Пример #1
  layers = []
  timeseries = False # should we display timeseries controls? 
  # we convert the channels to layers here 
  # AB Note: I decided it would be better to get all channels than just the default
  # channel. But it is up for discussion. 
  if channels is None:
    # assume default channel, single layer called by the token
    # get the default channel and add it to channels
    channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, project=token.project, default=True)
  # convert all channels to layers 
  for channel in channels:
    tmp_layer = VizLayer()
    tmp_layer.layer_name = channel['channel_name']
    tmp_layer.layer_description = project_description 
    if channel['channel_type'] == 'timeseries':
      timeseries = True 
    tmp_layer.layertype = channel['channel_type']
    tmp_layer.token = project_name
    tmp_layer.channel = channel['channel_name'] 
    if settings.OCP_SERVER is None: 
      tmp_layer.server = request.META['HTTP_HOST'];
      tmp_layer.server = settings.OCP_SERVER 
    tmp_layer.tilecache = False 
    if channel['channel_name'] in channel_colors.keys():
      tmp_layer.color = channel_colors[ channel['channel_name'] ].upper()
Пример #2
def editVizProjectSubmit(request):
  if request.method == 'POST':
    # parse the response
    projNameOrig = request.POST['oldProjectName']
    response = request.POST

    # process layer updates
    layersNew = {}
    for item in response.keys():
      if item.startswith('layer'):
        [itemtype, sep, layername] = item.partition('_')
        itemtype = itemtype[5:].lower()
        if layername not in layersNew.keys():
          layersNew[layername] = {}
        layersNew[layername][itemtype] = response[item]

    # get the original project / layers
      proj = VizProject.objects.get(project_name = projNameOrig)
    except VizProject.DoesNotExist:
      return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error: Project {} does not exist!'.format(projNameOrig))

    layers = proj.layers.select_related()

    # apply changes to project
    proj.project_name = response['projectName']
    proj.project_description = response['projectDesc']
    #proj.user = request.user
    if 'public' in response.keys():
      proj.public = 1
      proj.public = 0

    proj.xoffset = response['xoffset']
    proj.yoffset = response['yoffset']
    proj.zoffset = response['zoffset']

    proj.ximagesize = response['ximagesize']
    proj.yimagesize = response['yimagesize']
    proj.zimagesize = response['zimagesize']

    proj.starttime = response['starttime']
    proj.endtime = response['endtime']

    proj.minres = response['minres']
    proj.scalinglevels = response['scalinglevels']

    # apply changes to layers

    for layer in layers:
      if layer.layer_name in layersNew.keys():
        layerInfo = layersNew[layer.layer_name]
        layer.layer_name = layerInfo['name']
        layer.layer_description = layerInfo['desc']
        layer.server = layerInfo['server']
        layer.layertype = layerInfo['type']
        layer.token = layerInfo['token']
        layer.channel = layerInfo['channel']
        layer.color = layerInfo['color']

        if 'tilecache' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.tilecache = True
          layer.tilecache = False

        if 'propagated' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.propagate = 2
          layer.propagate = 0

    # Note: Any error checking must be done before this point. After this point, all changes are saved to the DB.

    # add new layers
    for layerKey in layersNew.keys():
      if layerKey.startswith('newlayer'):
        layer = VizLayer()
        layerInfo = layersNew[layerKey]

        layer.layer_name = layerInfo['name']
        layer.layer_description = layerInfo['desc']
        layer.server = layerInfo['server']
        layer.layertype = layerInfo['type']
        layer.token = layerInfo['token']
        layer.channel = layerInfo['channel']
        layer.color = layerInfo['color']

        if 'tilecache' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.tilecache = True
          layer.tilecache = False

        if 'propagated' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.propagate = 2
          layer.propagate = 0

        # since this is a new layer, we need to associate it w/ the editing user
        layer.user = request.user

        # associate this layer with the vizproject

    # save changes made to existing objects
    for layer in layers:

    # changing the primary key will create a new object
    if proj.project_name == projNameOrig:
      # project name changed
      # reassociate with vizlayers
      for layer in layers:
        proj_old = VizProject.objects.get(project_name = projNameOrig)
        for layer in layers:
      except Exception, e:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error changing name of VizProject: {}'.format(e))

    return HttpResponse('Saved Changes Successfully')
Пример #3
def tokenview(request, webargs):
  # we expect /ocp/viz/token/channel(s)/res/x/y/z/
  # res (x,y,z) will center the map at (x,y,z) for a given res  
  channels_str = None   
  channels = None 
  channel_colors = {}
  [token_str, restargs] = webargs.split('/', 1)
  restsplit = restargs.split('/')
  # initialize these variables, which will be passed to the template
  x = None
  y = None
  z = None
  res = None
  marker = False 

  if len(restsplit) == 5:
    # assume no channels, just res/x/y/z/
    res = int(restsplit[0])
    x = int(restsplit[1])
    y = int(restsplit[2])
    z = int(restsplit[3])
    marker = True 

  elif len(restsplit) > 5:
    # assume channels + res/x/y/z 
    channels_str = restsplit[0].split(',')
    res = int(restsplit[1])
    x = int(restsplit[2])
    y = int(restsplit[3])
    z = int(restsplit[4])
    marker = True 

  elif len(restsplit) == 2:
    # assume just channels
    channels_str = restsplit[0].split(',')
  elif len(restsplit) == 1:
    # all channels (get from project)
    channels_str = None 
    # return error 
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error: Invalid REST arguments.')
  # get data from ocpuser 
  token = get_object_or_404(Token, pk=token_str)
  project = Project.objects.get(pk=token.project_id)
  dataset = Dataset.objects.get(pk=project.dataset) 
  if (channels_str is not None) and (len(channels_str[0]) > 0):
    channels = []
    for channel_str in channels_str:
      if len(channel_str) > 0:
        if len(channel_str.split(':')) > 1: 
          channels.append(get_object_or_404(Channel, channel_name=channel_str.split(':')[0], project=token.project))
          channel_colors[channel_str.split(':')[0]] = channel_str.split(':')[1]
          channels.append(get_object_or_404(Channel, channel_name=channel_str, project=token.project))
    # get all channels for projects
    channels = Channel.objects.filter(project=project)
  layers = []
  timeseries = False # should we display timeseries controls? 
  # we convert the channels to layers here 
  # AB Note: I decided it would be better to get all channels than just the default
  # channel. But it is up for discussion. 
  if channels is None:
    # assume default channel, single layer called by the token
    # get the default channel and add it to channels
    channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, project=token.project, default=True)
  # convert all channels to layers 
  for channel in channels:
    tmp_layer = VizLayer()
    tmp_layer.layer_name = channel.channel_name
    tmp_layer.layer_description = token.token_description 
    if channel.channel_type == 'timeseries':
      timeseries = True 
    tmp_layer.layertype = channel.channel_type
    tmp_layer.token = token.token_name
    #tmp_layer.channel = channel     
    tmp_layer.channel = channel.channel_name   
    tmp_layer.server = request.META['HTTP_HOST'];
    tmp_layer.tilecache = False 
    if channel.channel_name in channel_colors.keys():
      tmp_layer.color = channel_colors[channel.channel_name].upper()

  # package data for the template
  xdownmax = (dataset.ximagesize + dataset.xoffset - 1)/(2**dataset.scalinglevels)
  ydownmax = (dataset.yimagesize + dataset.yoffset - 1)/(2**dataset.scalinglevels)
  # center the map on the image, if no other coordinate is specified  
  if x is None:
    x = xdownmax/2
  if y is None:
    y = ydownmax/2
  if z is None:
    z = dataset.zoffset
  if res is None:
    res = dataset.scalinglevels 
  context = {
      'layers': layers,
      'project_name': token.token_name,
      'xsize': dataset.ximagesize,
      'ysize': dataset.yimagesize,
      'zsize': dataset.zimagesize,
      'xoffset': dataset.xoffset,
      'yoffset': dataset.yoffset,
      'zoffset': dataset.zoffset,
      'xdownmax': xdownmax,
      'ydownmax': ydownmax,
      'starttime': dataset.starttime,
      'endtime': dataset.endtime,
      'maxres': dataset.scalinglevels,
      'res': res,
      'xstart': x,
      'ystart': y,
      'zstart': z,
      'marker': marker,
      'timeseries': timeseries,
  return render(request, 'ocpviz/viewer.html', context)
Пример #4
def addVizProject(request):
  # note that this method will save a new vizproject with or without layers
  # layers can be added later in the edit vizproject page
  if request.method == 'POST':
    response = request.POST

    existingProj = VizProject.objects.filter(project_name = response['projectName'])
    if len(existingProj) > 0:
      return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error: Project {} already exists!'.format(response['projectName']))

    # separate out layers
    layersNew = {}
    for item in response.keys():
      if item.startswith('layer'):
        [itemtype, sep, layername] = item.partition('_')
        itemtype = itemtype[5:].lower()
        if layername not in layersNew.keys():
          layersNew[layername] = {}
        layersNew[layername][itemtype] = response[item]

    # create new project
    proj = VizProject()
    proj.project_name = response['projectName']
    proj.project_description = response['projectDesc']
    proj.user = request.user
    if 'public' in response.keys():
      proj.public = 1
      proj.public = 0

    proj.xoffset = response['xoffset']
    proj.yoffset = response['yoffset']
    proj.zoffset = response['zoffset']

    proj.ximagesize = response['ximagesize']
    proj.yimagesize = response['yimagesize']
    proj.zimagesize = response['zimagesize']

    proj.starttime = response['starttime']
    proj.endtime = response['endtime']

    proj.minres = response['minres']
    proj.scalinglevels = response['scalinglevels']

    layers = []
    # add new layers
    for layerKey in layersNew.keys():
      if layerKey.startswith('newlayer'):
        layer = VizLayer()
        layerInfo = layersNew[layerKey]

        layer.layer_name = layerInfo['name']
        layer.layer_description = layerInfo['desc']
        layer.server = layerInfo['server']
        layer.layertype = layerInfo['type']
        layer.token = layerInfo['token']
        layer.channel = layerInfo['channel']
        layer.color = layerInfo['color']

        if 'tilecache' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.tilecache = True
          if len(layerInfo['tilecacheserver']) > 0:
            layer.tilecache_server = layerInfo['tilecacheserver']
          layer.tilecache = False

        if 'propagated' in layerInfo.keys():
          layer.propagate = 2
          layer.propagate = 0

        # since this is a new layer, we need to associate it w/ the editing user
        layer.user = request.user


    # after creating everything, save changes (this allows for error handling)
      # must save the project first due to foreign key contraints
      for layer in layers:

    except Exception as e:
      return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error: Exception occurred during save! ({})'.format(e))
    return HttpResponse('Added Project Successfully')
    context = {
      'serverOptions': VizLayer.SERVER_CHOICES,
      'layerOptions': VizLayer.LAYER_CHOICES,
      'colorOptions': VizLayer.COLOR_CHOICES,
    return render(request, 'manage/addvizproject.html', context)
Пример #5
def tokenview(request, webargs):
    # we expect /ocp/viz/token/channel(s)/res/x/y/z/
    # res (x,y,z) will center the map at (x,y,z) for a given res
    channels_str = None
    channels = None
    channel_colors = {}
    [token_str, restargs] = webargs.split('/', 1)
    restsplit = restargs.split('/')
    # initialize these variables, which will be passed to the template
    x = None
    y = None
    z = None
    res = None
    marker = False

    if len(restsplit) == 5:
        # assume no channels, just res/x/y/z/
        res = int(restsplit[0])
        x = int(restsplit[1])
        y = int(restsplit[2])
        z = int(restsplit[3])
        marker = True

    elif len(restsplit) > 5:
        # assume channels + res/x/y/z
        channels_str = restsplit[0].split(',')
        res = int(restsplit[1])
        x = int(restsplit[2])
        y = int(restsplit[3])
        z = int(restsplit[4])
        marker = True

    elif len(restsplit) == 2:
        # assume just channels
        channels_str = restsplit[0].split(',')
    elif len(restsplit) == 1:
        # all channels (get from project)
        channels_str = None
        # return error
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Error: Invalid REST arguments.')

    # get data from ocpuser
    token = get_object_or_404(Token, pk=token_str)
    project = Project.objects.get(pk=token.project_id)
    dataset = Dataset.objects.get(pk=project.dataset)
    if (channels_str is not None) and (len(channels_str[0]) > 0):
        channels = []
        for channel_str in channels_str:
            if len(channel_str) > 0:
                if len(channel_str.split(':')) > 1:
                                   [0]] = channel_str.split(':')[1]
        # get all channels for projects
        channels = Channel.objects.filter(project=project)

    layers = []
    timeseries = False  # should we display timeseries controls?
    # we convert the channels to layers here
  # AB Note: I decided it would be better to get all channels than just the default
  # channel. But it is up for discussion. 
  if channels is None:
    # assume default channel, single layer called by the token
    # get the default channel and add it to channels
    channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, project=token.project, default=True)
    # convert all channels to layers
    for channel in channels:
        tmp_layer = VizLayer()
        tmp_layer.layer_name = channel.channel_name
        tmp_layer.layer_description = token.token_description
        if channel.channel_type == 'timeseries':
            timeseries = True
        tmp_layer.layertype = channel.channel_type
        tmp_layer.token = token.token_name
        #tmp_layer.channel = channel
        tmp_layer.channel = channel.channel_name
        tmp_layer.server = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
        tmp_layer.tilecache = False
        if channel.channel_name in channel_colors.keys():
            tmp_layer.color = channel_colors[channel.channel_name].upper()

    # package data for the template
    xdownmax = (dataset.ximagesize + dataset.xoffset -
                1) / (2**dataset.scalinglevels)
    ydownmax = (dataset.yimagesize + dataset.yoffset -
                1) / (2**dataset.scalinglevels)
    # center the map on the image, if no other coordinate is specified
    if x is None:
        x = xdownmax / 2
    if y is None:
        y = ydownmax / 2
    if z is None:
        z = dataset.zoffset
    if res is None:
        res = dataset.scalinglevels

    context = {
        'layers': layers,
        'project_name': token.token_name,
        'xsize': dataset.ximagesize,
        'ysize': dataset.yimagesize,
        'zsize': dataset.zimagesize,
        'xoffset': dataset.xoffset,
        'yoffset': dataset.yoffset,
        'zoffset': dataset.zoffset,
        'xdownmax': xdownmax,
        'ydownmax': ydownmax,
        'starttime': dataset.starttime,
        'endtime': dataset.endtime,
        'maxres': dataset.scalinglevels,
        'minres': 0,
        'res': res,
        'xstart': x,
        'ystart': y,
        'zstart': z,
        'marker': marker,
        'timeseries': timeseries,
    return render(request, 'ocpviz/viewer.html', context)