Пример #1
# name of the developer
B.developer = 'RoboDocs'

# URL of the developer
B.developerURL = 'http://github.com/roboDocs'

# extension icon (file path or NSImage)
imagePath = os.path.join(resourcesPath, 'icon.png')
B.icon = imagePath

# version of the extension
B.version = '0.2.6'

# should the extension be launched at start-up?
B.launchAtStartUp = True

# script to be executed when RF starts
B.mainScript = 'hello.py'

# does the extension contain html help files?
B.html = True

# minimum RoboFont version required for this extension
B.requiresVersionMajor = '4'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '0'

# scripts which should appear in Extensions menu
B.addToMenu = [{
    'path': 'doSomething.py',
    'preferredName': 'do something',
import os
import shutil

from mojo.extensions import ExtensionBundle

lib_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
extension_file = 'MeasureHandles.roboFontExt'
extension_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(lib_path, 'extension'), extension_file)
# extension_html = os.path.join(lib_path, "_docs")
extension_lib_path = os.path.join(extension_path, 'lib')

print 'building extension...',
B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = u"Measure Handles Tool"
B.developer = u'Gustavo Ferreira, Johannes Breyer'
B.developerURL = 'http://hipertipo.com/'
B.version = "0.1"
B.mainScript = "MeasureHandlesTool.py"
B.launchAtStartUp = 1
B.addToMenu = []
B.requiresVersionMajor = '1'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '5'
B.infoDictionary["html"] = 0
B.infoDictionary["com.robofontmechanic.Mechanic"] = {
    "repository" : "johannesbreyer/HandleLength",
    "description" : "A tool to display length & angle of bezier handles in a glyph",
B.save(extension_path, libPath=lib_path, htmlPath=None, resourcesPath=None, pycOnly=False)
print 'done.\n'
from mojo.extensions import ExtensionBundle

basePath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, "ThemeManager.roboFontExt")
libPath = os.path.join(basePath, "lib")
htmlPath = os.path.join(basePath, "html")
resourcesPath = os.path.join(basePath, "resources")

B = ExtensionBundle()

B.name = "Theme Manager"
B.version = "1.0.2"
B.developer = "Connor Davenport and Andy Clymer"
B.developerURL = 'http://www.connordavenport.com/ http://www.andyclymer.com/'

B.launchAtStartUp = False
B.addToMenu = [{
    'path': 'ThemeManager.py',
    'preferredName': 'Theme Manager...',
    'shortKey': '',

B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '1'
B.infoDictionary["html"] = True

Пример #4
requirementsPath = os.path.join(basePath, "requirements.txt")
resourcesPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, "resources")
if not os.path.exists(resourcesPath):
    resourcesPath = None
extensionFile = "%s.roboFontExt" % name
buildPath = os.path.join(basePath, "build")
extensionPath = os.path.join(buildPath, extensionFile)

# Build the extension.

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = name
B.developer = developer
B.developerURL = developerURL
B.version = version
B.launchAtStartUp = launchAtStartUp
B.mainScript = mainScript
docPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, "documentation")
haveDocumentation = False
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(docPath, "index.html")):
    haveDocumentation = True
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(docPath, "index.md")):
    haveDocumentation = True
if not haveDocumentation:
    docPath = None
B.html = haveDocumentation
B.requiresVersionMajor = roboFontVersion.split(".")[0]
B.requiresVersionMinor = roboFontVersion.split(".")[1]
B.addToMenu = menuItems
with open(licensePath) as license:
    B.license = license.read()
Пример #5
from mojo.extensions import ExtensionBundle

# data

extension_file = 'hTools2.roboFontExt'
lib_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(hTools2.__file__))
base_path = os.path.dirname(lib_path)
extension_path = os.path.join(base_path, extension_file)
html_path = os.path.join(base_path, "Documentation/build/html")

# create bundle

B = ExtensionBundle()
# meta
B.name = "hTools2"
B.developer = 'Gustavo Ferreira'
B.developerURL = 'http://hipertipo.com/'
B.version = "1.6"
B.mainScript = "add-RF-menu.py"
B.launchAtStartUp = True
B.addToMenu = []
# lib
B.requiresVersionMajor = '1'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '5'
B.infoDictionary["repository"] = 'gferreira/hTools2'
# html
B.html = 1
# save bundle
B.save(extension_path, libPath=lib_path, htmlPath=html_path, resourcesPath=None, pycOnly=False)
Пример #6
import os
from mojo.extensions import ExtensionBundle

basePath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, "ControlBoard.roboFontExt")
libPath = os.path.join(basePath, "lib")
htmlPath = os.path.join(basePath, "html")
resourcesPath = os.path.join(basePath, "resources")

B = ExtensionBundle()

B.name = "ControlBoard"
B.version = "0.22b"
B.mainScript = "ControlBoard.py"

B.developer = "Andy Clymer"
B.developerURL = 'http://www.andyclymer.com/'

B.launchAtStartUp = False
B.addToMenu = [{"path" : "ControlBoard.py", "preferredName" : "ControlBoard", "shortKey" : ""}]
B.requiresVersionMajor = '1'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '5'
B.infoDictionary["html"] = True

B.save(extensionPath, libPath=libPath, htmlPath=htmlPath, resourcesPath=resourcesPath, pycOnly=False)

print "Done"