def __init__(self, config, logger = None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official(item = 8180, id = 3, level = 3, tags = ['merge', 'public equipment'], title = T_('{0} toilets not integrated', 'Lyon')) self.init( u"", u"Toilettes publiques", GeoJSON(Source(attribution = u"Métropole de Lyon", millesime = "12/2017", fileUrl = u""), extractor = lambda geojson: geojson), Load("geom_x", "geom_y"), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = {"amenity": "toilets"}), conflationDistance = 100, generate = Generate( static1 = { "amenity": "toilets", "access": "public"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "operator": lambda res: res['gestionnaire'] if res and res['gestionnaire'] else None, "ref": lambda res: res['identifiant'] if res and res['identifiant'] else None } )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8150, id=31, level=3, tags=[ 'merge', 'public equipment', 'motorcycle', 'fix:survey', 'fix:picture' ], title=T_('Paris motorcycle parking not integrated')) self.init( "", "Stationnement sur voie publique - emplacements motos", CSV( SourceOpenDataSoft( attribution="Ville de Paris", url= "" )), Load("geo_point_2d", "geo_point_2d", select={ "Régime prioritaire": "2 ROUES", "Régime particulier": "Motos", }, xFunction=lambda x: Load.float_comma(x.split(',')[1]), yFunction=lambda y: Load.float_comma(y.split(',')[0])), Conflate(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "motorcycle_parking"}), conflationDistance=20, mapping=Mapping(static1={"amenity": "motorcycle_parking"}, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1=tag_mapping)))
def analyser_osmosis_common(self): sql10, lambda res: { "class": 1, "data": [self.relation, self.positionAsText], "text": T_("Large relation of type {0}", res[2]) })
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): Analyser_Merge_Point.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official(item = 8130, id = 21, level = 3, tags = ['merge', 'parking'], title = T_('{0} parking for disabled not integrated', 'BM')) self.init( '', 'Place de stationnement PMR', SHP(SourceOpenDataSoft( attribution="Bordeaux Métropole", url="", format="shp", zip="grs_gigc_p.shp")), LoadGeomCentroid(), Conflate( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = { "amenity": "parking", "capacity:disabled": None}), conflationDistance = 100, mapping = Mapping( static1 = { "amenity": "parking", "capacity:disabled": "yes"}, static2 = {"source": self.source} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8370, id=100, level=3, tags=['merge', "emergency", "fix:picture", "fix:survey"], title=T_('Defibrillator not integrated')) self.init( "", "Localisation des défibrillateurs municipaux (DAE) - Ville de Lorient", GeoJSON( SourceDataGouv( attribution="Ville de Lorient", dataset="5c70a7f206e3e755537bb849", resource="01f2a133-4929-4001-906c-412f682d0d59")), Load("geom_x", "geom_y"), Conflate( select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways", "relations"], tags={"emergency": "defibrillator"}), conflationDistance=50, mapping=Mapping( static1={"emergency": "defibrillator"}, static2={"source": self.source}, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": ', '.join(filter(lambda x: x, [fields["emplacement"]])) })))
def way(self, data, tags, nds): err = [] key_set = set(tags.keys()) if tags.get("area") == "yes": tagged_as_bad = set(key_set & self.area_yes_bad) if len(tagged_as_bad) > 0: err.append({ "class": 32001, "subclass": 1, "text": T_( 'Tags, {0}, already make this an area.', '/'.join(map(lambda x: '`{}`'.format(x), tagged_as_bad))) }) elif not (len(key_set & self.area_yes_good) > 0 or tags.get("railway") == "platform"): err.append({"class": 32002, "subclass": 1}) if tags.get( "area" ) == "no" and not "aeroway" in tags and not "building" in tags and not "landuse" in tags and not "leisure" in tags and not "natural" in tags: err.append({"class": 32003, "subclass": 1}) return err
def node(self, data, tags): err = [] for k in set(tags).intersection(self.DeprecatedSet): if None in self.Deprecated[k]: err.append({ "class": 4010, "subclass": stablehash(k), "text": T_('The tag `{0}` is deprecated in favour of {1}', k, self.Deprecated[k][None]) }) elif tags[k] in self.Deprecated[k]: err.append({ "class": 40102, "subclass": stablehash(k), "text": T_('The tag `{0}` is deprecated in favour of {1}', "=".join([k, tags[k]]), self.Deprecated[k][tags[k]]) }) return err
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8150, id=11, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public equipment', 'cycle'], title=T_('CAPP bicycle parking not integrated')) self.init( u"", u"Supports vélos sur la CAPP", CSV( Source(attribution=u"Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées", millesime="01/2013", fileUrl= u"", zip="Sta_Velo_Agglo_WGS84.csv")), Load("X", "Y", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping( select=Select(types=["nodes"], tags={"amenity": "bicycle_parking"}), conflationDistance=50, generate=Generate(static1={"amenity": "bicycle_parking"}, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "capacity": lambda res: str(int(res["NOMBRE"]) * 2) })))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8370, id=90, level=3, tags=['merge', "emergency", "fix:picture", "fix:survey"], title=T_('Defibrillator not integrated')) self.init( "", "Inventaire des Défibrillateurs Automatisés Externes (DAE) dans le Gers", SHP( SourceDataGouv( attribution="Département du Gers", dataset="5d26ec979ce2e73529f50c5e", resource="479b8047-f8e3-4536-9a07-12f96c9a3cd7", zip= "inventaire-des-defibrillateurs-automatises-externes-dans-le-gers.shp" )), LoadGeomCentroid(srid=2154), Conflate(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways", "relations"], tags={"emergency": "defibrillator"}), conflationDistance=50, mapping=Mapping( static1={"emergency": "defibrillator"}, static2={"source": self.source}, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": ', '.join( filter(lambda x: x, [ fields["etablissement"], fields[ "horaire"], fields["detail"] ])) })))
def node(self, data, tags): if 'name' not in tags: return for q in [u"?", u"¿", u"؟", u"՞", u";", u"?", u"፧", u"꘏"]: if q in tags["name"]: return [{"class": 50705, "subclass": 0, "text": T_("Unexpected character: `{0}`", q)}]
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge_Point.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8060, id=1, level=3, tags=['merge', 'railway', 'fix:survey', 'fix:imagery'], title=T_('Crossing level not integrated')) self.init( "", "Passages à niveau", GeoJSON( SourceOpenDataSoft( attribution="SNCF Réseau", url= "", format="geojson")), Load_XY("geom_x", "geom_y", where=lambda res: res["mnemo"] != "CLASSE 00"), Conflate( select=Select(types=["nodes"], tags=[{ "railway": ["level_crossing", "crossing"] }, { "disused:railway": ["level_crossing", "crossing"] }]), conflationDistance=150, mapping=Mapping( static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"railway": lambda res: self.type[res["mnemo"]]}, mapping2={"ref": lambda res: self.ref(res["libelle"])})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official(item=8180, id=8, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public equipment'], title=T_('{0} toilets not integrated', 'Angers')) self.init( "", "Toilettes publiques", CSV( SourceOpenDataSoft( attribution="Angers Loire Métropole", url= "" )), Load("Geo Point", "Geo Point", xFunction=lambda x: x and x.split(',')[1], yFunction=lambda y: y and y.split(',')[0]), Conflate(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "toilets"}), conflationDistance=100, mapping=Mapping(static1={ "amenity": "toilets", "access": "yes" }, static2={"source": self.source})))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official(item = 8370, id = 130, level = 3, tags = ["merge"], title = T_("Defibrillator not integrated")) self.init( u"", u"Défibrillateurs publics", CSV(Source(attribution = u"AEDMAP France", fileUrl = u"")), Load("Longitude", "Latitude", xFunction = Load.float_comma, yFunction = Load.float_comma), Conflate( select = Select( types = ["nodes"], tags = {"emergency": "defibrillator"}), conflationDistance = 50, mapping = Mapping( static1 = {"emergency": "defibrillator"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "defibrillator:location": lambda res: self.cleanName(res["Nom"]) if res["Nom"] else None }, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": " ".join(filter(lambda x: x, [ fields["Nom"], fields["Adresse"], fields["Adresse 2"], fields["Code postal"], fields["Ville"], ]))} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8370, id=50, level=3, tags=['merge'], title=T_('Defibrillator not integrated')) self.init( u"", u"Localisation des défibrillateurs appartenant au département des Hautes Alpes ", SHP( Source( attribution=u"épartement des Hautes-Alpes", fileUrl= u"", zip="dept05_defibrillateurs.shp")), Load(("ST_X(ST_Centroid(geom))", ), ("ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geom))", ), srid=2154), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways", "relations"], tags={"emergency": "defibrillator"}), conflationDistance=50, generate=Generate(static1={"emergency": "defibrillator"}, static2={"source": self.source})))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official(item = 8180, id =2, level = 3, tags = ['merge', 'public equipment', 'fix:survey', 'fix:picture'], title = T_('{0} toilets not integrated', 'Rennes')) self.init( "", "Toilettes publiques", CSV(SourceOpenDataSoft( attribution="Ville de Rennes", url="")), Load("Geo Point", "Geo Point", xFunction = lambda x: x and x.split(',')[1], yFunction = lambda y: y and y.split(',')[0]), Conflate( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = {"amenity": "toilets"}), conflationDistance = 100, mapping = Mapping( static1 = { "amenity": "toilets", "access": "yes"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "wheelchair": lambda res: "yes" if res["pmr"] == "OUI" else "no" if res["pmr"] == "NON" else None} )))
def node(self, data, tags): if u"name" not in tags: return if (u"highway" not in tags) and (u"waterway" not in tags) and (u"place" not in tags): return words = [] name = tags[u"name"] name_subst = self.apply_special_subst(name) split = self._split(name_subst) for i in range(0, len(split), 2): split[i] = self.remove_special_subst(split[i]) splitfix = list(split) if split and split[0] and split[0][0] in self.minus: words.append(split[0]) splitfix[0] = split[0].capitalize() for i in range(0, len(split), 2): word = split[i] if word in self.special: continue if word[0] in self.minus: words.append(word) splitfix[i] = split[i].capitalize() if words: return {"class": 906, "subclass": stablehash64(','.join(words)), "text": T_("Missing capital letter for: {0}", u", ".join(sorted(set(words)))), "fix": {"name": "".join(splitfix)} } return
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Osmosis.__init__(self, config, logger) self.FR = config.options and ( "country" in config.options and config.options["country"].startswith("FR") or "test" in config.options) self.classs[100] = self.def_class( item=6070, level=3, tags=['boundary', 'geom', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('Survey point out of boundary'), fix=T_( '''Check the position of node admin_centre role and boundaries.''' ), trap=T_( '''The geodesic markers should not be moved. These are reference points. Some geodesic markers are really out of boundary.''')) self.classs[2] = self.def_class( item=6060, level=1, tags=['boundary', 'geom', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('Boundary intersection'), detail=T_( '''An area is marked as belonging to several city at once.'''), fix=T_('''Check how this area should be owned.''')) self.classs_change[3] = self.def_class( item=6060, level=2, tags=['boundary', 'geom', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('Lone boundary fragment'), detail=T_( '''Unconnected boundary fragment, a way with a boundary tag not part of a boundary relation.'''), fix=T_( '''Delete the way, remove boundary tag or add to a relation.''' )) self.callback20 = lambda res: { "class": 100, "data": [self.relation_full, self.relation_full, self.positionAsText] } self.callback40 = lambda res: { "class": 2, "subclass": stablehash64(res[2]), "data": [self.relation_full, self.relation_full, self.positionAsText] } self.callback50 = lambda res: { "class": 3, "data": [self.way_full, self.positionAsText] }
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_official( item=8160, id=11, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public equipment', 'cycle'], title=T_('{0} bicycle rental not integrated', 'IDF')) self.def_class_possible_merge( item=8161, id=13, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public equipment', 'cycle'], title=T_('{0} bicycle rental integration suggestion', 'IDF')) self.def_class_update_official( item=8162, id=14, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public equipment', 'cycle'], title=T_('{0} bicycle update', 'IDF')) self.init( u"", u"Vélib' - Disponibilité temps réel", GeoJSON( Source( attribution=u"Autolib Velib Métropole", millesime="04/2020", fileUrl= u"" )), Load("geom_x", "geom_y"), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "bicycle_rental"}), conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate(static1={ "amenity": "bicycle_rental", "network": u"Vélib’", "operator": "Smovengo" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "name": "name", "capacity": lambda res: res["capacity"] if res["capacity"] != "0" else None })))
def init(self, logger): if not module_PyKOpeningHours: return False Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[32501] = self.def_class(item=3250, level=3, tags=['value', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('Invalid Opening Hours'))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) self.def_class_missing_osm( item=7160, id=2, level=3, tags=['merge', 'post'], title=T_('admin_level 8 without tag "postal_code"')) self.def_class_possible_merge( item=8221, id=3, level=3, tags=['merge', 'post'], title=T_('Postal code, integration suggestion')) self.init( u"", u"Base officielle des codes postaux", CSV(Source( attribution=u"La Poste", millesime="12/2014", fileUrl= u"" ), separator=u";"), Load(srid=None), Conflate(select=Select(types=["relations"], tags={ "type": "boundary", "admin_level": "8", "ref:INSEE": None }), osmRef="postal_code", extraJoin="ref:INSEE", mapping=Mapping( static2={"source:postal_code": self.source}, mapping1={ "ref:INSEE": "Code_commune_INSEE", "postal_code": "Code_postal" }, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": "Postal code {0} for {1} (INSEE:{2})".format( fields["Code_postal"], (fields["Nom_commune"] or "").strip(), fields[ "Code_commune_INSEE"]) })))
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[31801] = self.def_class( item=3180, level=2, tags=['relation', 'restriction'], title=T_('Useless turn restriction')) self.Country = self.father.config.options.get("country")
def node(self, data, tags): for i in self.tag_number: if i in tags: m = self.Number.match(tags[i]) if (not m and not (i == "width" and tags[i] == "narrow") and not (i == "maxspeed" and (tags[i] in self.MaxspeedExtraValue or self.MaxspeedClassValue.match(tags[i]) or (tags[i] == "implicit" and ("traffic_sign" in tags) and "maxspeed" in tags["traffic_sign"].split(";")))) and not (i == "maxheight" and tags[i] in self.MaxheightExtraValue)): return { "class": 3091, "subclass": 1, "text": T_("Concerns tag: `{0}`", '='.join([i, tags[i]])) } elif m and i == "height" and float( > 500: return { "class": 3092, "subclass": 2, "text": T_( "`height={0}` is really tall, consider changing to `ele=*`",, "fix": { "-": ["height"], "+": { "ele": tags["height"] } } } elif m and i == "maxspeed" and float( < 5 and not "waterway" in tags: return { "class": 3092, "subclass": 3, "text": T_('`{0}` is really slow', 'maxspeed=' + }
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[20601] = self.def_class( item=2060, level=3, tags=['tag', 'addr'], title=T_( 'Misusing addr:interpolation in combination with other tags'))
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[900] = self.def_class(item = 4030, level = 1, tags = ['tag', 'fix:chair'], title = T_('Tag conflict'), detail = T_( '''The object contains two incompatible tags.'''), trap = T_( '''Sometimes the object needs both tags.''')) self.CONFLICT = {} self.CONFLICT[0] = set(['aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity', 'highway', 'railway', 'waterway', 'landuse']) self.CONFLICT[1] = set(['aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity', 'highway', 'leisure', 'railway', 'natural']) self.CONFLICT[2] = set(['aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity', 'highway', 'leisure', 'railway', 'waterway', 'place']) self.CONFLICT[3] = set(['building', 'place']) self.CONFLICT[4] = set(['information', 'place']) self.WHITE_LIST = { 'landuse': [ ['school', 'amenity', 'school'], ['industrial', 'amenity', 'recycling'], ['retail', 'amenity', 'marketplace'], ['military', 'aeroway', 'aerodrome'], ], 'water': [ ['pond', 'leisure', 'fishing'], ], 'place': [ ['square', 'area', 'yes'], ['square', 'highway', 'pedestrian'], ], 'highway': [ ['elevator', 'railway', 'subway_entrance'], ['path', 'waterway', 'lock_gate'], ['footway', 'waterway', 'lock_gate'], ], 'natural': [ ['water', 'leisure', 'marina'], ['water', 'leisure', 'swimming_area'], ['water', 'amenity', 'fountain'], # ? ], 'amenity': [ ['stables', 'leisure', 'horse_riding'], ['drinking_water', 'natural', 'spring'], ['drinking_water', 'man_made', 'water_tap'], ['shelter', 'highway', 'bus_stop'], ], }.items()
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[303241] = self.def_class( item=3032, level=1, tags=['tag', 'highway'], title=T_( 'Discordant maxspeed and source:maxspeed or maxspeed:type'))
def node(self, data, tags): if 'name' not in tags: return stack = [] for c in tags["name"]: if c in self.quotes_j: if len(stack) == 0 or stack[-1][0] == c or c not in stack[-1][1]: group = next(q for q in self.quotes if c in q) stack.append([c, group]) else: p, group = stack.pop() if c not in group: return [{"class": 50704, "subclass": 0, "text": T_("Umbalanced {0} with {1}", p, c)}] if len(stack) > 0: return [{"class": 50704, "subclass": 1, "text": T_("Umbalanced {0}", "".join(map(lambda q: q[0], stack)))}]
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) self.errors[3130] = self.def_class(item=3130, level=3, tags=['name', 'tag'], title=T_('Tag name is a brand')) self.Brand = self.BRAND.split("\n")
def __init__(self, config, country, lang, logger=None): _Analyser_Merge_Wikipedia.__init__( self, config, 113, T_(u"Wikipedia, city integration suggestion"), "city", country, lang, None, { "type": "boundary", "boundary": "administrative", "admin_level": "8" }, ["relations"], 1, logger)
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger) place = "SIBRA" self.def_class_missing_official( item=8040, id=101, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public transport', 'fix:survey', 'fix:picture'], title=T_('{0} stop not integrated', place)) self.def_class_possible_merge( item=8041, id=103, level=3, tags=['merge', 'public transport', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('{0} stop, integration suggestion', place)) self.init( u"", u"Réseau urbain Sibra", GTFS( SourceDataGouv( attribution="SIBRA", dataset="5bd9843e634f413220f7f04a", resource="df07e60d-47bf-4cf2-b5d2-ad4af4c7d586")), Load("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), Conflate(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags=[{ "highway": "bus_stop" }, { "public_transport": "stop_position" }]), conflationDistance=10, osmRef="ref:FR:SIBRA", mapping=Mapping( static1={ "highway": "bus_stop", "public_transport": "stop_position", "bus": "yes" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "ref:FR:SIBRA": "stop_id", }, mapping2={"name": "stop_name"}, text=lambda tags, fields: T_("{0} stop of {1}", place, fields["stop_name"]))))
def init(self, logger): Plugin.init(self, logger) import re # From RFC 1738 paragraph 2.1 self.HasScheme = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+://") self.errors[30931] = self.def_class( item=3093, level=2, tags=['value', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('The URL contains a space')) self.errors[30932] = self.def_class( item=3093, level=2, tags=['value', 'fix:chair'], title=T_('The URL does not have a valid scheme'))