print "==========================\n"
    print 'Could not find ""!\n'
    print 'Did you download "%s"' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    print 'without ""?\n'
    print "Please go back to"
    print " and download it,"
    print "or even better:"
    print "get a hole archive at\n"

plugin = MonitoringPlugin(
    pluginname="check_sensors", tagforstatusline="Sensors", description="Check environment sensors", version="0.2"

plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-s", "", "sensorid", "(comma separated list of) sensor id(s), no spaces", default=None)
    "-m", "", "maxage", "maximum age of data files (default: 900 seconds/15 minutes)", type="int", default=900
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-p", "", "path", "path to data files", default="/tmp")
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-b", "", "basefilename", "base of sensor file name", default="sensor_")
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-w", "", "tempwarn", "warning thresold for temperature sensors", default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-c", "", "tempcrit", "critical thresold for temperature sensors", default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-W", "", "humwarn", "warning thresold for humidity sensors", default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption("-C", "", "humcrit", "critical thresold for humidity sensors", default=None)


# No sensor id
if not plugin.options.sensorid:
    plugin.back2nagios(3, "Need at least one sensor id!")

plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-C', '', 'checks', 'Use built-in checks (predefined lists of variables)', default='')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-V', '', 'vars', 'List of "nagiostats" variables to check', default='')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-n', '', 'nagiostats', 'Full path to nagiostat', default='')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-w', '', 'warn', 'warning thresold', default='')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-c', '', 'crit', 'warning thresold', default='')


if not plugin.options.nagiostats:
	plugin.verbose(2, 'Auto-detecting path to "nagiostats"...')
	for nagiostats in NAGIOSTATSs:
		if os.path.exists(nagiostats):
			plugin.options.nagiostats = nagiostats
			plugin.verbose(2, 'Found it at "%s"' % nagiostats)
	print '=========================='
	print 'AIKS! Python import error!'
	print '==========================\n'
	print 'Could not find ""!\n'
	print 'Did you download "%s"' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	print 'without ""?\n'
	print 'Please go back to'
	print ' and download it,'
	print 'or even better:'
	print 'get a hole archive at\n'

plugin = MonitoringPlugin(pluginname='check_apaches', tagforstatusline='APACHE', description='Check Apache workers', version='0.1')

plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-H', '', 'host', 'Hostname/IP to check', default='localhost')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-p', '', 'port', 'port to connect', default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-P', '', 'proto', 'protocol to use', default='http')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-u', '', 'url', 'path to "server-status"', default='/server-status')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-a', '', 'httpauth', 'HTTP Username and Password, separated by ":"')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-w', '', 'warn', 'warning thresold', default='20')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-c', '', 'crit', 'warning thresold', default='50')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('', '--statistics', 'statistics', 'Output worker statistics', action='store_true')


if plugin.options.proto not in ['http', 'https']:
	plugin.back2nagios(3, 'Unknown protocol "' + plugin.options.proto + '"')

if not plugin.options.port:
	if plugin.options.proto == 'https':
	print '=========================='
	print 'AIKS! Python import error!'
	print '==========================\n'
	print 'Could not find ""!\n'
	print 'Did you download "%s"' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	print 'without ""?\n'
	print 'Please go back to'
	print ' and download it,'
	print 'or even better:'
	print 'get a hole archive at\n'

plugin = MonitoringPlugin(pluginname='check_netconnections', tagforstatusline='NETCONNS', description='Count network connections', version='0.1')

plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-p', '', 'port', 'port number', default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-t', '--tcp', 'tcp', 'count TCP connections (default)', action='store_true')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-u', '--udp', 'udp', 'count TCP connections', action='store_true')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-4', '', 'v4', 'count IPv4 connections (default)', action='store_true')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-6', '', 'v6', 'count IPv6 connections (default)', action='store_true')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-w', '', 'warn', 'warning thresold', default='20')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-c', '', 'crit', 'warning thresold', default='50')


# Need a port number
if not plugin.options.port:
	plugin.back2nagios(3, 'No port number specified!')
	plugin.options.port = int(plugin.options.port)

from monitoringplugin import MonitoringPlugin

import fcntl
import socket
import struct

def get_ipv4_address(iface):
	sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
	return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', iface[:15]))[20:24])

plugin = MonitoringPlugin(pluginname='check_iface-dns', tagforstatusline='IFACE-DNS', description='Check interface address vs. DNS', version='0.1')

plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-i', '', 'iface', 'Interface to get IP from', default='lo')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-d', '', 'dns', 'DNS object(s) to check, comma separated list', default='localhost')
#plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-4', '', 'v4', 'Use IPv4', action='store_true')
#plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-6', '', 'v6', 'Use IPv6', action='store_true')


#if not plugin.options.v4 and not plugin.options.v6:
#	plugin.options.v4 = True
#if plugin.options.v4:
#	plugin.verbose(1, 'Using IPv4')
#if plugin.options.v6:
#	plugin.verbose(1, 'Using IPv6')