Пример #1
    def __getMatchingCars(self, searchQuery):
        matchingCars = []

        for i in range(len(Car.attributesAsList()) - 1):

        return matchingCars
Пример #2
 def createCar(self, params):
     # construct a car object from the gathered data
     car = Car(params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4],
               params[5], params[6], params[7], params[8])
     # update the database with the new car and respond with a confirmation of insertion
     db.insertObject('cars', Car.attributesAsList(), car.asTuple())
     return jsonify({'car': car.asDict()}), 201
Пример #3
    def getCars(self, params=None):
        cars = []
        # with no optional params all cars can be fetched
        if not params:
            carTuples = db.getAllObjects('cars')
        # otherwise only cars matching the params will be fetched
            for param in params:
                if param not in Car.attributesAsList():
                    return jsonify({'cars': []})
            # get all cars that match the filter
            carTuples = db.getObjectsByFilter('cars', list(params.keys()),

        # contsruct the fetched cars as objects
        for i in range(len(carTuples)):
                Car(carTuples[i][0], carTuples[i][1], carTuples[i][2],
                    carTuples[i][3], carTuples[i][4], carTuples[i][5],
                    carTuples[i][6], carTuples[i][7], carTuples[i][8]))

        # jsonify each car object's dict
        return jsonify(cars=[car.asDict() for car in cars])
Пример #4
    return fieldsToUpdate, params

# general routes
@app.route(generateURI(), methods=['GET'])
def index():
    return 'This is the home page for the CSS API.'

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not found'}), 404)

# api calls regarding the car object
carParams = Car.attributesAsList()

@app.route(generateURI('cars', True), methods=['GET'])
def getCar(id):
    return carsController.getCar(id)

@app.route(generateURI('cars'), methods=['GET'])
def getCars():
    # if this request contains parameters call a modified get all function
    if request.args:
        return carsController.getCars(request.args)
    return carsController.getCars()