Пример #1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:  # if no input
        print "ERORR"
    namemol2 = sys.argv[1]
    namesph = sys.argv[2]
    mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens(mol2.read_Mol2_file(namemol2)[0])
    write_sph(namesph, mol)
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:  # if no input
        print "ERORR"
        print "this script reads in a mol2 file and writes out a sph file."
        print "this script takes 2 arguments: name.mol2 name.sph"
    namemol2 = sys.argv[1]
    namesph = sys.argv[2]
    mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens(mol2.read_Mol2_file(namemol2)[0])
    write_sph(namesph, mol)
Пример #3
def multimol2_removeH(input, output):
    #print "This file requires the mol2 library written by Trent Balius (AKA Xiaobo Wan) and sudipto mukherjee"

    #print "syntex: multimol2_removeH.py input_file output_file"

    infile = input
    outfile = output

    file = open(outfile, 'w')  # overwrite

    mol_list = mol2.read_Mol2_file_head(infile)
    #print len(mol_list)

    for i in range(len(mol_list)):
        #print "mol ", i
        mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens(mol_list[i])
        mol2.append_mol2(mol, outfile)
import mol2
import sys

print "this file requiers the mol2 libary writen by trent balius and sudipto mukherjee"

print "syntex: multimol2_removeH.py input_file output_file"

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]

file = open(outfile, 'w')  # overwrite

mol_list = mol2.read_Mol2_file_head(infile)
print len(mol_list)

for i in range(len(mol_list)):
    print "mol ", i
    mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens(mol_list[i])
    mol2.append_mol2(mol, outfile)
import mol2
import sys

print "this file requiers the mol2 libary writen by trent balius and sudipto mukherjee"

print "syntex: mol2_removeH.py input_file output_file"

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
mol_list = mol2.read_Mol2_file(infile)
print len(mol_list)
for mol_withH in mol_list:
    mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens(mol_withH)
    mol2.append_mol2(mol, outfile)
Пример #6
        # Atoms down here are always hydrogen 
        elif (a1.heavy_atom):
           print bond.a1_num, bond.a1_num,  m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q, m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q
           m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q = m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q + m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q
           m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q = 0 
        elif (a2.heavy_atom):
           print bond.a1_num, bond.a1_num,  m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q, m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q
           m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q = m.atom_list[bond.a2_num-1].Q + m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q
           m.atom_list[bond.a1_num-1].Q = 0 

    # Assuming that residue list does not change

    #data = mol2.Mol(m.header,m.name,atom_list,bond_list,m.residue_list)
    #return data
    return m

print "this file requiers the mol2 libary writen by trent balius and sudipto mukherjee"

print "syntex: mol2_removeH.py input_file output_file"

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
mol_list = mol2.read_Mol2_file(infile)
print len(mol_list)
mol1 = combine_q_and_remove_hydrogens(mol_list[0])
mol = mol2.remove_hydrogens( mol1 )