def clear_db_tables(host, port, database, collections): """ Clear some tables firstly : TF_DICT, etc :param host: :param port: :param database: :param collections: A list of collection that you want to delete :return: """ mongo_session = MongoDB() for c in collections: mongo_session.connect(host=host, port=port, database=database, collection=c) mongo_session.clear({}, c) mongo_session.disconnect()
class WebCrawler(DocumentParse): """ Web Crawler Class """ def __init__(self, path_to_stop_words, path_to_exception_words, dir_location, extension, direct_index_dir, reverse_index_dir): """ Constructor :param path_to_stop_words: Path to stop words document :param path_to_exception_words: Path to exception words document :param dir_location: Root location of site """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(path_to_stop_words, path_to_exception_words, extension, dir_location, direct_index_dir, reverse_index_dir) self._map_index_files = OrderedDict() self._reverse_index = {} self._interrogation = None self._list_of_words = None self._create_direct_index() self._create_reverse_index() self._compute_idf() def _create_direct_index(self): """ Create direct index and save the hash map for each file processed :return: """ try: map_response = self.map_phase() for item in map_response: self._map_index_files[item[0]] = item[1] except Exception as exc: print traceback.print_exc(exc) def _create_reverse_index(self): """ Create reverse index :return: """ map_response = [] try: for _idx, _file in self._map_index_files.items(): result = self.reduce_phase(_idx, _file) map_response.append(result) for item in map_response: for key in item: temp_file_name = key.replace('@', '.') dictionary = item[key] for word, value in dictionary.iteritems(): if word in self._reverse_index: self._reverse_index[word].append( (temp_file_name, int(value))) else: self._reverse_index[word] = [(temp_file_name, int(value))] reverse_index_file = r"{}\{}_reverse_index.idx".format( self._reverse_index_dir,'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')) os.environ["LAST_REVERSE_INDEX_FILE"] = reverse_index_file with open(reverse_index_file, 'w') as file_handler: file_handler.write( json.dumps(self._reverse_index, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc(exc) def _compute_idf(self): """ Compute idf :return: """ temp_dict = {} self._mongo_session = MongoDB() self._mongo_session.connect(host="localhost", port=27017, database="crawler", collection="tf_dict") db_tf_results ={}) for result in db_tf_results: for _file, words_dict in result.items(): if _file not in temp_dict: temp_dict[_file] = {} doc_norm = 0 for word, tf in words_dict.items(): if word in self._reverse_index: idf = math.log( self._number_of_docs + 0.1 / float(len(self._reverse_index[word])), 10) idf = float("{0:.6f}".format(idf)) doc_norm += math.pow(tf * idf, 2) temp_dict[_file][word] = { "tf": tf, "idf": idf, "doc": float("{0:.6f}".format(tf * idf)) } temp_dict[_file]['|doc|'] = float("{0:.6f}".format( math.sqrt(doc_norm))) self._mongo_session.connect(host="localhost", port=27017, database="crawler", collection="tf_idf_dict") self._mongo_session.insert_document(temp_dict, "tf_idf_dict") self._mongo_session.disconnect() @staticmethod def _compute_cosinus(doc_norm, query_norm, d, q): return (d * q) / float(doc_norm * query_norm) @classmethod def make_interrogation(cls, interrogation, reverse_index_file): """ Make an interrogation and search for files which contains the words from interrogation :param reverse_index_file: The file name who contains the reverse index dictionary :param interrogation: A list with words from interrogation :type interrogation: list :type reverse_index_file: str :return: """ reverse_index = {} query = {} results = [] item_used = [] doc_norm = 0 doc_results = {} mongo_session = MongoDB() mongo_session.connect(host="localhost", port=27017, database="crawler", collection="tf_idf_dict") db_tf_idf_results ={}) with open(reverse_index_file) as file_handler: for line in file_handler: reverse_index = json.loads(line) for query_word in interrogation: tf = 1 / float(len(interrogation)) tf = float("{0:.6f}".format(tf)) idf = 1 doc_norm += math.pow(tf * idf, 2) query[query_word] = { "tf": tf, "idf": idf, 'query': float("{0:.6f}".format(tf * idf)) } query['|query|'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(math.sqrt(doc_norm))) for word, list_of_files in reverse_index.items(): if word in interrogation: for _file_item in list_of_files: _file = _file_item[0] if _file in db_tf_idf_results[0]: doc_norm = db_tf_idf_results[0][_file]['|doc|'] query_norm = query['|query|'] d = db_tf_idf_results[0][_file][word]['doc'] q = query[word]['query'] cosinus = cls._compute_cosinus(doc_norm, query_norm, d, q) doc_results[cosinus] = _file doc_results = OrderedDict(sorted(doc_results.items())) for cosinus, _file in doc_results.items(): if _file not in item_used: item_used.append(_file) temp_dict = {'id': _file, 'label': _file, 'value': _file} results.append(temp_dict) if len(results) == 0: temp_dict = {'id': 1, 'label': 'no results', 'value': 'no results'} results.append(temp_dict) return results
def make_interrogation(cls, interrogation, reverse_index_file): """ Make an interrogation and search for files which contains the words from interrogation :param reverse_index_file: The file name who contains the reverse index dictionary :param interrogation: A list with words from interrogation :type interrogation: list :type reverse_index_file: str :return: """ reverse_index = {} query = {} results = [] item_used = [] doc_norm = 0 doc_results = {} mongo_session = MongoDB() mongo_session.connect(host="localhost", port=27017, database="crawler", collection="tf_idf_dict") db_tf_idf_results ={}) with open(reverse_index_file) as file_handler: for line in file_handler: reverse_index = json.loads(line) for query_word in interrogation: tf = 1 / float(len(interrogation)) tf = float("{0:.6f}".format(tf)) idf = 1 doc_norm += math.pow(tf * idf, 2) query[query_word] = { "tf": tf, "idf": idf, 'query': float("{0:.6f}".format(tf * idf)) } query['|query|'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(math.sqrt(doc_norm))) for word, list_of_files in reverse_index.items(): if word in interrogation: for _file_item in list_of_files: _file = _file_item[0] if _file in db_tf_idf_results[0]: doc_norm = db_tf_idf_results[0][_file]['|doc|'] query_norm = query['|query|'] d = db_tf_idf_results[0][_file][word]['doc'] q = query[word]['query'] cosinus = cls._compute_cosinus(doc_norm, query_norm, d, q) doc_results[cosinus] = _file doc_results = OrderedDict(sorted(doc_results.items())) for cosinus, _file in doc_results.items(): if _file not in item_used: item_used.append(_file) temp_dict = {'id': _file, 'label': _file, 'value': _file} results.append(temp_dict) if len(results) == 0: temp_dict = {'id': 1, 'label': 'no results', 'value': 'no results'} results.append(temp_dict) return results
import time from mongodb import MongoDB from processfile import ProcessFile from watchdog.observers import Observer if __name__ == "__main__": #Connection with MongoDB mongo_instance = MongoDB("mongodb://", 27017) mongo_client = mongo_instance.connect() db = mongo_instance.get_db(mongo_client, "mydb") collection = mongo_instance.get_collection(db, "events") observer = Observer() event_handler = ProcessFile(db) # create event handler observer.schedule(event_handler, path='./SOURCE_FILES') observer.start() print("Waiting for File.") try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()