Пример #1
 def dictToResidues(self, pairDict):
     The input, 'pairDict',  is a dictionary with atoms as keys and lists of atoms close to each key atom as values.  This method converts these keys and values to residue sets. The first returned value is a unique ResidueSet of the 'control' or 'key' atoms used for the distance selection and the second a unique ResidueSet of parents of atoms close to the keys
     if not len(pairDict):
         return ResidueSet(), ResidueSet()
     from MolKit.molecule import AtomSet
     #parents of keys
     key_parents = AtomSet(pairDict.keys()).parent.uniq()
     #parents of values
     #build unique list of close atoms
     ats = {}
     for k in pairDict.keys():
         for rec_at in pairDict[k]:
             ats[rec_at] = 1
     close_ats = AtomSet(ats.keys())
     close_parents = close_ats.parent.uniq()
     return key_parents, close_parents
 def detectPiInteractions(self, tolerance=0.95, debug=False, use_all_cycles=False):
     if debug: print "in detectPiInteractions"
     self.results['pi_pi'] = []        #stacked rings...?
     self.results['t_shaped'] = []     #one ring perpendicular to the other
     self.results['cation_pi'] = []    #
     self.results['pi_cation'] = []    #
     self.results['macro_cations'] = []#
     self.results['lig_cations'] = []  #
     #at this point have self.results
     lig_res = self.results['lig_close_res']
     if not len(lig_res):
     lig_atoms = lig_res.atoms
     macro_res = self.results['macro_close_res']
     if not len(macro_res):
     macro_atoms = macro_res.atoms
     l_rf = RingFinder()
     l_rf.findRings2(lig_res.atoms, lig_res.atoms.bonds[0])
     #rf.rings is list of dictionaries, one per ring, with keys 'bonds' and 'atoms'
     if debug: print "LIG: len(l_rf.rings)=", len(l_rf.rings)
     if not len(l_rf.rings):
         if debug: print "no lig rings found by l_rf!"
     acbs = AromaticCycleBondSelector()
     lig_rings = []
     for r in l_rf.rings:
         ring_bnds = r['bonds']
         if use_all_cycles: 
             arom_bnds = acbs.select(ring_bnds)
             if len(arom_bnds)>4:
     if debug: print "LIG: len(lig_arom_rings)=", len(lig_rings)
     self.results['lig_rings'] = lig_rings
     self.results['lig_ring_atoms'] = AtomSet()
     #only check for pi-cation if lig_rings exist
     if len(lig_rings):
         macro_cations = self.results['macro_cations'] = self.getCations(macro_atoms)
         lig_ring_atoms = AtomSet()
         u = {}
         for r in lig_rings:
             for a in BondSet(r).getAtoms():
                 u[a] = 1
         if len(u): 
             lig_ring_atoms = AtomSet(u.keys())
             self.results['lig_ring_atoms'] = lig_ring_atoms
         if len(macro_cations):
             if debug: print "check distances from lig_rings to macro_cations here"
             #macro cations->lig rings
             pairDict2 = self.distanceSelector.select(lig_ring_atoms,macro_cations)
             z = {}
             for key,v in pairDict2.items():
                 val = v.tolist()[0]
                 if val in macro_cations:
                     z[val] = [key]
             if len(z):
                 self.results['pi_cation'] = (z.items())
                 self.results['pi_cation'] = []
     #check the distance between the rings and the macro_cations
     self.results['lig_cations'] = self.getCations(lig_atoms)
     m_rf = RingFinder()
     m_rf.findRings2(macro_res.atoms, macro_res.atoms.bonds[0])
     #rf.rings is list of dictionaries, one per ring, with keys 'bonds' and 'atoms'
     if debug: print "MACRO: len(m_rf.rings)=", len(m_rf.rings)
     if not len(m_rf.rings):
         if debug: print "no macro rings found by m_rf!"
     macro_rings = []
     for r in m_rf.rings:
         ring_bnds = r['bonds']
         if use_all_cycles: 
             arom_bnds = acbs.select(ring_bnds)
             if len(arom_bnds)>4:
     if debug: print "len(macro_arom_rings)=", len(macro_rings)
     self.results['macro_rings'] = macro_rings
     self.results['macro_ring_atoms'] = AtomSet()
     #only check for pi-cation if macro_rings exist
     if len(macro_rings):
         lig_cations = self.results['lig_cations'] = self.getCations(lig_atoms)
         macro_ring_atoms = AtomSet()
         u = {}
         for r in macro_rings:
             for a in BondSet(r).getAtoms(): #new method of bondSets
                 u[a] = 1
         if len(u):
             macro_ring_atoms = AtomSet(u.keys())
             self.results['macro_ring_atoms'] = macro_ring_atoms
         if len(lig_cations):
             if debug: print "check distances from macro_rings to lig_cations here"
             pairDict3 = self.distanceSelector.select(macro_ring_atoms,lig_cations)
             z = {}
             for x in pairDict3.items():
                 #lig cations->macro rings
                 z.setdefault(x[1].tolist()[0], []).append(x[0])
             if len(z):
                 self.results['cation_pi'] = (z.items())
                 self.results['cation_pi'] = []
             #macro_pi_atoms = AtomSet(pairDict3.keys())
             #l_cations = AtomSet()
             #for v in pairDict3.values():
             #    for x in v:
             #        l_cations.append(x)
             #self.results['cation_pi'] = pairDict3.items()
             #self.results['cation_pi'] = (l_cations, macro_pi_atoms)
     #check for intermol distance <6 Angstrom (J.ComputChem 29:275-279, 2009)
     #compare each lig_ring vs each macro_ring
     for lig_ring_bnds in lig_rings:
         lig_atoms = acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds)
         if debug: print "len(lig_atoms)=", len(lig_atoms)
         # compute the normal to lig ring
         a1 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[0].coords)
         a2 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[2].coords)
         a3 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[4].coords)
         if debug: print "a1,a2, a3=", a1.tolist(), a2.tolist(), a3.tolist()
         for macro_ring_bnds in macro_rings:
             macro_atoms = acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds)
             if debug: print "len(macro_atoms)=", len(macro_atoms)
             pD_dist = self.distanceSelectorWithCutoff.select(macro_ring_atoms, lig_atoms, cutoff=self.dist_cutoff)
             if not len(pD_dist[0]):
                 if debug: 
                     print "skipping ligand ring ", lig_rings.index(lig_ring_bnds), " vs ",
                     print "macro ring", macro_rings.index(macro_ring_bnds)
             # compute the normal to macro ring
             b1 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[0].coords)
             b2 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[2].coords)
             b3 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[4].coords)
             if debug: print "b1,b2, b3=", b1.tolist(), b2.tolist(), b3.tolist()
             # check for stacking 
             a2_1 = a2-a1
             a3_1 = a3-a1
             b2_1 = b2-b1
             b3_1 = b3-b1
             if debug: print "a2_1 = ", a2-a1
             if debug: print "a3_1 = ", a3-a1
             if debug: print "b2_1 = ", b2-b1
             if debug: print "b3_1 = ", b3-b1
             n1 = crossProduct(a3_1,a2_1) #to get the normal for the first ring
             n2 = crossProduct(b3_1,b2_1) #to get the normal for the second ring
             if debug: print "n1=", n1
             if debug: print "n2=", n2
             n1 = Numeric.array(n1)
             n2 = Numeric.array(n2)
             n1_dot_n2 = Numeric.dot(n1,n2)
             if debug: print "n1_dot_n2", Numeric.dot(n1,n2)
             if abs(n1_dot_n2) >= 1*tolerance: 
                 if debug: print "The rings are stacked vertically" 
                 new_result = (acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds), acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds))
             if abs(n1_dot_n2) <= 0.01*tolerance: 
                 if debug: print "The rings are stacked perpendicularly" 
                 new_result = (acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds), acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds))
Пример #3
 def detectPiInteractions(self, tolerance=0.95, debug=False, use_all_cycles=False):
     if debug: print "in detectPiInteractions"
     self.results['pi_pi'] = []        #stacked rings...?
     self.results['t_shaped'] = []     #one ring perpendicular to the other
     self.results['cation_pi'] = []    #
     self.results['pi_cation'] = []    #
     self.results['macro_cations'] = []#
     self.results['lig_cations'] = []  #
     #at this point have self.results
     lig_res = self.results['lig_close_res']
     if not len(lig_res):
     lig_atoms = lig_res.atoms
     macro_res = self.results['macro_close_res']
     if not len(macro_res):
     macro_atoms = macro_res.atoms
     l_rf = RingFinder()
     l_rf.findRings2(lig_res.atoms, lig_res.atoms.bonds[0])
     #rf.rings is list of dictionaries, one per ring, with keys 'bonds' and 'atoms'
     if debug: print "LIG: len(l_rf.rings)=", len(l_rf.rings)
     if not len(l_rf.rings):
         if debug: print "no lig rings found by l_rf!"
     acbs = AromaticCycleBondSelector()
     lig_rings = []
     for r in l_rf.rings:
         ring_bnds = r['bonds']
         if use_all_cycles: 
             arom_bnds = acbs.select(ring_bnds)
             if len(arom_bnds)>4:
     if debug: print "LIG: len(lig_arom_rings)=", len(lig_rings)
     self.results['lig_rings'] = lig_rings
     self.results['lig_ring_atoms'] = AtomSet()
     #only check for pi-cation if lig_rings exist
     if len(lig_rings):
         macro_cations = self.results['macro_cations'] = self.getCations(macro_atoms)
         lig_ring_atoms = AtomSet()
         u = {}
         for r in lig_rings:
             for a in BondSet(r).getAtoms():
                 u[a] = 1
         if len(u): 
             lig_ring_atoms = AtomSet(u.keys())
             self.results['lig_ring_atoms'] = lig_ring_atoms
         if len(macro_cations):
             if debug: print "check distances from lig_rings to macro_cations here"
             #macro cations->lig rings
             pairDict2 = self.distanceSelector.select(lig_ring_atoms,macro_cations)
             z = {}
             for key,v in pairDict2.items():
                 val = v.tolist()[0]
                 if val in macro_cations:
                     z[val] = [key]
             if len(z):
                 self.results['pi_cation'] = (z.items())
                 self.results['pi_cation'] = []
     #check the distance between the rings and the macro_cations
     self.results['lig_cations'] = self.getCations(lig_atoms)
     m_rf = RingFinder()
     m_rf.findRings2(macro_res.atoms, macro_res.atoms.bonds[0])
     #rf.rings is list of dictionaries, one per ring, with keys 'bonds' and 'atoms'
     if debug: print "MACRO: len(m_rf.rings)=", len(m_rf.rings)
     if not len(m_rf.rings):
         if debug: print "no macro rings found by m_rf!"
     macro_rings = []
     for r in m_rf.rings:
         ring_bnds = r['bonds']
         if use_all_cycles: 
             arom_bnds = acbs.select(ring_bnds)
             if len(arom_bnds)>4:
     if debug: print "len(macro_arom_rings)=", len(macro_rings)
     self.results['macro_rings'] = macro_rings
     self.results['macro_ring_atoms'] = AtomSet()
     #only check for pi-cation if macro_rings exist
     if len(macro_rings):
         lig_cations = self.results['lig_cations'] = self.getCations(lig_atoms)
         macro_ring_atoms = AtomSet()
         u = {}
         for r in macro_rings:
             for a in BondSet(r).getAtoms(): #new method of bondSets
                 u[a] = 1
         if len(u):
             macro_ring_atoms = AtomSet(u.keys())
             self.results['macro_ring_atoms'] = macro_ring_atoms
         if len(lig_cations):
             if debug: print "check distances from macro_rings to lig_cations here"
             pairDict3 = self.distanceSelector.select(macro_ring_atoms,lig_cations)
             z = {}
             for x in pairDict3.items():
                 #lig cations->macro rings
                 z.setdefault(x[1].tolist()[0], []).append(x[0])
             if len(z):
                 self.results['cation_pi'] = (z.items())
                 self.results['cation_pi'] = []
             #macro_pi_atoms = AtomSet(pairDict3.keys())
             #l_cations = AtomSet()
             #for v in pairDict3.values():
             #    for x in v:
             #        l_cations.append(x)
             #self.results['cation_pi'] = pairDict3.items()
             #self.results['cation_pi'] = (l_cations, macro_pi_atoms)
     #check for intermol distance <6 Angstrom (J.ComputChem 29:275-279, 2009)
     #compare each lig_ring vs each macro_ring
     for lig_ring_bnds in lig_rings:
         lig_atoms = acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds)
         if debug: print "len(lig_atoms)=", len(lig_atoms)
         # compute the normal to lig ring
         a1 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[0].coords)
         a2 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[2].coords)
         a3 = Numeric.array(lig_atoms[4].coords)
         if debug: print "a1,a2, a3=", a1.tolist(), a2.tolist(), a3.tolist()
         for macro_ring_bnds in macro_rings:
             macro_atoms = acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds)
             if debug: print "len(macro_atoms)=", len(macro_atoms)
             pD_dist = self.distanceSelectorWithCutoff.select(macro_ring_atoms, lig_atoms, cutoff=self.dist_cutoff)
             if not len(pD_dist[0]):
                 if debug: 
                     print "skipping ligand ring ", lig_rings.index(lig_ring_bnds), " vs ",
                     print "macro ring", macro_rings.index(macro_ring_bnds)
             # compute the normal to macro ring
             b1 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[0].coords)
             b2 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[2].coords)
             b3 = Numeric.array(macro_atoms[4].coords)
             if debug: print "b1,b2, b3=", b1.tolist(), b2.tolist(), b3.tolist()
             # check for stacking 
             a2_1 = a2-a1
             a3_1 = a3-a1
             b2_1 = b2-b1
             b3_1 = b3-b1
             if debug: print "a2_1 = ", a2-a1
             if debug: print "a3_1 = ", a3-a1
             if debug: print "b2_1 = ", b2-b1
             if debug: print "b3_1 = ", b3-b1
             n1 = crossProduct(a3_1,a2_1) #to get the normal for the first ring
             n2 = crossProduct(b3_1,b2_1) #to get the normal for the second ring
             if debug: print "n1=", n1
             if debug: print "n2=", n2
             n1 = Numeric.array(n1)
             n2 = Numeric.array(n2)
             n1_dot_n2 = Numeric.dot(n1,n2)
             if debug: print "n1_dot_n2", Numeric.dot(n1,n2)
             if abs(n1_dot_n2) >= 1*tolerance: 
                 if debug: print "The rings are stacked vertically" 
                 new_result = (acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds), acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds))
             if abs(n1_dot_n2) <= 0.01*tolerance: 
                 if debug: print "The rings are stacked perpendicularly" 
                 new_result = (acbs.getAtoms(lig_ring_bnds), acbs.getAtoms(macro_ring_bnds))