def home(): getAnalyticsData() with conn.connect() as connection: posts = connection.execute( 'SELECT, title, body, created, hide, author_id, username,' ' FROM post p JOIN public."user" u ON p.author_id =' ' ORDER BY created DESC').fetchall() if not current_user.is_authenticated: posts = [post for post in posts if not post['hide']] total_page = math.ceil(len(posts) / 5) page = request.args.get("page") if page: if int(page) > total_page: page = total_page elif int(page) < 1: page = 1 else: page = int(page) last_post = 5 + 5 * (page - 1) if len( posts) >= 5 + 5 * (page - 1) else len(posts) else: page = 1 last_post = 5 if total_page > 1 else len(posts) git_log = get_git_log('main') return render_template('blog/blog.html', posts=posts[(page - 1) * 5:last_post], markdown=markdown, current_page=page, total_page=total_page, git_log=git_log, length=len(git_log) + 1)
def update(id): post = get_post(id) if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] try: hidden = request.form['hide'] except KeyError: hidden = 'False' error = None if not title: error = 'Title is required.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute( 'UPDATE post SET title = %s, body = %s, hide = %s' ' WHERE id = %s', (title, body, hidden, id) ) return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('blog/update.html', post=post)
def create(): if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] try: hidden = request.form['hide'] except KeyError: hidden = 'False' error = None if not title: error = 'Titre requis.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id, hide)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)', title, body, current_user.get_id(), hidden ) return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('blog/create.html')
def set_analytics_data(id, json, time_range, type): with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO spotify_analytics (id, json, time_range, type)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' ' ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE' ' SET json = EXCLUDED.json, time_range = EXCLUDED.time_range, type = EXCLUDED.type', id, json, time_range, type)
def get_analytics_data(time_range, type): with conn.connect() as connection: analy = connection.execute( 'SELECT json' ' FROM public.spotify_analytics' ' WHERE time_range = %s AND type = %s', (time_range, type)).fetchone() r_list = [row for row in analy] return json.loads(r_list[0])
def get_top_artists(): with conn.connect() as connection: stats = connection.execute('SELECT s.artist, count(s.artist)' ' FROM public.spotify_stat s' ' GROUP BY artist' ' ORDER BY count DESC').fetchall() data = [] for row in stats: data.append({'artist': row['artist'], 'count': row['count']}) return data[:50 if len(data) > 50 else len(data)]
def get_project(id): with conn.connect() as connection: project = connection.execute( 'SELECT id, title, body, idproject, source' ' FROM projects ' ' WHERE id = %s', (id, )).fetchone() if project is None: abort(404, f"Le Post d'id {id} n'existe pas.") return project
def get_top_tracks(): with conn.connect() as connection: stats = connection.execute( 'SELECT s.track, s.artist, s.url_track, count(s.track)' ' FROM public.spotify_stat s' ' GROUP BY track, artist, url_track' ' ORDER BY count DESC').fetchall() data = [] for row in stats: data.append({ 'title': row['track'], 'artist': row['artist'], 'url_track': row['url_track'], 'count': row['count'] }) return data[:50 if len(data) > 50 else len(data)]
def get_post(id, check_author=True): with conn.connect() as connection: post = connection.execute( 'SELECT, title, body, created, hide, author_id, username,' ' FROM post p JOIN public."user" u ON p.author_id =' ' WHERE = %s', (id,) ).fetchone() if post is None: abort(404, f"Le Post d'id {id} n'existe pas.") if check_author and current_user is None and post['author_id'] != \ int(current_user.get_id()): abort(403) return post
def refreshStat(): counter = 0 url = USER_RECENTLY_PLAYED_ENDPOINT params = {'limit': 50} headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {TOKEN_DATA[1]}"} resp = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers).json()['items'] for track in resp: played_at = track['played_at'] title = track['track']['name'] artist = ", ".join( [artist['name'] for artist in track['track']['artists']]) url_track = track['track']['album']['images'][1]['url'] with conn.connect() as connection: counter += 1 connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO spotify_stat (played_at, track, artist, url_track)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' ' ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING', played_at, title, artist, url_track)"Updated {counter} records.")
def create(): if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] source = request.form['source'] idproject = request.form['idproject'] error = None if not title: error = 'Titre requis.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO projects (title, body, idproject, source)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)', title, body, idproject, source) return redirect(url_for('projects.projects')) return render_template('projects/create.html')
def update(id): project = get_project(id) if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] source = request.form['source'] idproject = request.form['idproject'] error = None if not title: error = 'Title is required.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute( 'UPDATE projects SET title = %s, body = %s, source = %s, idproject = %s' ' WHERE id = %s', (title, body, source, idproject, id)) return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('projects/update.html', project=project)
def delete(id): get_post(id) with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute('DELETE FROM post WHERE id = %s', (id,)) return redirect(url_for('home'))
def delete(id): get_project(id) with conn.connect() as connection: connection.execute('DELETE FROM projects WHERE id = %s', (id, )) return redirect(url_for('projects.projects'))
def get_all_projects(): with conn.connect() as connection: projects = connection.execute( 'SELECT id, title, body, idproject, source' ' FROM projects').fetchall() return projects