def get_custom_app_name(preprocess_db_path):
        if not os.path.exists(APP_PACKAGE_CONF_PATH):
            logger.error('Not exist the config (\"%s\").' %
            return False
            f = open(APP_PACKAGE_CONF_PATH, 'r')
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Fail to open file [%s]" % APP_PACKAGE_CONF_PATH)
            return False

        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if not line: break
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.replace(" ", "")
            line = line.replace("\t", "")

            package_name = line.split(",")[0]
            app_name = line.split(",")[1]
            query = 'SELECT app_name FROM package_info WHERE package_name = "%s"' % package_name

            ret = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
            if ret != None:
                if ret[0] == "":
                    query = 'UPDATE package_info set app_name = "%s" WHERE package_name = "%s"' % (
                        app_name, package_name)
                    SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
    def get_package_permission(package, preprocess_db_path):
        cnt_perms = 0
        perms_value = ""

        for perms in package.iter('perms'):
            for item in perms.iter('item'):
                name = item.get('name')
                perms_id = SystemLog.get_permission_id(name,

                if perms_id != 0:
                    if perms_value == "":
                        perms_value = str(perms_id)
                        perms_value += ","
                        perms_value += str(perms_id)
                    query = 'INSERT INTO permission_info(permission_name) VALUES("%s")' % (
                    SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)

                    perms_id = SystemLog.get_permission_id(
                        name, preprocess_db_path)
                    if perms_value == "":
                        perms_value = str(perms_id)
                        perms_value = perms_value + "," + str(perms_id)
                cnt_perms += 1
        return cnt_perms, perms_value
Пример #3
    def insert_extracted_files_info_to_resultdb(format_name, file_info,
        inode = file_info[0]
        id_package = file_info[1]
        parent_path = file_info[2]
        name = file_info[3]
        size = file_info[4]
        ctime = file_info[5]
        crtime = file_info[6]
        atime = file_info[7]
        mtime = file_info[8]

        if format_name.upper() == "SQLITEDB":
            query = 'INSERT INTO sqlitedb_info(inode, id_package, parent_path, name, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, extracted_path) VALUES(%d, %d, "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "%s")' % (
                int(inode), int(id_package), parent_path, name, int(size),
                int(ctime), int(crtime), int(atime), int(mtime),
        elif format_name.upper() == "APK":
            query = 'INSERT INTO apk_file_info(inode, id_package, parent_path, name, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, extracted_path) VALUES(%d, %d, "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "%s")' % (
                int(inode), int(id_package), parent_path, name, int(size),
                int(ctime), int(crtime), int(atime), int(mtime),

        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
    def parsing_updated_package(updated_package, preprocess_db_path):
        has_updated = 1
        package_name = updated_package.get('name')
        code_path = updated_package.get('codePath')
        if updated_package.get('dt'):
            dt = int(updated_package.get('dt'), 16) / 1000
            dt = 0

        ft = int(updated_package.get('ft'), 16) / 1000
        it = int(updated_package.get('it'), 16) / 1000
        ut = int(updated_package.get('ut'), 16) / 1000
        version = int(updated_package.get('version'))
        if updated_package.get('userId'):
            uid_suid = int(updated_package.get('userId'))
            is_suid = 0
        elif updated_package.get('sharedUserId'):
            uid_suid = int(updated_package.get('sharedUserId'))
            is_suid = 1

        ret_perms = SystemLog.get_package_permission(updated_package,
        cnt_perms = ret_perms[0]
        perms_value = str(ret_perms[1])
        flag_del = 0

        query = 'UPDATE package_info set has_updated = %d WHERE uid_suid = %d' % (
            int(has_updated), int(uid_suid))
        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)

        query = 'INSERT INTO updated_package_info(flag_del, package_name, code_path, dt, ft, it, ut, version, uid_suid, is_suid, cnt_perms, perms) VALUES(%d, "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "%s")' % (
            int(flag_del), package_name, code_path, int(dt), int(ft), int(it),
            int(ut), int(version), int(uid_suid), int(is_suid), int(cnt_perms),
        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
Пример #5
	def set_file_format_table_to_loaddb(list_dic_file_format_signature, load_db_path):
		for i in range(len(list_dic_file_format_signature)):
			format_name = list_dic_file_format_signature[i]['format']
			format_flag = i+1
			query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM "file_format" WHERE format = "%s"' % format_name
			if(SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)[0]) == 0:
				query = 'INSERT INTO file_format(format, flag) VALUES("%s", %d)' % (format_name, format_flag)
				SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)
Пример #6
	def set_file_format_table(file_name, load_db_path):
		query = 'SELECT flag FROM file_format ORDER BY flag DESC LIMIT 1'
		flag_last = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)[0]
		query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM "%s" WHERE format = "%s"' % ("file_format", file_name)
		flag = '%d' % SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)
		if flag == '0':
			query = 'INSERT INTO file_format(format, flag) VALUES("%s", %d)' % (file_name, flag_last+1)
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)
    def parsing_permissions(permissions, preprocess_db_path):
        for item in permissions.iter('item'):
            permission_name = item.get('name')
            package_name = item.get('package')

            if item.get('protection'):
                protection = int(item.get('protection'))
                protection = 0

            query = 'INSERT INTO permission_info(permission_name, package_name, protection) VALUES("%s", "%s", %d)' % (
                permission_name, package_name, int(protection))
            SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
Пример #8
	def classify_with_file_name(file_name, load_db_path):
		query = 'SELECT flag FROM file_format WHERE format = "%s"' % file_name
		flag_signature = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)[0]

		if file_name == "SQLITEDB_JOURNAL":
			query = 'UPDATE tsk_files set format = %d WHERE name LIKE ' % flag_signature
			query2 = '"%-journal" and dir_type !=3 and dir_flags != 2 and type = 0 and size != 0'
			# print(query + query2)
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query + query2, load_db_path)
		elif file_name == "APK":
			query = 'UPDATE tsk_files set format = %d WHERE name LIKE ' % flag_signature
			query2 = '"%.apk" and dir_type !=3 and dir_flags != 2 and type = 0 and size != 0'
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query + query2, load_db_path)
			return 0
Пример #9
	def do_compare(list_file_inode, image_file_path, size_buf, list_dic_file_format_signature, load_db_path, result):
		for i in range(0, len(list_file_inode)):
			inode = '%d' % list_file_inode.pop()
			header = TSK.get_file_buffer(image_file_path, int(inode), size_buf)
			header_hex = b2a_hex(header)

			# insert_file_signature_to_loaddb
			format_name = Classifier.compare_signature(header_hex, list_dic_file_format_signature)
			if format_name != False:
				query = 'SELECT flag FROM file_format WHERE format = "%s"' % format_name
				flag_signature = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)
				if flag_signature != None:
					query = 'UPDATE tsk_files set format = %d WHERE meta_addr = %d and dir_flags != 2 and type = 0' % (int(flag_signature[0]), int(inode))
					# print("query: ", query)
					SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)
 def get_permission_id(name, preprocess_db_path):
     query = 'SELECT rowid FROM permission_info WHERE permission_name = "%s"' % name
     ret = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
     if ret:
         return ret[0]
         return False
Пример #11
	def set_loaddb(load_db_path):
		# create a id_package column in loaddb's tsk_files table
		query = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='tsk_files' AND sql LIKE '%id_package%'"
		if(SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)) == None:
			query = "ALTER TABLE tsk_files ADD id_package INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL"
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)

		# create a format column in loaddb's tsk_files table
		query = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='tsk_files' AND sql LIKE '%format%'"
		if(SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)) == None:
			query = "ALTER TABLE tsk_files ADD format INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL"
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)

		# create a file_format table in loaddb
		query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = "file_format"'
		if SQLite3.execute_fetch_query(query, load_db_path)[0] == 0:
			query = "CREATE TABLE file_format (format TEXT, flag INTEGER)"
			SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, load_db_path)
Пример #12
    def create_analysis_db(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.analysis_db_path):
            return self.analysis_db_path

        list_query = list()
        query_create_application_list_table = "CREATE TABLE application_list (is_deleted INTEGER, category TEXT, package_name TEXT, app_name TEXT, version TEXT, installed_time INTEGER, apk_changed_time INTEGER, updated_time INTEGER, deleted_time INTEGER, fs_ctime INTEGER, fs_crtime INTEGER, fs_atime INTEGER, fs_mtime INTEGER, is_updated INTEGER, source TEXT)"
        query_create_id_password_hash_table = "CREATE TABLE id_password_hash (package_name TEXT, url TEXT, account TEXT, pwd TEXT, contents TEXT, timestamp TEXT, source TEXT)"
        query_create_call_history_table = "CREATE TABLE call_history (package_name TEXT, timestamp TEXT, time_duration TEXT, phonenumber TEXT, account TEXT, digit_positive TEXT, file TEXT, contents TEXT, source TEXT)"
        query_create_geodata_table = "CREATE TABLE geodata (package_name TEXT, timestamp TEXT, geodata TEXT, file TEXT, contents TEXT, source TEXT)"
        query_create_web_brwoser_history_table = "CREATE TABLE web_browser_history (package_name TEXT, timestamp TEXT, url TEXT, account TEXT, digit_positive TEXT, file TEXT, contents TEXT, source TEXT)"
        query_create_file_history_table = "CREATE TABLE file_history (package_name TEXT, timestamp TEXT, file TEXT, phonenumber TEXT, account TEXT, contents TEXT, source TEXT)"
        query_create_embedded_filetable = "CREATE TABLE embedded_file (is_compressed INTEGER, parent_path TEXT, name TEXT, extension TEXT, mod_time TEXT, size INTEGER, compressed_size INTEGER, CRC INTEGER, create_system TEXT, source_path TEXT, source TEXT)"


        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(list_query, self.analysis_db_path)
    def parsing_aid_information(preprocess_db_path):
        if not os.path.exists(AID_CONF_PATH):
            logger.error('Not exist the config (\"%s\").' % AID_CONF_PATH)
            return False

            f = open(AID_CONF_PATH, 'r')
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Fail to open file [%s]" % AID_CONF_PATH)
            return False

        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line.startswith(AID_DEFINE_START):
                args = line.split(' ')
                aid_name = args[1]
                aid = args[2]

                query = 'INSERT INTO aid_info(aid_name, aid) VALUES("%s", %d)' % (
                    aid_name, int(aid))
                SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
    def parsing_package(package, preprocess_db_path):
        package_name = package.get('name')
        code_path = package.get('codePath')
        app_name = ""
        if code_path.startswith('/system/'):
            app_name = code_path.split('/')[-1]
        flag_private = 0

        if package.get('privateFlags'):
            flag_private = int(package.get('privateFlags'))
        if package.get('dt'):
            dt = int(package.get('dt'), 16) / 1000
            dt = 0

        ft = int(package.get('ft'), 16) / 1000
        it = int(package.get('it'), 16) / 1000
        ut = int(package.get('ut'), 16) / 1000
        version = int(package.get('version'))

        if package.get('userId'):
            uid_suid = int(package.get('userId'))
            is_suid = 0
        elif package.get('sharedUserId'):
            uid_suid = int(package.get('sharedUserId'))
            is_suid = 1

        ret_perms = SystemLog.get_package_permission(package,
        cnt_perms = ret_perms[0]
        perms_value = str(ret_perms[1])
        has_updated = 0
        flag_del = 0

        query = 'INSERT INTO package_info(flag_del, package_name, app_name, code_path, flag_private, dt, ft, it, ut, version, uid_suid, is_suid, cnt_perms, perms, has_updated) VALUES(%d, "%s", "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "%s", %d)' % (
            flag_del, package_name, app_name, code_path, int(flag_private),
            int(dt), int(ft), int(it), int(ut), int(version), int(uid_suid),
            int(is_suid), int(cnt_perms), perms_value, int(has_updated))
        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
    def parsing_packages_list(packages_list, preprocess_db_path):
            f = open(packages_list, 'r')
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Fail to open file [%s]" % packages_list)
            return False

        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            args = line.split(' ')
            cnt_args = len(args)
            if cnt_args >= 4:
                package_name = args[0]
                uid_suid = args[1]
                unknown = args[2]
                log_path = args[3]

                category = ""
                cnt_aid = 0
                aids = ""
                if cnt_args >= 5:
                    category = args[4]
                    if category.find(":") != False:
                        category = category.split(":")[0]
                    if cnt_args >= 6:
                        aids = args[5]
                        if aids != 'none\n':
                            cnt_aid = len(aids.split(','))
                            aids = ""

                query = 'UPDATE package_info set log_path = "%s", category = "%s", cnt_aid = %d, aids = "%s" WHERE uid_suid = %d and package_name = "%s"' % (
                    log_path, category, int(cnt_aid), aids, int(uid_suid),
                SQLite3.execute_commit_query(query, preprocess_db_path)
Пример #16
    def create_preprocess_db(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.preprocess_db_path):
            return self.preprocess_db_path

        list_query = list()
        query_create_image_file_info_table = "CREATE TABLE image_file_info (image_file_path TEXT, size_image INTEGER, size_alloc_area INTEGER, size_unalloc_area INTEGER, size_metadata_area INTEGER, size_apks INTEGER, size_applogs INTEGER, size_sdcard_area INTEGER)"
        query_create_permission_info_table = "CREATE TABLE permission_info (permission_name TEXT, package_name TEXT, protection INTEGER)"
        query_create_package_info_table = "CREATE TABLE package_info (flag_del INTEGER, package_name TEXT, app_name TEXT, uid_suid INTEGER, is_suid INTEGER, code_path TEXT, log_path TEXT, version INTEGER, flag_private INTEGER, dt INTEGER, ft INTEGER, it INTEGER, ut INTEGER, cnt_perms INTEGER, perms TEXT, has_updated INTEGER, category TEXT, cnt_aid INTEGER, aids TEXT)"
        query_create_updated_package_info_table = "CREATE TABLE updated_package_info (flag_del INTEGER, package_name TEXT, uid_suid INTEGER, is_suid INTEGER, code_path TEXT, version INTEGER, dt INTEGER, ft INTEGER, it INTEGER, ut INTEGER, cnt_perms INTEGER, perms TEXT)"
        query_create_aid_info_table = "CREATE TABLE aid_info (aid_name TEXT, aid INTEGER)"
        query_create_sqlitedb_info_table = "CREATE TABLE sqlitedb_info (inode INTEGER, id_package INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, parent_path TEXT, name TEXT, size INTEGER, ctime INTEGER, crtime INTEGER, atime INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, extracted_path TEXT)"
        query_create_apk_file_info_table = "CREATE TABLE apk_file_info (inode INTEGER, id_package INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, parent_path TEXT, name TEXT, size INTEGER, ctime INTEGER, crtime INTEGER, atime INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, app_name TEXT, cnt_perms INTEGER, perms TEXT, sha1 TEXT, extracted_path TEXT)"
        query_create_sqlitedb_table_preprocess_table = "CREATE TABLE sqlitedb_table_preprocess (inode INTEGER, table_name TEXT, cnt_records INTEGER, cnt_timestamp INTEGER, cnt_time_duration INTEGER, cnt_phonenumber INTEGER, cnt_account INTEGER, cnt_pwd INTEGER, cnt_url INTEGER, cnt_geodata INTEGER, cnt_ip INTEGER, cnt_mac INTEGER, cnt_digit_positive INTEGER, cnt_contents INTEGER, cnt_bin INTEGER, cnt_file INTEGER, cnt_cipher INTEGER, cnt_pkg INTEGER, timestamp TEXT, time_duration TEXT, phonenumber TEXT, account TEXT, pwd TEXT, url TEXT, geodata TEXT, ip TEXT, mac TEXT, digit_positive TEXT, contents TEXT, bin TEXT, file TEXT, cipher TEXT, pkg TEXT, last_col INTEGER)"


        SQLite3.execute_commit_query(list_query, self.preprocess_db_path)
Пример #17
    def get_userinfo_type_format_value_from_sqlitedb(dic_userinfo_record,
        list_userinfo_type = list()
        list_col_name = list()
        list_value_format = list()
        list_idx_col = list()
        list_not_null_col = list()

        for userinfo_type, cnt_userinfo in dic_userinfo_cnt.items():
            for i in range(cnt_userinfo):
                userinfo_record = dic_userinfo_record[userinfo_type].split(

                col_name = userinfo_record.split("(")[0]
                if userinfo_type == not_null_userinfo_type:

                    userinfo_record.split("(")[1].replace(")", ""))
                    userinfo_record.split("(")[2].replace(")", ""))

        query_select_contents = ""
        if len(list_col_name) == 1:
            query_select_contents += list_col_name[0]
            for col_name in list_col_name:
                query_select_contents += "\"" + col_name + "\", "
            query_select_contents = query_select_contents[:-2]

        query_where_not_null = ""
        for not_null_col in list_not_null_col:
            query_where_not_null += not_null_col + " !=\"\" or "
        query_where_not_null = query_where_not_null[:-3]

        query = 'SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM \"%s\" WHERE %s' % (
            query_select_contents, dic_userinfo_record['table_name'],
        list_userinfo_col_value = SQLite3.execute_fetch_query_multi_values(
            query, dic_userinfo_record['db_path'])
        return list_userinfo_type, list_value_format, list_col_name, list_userinfo_col_value