def get(self):
        "Responds to GET requets with the admin interface"
        # query the datastore for images owned by
        # the current user. You can't see anyone elses images
        # in the admin

        test = geturl("[valid key]")  # add valid realmkey
        url = test.get_url()

        user = users.get_current_user()

        realms = RealmKeys.all()
        images = Image.all().filter("user ="******"-date")

        cssfilesq = File.all()
        jscriptfilesq = File.all()

        cssfiles = cssfilesq.filter("content_type =", "text/css").order("-date")
        jscriptfiles = jscriptfilesq.filter("content_type =", "text/x-c").order("-date")

        blobs = BlobFile.all()
        blobs.filter("user ="******"-date")

        # we are enforcing loggins so we know we have a user
        # we need the logout url for the frontend
        logout = users.create_logout_url("/")

        # prepare the context for the template
        context = {
            "testurl": url,
            "blobuploadurl": blobstore.create_upload_url("/upload/blob"),
            "blobs": blobs,
            "cssfiles": cssfiles,
            "jscriptfiles": jscriptfiles,
            "images": images,
            "logout": logout,
            "realms": realms,
        # calculate the template path
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "index.html")
        # render the template with the provided context
        self.response.out.write(template.render(path, context))
    def post(self, key):
        checkkey = UploadRequestKeys.get(key)
        if not checkkey:
        if checkkey.expire_date <
        img = self.request.get("img")
        # if we don't have image data we'll quit now
        if not img:
            return None
            width = int(self.request.get("width"))
            hight = int(self.request.get("height"))
        except ValueError:
            image_content = img
            image_content = images.resize(img, width, height)

        original_content = img

        thumb_content = images.resize(img, 100, 100)

        image = Image()

        image.image = db.Blob(image_content)

        image.original = db.Blob(original_content)
        image.thumb = db.Blob(thumb_content)
        image.user = users.get_current_user()
        image.realm = RealmKeys.get(checkkey.realm_key)
        # self.response.out.write(simplejson.dumps({'img_url'::}))
        context = {
            "image": True,
            "img_url": "" % image.key(),
            "thumb_url": "" % image.key(),
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "show_links.html")
        # render the template with the provided context
        self.response.out.write(template.render(path, context))
 def post(self):
     realm = RealmKeys()
     realm.realm_name = self.request.get("realm_name")