def shuffle(*args): """ 洗牌 :param args:(list, tuple) 需要洗牌的数据集 :return: """ # 检查输入的参数是不是 list 或 tuple 类型 for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "args must be is list or tuple, but actually get {}". format(type(arg))) # 检查输入的每个参数大小是不是相等 if len(args) > 1: for args_a, args_b in zip(args[:-1], args[1:]): if len(args_a) != len(args_b): raise ParameterError( "args size must be equal. expect size:{}, actually size{}" .format(len(args_a), len(args_b))) # 随机排序索引 random_index = np.random.permutation(len(args[0])) # 洗牌 result = list() for arg in args: arg_result = list() for index in random_index: arg_result.append(arg[index]) result.append(arg_result) return result
def get_n_word_freq(self, words): """ 获取 n 阶词频 :param words: (list or tuple, mandatory) 输入的类型必须是list或tuple,同时词数量必须等于 n(n元语法,n=2或n=3). 同时规定列表中第一个单词为当前词,第二个单词为当前词的前一个,依次类推。例如"A"、"B"、"C" 这三个词。当前词为 'B','B' 的上一个词为"A" :return: (int) 词频 """ if not isinstance(words, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "input words type must be is [list, tuple], actually get {}". format(type(words))) if len(words) != self.__n: raise ParameterError( "input number of words equal to {}, actually get {}".format( self.__n, len(words))) n_word_freq = 0 if self.__n == TWO_TAG: n_word_freq = self.__n_word_freq[self.word_to_token( words[0])][self.word_to_token(words[1])] elif self.__n == THREE_TAG: w_k = self.word_to_token(words[0]) one_gram_w_k = self.word_to_token(words[1]) two_gram_w_k = self.word_to_token(words[2]) n_word_freq = self.__n_word_freq[w_k][one_gram_w_k][two_gram_w_k] return n_word_freq
def __check(self, texts, disambiguate_type): """ 检查函数。检查输入的参数是否符合要求 :param texts: (list or tuple, mandatory) 文本 :param disambiguate_type: (str, mandatory) 消歧类型 :return: """ if disambiguate_type not in self.__disambiguate_type: raise ParameterError( "class:{}, func:{}".format(Disambiguate.__name__, self.__check.__name__), "disambiguate_type must be is {}, but actually get {}".format( self.__disambiguate_type, disambiguate_type)) if not isinstance(texts, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "class:{}, func:{}".format(Disambiguate.__name__, self.__check.__name__), "texts parameter must be is [list,tuple], bug actually get{}". format(type(texts))) if len(texts) == 0: raise ParameterError( "class:{}, func:{}".format(Disambiguate.__name__, self.__check.__name__), "texts cannot be empty ") for text in texts: if not isinstance(text, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "class:{}, func:{}".format(Disambiguate.__name__, self.__check.__name__), "texts element type must be is [list,tuple], but actually get {}" .format(type(text)))
def disambiguate(self, texts, print_prob=False, need_score=False): """ N_gram 消歧义. :param texts: (list or tuple, mandatory) 文本。文本需要是list或tuple两种类型。 同一个文本,多种分词形式。 其中元素可以(list,tuple,str) 。如果元素是 str 类型,需要提供 split_labs。如 ["hello word",...] 或 [["hello", "world"]] :param print_prob: (bool, optional, default=False) 输出概率。即每个词频,n阶词频的计算概率 :param need_score: (bool, optional, default=False) 是否返回评分。 :return: (str and float) 。如果 need_score = True 返回文本和评分。否则返回文本 """ if not isinstance(texts, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "Input texts parameter type must be is list or tuple, but actually get {}".format(type(texts))) for text in texts: if not isinstance(text, (list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "Input texts elements type must is [str、list、tuple], but actually get {}".format(type(text))) score = self.__get_score(texts, print_prob) # 选择最大评分的文本 max_score_arg = np.array(score).argmax() if need_score: return texts[max_score_arg], score[max_score_arg] return texts[max_score_arg]
def add_word(self, words, is_save=True, model_file='DictSegmentation.pickle'): """ 添加词汇到训练词典中 :param words: (str or list or tuple, mandatory) 词汇,可以是字符、列表、元祖 :param is_save: (bool, optional, default=True) 对于新加的词汇,是否保存词典 :param model_file: (str, optional, default=DictSegmentation.pickle) 需要保存的模型文件名 :return: """ if not isinstance(words, (str, list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "words parameter type must be is [str, list, tuple]") if isinstance(words, (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(words[0], str): raise ParameterError("words elements type must be is str") if isinstance(words, str): self.word_dictionary.add_words(words) elif isinstance(words, (list, tuple)): for word in words: self.word_dictionary.add_words(word) words = self.word_dictionary.get_dictionary() self.matching.update_words(words) if is_save:
def writer_file(file, results, mode='a', encoding='utf-8'): """ 输入字符串、列表字符,写入文件 :param file: (str, mandatory) 文件名 或 路径 + 文件名 :param results: (str or list or tuple, mandatory) 需要写入文件的字符集或单个字符串。例如"hello word" 或['hello world'] :param mode: (str, optional, default='a') 模式。默认为 'a' ,追加模式 :param encoding: (str, optional, default='utf-8') 编码。默认为 UTF-8 编码 :return: """ if not isinstance(results, (str, list, tuple)): raise ParameterError( "result parameter must be is {}, but actually get {}".format((str, list, tuple), type(results))) if isinstance(results, (list, tuple)): for result in results: if not isinstance(result, str): raise ParameterError( "results parameter elements must be is str, but actually get {}, elements:{}".format( type(result), result)) Writer.check_path(file) with open(file, mode, encoding=encoding) as f_write: if isinstance(results, str): f_write.writelines(results + '\n') else: for result in results: f_write.writelines(result + '\n') print("\n" + "over!File: {}, encoding: {}".format(,
def __update(self, text, matching_length, matching_type): """ 匹配算法中迭代更新文本和匹配长度 :param text: (str, mandatory) 当前文本 :param matching_length: (int, mandatory) 当前匹配长度 :param matching_type: (str, mandatory) 匹配算法的类型,用于判断截取新文本 :return: (str and int) 新的文本和匹配长度 """ if matching_type not in self.__matching_type: raise ParameterError("matching type {}".format( self.__matching_type)) new_text = None # 截取新的文本,将剩余的文本再次进行匹配 if matching_type == self.__forward_type: new_text = text[matching_length:] elif matching_type == self.__reverse_type: new_text = text[:-matching_length] # 如果新的文本存在空格字符,则去除 new_text = new_text.strip() # 更新最大匹配长度 # 如果剩余文本的字符长度小于默认设置,则以剩余文本字符长度为准 # 否则以最大匹配字符长度为准 new_matching_length = len(new_text) if len( new_text) < self.__max_matching else self.__max_matching return new_text, new_matching_length
def __init__(self, f_type=SPECTROGRAM, frame_length=256, frame_shift=128, mfcc_dim=13): super(AudioFeatures, self).__init__() # 帧长度。每个时序包含多个数据帧 self.frame_length = frame_length # 帧移。每个时序移动多少数据帧。 self.frame_shift = frame_shift # spectrogram 特征维度 self.spectrogram_dim = self.frame_length // 2 assert f_type in AudioFeatures.feature_type, \ ParameterError("{} not in {}".format(f_type, AudioFeatures.feature_type)) self.f_type = f_type # mfcc 特征维度 self.mfcc_dim = mfcc_dim if self.f_type == AudioFeatures.SPECTROGRAM: self.mean = np.zeros(self.spectrogram_dim) self.std = np.ones(self.spectrogram_dim) elif self.f_type == AudioFeatures.MFCC: self.mean = np.zeros(self.mfcc_dim) self.std = np.ones(self.mfcc_dim) # 保存拟合语料中最大的序列长度 self.max_length = 0
def decoding(text, label): """ 解码. 将文本列表 ['小','明','是','中','国','人'] 和 ['B','E','S','B','M','E'] 转换成 ["小明","是","中国人"] :param text: (list, mandatory) 文本列表。 :param label: (list, mandatory) 文本列表对应的标签。要求 text 和 label 的长度必须一致 :return: (list) 解码后的文本列表 """ if len(text) != len(label): raise ParameterError( "Parameter text={} and label={} length must be equal".format( len(text), len(label))) words = list() string = '' for word, lab in zip(text, label): if lab == HmmDictionary.STATE_S: words.append(word) elif lab == HmmDictionary.STATE_B and string == "": string = word elif lab == HmmDictionary.STATE_M and string != "": string += word elif lab == HmmDictionary.STATE_E and string != "": string += word words.append(string) string = "" return words
def get_state_transition_prob(self, state, is_last_state=False): """ 获取状态转移概率。从当前状态到下一个状态的概率值 :param state: (str, mandatory) 当前状态值 :param is_last_state: (bool, optional, default=False) 是否是最后一个状态值。如果为 True 则返回当前状态到 (End) 概率 :return: (dict) 下一个状态和概率值。例如:{'B':0.12, 'E':0.28, 'S':'0.6', 'M':0.0} """ if state == self.END_TAG: raise ParameterError( "Current state value cannot is {}".format(state), level=ParameterError.warning) result = dict() if is_last_state: value = self.__state_transition_matrix[self.state_token[state]][ self.state_token[self.END_TAG]] if value != 0.0: result[self.END_TAG] = value else: state_seq = HmmDictionary.STATE_SEQUENCE for next_state in state_seq: value = self.__state_transition_matrix[ self.state_token[state]][self.state_token[next_state]] if value == 0.0: continue result[next_state] = value return result
def decoding(sent, label): """ 解码。将采用 "BMES" 分词的文本或句子转换成字符列表 例如: 输入:['小','明','是','中','国','人'] 和 ['B','E','S','B','M','E'] 输出:["小明","是","中国人"] :param sent: (list, mandatory) 字符列表 :param label: (list, mandatory) 标签列表 :return: (list) 字符列表 """ if len(sent) != len(label): raise ParameterError( "sent length:{} and label length:{} must be equal".format( len(sent), len(label))) words = [] string = "" for word, lab in zip(sent, label): if lab == CRFSegmentation.S_TAG: words.append(word) elif lab == CRFSegmentation.B_TAG and string == "": string += word elif lab == CRFSegmentation.M_TAG and string != "": string += word elif lab == CRFSegmentation.E_TAG and string != "": string += word words.append(string) string = "" return words
def __matching(self, text, matching_type): """ 匹配算法 :param text: (str, mandatory) 匹配文本 :param matching_type: (str, mandatory) 类型,forward 和 reverse 两种类型 :return: (tuple) 分词的元祖数据 """ # 检查输出的参数是否有误 if matching_type not in self.__matching_type: raise ParameterError("matching type {}".format( self.__matching_type)) # 检查输出的文本是否为空,为空则抛出异常 if len(text) == 0 or text == '' or text == " ": raise NullCharacterException("input text cannot be empty") new_text = text new_matching_length = len( text) if len(text) < self.__max_matching else self.__max_matching words = list() while True: # 如果文本的长度等于 0 ,或者为空字符,则结束 if new_text == '' or new_text == " " or len(new_text) == 0: break # 根据定义的最大匹配长度获取单词 word = '' if matching_type is self.__forward_type: word = new_text[:new_matching_length] elif matching_type is self.__reverse_type: word = new_text[-new_matching_length:] # 单词匹配,判断单词是否在词表中 if word in self.__dictionary: # 将匹配上的词加入词表 words.append(word) # 更新文本和匹配字符的长度 new_text, new_matching_length = self.__update( new_text, new_matching_length, matching_type) # 如果只有某个字符,则将该字符作为词汇 elif len(word) == 1: words.append(word) new_text, new_matching_length = self.__update( new_text, new_matching_length, matching_type) # 缩短匹配字符的长度 else: new_matching_length = new_matching_length - 1 return tuple(words)
def append(self, mid, state, word=None, launch_prob=None, transition_prob=None, prob_product=None): """添加节点""" if mid in self.markov_link.keys(): raise ParameterError("mid={} already exists !".format(mid)) self.markov_link[mid] = Markov.StateNode(state, word, launch_prob, transition_prob, prob_product)
def get_word_error_rate(self, y_true, y_pred, label_length, black_index=0): """ 词错误率。计算每个样本的词错误率。 :param y_true: (tensor, mandatory) 样本正确标签。 shape: [label, ] :param y_pred: (tensor, mandatory) 样本预测标签。shape: [pred, ] :param label_length: (int, mandatory) 标签长度。 :param black_index: (int, optional, default=0) 空白字符。用于填充 :return: """ assert len(y_true) >= label_length, \ ParameterError("The actual label sequence length:{} less than {}".format(len(y_true), label_length)) y_true = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_true, dtype=tf.int32) y_pred = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_pred, dtype=tf.int32) # 获取标签字符的序列长度 y_true = y_true[:label_length] # 如果序列长度=0,则设置错误率为 len(y_true) / len(y_true) 即错误率为 100% if len(y_pred) == 0: error_word_num = len(y_true) else: # 截断。如果预测字符标签大于正确的标签,则截断。 if len(y_pred) > len(y_true): new_y_p = y_pred[:label_length] error_word_num = len(y_pred[label_length:]) # 填充。如果预测字符标签小于正确的标签,则填充。 elif len(y_pred) < len(y_true): black_count = len(y_true) - len(y_pred) new_y_p = tf.concat([y_pred, [black_index] * black_count], axis=0) error_word_num = 0 else: new_y_p = y_pred error_word_num = 0 # 统计正确的词数量 true_count = tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.cast(new_y_p, dtype=tf.int32), tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.int32)), dtype=tf.int32)) error_word_num += len(new_y_p) - true_count value = tf.squeeze( tf.cast(error_word_num / len(y_true), dtype=tf.float32)) # print(value) self.word_error_rate.assign_add(value) self.count += 1
def __init__(self, n=2): super(NgramDictionary, self).__init__() if n not in N_GRAM: raise ParameterError( "parameter n must be within {}".format(N_GRAM)) self.__n = n # 词表。统计文本中的所有出现的单词 self.__words = [self.UNK_TAG] # 词典。统计文本中的所有出现的单词,并给予 token 。token 值可以看作是单词的唯一标识符。 self.__word_token = {self.UNK_TAG: self.UNK} # 单词数量。记录文本中出现的单词。不包括重复单词 self.__word_num = len(self.__words) # 总词数。记录文本中所有单词。包括重复单词 self.__total_words = len(self.__words) # 词频。统计文本中单词频率 self.__word_freq = Counter() # n阶词频。 self.__n_word_freq = None
def split_valid_dataset(*args, ratio=0.2): """ 划分验证数据集。 :param args: (list, mandatory) 数据集。列表格式。 :param ratio: (int, optional, default=0.2) 验证数据集比例。0~1范围内。 :return: (list) 训练数据集和验证数据集 """ if ratio > 1 or ratio < 0: raise ParameterError( "dataset ratio must be is 0 ~ 1 range. actually get: {}". format(ratio)) dataset = Generator.shuffle(*args) sample_num = int(len(dataset[0]) * ratio) if sample_num == 0: sample_num = 1 train_dataset, valid_dataset = list(), list() for data in dataset: train_dataset.append(data[sample_num:]) valid_dataset.append(data[:sample_num]) return train_dataset, valid_dataset
def get(self, mid): """获取节点对象""" if mid not in self.markov_link.keys(): raise ParameterError("mid={} not found !".format(mid)) return self.markov_link[mid]
def delete(self, mid): """删除节点""" if mid not in self.markov_link.keys(): raise ParameterError("mid={} not found !".format(mid)) self.markov_link.pop(mid)