def get_or_create_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ This must return a (User, created) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user. username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP attributes. """ group = "SimpleUsers" admin_groups = self.global_params["ldap_admin_groups"].split(";") for grp in admin_groups: if grp.strip() in ldap_user.group_names: group = "DomainAdmins" break if group == 'SimpleUsers': lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: return None user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ 'username': username.lower(), 'is_local': False }) if created: populate_callback(user, group) return user, created
def get_or_create_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ This must return a (User, created) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user. username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP attributes. """ group = 'SimpleUsers' admin_groups = parameters \ .get_admin('LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPS', app='core').split(';') for grp in admin_groups: if grp.strip() in ldap_user.group_names: group = 'DomainAdmins' break if group == 'SimpleUsers': lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: return None user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={'username': username.lower(), 'is_local': False} ) if created: populate_callback(user, group) return user, created
def get_or_build_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ This must return a (User, created) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user. username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP attributes. """ group = "SimpleUsers" admin_groups = self.global_params["ldap_admin_groups"].split(";") for grp in admin_groups: if grp.strip() in ldap_user.group_names: group = "DomainAdmins" break if group == "SimpleUsers": lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: return None user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "is_local": False, "language": settings.LANGUAGE_CODE } ) if created: populate_callback(user, group) return user, created
def import_accounts_from_ldap(config): """Import user accounts from LDAP directory.""" conn = get_connection(config) result = conn.search_s(config["ldap_import_search_base"], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, config["ldap_import_search_filter"]) admin_groups = config["ldap_admin_groups"].split(";") for dn, entry in result: if dn is None: continue role = "SimpleUsers" groups = find_user_groups(conn, config, dn, entry) for grp in admin_groups: if grp.strip() in groups: role = "DomainAdmins" break username = force_str(entry[config["ldap_import_username_attr"]][0]) lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: # Try to find associated email email = None for attr in ["mail", "userPrincipalName"]: if attr in entry: email = force_str(entry[attr][0]) break if email is None: if grp == "SimpleUsers": print("Skipping {} because no email found".format(dn)) continue else: username = email defaults = { "username": username.lower(), "is_local": False, "language": settings.LANGUAGE_CODE } user, created = core_models.User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults=defaults) if created: core_models.populate_callback(user, role) attr_map = { "first_name": "givenName", "email": "mail", "last_name": "sn" } for attr, ldap_attr in attr_map.items(): if ldap_attr in entry: setattr(user, attr, force_str(entry[ldap_attr][0])) user.is_active = not user_is_disabled(config, entry)
def get_or_build_user(self, username): """Get a user or create it the first time. .. note:: We assume the username is a valid email address. """ user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "email": username.lower() } ) if created: populate_callback(user) return user
def get_or_create_user(self, username): """Get a user or create it the first time. .. note:: We assume the username is a valid email address. """ user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "email": username.lower() } ) if created: populate_callback(user) return user
def get_or_create_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ This must return a (User, created) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user. username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP attributes. """ lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: return None user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={'username': username.lower(), 'is_local': False} ) if created: populate_callback(user) return user, created
def get_or_create_user(self, username, password): """Get a user or create it the first time. .. note:: We assume the username is a valid email address. """ user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "email": username.lower() }) if created: user.set_password(password) populate_callback(user) Migration.objects.create(mailbox=user.mailbox, password=password) return user
def get_or_create_user(self, username, password): """Get a user or create it the first time. .. note:: We assume the username is a valid email address. """ orig_username = username # Check if old addresses must be converted if self.provider_domain.new_domain: username = u"{}@{}".format( self.address, user, created = core_models.User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "email": username.lower() } ) if created: user.set_password(password) core_models.populate_callback(user) models.Migration.objects.create( provider=self.provider_domain.provider, mailbox=user.mailbox, username=orig_username, password=password ) else: # What happens if an account already exists? if not hasattr(user, "mailbox"): # No mailbox => might be an admin account return None qset = models.Migration.objects.filter(mailbox=user.mailbox) if not qset.exists(): # No migration => either someone else account, or # migration is done return None return user
def get_or_build_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ This must return a (User, created) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user. username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP attributes. """ group = "SimpleUsers" admin_groups = self.global_params["ldap_admin_groups"].split(";") for grp in admin_groups: if grp.strip() in ldap_user.group_names: group = "DomainAdmins" break lpart, domain = split_mailbox(username) if domain is None: # Try to find associated email email = None for attr in ['mail', 'userPrincipalName']: if attr in ldap_user.attrs: email = ldap_user.attrs[attr][0] break if email is None: if group == "SimpleUsers": # Only DomainAdmins can have a username which # is not an email address return None else: username = email user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username__iexact=username, defaults={ "username": username.lower(), "is_local": False, "language": settings.LANGUAGE_CODE }) if created: populate_callback(user, group) return user, created