def deleteLockfile(self): ''' USAGE: --action=deleteLockfile --cfg=<config> --section=<section_pattern> It will read the options of each section matched <section_pattern> in conf/actions/deleteLockfile/<config>.cfg EXAMPLE: python2.7 --action=deleteLockfile --cfg=sample --section=sample ''' sections = self.getSectionsForAction(DELETE_LOCKFILE_ACTION) notExistedFiles = [] for section in sections:"\nStart processing section: %s" % section) # Read parameters for moving files filename = self._readPatternMandatoryOption(section, FILENAME) # Delete Lockfile lock = Lockfile(filename) if lock.exists(): try: lock.delete() except: logging.error("Error happend when deleting lock file '%s'!" % (filename+'.lock')) raise"The lock file '%s.lock' was deleted successfully." % filename) else: notExistedFiles.append(filename+'.lock') if not notExistedFiles:"Deleted all lock files successfully.") return RC_NO_ERROR for notExistedFile in notExistedFiles: logging.error("There is no lock file '%s' to be deleted." % notExistedFile) return RC_ERROR
def createLockfile(self): ''' USAGE: --action=createLockfile --cfg=<config> --section=<section_pattern> It will read the options of each section matched <section_pattern> in conf/actions/createLockfile/<config>.cfg EXAMPLE: python2.7 --action=createLockfile --cfg=sample --section=sample ''' sections = self.getSectionsForAction(CREATE_LOCKFILE_ACTION) lockedFiles = [] for section in sections:"\nStart processing section: %s" % section) # Read parameters for moving files filename = self._readPatternMandatoryOption(section, FILENAME) # Create Lockfile lock = Lockfile(filename) if lock.exists(): lockedFiles.append(filename+'.lock') else: try: lock.create() except: logging.error("Error happend when creating lock file '%s'!" % (filename+'.lock')) raise"The lock file '%s.lock' was created successfully." % filename) if not lockedFiles:"Created all lock files successfully.") return RC_NO_ERROR for lockedFile in lockedFiles: logging.warn("The lock file: '%s' was already existed." % lockedFile) return RC_EXISTING_PROCESS_EXISTS
def main(): options = Options() # Read global configuration file configParser = _readApplicationConfigurationFiles() ##################### # Configure logging # ##################### # Determine ML_JOBNET_NAME jobnet_name = '' if os.environ.has_key('ML_JOBNET_NAME'): jobnet_name = os.environ['ML_JOBNET_NAME'] # Create log directory if it does not exist base_log_directory = configParser.get('directories', 'LOG_DIRECTORY') log_directory = "%s/%s" % (base_log_directory, jobnet_name) if not os.path.exists(log_directory): os.makedirs(log_directory) # Determine the log file name current_date ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if os.access(log_directory, os.W_OK): logFilename = "%s/etl-%s.%s_%s.log" % (log_directory, options.get('action'), current_date, str(uuid.uuid4())) else: logFilename = "work/etl-%s.%s_%s.log" % (options.get('action'), current_date, str(uuid.uuid4())) # define a handler which writes INFO messages or higher console_log = logging.StreamHandler() console_log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # define a handler which writes DEBUG messages or higher file_log = logging.FileHandler(filename=logFilename) file_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-7s] (%(filename)s,%(lineno)d) %(message)s') file_log.setFormatter(file_format) logging.getLogger().addHandler(console_log) logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_log) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ############################ # Dynamically Load Modules # ############################ actionLabels = {'':'General Actions'} validActions = {} modules = {} for file in os.listdir('actions'): if (file.strip().endswith('.py') and file.strip() != ''): # Dynamically Load the Module moduleName = file.split('.py')[0] className = "%sActions" % (_convertToCamelcase(moduleName)) modulePath = "actions.%s" % (moduleName) _temp = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), ['object'], -1) # Dynamically get an instance of the given class classInstance = getattr(_temp, className)() # Find all executable actions validActions = _findCallableActions(classInstance, moduleName, validActions) # Validate if the action is valid. Print valid actions if no valid action is found if (options.get('action') not in validActions): logging.warn("%s is not a valid action. Please specify an action from the list below" % (options.get('action'))) actions = validActions.keys() # Group All Actions by their class descriptions actionsByClass = {} for action in actions: classDescription = validActions[action][1] if (actionsByClass.has_key(classDescription) == True): tmp = actionsByClass[classDescription] tmp.append(action) actionsByClass[classDescription] = tmp else: actionsByClass[classDescription] = [action] for classDesc in actionsByClass: print "\n%s" % (classDesc) print "----------------------" actions = actionsByClass[classDesc] actions.sort() for action in actions: print action sys.exit(197) # Determine the JC_JOBID Environment Value if (os.environ.has_key('JC_JOBID')): jcJobId = os.environ['JC_JOBID'] else: jcJobId = '' # Check if a lock file exists, exit if it does lockfile = Lockfile(options.get('action')) if (lockfile.exists() == True): logging.warn('Action is currently running!') sys.exit(198) # Log the start of the process msg = "Starting the '%s' action" % (options.get('action')) logging.debug(msg) # Call the requested action, if an error occurs, log the error and send an email try: func = validActions[options.get('action')][0] returnCode = func() except FileConfigMissing as fcm: logging.error(fcm) returnCode = 101 except MandatoryOptionMissing as mom: logging.error(mom) returnCode = 102 except Exception,e: logging.error(e) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() tb = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback) formattedTb = traceback.format_list(tb) # All traceback concatenate for output tbOutputLine = '' for line in formattedTb: tbOutputLine = tbOutputLine + line logging.error(tbOutputLine) if (lockfile.exists() == True): lockfile.delete() returnCode = 199 #TODO: make this look up the specific action's section and see if a different return code is defined