Пример #1
 def resolve_SampleFmabodysite(self, args, context, info):
     # accept the pipes and convert to quotes again now that it's been passed across the URL
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return samFMA
         return get_buckets("Sample.fma_body_site","yes",cy)
Пример #2
 def resolve_StudyName(self, args, context, info):
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return studyName
         return get_buckets("Study.name","yes",cy)
Пример #3
 def resolve_FileSubtype(self, args, context, info):
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return fileSubtype
         return get_buckets("File.subtype","yes",cy)
Пример #4
 def resolve_FileFormat(self, args, context, info):
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return fileFormat
         return get_buckets("File.format","yes",cy)
Пример #5
 def resolve_SubjectGender(self, args, context, info):
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return subGender
         return get_buckets("Subject.gender","yes",cy)
Пример #6
 def resolve_ProjectName(self, args, context, info):
     cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
     if cy == "":
         return proName
         return get_buckets("Project.name","yes",cy)
Пример #7
import graphene
from models import SBucketCounter, FileSize, get_buckets, get_total_file_size

# Can preload default counts for fast loading, user interaction with facets or
# queries will then refine these counts.
proName = get_buckets("Project.name","yes","")
samFMA = get_buckets("Sample.fma_body_site","yes","")
subGender = get_buckets("Subject.gender","yes","")
fileFormat = get_buckets("File.format","yes","")
fileSubtype = get_buckets("File.subtype","yes","")
studyName = get_buckets("Study.name","yes","")
fs = FileSize(value=get_total_file_size(""))

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):

    SampleFmabodysite = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    ProjectName = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    SubjectGender = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    FileFormat = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    FileSubtype = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    StudyName = graphene.Field(SBucketCounter, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))
    fs = graphene.Field(FileSize, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'))

    def resolve_SampleFmabodysite(self, args, context, info):
        # accept the pipes and convert to quotes again now that it's been passed across the URL
        cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') 
        if cy == "":
            return samFMA
            return get_buckets("Sample.fma_body_site","yes",cy)
Пример #8
import graphene
from models import Pagination, FileHits, Aggregations, get_buckets, get_file_hits, get_pagination

# Can preload aggregate. Note that the get_buckets function needs to be changed 
# up a bit for files counts since it needs to pull ALL nodes that are tied to 
# some file and count those unique groups. Should be easy enough, just match by 
# the relevant edges. Simplified for now. 
dt = get_buckets("File.node_type","no","")
df = get_buckets("File.format","no","")

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):

    pagination = graphene.Field(Pagination, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'), s=graphene.Int(description='size of subset to return'), f=graphene.Int(description='what position of the sort to start at'))
    hits = graphene.List(FileHits, cy=graphene.String(description='Cypher WHERE parameters'), s=graphene.Int(description='size of subset to return'), o=graphene.String(description='what to sort by'), f=graphene.Int(description='what position of the sort to start at'))
    aggregations = graphene.Field(Aggregations)

    def resolve_pagination(self, args, context, info):
        cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"')
        return get_pagination(cy,args['s'],args['f'],'f')

    def resolve_hits(self, args, context, info):
        cy = args['cy'].replace("|",'"') # handle quotes for GQL
        o = args['o'].replace("file_name","Sample.id") # lose the portal ordering syntax
        o = o.replace(".raw","")
        if args['cy'] == "":
            return get_file_hits(args['s'],"Sample.id:asc",args['f'],"")
            return get_file_hits(args['s'],o,args['f'],cy)

    def resolve_aggregations(self, args, context, info):
        return Aggregations(dataType=dt, dataFormat=df)
Пример #9
import graphene
from models import Pagination, CaseHits, Aggregations, get_buckets, get_case_hits, get_pagination

# Can preload counts by declaring these in this next block. 
# These aggregations can remain stagnant so don't need to update
# based on filters as these are used to give a total count of the data.
# Any properties with a "###" following it mean that the property being
# grabbed isn't exactly what the user sees on the site. For instance,
# 'Project name' on the site actually searches for 'Project.project_name'.
# This is to provide a more succint search parameter. 
proN = get_buckets("project.name","no","") ###
stuS = get_buckets("study.subtype","no","")
stuC = get_buckets("study.center","no","")
stuN = get_buckets("study.name","no","")
subG = get_buckets("subject.gender","no","")
subR = get_buckets("subject.race","no","")
visVN = get_buckets("visit.visit_number","no","") ### 
visI = get_buckets("visit.interval","no","") 
visD = get_buckets("visit.date","no","")
samBP = get_buckets("sample.body_product","no","")
samFMA = get_buckets("sample.fma_body_site","no","")
samGLN = get_buckets("sample.geo_loc_name","no","")
samSCD = get_buckets("sample.samp_collect_device","no","")
samEP = get_buckets("sample.env_package","no","")
samSS = get_buckets("sample.supersite","no","")
samF = get_buckets("sample.feature","no","")
samID = get_buckets("sample.id","no","")
samM = get_buckets("sample.material","no","")
samB = get_buckets("sample.biome","no","")
fileF = get_buckets("File.format","no","")
fileID = get_buckets("File.id","no","")