def update_txt(root, y, account, wallet_seed, index, listbox): # Process any pending blocks print(_("Checking for update")) pending = nano.get_pending(str(account)) if pending == "timeout": root.update_idletasks() root.after( 5000, lambda: update_txt(root, y, account, wallet_seed, index, listbox)) return previous = nano.get_previous(str(account)) if len(pending) > 0: print(_("Processing...")) while len(pending) > 0: pending = nano.get_pending(str(account)) if pending == "timeout": continue try: if len(previous) == 0: print(_("Opening Account")) hash, balance = nano.open_xrb(int(index), account, wallet_seed) print(_("Reply {} {}").format(reply, balance)) if hash != 'timeout' and hash != None: listbox.insert( END, "{}... {:.4} Nano".format( hash['hash'][:24], Decimal(balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) listbox.itemconfig(END, {'bg': 'spring green'}) #We get previous after opening the account to switch it to receive rather than open previous = nano.get_previous(str(account)) else: hash, balance = nano.receive_xrb(int(index), account, wallet_seed) print(_("Reply {} {}").format(hash, balance)) if hash != 'timeout' and hash != None: listbox.insert( END, "{}... {:.4} Nano".format( hash['hash'][:24], Decimal(balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) listbox.itemconfig(END, {'bg': 'spring green'}) except: print(_("Error processing blocks")) try: current_balance = nano.get_account_balance(account) if current_balance != "timeout": y.config(text="{:.3} Nano".format( Decimal(current_balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) else: y.config(text=_("Timeout")) except: y.config(text=_("Account Not Open")) root.update_idletasks() root.after( 5000, lambda: update_txt(root, y, account, wallet_seed, index, listbox))
def withdraw(self): current_balance = nano.get_account_balance(self.account) if current_balance == "timeout": print(_("Error - timeout, try again")) else: nano.send_xrb(self.withdraw_dest.get(), int(current_balance), self.account, int(self.index), self.wallet_seed) self.listbox.insert(END, "{} {:.4} Nano".format('Withdraw', Decimal(current_balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) self.listbox.itemconfig(END, {'bg':'coral2'})
def main(): dir_path = str(Path.home()) print("Starting NanoQuake2...") print() print("Current Dir: {}".format(dir_path)) print("System: {}".format(platform.system())) # determine if application is a script file or frozen exe # if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): work_dir = sys._MEIPASS elif __file__: work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) print("Work Dir: {}".format(work_dir)) if(platform.system() == "Linux" or platform.system() == "Darwin"): dir_exists = Path(dir_path + '/.nanoquake').exists() if dir_exists == False: print("Making a new config directory") os.mkdir(dir_path + '/.nanoquake') nanoquake_path = dir_path + '/.nanoquake' elif(platform.system() == "Windows"): dir_exists = Path(dir_path + '/AppData/Local/NanoQuake').exists() if dir_exists == False: print("Making a new config directory") os.mkdir(dir_path + '/AppData/Local/NanoQuake') nanoquake_path = dir_path + '/AppData/Local/NanoQuake' else: print("Error - system not recognised") time.sleep(5) sys.exit() print("Config Directory: {}".format(nanoquake_path)) old_exists = Path(nanoquake_path + '/seed.txt').exists() if old_exists == True: print("Old seed file detected, as encryption has been upgraded please import your old seed, you can extract it with the script") exists = Path(nanoquake_path + '/seedAES.txt').exists() root = Tk() root.geometry("500x700") w = Label(root, text="NanoQuake v1.6", bg="blue4", fg="white") w.pack(fill=X) root.wm_title("NanoQuake v1.6") root.iconbitmap("nanoquake.ico") root.update() parser = configparser.ConfigParser() config_files = + '/config.ini') if len(config_files) == 0: lang = SelectLanguageDialog(root, nanoquake_path) root.wait_window( selected_language = lang.get_lang() print(selected_language) parser.add_section('general') parser.set('general', 'language', selected_language) cfgfile = open(nanoquake_path + '/config.ini','w') parser.write(cfgfile) cfgfile.close() selected_language = parser.get('general', 'language') print(selected_language) localedirectory = work_dir + '/locale' try: lang1 = gettext.translation('nanoquake', localedir=localedirectory, languages=[selected_language]) lang1.install() except: print("Error - not able to locate translation files, back to default") try: disclaimer_bool = parser.get('general', 'disclaimer') except: disclaimer_bool = "False" if disclaimer_bool != "True": disclaimer = disclaimerDialog(root) root.wait_window( parser.set('general', 'disclaimer', "True") cfgfile = open(nanoquake_path + '/config.ini','w') parser.write(cfgfile) cfgfile.close() while True: d = PasswordDialog(root, exists) root.wait_window( password = d.get_password() if exists == False: wallet_seed = None genImpSeed = GenerateSeedDialog(root, wallet_seed) root.wait_window( wallet_seed = genImpSeed.get_seed() write_encrypted(password.encode('utf8'), nanoquake_path + '/seedAES.txt', wallet_seed) priv_key, pub_key = nano.seed_account(str(wallet_seed), 0) public_key = str(binascii.hexlify(pub_key), 'ascii') print(_("Public Key: "), str(public_key)) account = nano.account_xrb(str(public_key)) print(_("Account Address: "), account) seed = wallet_seed break else: print() print(_("Seed file found")) print(_("Decoding wallet seed with your password")) try: wallet_seed = read_encrypted(password.encode('utf8'), nanoquake_path + '/seedAES.txt', string=True) priv_key, pub_key = nano.seed_account(str(wallet_seed), 0) public_key = str(binascii.hexlify(pub_key), 'ascii') print(_("Public Key: "), str(public_key)) account = nano.account_xrb(str(public_key)) print(_("Account Address: "), account) break except: print('\nError decoding seed, check password and try again') index = 0 print() print(_("This is your game account address: {}").format(account)) current_balance = nano.get_account_balance(account) if current_balance != "timeout": print(_("\nBalance: {:.3} Nano\n").format(Decimal(current_balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) r = nano.get_rates() if r != "timeout": print() print(_("NANO Rates")) print("- $:",r.json()['NANO']['USD']) print("- £:",r.json()['NANO']['GBP']) print("- €:",r.json()['NANO']['EUR']) if Path(work_dir + '/release/baseq2/pak0.pak').exists() == False or Path(work_dir + '/release/baseq2/players').exists() == False: f = DownloadDialog(root, work_dir) root.wait_window( data = 'xrb:' + account xrb_qr = pyqrcode.create(data) code_xbm = xrb_qr.xbm(scale=4) code_bmp = BitmapImage(data=code_xbm) code_bmp.config(background="white") label = Label(root, image=code_bmp) label.pack() w = Label(root, text=_("Your Game Account: ")) w.pack() data_string = StringVar() data_string.set(account) w = Entry(root, textvariable=data_string, fg="black", bg="white", bd=0, state="readonly") w.pack() w.pack(fill=X) y = Label(root, text=_("Your Balance: ")) y.pack() if current_balance != "timeout": y = Label(root, text="{:.3} Nano".format(Decimal(current_balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) else: y = Label(root, text=_("Timeout")) y.pack() listbox = Listbox(root) listbox.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) c = Button(root, text=_("Start Game"), command=lambda: thread_startGame(work_dir, account, wallet_seed, index)) c.pack(pady=5) withdraw = Button(root, text=_("Withdraw All"), command=lambda: withdrawAllDialog(root, account, index, wallet_seed, listbox)) withdraw.pack(pady=5) settings = Button(root, text=_("Settings"), command=lambda: settingsDialog(root, nanoquake_path, wallet_seed)) settings.pack(pady=5) quit = Button(root, text=_("Exit"), command=exitGame) quit.pack(pady=5) tcp = threading.Thread(target=start_server, args=(account, wallet_seed, index, listbox,)) tcp.daemon = True tcp.start() root.update() root.after(5000,lambda: update_txt(root, y, account, wallet_seed, index, listbox)) root.mainloop()
def dispatch_client(self): try: while True: line = yield'\n') self.log('got |%s|' % line.decode('utf-8').strip()) print("{} {}".format(time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"),line)) split_data = line.rstrip().decode('utf8').split(",") if split_data[0] == "shutdown": print(_("Shutting down Quake")) global quake_running quake_running = 0 elif split_data[0] == "pay_server": print(_("Pay Nano to Server")) global last_pay_time dest_account = 'xrb_' + split_data[1] amount = str(server_payin) current_balance = 'Empty' time_difference = time.time() - last_pay_time print(time_difference) if time_difference > 30: try: current_balance = nano.get_account_balance(self.account) except: pass if current_balance == 'Empty' or current_balance == '': return_string = _("Error - empty balance") yield'ascii')) elif current_balance == 'timeout': return_string = _("Error - timeout checking balance") yield'ascii')) if int(current_balance) >= server_payin: t = threading.Thread(target=send_xrb_thread, args=(dest_account, int(amount), self.account, int(self.index), self.wallet_seed,)) t.start() last_pay_time = time.time() self.listbox.insert(END, "{} {:.4} Nano".format('Pay In', Decimal(amount) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb))) self.listbox.itemconfig(END, {'bg':'coral2'}) return_string = _("Payment Sent") yield'ascii')) else: print(_("Error - insufficient funds")) return_string = _("Error insufficent funds") yield'ascii')) else: print(_("Last pay in less that 30 seconds ago")) return_string = _("Last pay in less that 30 seconds ago") yield'ascii')) elif split_data[0] == "balance": print(_("Nano Balance")) new_balance = 'Empty' try: current_balance = nano.get_account_balance(self.account) print(current_balance) except: pass if current_balance == 'Empty': return_string = _("Error - empty balance") elif current_balance == 'timeout': return_string = _("Error - timeout checking balance") else: new_balance = Decimal(current_balance) / Decimal(raw_in_xrb) print("Balance: {:.5}".format(new_balance)) return_string = "{:.5} Nano".format(new_balance) yield'ascii')) elif split_data[0] == "nano_address": return_string = "{}".format(self.account[4:]) yield'ascii')) elif split_data[0] == "rates": try: r = nano.get_rates() return_string = "USD:" + str(r.json()['NANO']['USD']) + " - GBP:" + str(r.json()['NANO']['GBP']) + " - EURO:" + str(r.json()['NANO']['EUR']) yield'ascii')) except: pass except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError: pass