def connect(config): # Connect to SBS sbs = Server(hostname=config['host'], port=config['port'], username=config['user'], password=config['passwd'] ) # Check connection try: sbs.connect() if sbs.logged_in:"Connected to Squeezebox Server v%s on %s:%s", sbs.get_version(), config['host'], config['port']) else: logging.critical("Could not connect to server, possible wrong credentials") exit(1) except socketerror: logging.critical("Network is unreachable (check network connection and/or IP/port settings of your SB server)") p = Popen(["play", "noconnection.wav"], stdout=nulfp.fileno(), stderr=nulfp.fileno()) return None, None # Additional info sq = sbs.get_player(config['mac'])"Copying behaviour of SB '%s'", sq.get_name())"Mode: %s | Time: %s | Connected: %s | WiFi: %s", sq.get_mode(), sq.get_time_elapsed(), sq.is_connected, sq.get_wifi_signal_strength()) # All the magic: in this request we subscribe to all playlist events, # time changes, and volume changes sbs.request(quote("subscribe time,playlist,mixer volume", safe=" ")) return sbs, sq
def setup(): import sys from socket import error as socketerror import configparser from module.pysqueezecenter.server import Server from module.pysqueezecenter.player import Player # Python2 compatibility try: from urllib.parse import unquote except ImportError: from urllib import unquote print("No config file found, please provide the following details. The default is provided between brackets.") config = {} config['host'] = input("IP address of Squeezebox Server []: ") config['port'] = input("Port of Squeezebox Server [9090]: ") config['user'] = input("Username of server's CLI []: ") config['passwd'] = input("Password of server's CLI []: ") if not config['host']: config['host'] = "" if not config['port']: config['port'] = "9090" sbs = Server(hostname=config['host'], port=config['port'], username=config['user'], password=config['passwd'] ) print() try: sbs.connect() if sbs.logged_in: print("Succesfully connected to Squeezebox Server v%s on %s:%s" % ( sbs.get_version(), config['host'], config['port'] )) else: print("Could not connect to server, possible wrong credentials, run %s again" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) except socketerror: print("Network is unreachable, check ip/port settings and run %s again." % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) print() print("The following players are connected to the server:") players = sbs.get_players() for i in range(len(players)): player = str(players[i]).replace("Player: ","") print("[%i]: %s" % (i+1, player)) answer = int(input("Press the number which MAC address you want to use: "))-1 config['mac'] = str(players[answer]).replace("Player: ","") print() sq = sbs.get_player(config['mac']) print("Path to current song in playlist, use this as a hint for the following question.") print(unquote(sq.get_track_path())) config['remotefolder'] = input("Remote folder where music resides on Squeezebox Server, e.g. file:///path/to/music []: ") config['localfolder'] = input("Local folder where music resides locally, e.g. /path/to/music []: ") config['driver'] = input("Music driver to use [alsa]: ") config['output'] = input("Audio device to use e.g.plughw:0,0 []: ") setupconfig = configparser.RawConfigParser() setupconfig.add_section('global') setupconfig.set('global', 'host', config['host']) setupconfig.set('global', 'port', config['port']) setupconfig.set('global', 'user', config['user']) setupconfig.set('global', 'passwd', config['passwd']) setupconfig.set('global', 'mac', config['mac']) setupconfig.set('global', 'remotefolder', config['remotefolder']) setupconfig.set('global', 'localfolder', config['localfolder']) setupconfig.set('global', 'driver', config['driver']) setupconfig.set('global', 'output', config['output']) with open('sbcc.cfg', 'wb') as configfile: setupconfig.write(configfile) print("Configuration is setup successfully!") return config