def submit(self): try: from modules.wma import makeRequest,approveRequest from wmcontrol import random_sleep print '\n\tFound wmcontrol\n' except: print '\n\tUnable to find wmcontrol modules. Please include it in your python path\n' if not self.testMode: print '\n\t QUIT\n' sys.exit(-17) import pprint for (n,d) in self.chainDicts.items(): if self.testMode: print "Only viewing request",n print pprint.pprint(d) else: #submit to wmagent each dict print "For eyes before submitting",n print pprint.pprint(d) print "Submitting",n,"..........." workFlow=makeRequest(self.wmagent,d,encodeDict=True) approveRequest(self.wmagent,workFlow) print "...........",n,"submitted" random_sleep()
def submit(self): try: from modules.wma import makeRequest, approveRequest from wmcontrol import random_sleep print '\n\tFound wmcontrol\n' except: print '\n\tUnable to find wmcontrol modules. Please include it in your python path\n' if not self.testMode: print '\n\t QUIT\n' sys.exit(-17) import pprint for (n, d) in self.chainDicts.items(): if self.testMode: print "Only viewing request", n print pprint.pprint(d) else: #submit to wmagent each dict print "For eyes before submitting", n print pprint.pprint(d) print "Submitting", n, "..........." workFlow = makeRequest(self.wmagent, d, encodeDict=True) approveRequest(self.wmagent, workFlow) print "...........", n, "submitted" random_sleep()
def approveRequest(options): if options.workflows == '': print 'No workflows found' sys.exit(-1) workflows = set(options.workflows.split(',')) print 'Approving requests: %s' % workflows if options.wmtest: wma.testbed(options.wmtesturl) for workflow in workflows: tries = 1 while tries < 3: try: if(wma.getWorkflowStatus(wma.WMAGENT_URL, workflow) == 'new'): wma.approveRequest(wma.WMAGENT_URL, workflow) break except Exception, e: time.sleep(1) print 'Something went wrong: %s Try number: %s' % (str(e), tries) tries += 1
def loop_and_submit(cfg): ''' Loop on all the sections of the configparser, build and submit the request. This is the orchestra director function. ''' pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) for section in cfg.configparser.sections(): # Warning muted #print '\n---> Processing request "%s"' %section # build the dictionary for the request params,service_params = build_params_dict(section,cfg) dataset_runs_dict = get_dataset_runs_dict (section,cfg) if not dataset_runs_dict: sys.stderr.write("[wmcontrol exception] No dataset_runs_dict provided") sys.exit(-1) # Submit request! for dataset in sorted(dataset_runs_dict.keys()): params['InputDataset']=dataset runs=[] new_blocks=[] for item in dataset_runs_dict[dataset]: if isinstance(item,str) and '#' in item: if item.startswith('#'): new_blocks.append(dataset+item) else: new_blocks.append(item) else: runs.append(item) params['RunWhitelist']=runs if params.has_key("BlockWhitelist"): if params['BlockWhitelist']==[]: params['BlockWhitelist']=new_blocks if params['BlockWhitelist']!=[] and new_blocks!=[]: print "WARNING: a different set of blocks was made available in the input dataset and in the blocks option." print "Keeping the blocks option (%s) instead of (%s)" % (str(sorted(new_blocks)), str(sorted(params['BlockWhitelist']))) params['BlockWhitelist']=new_blocks params['RequestString']= make_request_string(params,service_params,section) if service_params['request_type'] in ['MonteCarlo','LHEStepZero']: params.pop('InputDataset') params.pop('RunWhitelist') elif service_params['request_type'] == 'TaskChain': if params['InputDataset']: params['Task1']['InputDataset'] = params['InputDataset'] if params['RunWhitelist']: params['Task1']['RunWhitelist'] = params['RunWhitelist'] if 'RunWhitelist' in params: #if params has key we remove it params.pop('RunWhitelist') #because it was set as Task parameter if 'InputDataset' in params: params.pop('InputDataset') elif ('RequestNumEvents' in params and ('RunWhitelist' not in params or params['RunWhitelist']==[])): if service_params['request_type'] in ['ReDigi','ReReco']: events = float(params['RequestNumEvents']) elif service_params['request_type'] in ['MonteCarloFromGEN']: events = float(params['RequestNumEvents'] / float(params['FilterEfficiency'])) if events: if test_mode: t = time.time() espl = helper.SubsetByLumi(params['InputDataset'], float(service_params['margin'])) split, details =, service_params['brute_force'], service_params['force_lumis']) # # if split == 'blocks': params['BlockWhitelist'] = details elif split == 'lumis': params['LumiList'] = details params['SplittingAlgo'] = 'LumiBased' # params.pop('RunWhitelist') if test_mode: print "Finished in", int((time.time()-t)*1000), "\bms" # just print the parameters of the request you would have injected if test_mode: pp.pprint(params) else: # do it for real! try: workflow = wma.makeRequest(wma.WMAGENT_URL,params,encodeDict=(service_params['request_type']=='TaskChain')) except: random_sleep() #just try a second time workflow = wma.makeRequest(wma.WMAGENT_URL,params,encodeDict=(service_params['request_type']=='TaskChain')) try: wma.approveRequest(wma.WMAGENT_URL,workflow) except: random_sleep() #just try a second time wma.approveRequest(wma.WMAGENT_URL,workflow) random_sleep()