def prepare(self): super(TabbedContainer, self).prepare() if not getattr(self, "id", None): raise ValueError("JQueryUITabs is supposed to have id") if self.config == None: self.config = {} o = { 'tabdefault': self.tabdefault, 'staticLoadOnClick': self.staticLoadOnClick } self.add_call(when_ready( tw2.jquery.jQuery("#%s" % tabs = eval_app_config(self.config.get(self.config_key, "None")) if not tabs: if isinstance(self.tabs, str): tabs = eval_app_config(self.tabs) else: tabs = self.tabs # Filter out any None's in the list which signify apps which are # not allowed to run with the current session's authorization level tabs = ConfigWrapper.process_wrappers(tabs, self) self.tabs = tabs self.tabwidget = tabwidget self.panewidget = panewidget self.root_id = id
def prepare(self): super(DashboardContainer, self).prepare() layout = eval_app_config(self.config_key) if not layout: if isinstance(self.layout, basestring): layout = eval_app_config(self.layout) else: layout = self.layout # Filter out any None's in the layout which signify apps which are # not allowed to run with the current session's authorization level self.layout = ConfigWrapper.process_wrappers(layout, self)