Пример #1
    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        """Write the molecular geometry to a file.

           The file format is inferred from the extensions. Currently supported
           formats are: ``*.xyz``, ``*.cml``

            | ``filename``  --  a filename
        # TODO: give all file format writers the same API
        if filename.endswith('.cml'):
            from molmod.io import dump_cml
            dump_cml(filename, [self])
        elif filename.endswith('.xyz'):
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            symbols = []
            for n in self.numbers:
                atom = periodic[n]
                if atom is None:
            xyz_writer = XYZWriter(filename, symbols)
            xyz_writer.dump(self.title, self.coordinates)
            del xyz_writer
            raise ValueError("Could not determine file format for %s." %
Пример #2
def test_md_water32_full():
    dump = False
    ff = get_ff_water32(True, True, True, True)
    pos = ff.system.pos.copy()
    grad = np.zeros(pos.shape)
    h = 1.0 * femtosecond
    mass = np.array([periodic[n].mass for n in ff.system.numbers]).reshape(
        (-1, 1))
    # init
    epot = ff.compute(grad)
    temp = 300
    vel = np.random.normal(0, 1, pos.shape) * np.sqrt(
        (2 * boltzmann * temp) / mass)
    velh = vel + (-0.5 * h) * grad / mass
    # prop
    cqs = []
    if dump:
        symbols = [system.get_ffatype(i) for i in xrange(system.natom)]
        xyz_writer = XYZWriter('traj.xyz', symbols)
    for i in xrange(100):
        pos += velh * h
        grad[:] = 0.0
        epot = ff.compute(grad)
        if dump:
            xyz_writer.dump('i = %i  energy = %.10f' % (i, epot), pos)
        tmp = (-0.5 * h) * grad / mass
        vel = velh + tmp
        ekin = 0.5 * (mass * vel * vel).sum()
        cqs.append(ekin + epot)
        velh = vel + tmp
    cqs = np.array(cqs)
    assert cqs.std() < 5e-3
Пример #3
def test_md_water32_full():
    dump = False
    ff = get_ff_water32(True, True, True, True)
    pos = ff.system.pos.copy()
    grad = np.zeros(pos.shape)
    h = 1.0*femtosecond
    mass = np.array([periodic[n].mass for n in ff.system.numbers]).reshape((-1,1))
    # init
    epot = ff.compute(grad)
    temp = 300
    vel = np.random.normal(0, 1, pos.shape)*np.sqrt((2*boltzmann*temp)/mass)
    velh = vel + (-0.5*h)*grad/mass
    # prop
    cqs = []
    if dump:
        symbols = [system.get_ffatype(i) for i in xrange(system.natom)]
        xyz_writer = XYZWriter('traj.xyz', symbols)
    for i in xrange(100):
        pos += velh*h
        grad[:] = 0.0
        epot = ff.compute(grad)
        if dump:
            xyz_writer.dump('i = %i  energy = %.10f' % (i, epot), pos)
        tmp = (-0.5*h)*grad/mass
        vel = velh + tmp
        ekin = 0.5*(mass*vel*vel).sum()
        cqs.append(ekin + epot)
        velh = vel + tmp
    cqs = np.array(cqs)
    assert cqs.std() < 5e-3
Пример #4
    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        """Write the molecular geometry to a file.

           The file format is inferred from the extensions. Currently supported
           formats are: ``*.xyz``, ``*.cml``

            | ``filename``  --  a filename
        # TODO: give all file format writers the same API
        if filename.endswith('.cml'):
            from molmod.io import dump_cml
            dump_cml(filename, [self])
        elif filename.endswith('.xyz'):
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            symbols = []
            for n in self.numbers:
                atom = periodic[n]
                if atom is None:
            xyz_writer = XYZWriter(filename, symbols)
            xyz_writer.dump(self.title, self.coordinates)
            del xyz_writer
            raise ValueError("Could not determine file format for %s." % filename)
Пример #5
    def to_file(self, fn):
        """Write the system to a file


                The file to write to.

           Supported formats are:

                Internal human-readable checkpoint format. This format includes
                all the information of a system object. All data are stored in
                atomic units.

                Internal binary checkpoint format. This format includes
                all the information of a system object. All data are stored in
                atomic units.

                A simple file with atomic positions and elements. Coordinates
                are written in Angstroms.
        if fn.endswith('.chk'):
            from molmod.io import dump_chk
                fn, {
                    'numbers': self.numbers,
                    'pos': self.pos,
                    'ffatypes': self.ffatypes,
                    'ffatype_ids': self.ffatype_ids,
                    'scopes': self.scopes,
                    'scope_ids': self.scope_ids,
                    'bonds': self.bonds,
                    'rvecs': self.cell.rvecs,
                    'charges': self.charges,
                    'radii': self.radii,
                    'valence_charges': self.valence_charges,
                    'dipoles': self.dipoles,
                    'radii2': self.radii2,
                    'masses': self.masses,
        elif fn.endswith('.h5'):
            with h5.File(fn, 'w') as f:
        elif fn.endswith('.xyz'):
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            from molmod.periodic import periodic
            xyz_writer = XYZWriter(fn,
                                   [periodic[n].symbol for n in self.numbers])
            xyz_writer.dump(str(self), self.pos)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'The extension of %s does not correspond to any known format.'
                % fn)
        if log.do_high:
            with log.section('SYS'):
                log('Wrote system to %s.' % fn)
Пример #6
    def write_to_xyz(self, fn_xyz):
        """Write a trajectory file based on the ``frames`` list.

            | ``fn_xyz`` -- The filename for the trajectory.
        w = XYZWriter(fn_xyz, self.system.symbols)
        for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames):
            w.dump("Frame %i" % i, frame.pos)
Пример #7
def dump_modes_xyz(nma, indexes=0, prefix="mode", amplitude=5.0*angstrom, frames=36):
    """Write XYZ trajectory file(s) that vizualize internal mode(s)

         | nma  --  an object that specifies the normal modes, several formats
                    are supported: (i) a Tamkin NMA object, (ii) a 3-tuple with
                    reference coordinates, mass-unweighted mode(s) and atom
                    numbers or (iii) a 4-tuple with reference coordinates, mass-
                    weighted mode(s), atom numbers and a masses3 vector. the
                    latter is a vector with 3*N elements containing the masses of
                    the atoms in groups of three.

       Optional arguments:
         | indexes  --  the index or a list of indexes of modes that must be
                        written to trajectory files [default=0]
         | prefix  --  a prefix used for the output files. the generated
                       trajectory filenames have the format prefix.index.xyz
         | amplitude  --  the amplitude of the normal mode vibration in atomic
                          untis [default=5*angstrom]
         | frames  --  the number of frames written to the trajectory file

    if isinstance(nma, NMA):
        coordinates = nma.coordinates
        modes = nma.modes
        numbers = nma.numbers
        masses3 = nma.masses3
    elif hasattr(nma, "__len__") and len(nma)==3:
        coordinates, modes, numbers = nma
        masses3 = None
    elif hasattr(nma, "__len__") and len(nma)==4:
        coordinates, modes, numbers, masses3 = nma
        raise TypeError("Could not understand first argument. Check documentation.")

    if not hasattr(indexes, "__len__"):
        indexes = [indexes]

    if len(modes.shape) == 1:
        modes = modes.reshape((-1,1))

    symbols = [periodic[n].symbol for n in numbers]

    for index in indexes:
        filename = "%s.%i.xyz" % (prefix, index)
        mode = modes[:,index]
        if masses3 is not None:
            mode /= np.sqrt(masses3)
        mode /= np.linalg.norm(mode)
        xyz_writer = XYZWriter(filename, symbols)
        for frame in xrange(frames):
            factor = amplitude*np.sin(2*np.pi*float(frame)/frames)
            xyz_writer.dump("frame %i" % frame, coordinates + factor*mode.reshape((-1,3)))
        del xyz_writer
Пример #8
    def to_file(self, fn):
        """Write the system to a file


                The file to write to.

           Supported formats are:

                Internal human-readable checkpoint format. This format includes
                all the information of a system object. All data are stored in
                atomic units.

                Internal binary checkpoint format. This format includes
                all the information of a system object. All data are stored in
                atomic units.

                A simple file with atomic positions and elements. Coordinates
                are written in Angstroms.
        if fn.endswith('.chk'):
            from molmod.io import dump_chk
            dump_chk(fn, {
                'numbers': self.numbers,
                'pos': self.pos,
                'ffatypes': self.ffatypes,
                'ffatype_ids': self.ffatype_ids,
                'scopes': self.scopes,
                'scope_ids': self.scope_ids,
                'bonds': self.bonds,
                'rvecs': self.cell.rvecs,
                'charges': self.charges,
                'radii': self.radii,
                'valence_charges': self.valence_charges,
                'dipoles': self.dipoles,
                'radii2': self.radii2,
                'masses': self.masses,
        elif fn.endswith('.h5'):
            with h5.File(fn, 'w') as f:
        elif fn.endswith('.xyz'):
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            from molmod.periodic import periodic
            xyz_writer = XYZWriter(fn, [periodic[n].symbol for n in self.numbers])
            xyz_writer.dump(str(self), self.pos)
            raise NotImplementedError('The extension of %s does not correspond to any known format.' % fn)
        if log.do_high:
            with log.section('SYS'):
                log('Wrote system to %s.' % fn)
Пример #9
class XYZWriter(Hook):
    def __init__(self, fn_xyz, select=None, start=0, step=1):

                A filename to write the XYZ trajectory too.

           **Optional arguments:**

                A list of atom indexes that should be written to the trajectory
                output. If not given, all atoms are included.

                The first iteration at which this hook should be called.

                The hook will be called every `step` iterations.
        self.fn_xyz = fn_xyz
        self.select = select
        self.xyz_writer = None
        Hook.__init__(self, start, step)

    def __call__(self, iterative):
        from molmod import angstrom
        if self.xyz_writer is None:
            from molmod.periodic import periodic
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            numbers = iterative.ff.system.numbers
            if self.select is None:
                symbols = [periodic[n].symbol for n in numbers]
                symbols = [periodic[numbers[i]].symbol for i in self.select]
            self.xyz_writer = XYZWriter(self.fn_xyz, symbols)
        rvecs = iterative.ff.system.cell.rvecs.copy()
        rvecs_string = " ".join(
            [str(x[0] / angstrom) for x in rvecs.reshape((-1, 1))])
        title = '%7i E_pot = %.10f    %s' % (iterative.counter, iterative.epot,
        if self.select is None:
            pos = iterative.ff.system.pos
            pos = iterative.ff.system.pos[self.select]
        self.xyz_writer.dump(title, pos)
Пример #10
def tracks_to_xyz(prefix, destination, symbols, sub=slice(None), file_unit=angstrom, atom_indexes=None, unit_cell_iter=None, groups=None):
    """Converts a set of tracks into an xyz file."""
    if atom_indexes is None:
        atom_indexes = range(len(symbols))
        atom_indexes = list(atom_indexes)
        if groups is not None:
            # reduce the groups to the selected atoms and use the index of the
            # reduced set.
            reverse_indexes = dict((atom_index, counter) for counter, atom_index in enumerate(atom_indexes))
            new_groups = []
            for group in groups:
                new_group = []
                for atom_index in group:
                    new_index = reverse_indexes.get(atom_index)
                    if new_index is not None:
                if len(new_group) > 0:
            groups = new_groups
    symbols = [symbols[index] for index in atom_indexes]

    filenames = []
    for index in atom_indexes:
        for c in 'xyz':
            filenames.append("%s.%07i.%s" % (prefix, index, c))

    f = file(destination, 'w')
    xyz_writer = XYZWriter(f, symbols, file_unit=file_unit)
    dtype = numpy.dtype([("cor", float, (len(atom_indexes), 3))])
    mtr = MultiTracksReader(filenames, dtype, sub=sub)
    for row in mtr:
        coordinates = row["cor"]
        if unit_cell_iter is not None:
                uc = unit_cell_iter.next()
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("Not enough frames in the unit cell tracks.")
            if groups is None:
                coordinates -= numpy.dot(uc.matrix, numpy.floor(numpy.dot(uc.reciprocal, coordinates.transpose()))).transpose()
                for group in groups:
                    center = coordinates[group].mean(axis=0)
                    coordinates[group] -= numpy.dot(uc.matrix, numpy.floor(numpy.dot(uc.reciprocal, center)))
        xyz_writer.dump("None", coordinates)
Пример #11
class XYZWriter(Hook):
    def __init__(self, fn_xyz, select=None, start=0, step=1):

                A filename to write the XYZ trajectory too.

           **Optional arguments:**

                A list of atom indexes that should be written to the trajectory
                output. If not given, all atoms are included.

                The first iteration at which this hook should be called.

                The hook will be called every `step` iterations.
        self.fn_xyz = fn_xyz
        self.select = select
        self.xyz_writer = None
        Hook.__init__(self, start, step)

    def __call__(self, iterative):
        from molmod import angstrom
        if self.xyz_writer is None:
            from molmod.periodic import periodic
            from molmod.io import XYZWriter
            numbers = iterative.ff.system.numbers
            if self.select is None:
                symbols = [periodic[n].symbol for n in numbers]
                symbols = [periodic[numbers[i]].symbol for i in self.select]
            self.xyz_writer = XYZWriter(self.fn_xyz, symbols)
        rvecs = iterative.ff.system.cell.rvecs.copy()
        rvecs_string = " ".join([str(x[0]) for x in rvecs.reshape((-1,1))])
        title = '%7i E_pot = %.10f    %s' % (iterative.counter, iterative.epot, rvecs_string)
        if self.select is None:
            pos = iterative.ff.system.pos
            pos = iterative.ff.system.pos[self.select]
        self.xyz_writer.dump(title, pos)
Пример #12
 def __call__(self, iterative):
     from molmod import angstrom
     if self.xyz_writer is None:
         from molmod.periodic import periodic
         from molmod.io import XYZWriter
         numbers = iterative.ff.system.numbers
         if self.select is None:
             symbols = [periodic[n].symbol for n in numbers]
             symbols = [periodic[numbers[i]].symbol for i in self.select]
         self.xyz_writer = XYZWriter(self.fn_xyz, symbols)
     rvecs = iterative.ff.system.cell.rvecs.copy()
     rvecs_string = " ".join([str(x[0]/angstrom) for x in rvecs.reshape((-1,1))])
     title = '%7i E_pot = %.10f    %s' % (iterative.counter, iterative.epot, rvecs_string)
     if self.select is None:
         pos = iterative.ff.system.pos
         pos = iterative.ff.system.pos[self.select]
     self.xyz_writer.dump(title, pos)
Пример #13
 def __call__(self, iterative):
     from molmod import angstrom
     if self.xyz_writer is None:
         from molmod.periodic import periodic
         from molmod.io import XYZWriter
         numbers = iterative.ff.system.numbers
         if self.select is None:
             symbols = [periodic[n].symbol for n in numbers]
             symbols = [periodic[numbers[i]].symbol for i in self.select]
         self.xyz_writer = XYZWriter(self.fn_xyz, symbols)
     rvecs = iterative.ff.system.cell.rvecs.copy()
     rvecs_string = " ".join([str(x[0]) for x in rvecs.reshape((-1,1))])
     title = '%7i E_pot = %.10f    %s' % (iterative.counter, iterative.epot, rvecs_string)
     if self.select is None:
         pos = iterative.ff.system.pos
         pos = iterative.ff.system.pos[self.select]
     self.xyz_writer.dump(title, pos)