Пример #1
    for num in range(10):
        # this will cause it to iterate through the sectors in the grid
        for sector_id in range(9):
            # setting the number of flagged/possible spots to 0
            sudoku.flagged_spots = 0
            # the massive if statements that looks at a box in the puzzle to
            # determine if those things are all true.
            for number_in_block, row, col in sudoku.iter_sector(sector_id):
                if (sudoku.current_box_is_blank(row, col)
                        and sudoku.num_is_not_in_sector(row, col, num)
                        and sudoku.num_is_not_in_row(row, col, num)
                        and sudoku.num_is_not_in_col(row, col, num)):
                    # if all are true, it flags that spot as a possible
                    # solution, and records it.
                    sudoku.flagged_spots += 1
                    sudoku.flag_num = num
                    sudoku.flag_row = row
                    sudoku.flag_col = col
                    number_that_was_in_block = number_in_block
                    # print("I'm flagging {},{}, for number: {} which is in sector {}, and this is the {} flag.".format(row,col,num,sector_id,sudoku.flagged_spots))
            # prior to going to the next number, if only one flag has been
            # created in the section, the spot must be good, so it updates the
            # table.
            if sudoku.flagged_spots == 1:
                    sudoku.flag_col] = sudoku.flag_num
                print("Putting {} in sector {} at {} row {} col.".format(
                    num, sector_id + 1, sudoku.flag_row + 1, sudoku.flag_col + 1))

    counter += 1