Пример #1
def previous_entries():
    form = My3PagesEntryForm(request.form)
    username = users.get_current_user()

    entries = My3PagesEntry.gql("WHERE username =:username ORDER BY date_entered DESC", username=username)

    return render_template("previous_entries.html", entries=entries, username=username, form=form)
Пример #2
def previous_entries_edit(entry_id):
    entry = My3PagesEntry.get_by_id(entry_id)
    form = My3PagesEntryForm()


    return render_template("write.html", form=form, entry=entry, username=entry.username)
Пример #3
def write_specific_date(specific_date):
    Retrieve the entry for this username for the specific date and populate the form
    form = My3PagesEntryForm(request.form)
    username = users.get_current_user()
    # string_date = form['date_entered'].data
    # specific_date = string_date
    # specific_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()

    # print "The specific date is", specific_date

    result = My3PagesEntry.gql(
        "WHERE username = :username AND date_entered =:specific_date", username=username, specific_date=specific_date
    if result == None:
        # Create a new entry and blank form
        entry = My3PagesEntry(username=users.get_current_user(), date_entered=specific_date)
        print "found no match"
        entry = result
        print "found match"

    return render_template("write.html", form=form, entry=entry, username=username)
Пример #4
def write_entry():
    username = users.get_current_user()

    form = My3PagesEntryForm(request.form)

    # Get today's date from the query string
    qs_todays_date = request.args.get("date_entered")

    if qs_todays_date == None:
        # query string is empty, assign todays_date to be the server's date
        todays_date = datetime.date.today()
        todays_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(qs_todays_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()

    # js_todays_date = form['date_entered'].data
    #  todays_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(js_todays_date/1000.0)

    # print "todays date is begin", qs_todays_date
    #     print "todays_datetime is begin", todays_datetime

    # print "todays_date", todays_date

    # Determine if entry already exists
    result = My3PagesEntry.gql(
        "WHERE username = :username AND date_entered =:todays_date", username=username, todays_date=todays_date

    if result == None:
        # Create a new entry
        entry = My3PagesEntry(username=username, date_entered=todays_date)
        # form.date_entered = datetime.date.today()
        entry = result
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5117479/wtforms-how-to-prepopulate-a-textarea-field

    # new_key_id = entry.key
    # print "new key id %s", new_key_id

    if request.method == "GET":
        # Display the existing entry in the form if it exists
        # Convert the daily entry in to a format the form can read

        return render_template("write.html", form=form, entry=entry, username=username)

    elif request.method == "POST":
        # Get the form again

        if form.validate():

            # print "todays date is post", js_todays_date
            # python_todays_date = float(js_todays_date)/1000
            #  print "pythons todays date is post", python_todays_date
            #  new_todays_date = python_todays_date

            entry.daily_entry = form["daily_entry"].data
            if not users.get_current_user():
                # redirect the user to create a google login
                return redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))

            flash("Entry saved successfully")
            return render_template("write.html", form=form, entry=entry, username=username)
            flash("Please correct the below errors:")
            return render_template("write.html", form=form, entry=entry, username=username)