Пример #1
 def delicious_data(self, url):
     delicious_api = "http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=%s&type=json" % url
     logging.info("trying to fetch delicious info %s " % delicious_api)
     json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(delicious_api)
     link = Links()
     if json:
             if not link.title:
                 link.title = json[0]["title"].strip()
             link.categories = db.Text(unicode(simplejson.dumps(json[0]["top_tags"])))
             if link.categories is not None:
                     params={"url": url, "categories": link.categories},
             link.delicious_count = Cast.toInt(json[0]["total_posts"], 0)
             logging.info("delicious count %s" % link.delicious_count)
         except KeyError:
             e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]
             logging.info("key error [[%s, %s]] in %s" % (e0, e1, json))
     return link
Пример #2
        def getAllData(self,url, count=0):

		domain = RequestUtils.getDomain(url)
		logging.info('from %s domain %s' %( url, domain))
                url_hash = LinkUtils.getUrlHash(url)

                topsy_api='http://otter.topsy.com/stats.json?url=%s' % url
                tweet_meme_api='http://api.tweetmeme.com/url_info.json?url=%s' %url
                delicious_api='http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=%s&type=json' % url
                digg_api='http://services.digg.com/1.0/endpoint?method=story.getAll&link=%s&type=json' %url
                reddit_api='http://www.reddit.com/api/info.json?url=%s' %url
                linkedin_api='http://www.linkedin.com/cws/share-count?url=%s' % url
		stumble_upon_api='http://www.stumbleupon.com/services/1.01/badge.getinfo?url=%s' %url
		buzz_api = 'https://www.googleapis.com/buzz/v1/activities/count?alt=json&url=%s' % url
		alternate_api='http://api.sharedcount.com/?url=%s' %url

		link = None
		alternate_twitter_score = None
		alternate_buzz_score = None
		alternate_digg_score = None
		alternate_facebook_share_score = None
		alternate_facebook_like_score = None
		alternate_su_score = None
                alternate_linkedin_score = None
                	link = Links.gql('WHERE url_hash  = :1', url_hash).get()
                        if link is None:
                	        link = Links.gql('WHERE url = :1', url).get()
		except BadValueError:
			logging.info('url property too long')
                if link is None:
                        link = Links()
			link.domain = domain
                        link.instapaper_count = Cast.toInt(count,0)
                        link.url = urllib2.unquote(url).decode('utf-8')
                        link.url_hash = LinkUtils.getUrlHash(link.url)
                        link.redditups = 0
                        link.redditdowns = 0
                        link.tweets = 0
                        link.diggs = 0
                        link.delicious_count = 0
                        link.overall_score = 0
                        link.shared = False
                        link.date_updated = datetime.datetime.now().date()
			link.domain = domain
                        if link.title:
                        if link.url_hash is None:
                                link.url_hash =url_hash 

		link.relaxation = 0

                logging.info('trying to fetch shared count info %s' %alternate_api )
                json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(alternate_api)
                if json:
                                facebook_info = LinkUtils.getJsonFieldSimple(json, "Facebook")
                                logging.info('facebook alternate info %s' % facebook_info)
                                if type(facebook_info) is int:
                                        alternate_facebook_share_score = Cast.toInt(facebook_info, 0)
                                elif type(facebook_info) is dict:
                                        logging.info('likes: %s' % LinkUtils.getJsonFieldSimple(facebook_info, "like_count"))
                                        logging.info('shares : %s' % LinkUtils.getJsonFieldSimple(facebook_info, "share_count"))
                                        alternate_facebook_like_score = Cast.toInt(LinkUtils.getJsonFieldSimple(facebook_info, "like_count"), 0)
                                        alternate_facebook_share_score = Cast.toInt(LinkUtils.getJsonFieldSimple(facebook_info, "share_count"), 0)
                                logging.info('alternate fb likes %s fb share %s ' % (alternate_facebook_like_score, alternate_facebook_share_score))

                        except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))

                logging.info('trying to fetch topsi info %s' %topsy_api)
                json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(topsy_api)
                if json:
                        except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))

                logging.info('trying to fetch digg info %s' %digg_api)
                json =LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(digg_api)
                if json:
                                link.diggs =Cast.toInt(json['count'],0)
				logging.info('diggs %s' %link.diggs)
                        except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))
		elif alternate_digg_score is not None:
			logging.info('using alternate digg score %s' % alternate_digg_score)
			link.diggs = alternate_digg_score
                if link.diggs is not None:
                        link.overall_score += link.diggs

                logging.info('trying to fetch tweet_meme info %s ' % tweet_meme_api )
                json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(tweet_meme_api)
                if json and 'story' in json:
                                if json['story']['title'] is not None:
			 	if 'excerpt' in json['story']:	
					logging.info('getting excerpt');
                                	link.excerpt = db.Text(unicode(json['story']['excerpt']))
				logging.info('tweets %s' % link.tweets)
                        except KeyError:
				link.relaxation = link.relaxation + 1
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))
		elif alternate_twitter_score is not None:
			logging.info('using altenate twitter score %s' % alternate_twitter_score)
			link.tweets = alternate_twitter_score
                if link.tweets is not None:
                	link.overall_score += self.tw_factor * link.tweets

                logging.info('trying to fetch delicious info %s ' % delicious_api)
                json =LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(delicious_api)
                if json:
                                if not link.title and json[0]['title']:
                                        link.title = json[0]['title'].strip()[:199]
                                link.categories = db.Text(unicode(simplejson.dumps(json[0]['top_tags'])))
                                link.delicious_count = Cast.toInt(json[0]['total_posts'],0)
				logging.info('delicious count %s' % link.delicious_count)
                                if link.delicious_count is not None:
                                        link.overall_score += link.delicious_count
                        except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))

                logging.info('trying to fetch reddit info %s' % reddit_api)
                json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(reddit_api)
                if json and 'data' in json:
                                data = [ x for x in json['data']['children']]
                                top_upped = sorted(data, key=lambda ups: ups['data']['ups'], reverse=True)
                                if top_upped:
                                     link.redditups = Cast.toInt(top_upped[0]['data']['ups'],0)
                                     link.redditdowns = Cast.toInt(top_upped[0]['data']['downs'],0)
                                     link.created = Cast.toInt(top_upped[0]['data']['created'],0)
				     logging.info('reddit ups %s' % link.redditups)
                                     if link.redditups is not None:
                                                link.overall_score += link.redditups
                                     if link.redditdowns is not None:
                                                link.overall_score -= link.redditdowns
                        except KeyError:
				link.relaxation = link.relaxation + 1
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(e0, e1, json))
                logging.info('trying to fetch facebook info %s' %facebook_api)
                json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(facebook_api)
                if json:
                                link.facebook_like=Cast.toInt(json[0]['like_count'], 0)
                                link.facebook_share=Cast.toInt(json[0]['share_count'], 0)
				logging.info('facebook likes %s' % link.facebook_like)
				logging.info('facebook share %s' % link.facebook_share)

                        except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('request: %s == more info: key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(facebook_api, e0, e1, json))
		elif alternate_facebook_like_score is not None:
			logging.info('using alternate facebook like count %s' % alternate_facebook_like_score)
			link.facebook_like_score = alternate_facebook_like_score
		elif alternate_facebook_share_score is not None:
			logging.info('using alternate facebook share count %s' % alternate_facebook_share_score)
			link.facebook_share = alternate_facebook_share_score
                if link.facebook_like is not None:
                        link.overall_score += self.fb_factor * link.facebook_like
                if link.facebook_share is not None:
                        link.overall_score += link.facebook_share

		logging.info('trying to fetch stumple upon link %s' % stumble_upon_api)
		json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(stumble_upon_api)
		if json:
				link.stumble_upons = Cast.toInt(json['result']['views'], 0)
				logging.info('stumle_score %s' % link.stumble_upons)
				if not link.title and json['result']['title']:
                                        link.title = json['result']['title'].strip()[:199]
					logging.info('settting stumble title: %s' % link.title)
			except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('request: %s == more info: key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(stumble_upon_api, e0, e1, json))
		elif alternate_su_score is not None:
			logging.info('using alternate su score %s' % alternate_su_score )
			link.stumble_upons = alternate_su_score
		if link.stumble_upons is not None:
			link.overall_score += link.stumble_upons

		# specific from linkedin since response is in jsonp
		logging.info('trying to fetch linkedin upon link %s' % linkedin_api)
                        dta = urllib2.urlopen(linkedin_api)
			res = dta.read()
			res = res.replace('IN.Tags.Share.handleCount(','')
			res = res.replace(');','')
			json = simplejson.loads(res)
			link.linkedin_share = Cast.toInt(json['count'], 0)
			logging.info('linked in shares %s' % link.linkedin_share)
			if link.linkedin_share is not None:
					link.overall_score += link.linkedin_share
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('request: %s == more info: [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(linkedin_api, e0, e1, json))

                if link.linkedin_share is None and alternate_linkedin_score is not None:
                        logging.info('using alternate linkedin score %s' % alternate_linkedin_score)
                        link.linkedin_share = alternate_linkedin_score
                        link.overall_score += alternate_linkedin_score

		logging.info('trying to fetch buzz upon link %s' % buzz_api)
		json = LinkUtils.getJsonFromApi(buzz_api)
		if json:
				link.buzz_count = Cast.toInt(json['data']['counts']["%s"][0]["count"] % url, 0)
				logging.info('buzz share %s' % link.buzz_count)
			except KeyError:
                                e0, e1 = sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]
                                logging.info('request: %s == more info: key error [[%s, %s]] in %s' %(stumble_upon_api, e0, e1, json))
		elif alternate_buzz_score is not None:
			logging.info('using alternate buzz score %s' % alternate_buzz_score)
			link.buzz = alternate_buzz_score
		if link.buzz_count is not None:
			link.overall_score += link.buzz_count

                return link