is_sent    = obj.pk in sent
        obj.is_hit     = obj.pk in hits
        return obj

    # set a few obects so we can deal with reporters and groups
    # through the same utility code and templates.
    # Instead of referencing the model, we do it through this
    # variable, allowing us to be agnostic about whether we're talking
    # about reporters or groups.
    model_class = ReporterGroup if groups else Reporter
    item_template = "messaging/partials/group.html" if groups \
                    else "messaging/partials/reporter.html"
    headers = ("Title", "Description", "Members") if groups \
              else ("Name", "Role", "Location") 
    post_url = "/ajax/messaging/group_message" if groups \
               else "/ajax/messaging/send_message"
    # if the field/cmp/query parameters were provided (ALL
    # OF THEM), we will mark some of the reporters as HIT
    if "query" in req.GET or "field" in req.GET or "cmp" in req.GET:
        if "query" not in req.GET or "field" not in req.GET or "cmp" not in req.GET:
            return HttpResponse("The query, field, and cmp fields may only be provided or omitted TOGETHER.",
                status=500, mimetype="text/plain")

        # search with: field__cmp=query
        kwargs = { str("%s__%s" % (req.GET["field"], req.GET["cmp"])): req.GET["query"] }
        hits = model_class.objects.filter(**kwargs).values_list("pk", flat=True)
        show_search = True
        filtered = True

    # optionally show the search field as default
    if "search" in req.GET and req.GET["search"]:
        show_search = True

    # the columns to display in the "field"
    # field of the search form. this is WAY
    # ugly, and should be introspected
    if not groups:
        columns = [
                   ("alias", "Alias"),
                   ("first_name", "First Name"),
                   ("last_name", "Last Name")]#,
            #("role__title", "Role"),
            #("location__name", "Location")]
        columns = [("title", "Title"),
                   ("description", "Description")]

    resp = render_to_response(req,
        "messaging/index.html", {
            "columns":     columns,
            "filtered":    filtered,
            "query":       req.GET.get("query", ""),
            "field":       req.GET.get("field", ""),
            "cmp":         req.GET.get("cmp", ""),
            "show_search": show_search,
            "item_template": item_template,
            "post_url":    post_url,
            "headers":     headers,
            "message_log": paginated(req, combined_message_log(checked), prefix="msg", wrapper=__combined_message_log_row),
            "reporters":   paginated(req, model_class.objects.all(), wrapper=__decorate) })

    # if we just searched via GET (not via AJAX), store the hits
    # in a cookie for the client-side javascript to pick up. if
    # we don't, the javascript will overwrite the classes that
    # set in the template
    if filtered:
        flat_hits = " ".join(map(str, hits))
        resp.set_cookie("recip-hit", flat_hits)

        # update the search cookie (in the same weird-ass
        # pipe-delimited format as in the client-side script),
        # in case we're  mixing js and non-js searches

    return resp