def crtshQuery(domain): found = list() if os.path.isfile(domain + ".sub.crtsh") == False or os.path.getsize( domain + ".sub.crtsh") == 0: try: rawlist = crtshAPI().search(domain)[0] except: rawlist = list() for item in rawlist: item = json.loads(item) for k, v in item.items(): if k == "name_value": if '@' in v: continue if '*' in v: continue if checkFqdn(v) == False: continue if '\n' in v: for tok in v.split('\n'): found.append(tok) else: found.append(v) found = list(set(found)) saveFile(domain + ".sub.crtsh", found) else: temp = readFile(domain + ".sub.crtsh") for item in temp: if len(item) > 2: found.append(item.rstrip("\n")) return found
def TargetDiscovery(domain,wordlist,skipdiscovery,hostlist): print("[*] Subdomain discovery phase") ips = list() hosts = list() if skipdiscovery == False: print(" + Running amass") execAmass(domain) print(" + Running sublist3r") execSublist3r(domain) print(" + Running WayBack machine query") wayback_found_list = WayBackMachine(domain) print(" + Running subfinder (bruteforce mode)") execSubfinder(domain,wordlist) print(" + Parsing subfinder report") subfinder_found_list = parseSubfinder(domain) for item in subfinder_found_list: hosts.append(item.rstrip("\n")) print(" + Parsing WayBack machine report") for item in wayback_found_list: hosts.append(item.rstrip("\n")) print(" + Parsing amass report") amass_found_list = parseAmass(domain) for item in amass_found_list: hosts.append(item.rstrip("\n")) print(" + Parsing sublist3r report") sublist3r_found_list = parseSublist3r(domain) for item in sublist3r_found_list: hosts.append(item.rstrip("\n")) else: hosts = readFile(hostlist) #just to make sure... uhosts = filterTargetDomainList(list(set(hosts)),domain) saveFile(domain + ".hosts", uhosts) print(" + Hosts file created: " + domain + ".hosts") print(" + Running massdns") execMassdns(domain,RESOLVERS) print(" + Parsing massdns report") massdns_iplist = parseMassdns(domain) for nip in massdns_iplist: ips.append(nip) unique_ips = list(set(ips)) saveFile(domain + ".ips", unique_ips) print(" + IPs file created: " + domain + ".ips") print("[*] Done: %d ips and %d hosts discovered" % (len(unique_ips), len(uhosts))) return unique_ips,uhosts
def parseMassdns(domain): iplist = list() content = readFile(domain + ".massdns") for item in content: if " CNAME " in item: # no cnames, please continue ip = item.split()[2] if isGlobalIpv4(ip): iplist.append(ip.rstrip("\n")) return iplist
def parseAmassStruct(domain): a_file = readFile(domain + ".amass") aux = list() for amass_item in a_file: hosts = dict() host_amass = amass_item.split(',')[0].rstrip('\n') ip_amass = amass_item.split(',')[1].rstrip('\n') if validators.ipv4(ip_amass): hosts['A'] = host_amass hosts['ipv4'] = ip_amass aux.append(hosts) return aux
def parseMassdnsStruct(domain): m_file = readFile(domain + ".massdns") aux = list() for massdns_item in m_file: hosts = dict() line = massdns_item.replace('. ', ',').replace(' ', ',') if line.split(',')[1] == "CNAME": continue host_massdns = line.split(',')[0].rstrip('\n') ip_massdns = line.split(',')[2].rstrip('\n') if isGlobalIpv4(ip_massdns): hosts['vhost'] = host_massdns hosts['ipaddr'] = ip_massdns aux.append(hosts) return aux
def WayBackMachine(domain): if os.path.isfile(domain + ".sub.wayback") == False or os.path.getsize( domain + ".sub.wayback") == 0: url = "*." + domain + "&output=json&fl=original&collapse=urlkey" response = requests.get(url) jdata = response.json() hostnames = list() for item in jdata: proto, host, port = parseUrlProtoHostPort(item[0]) if "host" not in host and len(host) > 2: hostnames.append(host) hostnames = list(set(hostnames)) saveFile(domain + ".sub.wayback", hostnames) else: hostnames = list() temp = readFile(domain + ".sub.wayback") for item in temp: if len(item) > 2: hostnames.append(item.rstrip("\n")) return hostnames
def S3Discovery(domain,verbose): print("[*] S3 Buckets Discovery phase has started") execS3Scanner(domain) list_of_buckets = readFile(domain+".buckets") print(" + {} buckets found.".format(str(len(list_of_buckets)))) return True
def WebDiscovery(nmapObj, domain, verbose): print("[*] Web Discovery phase has started") if os.path.isfile(domain+".web") == False or os.path.getsize(domain+".web") == 0: webhosts=FindWeb(domain, nmapObj) saveFile(domain + ".web", webhosts) else: webhosts = readFile(domain + ".web") print("[*] Web Stack identification via Wappalyzer") if os.path.isfile(domain+".wapp") == False or os.path.getsize(domain+".wapp") == 0: list_of_webstack = RetrieveWebContent(webhosts) list_of_webstack = wappFormat(domain,list_of_webstack) totalsize=len(list_of_webstack) itemcount=1 appendFile(domain + ".wapp", '{"data":[') for item in list_of_webstack: njson = json.dumps(item) appendFile(domain + ".wapp", njson) if itemcount < totalsize: appendFile(domain + ".wapp", ',') itemcount+=1 appendFile(domain + ".web." + str(item['status']) + ".txt", item['url']+"\n") appendFile(domain + ".wapp", ']}') else: list_of_webstack = readFile(domain + ".wapp") print("[*] Javascript files identification") if os.path.isfile(domain+".js.allfiles") == False or os.path.getsize(domain+".js.allfiles") == 0: if verbose > 0: print(" + Compiling a list of all js references found") list_of_js_files_all=list() all_lists_of_all_js_of_all_nodes=list() list_of_webstack = readFile(domain+".wapp") for rawdata in list_of_webstack: jdata = json.loads(rawdata)['data'] for jnode in jdata: for js in normalize_jsfiles(jnode['url'],jnode['js']): list_of_js_files_all.append(js) if verbose > 0: print(" + Found js file: {}".format(str(js))) appendFile(domain + ".js.allfiles", js+"\n") if verbose>0: if len(list_of_js_files_all)==0: print(" + Could not find any js files on target hosts") #list_of_js_files_all = readFile(domain + ".js.allfiles") list_of_jsdirs_uri = GetJsCommonDirectoriesURI(domain,list_of_js_files_all) list_of_js_dir = list() for js_dir_uri_item in list_of_jsdirs_uri: js_dir_path = getUrlPath(js_dir_uri_item).replace("//","/") if verbose > 0: print(" + Found js common directory: {}".format(str(js_dir_path))) list_of_js_dir.append(js_dir_path) list_of_js_dir = list(set(list_of_js_dir)) # js_dir_uri holds the full uri of directories with js files: # http://target/dir1/dir2/js/ # # list_of_js_dir holds the path portion of that uri: # /dir1/dir2/js/ for jsdir in list_of_js_dir: appendFile(domain + ".js.dirs", jsdir +"\n") for jsdiruri in list_of_jsdirs_uri: appendFile(domain + ".js.dirsuri", jsdiruri +"\n") ### ### if len(list_of_js_files_all)>0: print("[*] Extracting more endpoints from js files via LinkFinder") if os.path.isfile(domain+".js.endpoints") == False or os.path.getsize(domain+".js.endpoints") == 0: all_js_files = list(set(readFile(domain+".js.allfiles"))) all_endpoints_found_inside_js = ExtractJsLinks(domain,all_js_files) jsondata = json.dumps(all_endpoints_found_inside_js) print("[*] Generating endpoints json file: {}".format(str(domain+".js.endpoints"))) appendFile(domain+".js.endpoints",jsondata) else: print("[*] Skipping: " + domain+".js.endpoints found") else: print("[*] Skipping: " + domain+".js.allfiles found") return webhosts,list_of_webstack
ips,hosts = TargetDiscovery(user_domain,user_subdomain_wordlist,user_skipdiscover,user_sublist) if len(ips) == 0: user_noscan = True else: user_noscan = False if not user_noscan: print("[*] Port Scanning phase started") if os.path.isfile(user_domain + ".nmap.xml") == False or os.path.getsize(user_domain + ".nmap.xml") == 0: print(" + Running masscan against %s targets" % str(len(ips))) out,err=execMasscan(user_domain, ports) if "You don't have permission" in err: sys.exit("[x] You don't have permission to run portscan. You must run as root.") oports = readFile(user_domain + ".masscan") if len(oports) > 0: print(" + Running nmap fingerprinting and scripts") execMton(user_domain) else: print("[x] No open ports found for this domain. Aborting...") sys.exit(1) else: print(" + Nmap report found, loading data...") nmapObj = nmap_LoadXmlObject(user_domain + ".nmap.xml") if nmapObj: list_of_webservers_found, list_of_webstack = WebDiscovery(nmapObj, user_domain, user_verbose) else: print("[*] Web discovery skipped (no open ports found)")