Пример #1
    def _createConferenceSessionObject(self, request):
        """Create ConferenceSession object."""

        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # extract session form
        data = {
            field.name: getattr(
                field.name) for field in request.all_fields()}
        del data['conferenceKey']

        # check that conference exists
        confKey = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.conferenceKey)
        if confKey.kind() != "Conference" or not confKey.get():
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % request.conferenceKey)

        conf = confKey.get()

        # check that user is owner
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'Only the owner can add sessions to a conference.')

        # convert dates from strings to Date objects; set month based on
        # start_date
        data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        data['typeOfSession'] = str(data['typeOfSession'])

        cs_id = ConferenceSession.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=confKey)[0]
        cs_key = ndb.Key(ConferenceSession, cs_id, parent=confKey)
        data['key'] = cs_key
        data['createdTime'] = int(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))

        cs = ConferenceSession(**data).put()

        # add a task to update the featured speaker
                'speaker': request.speaker,
                'conferenceKey': request.conferenceKey},

        return self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(cs.get())
 def getConferenceSessionsByFilters(self, request):
     """Query for the sessions that are not specified type
     and are not running after specified time
     # first get the sessions that don't have the specified type
     # then get the sessions that don't run past the specified time
     type_f = request.websafeType
     print type_f
     print '------------------------------'
     time_f = request.websafeTime
     print time_f
     print '------------------------------'
     eq_f = request.websafeOperator
     print eq_f
     print '------------------------------'
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ConferenceSession.type != type_f)
     print q
     for sess in q:
         if sess.start_time is not None:
             if eq_f == '<':
                 if sess.start_time < datetime.strptime(time_f, '%H:%M').time():
                     # add the session to the sessions
             elif eq_f == '=':
                 if sess.start_time == datetime.strptime(time_f, '%H:%M').time():
                     # add the session to the sessions
             elif eq_f == '>':
                 if sess.start_time > datetime.strptime(time_f, '%H:%M').time():
                     # add the session to the sessions
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(s) for s in sessions]
Пример #3
    def deleteConference(self, request):
        """Delete conference."""
        wsck = request.websafeConferenceKey
        conf = self._retrieveConference(wsck)
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No conference found with key: %s' % wsck)

        # Remove the link between the sessions and this conference
        conf_sess = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)
        if conf_sess:
            for sess in conf_sess:
                wssk = sess.key.urlsafe()

                # Get all the wishlists that have this session in them and remove this session from them
                wishes = Wishlist.query(ndb.AND(Wishlist.sessions == wssk))
                for wish in wishes:
                    if wish and wssk in wish.sessions:


        # Unregister the users from this conference if they are registered for it
        registered_users = Profile.query(ndb.AND(Profile.conferenceKeysToAttend == wsck))
        if registered_users:
            for reg_user in registered_users:
                if reg_user and wsck in reg_user.conferenceKeysToAttend:


        return BooleanMessage(data=True)
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Query for sessions with a given speaker"""
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ConferenceSession.speakers.name == request.websafeSpeaker)
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in q]
Пример #5
    def _cacheSpeakerAndSession(speaker_key, conf_key):
        """Assign Speaker and their Session to memcache; used by memcache cron job """
        session_message = ""

        # Make sure the conference and speaker are both valid
        if conf_key and speaker_key:
            conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=conf_key).get()
            speaker = ndb.Key(urlsafe=speaker_key).get()

            if conf and speaker:
                # Now retrieve all sessions  for that conference at which this speaker will speak
                sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)\
                    .filter(ndb.AND(ConferenceSession.speakerUserId == speaker_key))\

                # If this speaker is supposed to speak at multiple sessions,
                # throw a summary of all their sessions into the task queue
                if sessions and len(sessions) > 1:
                    session_message = '%s %s %s' % (
                        'will be speaking at the following sessions: ',
                        ', '.join(sess.name for sess in sessions))
                    memcache.set(speaker.mainEmail, session_message)
            elif not conf:
                logging.error('No conference found with key: %s' % conf_key)
            elif not speaker:
                logging.error('No speaker found with key: %s' % speaker_key)
        elif not conf_key:
            logging.error('No conference key was provided')
        elif not speaker_key:
            logging.error('No speaker key was provided')

        return session_message
Пример #6
 def getAllSessionsByType(self, request):
     """Given a conference, return all sessions of a specified type (eg lecture, keynote, workshop)"""
     sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ndb.AND(ConferenceSession.typeOfSession == request.sessionType))
     # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs) for cs in sessions]
Пример #7
    def getSessionsFromSpeakerAndConference(self, request):
        '''Given a speaker and a conference return all sessions that have that speaker'''
        # get speaker key and make sure we have a speaker
        speaker_key = self.get_websafe_key(
        speaker = speaker_key.get()
        if not speaker:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                "The speaker you are looking for was not found!")

        # get conference key and make sure we have a conference
        conf_key = self.get_websafe_key(
        conference = conf_key.get()
        if not conference:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                "The conference you are looking for was not found!")

        q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf_key)
        q = q.filter(ConferenceSession.speakerKey == speaker_key)

        sessions = q.fetch(50)

        return mm.ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[sessions[i].to_form(speaker) for i in range(len(sessions))])
Пример #8
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        ''' Create Session to Conference, open only to the conference Organizer'''

        # Limit the amount of types one can include:
        if len(request.typeOfSession) > 5:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                "Maximum number of typeOfSession to include is 5")

        # get the conference
        confKey = self.get_websafe_key(
        conf = confKey.get()
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                "This conference does not exist: %s" %

        # query ConferenecSession
        q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=confKey)

        types = request.typeOfSession
        if types:
            q = q.filter(ConferenceSession.type.IN(types))
        q = q.order(ConferenceSession.name)
        sessions = q.fetch(100)
        speaker_keys = []
        for sess in q:
        speakers = ndb.get_multi(speaker_keys)

        return mm.ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[sessions[i].to_form(speakers[i]) for i in range(len(sessions))])
Пример #9
    def getAllSessions(self, request):
        """return all sessions"""
        conf_sess = ConferenceSession.query()

        # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects
        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs) for cs in conf_sess]
    def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
        """Return a list of sessions associated with this conference limited by session speaker."""
        sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ConferenceSession.speaker == request.speakerPath)

        # return all matched Sessions as SessionForms
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess, sess.websafeConferenceKey) for sess in sessions]
Пример #11
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Given a speaker, return all sessions given by this particular speaker, across all conferences"""
     conf_sess = ConferenceSession.query(ndb.AND(ConferenceSession.speakerUserId == request.speakerUserId))
     speaker = self._getSpeaker(request.speakerUserId)
     # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs, getattr(speaker, 'displayName')) for cs in conf_sess]
Пример #12
    def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
        """Retrieves sessions matching the request query"""
        q = ConferenceSession.query(
            ConferenceSession.speaker == request.speaker)

        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(cs) for cs in q]
Пример #13
    def getConferenceSessionsByConfId(self, request):
        """Retrieves sessions matching the request query"""

        q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(

        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(cs) for cs in q]
Пример #14
 def getConferenceSessions(self, request):
     """Query for sessions, given a conference"""
     # query for the conference, and then query for the sessions by conference key
     conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in q]
Пример #15
 def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
     """Query for sessions, given the type"""
     conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)
     q = q.filter(ConferenceSession.type == request.websafeType)
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in q]
	def _createSessionObject(self, request):
		"""Create ConferenceSession object, returning ConferenceSessionForm/request."""
		# preload necessary data items
		user = endpoints.get_current_user()
		if not user:
			raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
		user_id = getUserId(user)

		if not request.name:
			raise endpoints.BadRequestException("ConferenceSession 'name' field required")	
		if not request.speaker:
			raise endpoints.BadRequestException("ConferenceSession 'speaker' field required")				
		# check if conf exists given websafeConfKey
		# get conference; check that it exists		
		conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()		
		if not conf:
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)
		# Check to see if user is Conference Organiser		
		if conf.organizerUserId != user_id:
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException('Only the conference organiser %s can add conference sessions.' % conf.organizerUserId)	

		# copy ConferenceSessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
		data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name) for field in request.all_fields()}
		del data['websafeKey']	
		# convert dates from strings to Date objects; set month based on start_date			
		if data['startDate']:
			data['startDate'] = datetime.strptime(data['startDate'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
		# convert startTime from strings to Time objects	
		if data['startTime']:
			data['startTime'] = datetime.strptime(data['startTime'][:5], "%H:%M").time()	
		# convert duration from strings to Time objects	
		if data['duration']:
			data['duration'] = datetime.strptime(data['duration'][:5], "%H:%M").time()
		# generate Profile Key based on user ID and ConferenceSession
		# ID based on Profile key get ConferenceSession key from ID
		p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
		c_id = ConferenceSession.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
		c_key = ndb.Key(ConferenceSession, c_id, parent=p_key)
		data['key'] = c_key
		data['organizerUserId'] = request.organizerUserId = user_id

		# create ConferenceSession, send email to organizer confirming
		# creation of ConferenceSession & return (modified) ConferenceSessionForm
		#taskqueue.add(params={'email': user.email(), 'conferenceSessionInfo': repr(request)}, url='/tasks/send_confirmation_session_email')
		taskqueue.add(params={'websafeConferenceKey': request.websafeConferenceKey, 'speaker': data['speaker'], 'conferenceInfo': repr(request)},	url='/tasks/getFeaturedSpeaker')		
		return self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(request)
Пример #17
 def getConferenceSessionsByHighlight(self, request):
     """Query for sessions with the given highlight"""
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ConferenceSession.highlights.IN([request.websafeHighlight]))
     if q is not None:
         return ConferenceSessionForms(
             items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in q]
     return ConferenceSessionForms(
 def getConferenceSessions(self, request):
     """Return a list of sessions associated with this conference."""
     confKey = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)
     sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=confKey)
     if not sessions:
         raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
             'No sessions found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)
     # return all matched Sessions as SessionForms
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess, request.websafeConferenceKey) for sess in sessions]
    def getConferenceSessionsByMaxDuration(self, request):
        """Return a list of sessions associated with this conference limited by MAX duration."""
        sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ndb.AND(ConferenceSession.websafeConferenceKey == request.websafeConferenceKey,ConferenceSession.duration <= request.duration))
        if not sessions:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No sessions found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # return all matched Sessions as SessionForms
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess, request.websafeConferenceKey) for sess in sessions]
 def post(self):
     """Establish if a speaker is duplicated and adds it to the Featured Speaker memcache if it is."""
     confKey = ndb.Key(urlsafe=self.request.get('websafeConferenceKey'))
     sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=confKey).filter(ConferenceSession.speaker == self.request.get('speaker'))
     if(sessions.count() > 1):
         featured_speakers = '%s %s %s' % (
             'The featured speaker ',
             ' is hosting the following sessions:'
             ' '.join(sess.name for sess in sessions))
         memcache.set(MEMCACHE_FEATURED_SPEAKERS_KEY, featured_speakers)
Пример #21
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        """Retrieves sessions matching the request query"""
        q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(

        q = q.filter(
            ConferenceSession.typeOfSession == str(

        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(cs) for cs in q]
Пример #22
    def getConferenceSessions(self, request):
        """Given a conference, return all sessions"""
        profile = self._getUserProfile()
        conf = self._retrieveConference(request.websafeConferenceKey)
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        conf_sess = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)

        # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs) for cs in conf_sess]
Пример #23
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        """Given a conference, return all sessions of a specified type (eg lecture, keynote, workshop)"""
        conf = self._retrieveConference(request.websafeConferenceKey)
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        sessions = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)\
                                    .filter(ndb.AND(ConferenceSession.typeOfSession == request.sessionType))

        # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs) for cs in sessions]
Пример #24
 def _setFeaturedSpeaker(conference_key, speaker_name):
     """ Checks whether the speaker is a featured speaker or not
     and if they are, will set them into memcache with the sessions
     they speak in
     :param conference_key: the conference key
     :param speaker_name: the speaker name
     conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=conference_key).get()
     q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=conf.key)
     q = q.filter(ConferenceSession.speakers.name.IN([speaker_name]))
     session_names=[sess.name for sess in q]
     if q.count(limit=2) > 1:
         memcache.set(MEMCACHE_FEATURED_SPEAKER_KEY, speaker_name)
         memcache.set(MEMCACHE_FEATURED_SESSIONS_KEY, session_names)
Пример #25
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        """Create or update Conference object, returning ConferenceForm/request."""
        # preload necessary data items
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        if not request.parent_key:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'parent_key' field required")

        data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name) for field in request.all_fields()}
        del data['parent_key']
        if data['start_time']:
            # assumed that start time is given in 24 hour time :)
            t = datetime.strptime(data['start_time'], '%H:%M')
            t = t.time()
            data['start_time'] = t
        if data['date']:
            data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        data['speakers'] = []
        for s in request.speakers:

        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.parent_key).get()
        sess = ConferenceSession(parent=conf.key, **data)

        # start the task to find a featured speaker
        # if there are multiple speakers check each one
        for speaker in data['speakers']:
            taskqueue.add(params={'conf_key': request.parent_key,
                                  'speaker_name': speaker.name},

        return request
Пример #26
    def _updateFeaturedSpeaker(speaker, conferenceKey):
        """Updates the featured speaker in memcache."""

        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=conferenceKey)
        if conf.kind() != "Conference" or not conf.get():
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % conferenceKey)

        q = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(

        q = q.filter(ConferenceSession.speaker == speaker)

        if q.count() > 1:
            fskey = 'featuredSpeaker-' + conferenceKey
            memcache.set(fskey, (speaker, [qi.name for qi in q]))
	def getConferenceSessionsCreated(self, request):		
		"""Return conference sessions created by user."""
		# make sure user is authed
		user = endpoints.get_current_user()
		if not user:
			raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
		user_id = getUserId(user)		

		# create ancestor query for all key matches for this user
		confs = ConferenceSession.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Profile, user_id))	
		prof = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id).get()
		# return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
		return ConferenceSessionForms(
			items=[self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(conf) for conf in confs]
Пример #28
    def getConferenceSpeakers(self, request):
        """Gets all speakers at the desired conference."""

        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.conferenceKey)
        if conf.kind() != "Conference" or not conf.get():
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % request.conferenceKey)

        q = ConferenceSession.query(
        q = q.fetch(projection=[ConferenceSession.speaker])

        return GetConferenceSpeakersResponse(
            speakers=list({s.speaker for s in q})
Пример #29
 def getDaytimeNonWorkshopSessions(self, request):
     """Get sessions before 7pm and non-worksop"""
     conf_sess = ConferenceSession.query(ConferenceSession.typeOfSession.IN([
     no_early_workshop = conf_sess.filter(ConferenceSession.startTime < time(19,00))
     if no_early_workshop:
         # return set of ConferenceSessionForm objects per ConferenceSession
         return ConferenceSessionForms(
             items=[self.toConferenceSessionForm(cs) for cs in no_early_workshop]
         return ConferenceSessionForms(
	def _getFeaturedSpeaker(speaker, websafeConferenceKey):
		# Check to see if Speaker exists in other sessions in this conference			
		qry1 = ConferenceSession.query()		
		qry2 = qry1.filter(ConferenceSession.speaker == speaker) # Filter on speaker
		qry3 = qry2.filter(ConferenceSession.websafeConferenceKey == websafeConferenceKey) # Filter on websafeConferenceKey	
		if qry3:
			# If speaker is in another session in this conference
			# format sessionSpeakerList and set it in memcache
			sessionSpeakerList = SESSIONS_TPL % (speaker, ', '.join(conf.name for conf in qry3))
			memcache.set(MEMCACHE_SESSIONS_KEY, sessionSpeakerList)
			# If no speaker is in another session in this conference
			# delete the memcache announcements entry
			sessionSpeakerList = ""

		return sessionSpeakerList