def get_data(self, model, filter_by=[], value=[], ids_list=[]): """ Get the data from a specific model Then we show the different option to choose and the information with it :param model: :param filter_by: :param value: :param ids_list: :return: ids_list """ for i, key in enumerate(filter_by): test = getattr(model, key) test.value = value[i] if type(model) in {Category, Favorite}: data = get_all(model, self.my_cursor) else: data = get_all(model, self.my_cursor)[:5] for new_model in data: if type(model) == Favorite: product = new_model.product_id.models sub = new_model.substitute_id.models info = "Produit : %s note %s, Substitue : %s note %s" % (, product.nutrition_grade.value,, sub.nutrition_grade.value) else: info = "Id : %s, Name : %s" % (, if type(model) == Product: info += ", Note : %s" % new_model.nutrition_grade.value print(info) ids_list.append( return ids_list
def burndown(): """ Helper method for parsing the plot points and returning them as appropriate. """ total_jobs = [int(x.total_jobs) for x in get_all()] finished_jobs = [int(x.finished_jobs) for x in get_all()] captured_dates = [x.captured_date for x in get_all()] return total_jobs, finished_jobs, captured_dates
def get(self): return [{ 'id':, 'name':, 'status': x.status, 'limit': x.limit } for x in get_all()]
def index(page): """ Handle http request to root """ notices = get_all(page) notices = JSONEncoder().encode(notices) return jsonify(json.loads(notices))
def content_list(): ret = [] if request.args.get("rg") == "large": records = models.get_all("Content") for t in records: ret.append(t.format()) else: records = models.get_keys("Content") for t in records: ret.append( return common.json_response(ret)
def tag_list(): ret = [] if request.args.get('rg') == 'large': records = models.get_all('Tag') for t in records: ret.append(t.format()) else: records = models.get_keys('Content') for t in records: ret.append( return common.json_response(ret)
def index(request): global process global ad print user_ip(request) links = get_all() if process == None: process = DownloadProcess() if ad == None: ad = AutoDownload() # print links #c = {} #c.update(csrf(request)) # r = render_to_response('index.html', {'links': links}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) return r
finished_jobs = query_es_rna_seq(es, 'burn_idx', myQuery, "repoDataBundleId") # Create the plot point plot = Burndown(total_jobs=total_jobs, finished_jobs=finished_jobs) # Enter the plot point in the table bd_user = os.getenv('BD_POSTGRES_USER') bd_password = os.getenv('BD_POSTGRES_PASSWORD') bd_table = os.getenv('BD_POSTGRES_DB') db_url = 'postgresql://{}:{}@bdchart-db/{}'.format(bd_user, bd_password, bd_table) engine = create_engine(db_url) session = sessionmaker() session.configure(bind=engine) s = session() s.add(plot) # Delete old entries old_entries =, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1) s.query(Burndown).filter(Burndown.captured_date <= old_entries).delete() # Commit Changes to the DB s.commit() print [(str(x.total_jobs), str(x.finished_jobs), x.captured_date, "{}:{}".format(x.captured_date.hour, x.captured_date.minute)) for x in get_all()] print "Total Jobs: {} Finished Jobs: {}".format(total_jobs, finished_jobs) session.close_all() engine.dispose()
def main(): my_db, my_cursor = connect_to_database() # Creating our tables print("Create Table if not existing") Category().save(my_cursor) Product().save(my_cursor) Substitute().save(my_cursor) Favorite().save(my_cursor) # Load the categories stock in a json file, headers = {"user-agent": "python-app/0.0.1"} current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) json_path = os.path.join(current_path, "categories.json") with open(json_path, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) categories_url = "" print("Loading category") for category in data['tags']: # Get the data wanted from json file new_category = Category() = category['name'] new_category.tags.value = category['id'] category_url = categories_url + new_category.tags.value + ".json" # Get the number of product available in this category ( can change ) r = requests.get(category_url, headers=headers) new_category.products.value = r.json()["count"] new_category.insert_data(my_cursor) my_db.commit() categories = get_all(Category(), my_cursor) search_url = "" for category in categories: # Load all the product of the category and put in database print("Start loading product from category %s" % payload = { "action": "process", "tagtype_0": "categories", "tag_contains_0": "contains", "tag_0": category.tags.value, "page_size": 50, "sort_by": "unique_scans_n", "json": 1 } for i in range(int(category.products.value / payload["page_size"])): # Get all the data wanted from the request we made # Get through every page of the category's product payload['page'] = i print("Loading page %d from category %s" % (i, r = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers, params=payload) data = r.json() for product in data["products"]: new_product = Product() = check_error(product, 'product_name', '') new_product.ingredients.value = check_error( product, 'ingredients_text_fr', '') new_product.url.value = product['url'] new_product.code.value = str(product['code']) = check_error(product, 'stores', '') new_product.category.value = new_product.nutrition_grade.value = check_error( product, 'nutrition_grades', '') new_product.salt_100.value = check_error( product, 'nutriments', 'salt_100g') new_product.salt_lvl.value = check_error( product, 'nutrient_levels', 'salt') new_product.sugar_100.value = check_error( product, 'nutriments', 'sugars_100g') new_product.sugar_lvl.value = check_error( product, 'nutrient_levels', 'sugars') new_product.fat_100.value = check_error( product, 'nutriments', 'fat_100g') new_product.fat_lvl.value = check_error( product, 'nutrient_levels', 'fat') new_product.saturated_fat_100.value = check_error( product, 'nutriments', 'saturated-fat_100g') new_product.saturated_fat_lvl.value = check_error( product, 'nutrient_levels', 'saturated-fat') new_product.insert_data(my_cursor) my_db.commit() print("\n Database is ready to be used")
def GET(self): sites = models.get_all() return render.index(sites, True) #admin())
def tag_num_list(): tags = models.get_all('Tag') ret = [] for t in tags: ret.append(t.num) return common.json_response(ret)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///myspa.db' app.register_blueprint(api_bp) @app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}) @app.route('/<path:path>') def index(path): return render_template('index.html') def gen(camera): while True: frame = camera.get_frame() yield b'--frame\r\n' + b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n\r\n' sleep(0.33) @app.route('/video') def video(): camera = LifeGameCamera() return Response(gen(camera), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') if __name__ == '__main__': with app.app_context(): init_db(app) if not get_all(): insert('foo', 'This is foo.') insert('bar', 'This is bar.')
def get_new_product_favorite(self): # Find a product to substitute # And add the product and his substitute to Favorite ############################### # SHOW CATEGORY # ############################### print("Voici toute les categories disponibles : ") category_id = self.get_data(Category()) chosen_category = self.check_int( input("Veuillez entrée le chiffre de la " "catégorie dont vous désirez voir les produits : \n"), category_id) ############################## # SHOW PRODUCT # ############################## product_id = self.get_data(Product(), ["category"], [chosen_category]) chosen_product = self.check_int( input( "Veuillez entrée le chiffre du produit que vous voulez choisir : " ), product_id) ################################# # SHOW Substitute # ################################# nutrition_grades = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] substitutes_id = [] for grade in nutrition_grades: substitutes_id = self.get_data(Product(), ["category", "nutrition_grade"], [chosen_category, grade], substitutes_id) if len(substitutes_id) >= 5: break chosen_substitute = self.check_int( input("Veuillez entrée le chiffre du substitute " "que vous voulez choisir : \n"), substitutes_id) ################################# # Save Substitute # ################################# substitute = Product() = chosen_substitute new_substitute = Substitute() result = get_all(substitute, self.my_cursor) for key in result[0].__dict__: if key != "id": value = getattr(result[0], key).value getattr(new_substitute, key).value = value sub_id = new_substitute.insert_data(self.my_cursor) ############################### # Save Favorite # ############################### favorite = Favorite() favorite.product_id.value = chosen_product favorite.substitute_id.value = sub_id favorite.insert_data(self.my_cursor) self.my_db.commit() print("Produit sauvegardé dans les Favories") self.choosing_option()
def get(self): return [{ 'id':, 'name':, 'note': x.note } for x in get_all()]
parser.add_argument('--model-names', dest='model_names') parser.add_argument('--processes', dest='processes', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('--epochs', dest='epochs', default=DEFAULT_EPOCHS, type=int) parser.add_argument('--repetitions', dest='repetitions', default=DEFAULT_REPETITIONS, type=int) return parser parser = get_args_parser() args = parser.parse_args() params['repetitions'] = args.repetitions params['epochs'] = args.epochs networks = network.get_combinations(args, models.get_all()) datasets, params = dataset.load(params, args.test_datasets) manager = multiprocessing.Manager() model_scores = manager.dict() nxt = 0 while nxt < len(networks): # Just references, no duplicated in memory. processes = [] for i in range(nxt, nxt + args.processes): if i >= len(networks): # No more networks to process.