def get_download_info(self, url, cat, season, episode): if LostFilmShow.get_seasons_url(url) is None: return None def parse_download(table): quality = table.find('div', class_="inner-box--label").text.strip() download_url = table.find('a').attrs['href'] return LostFileDownloadInfo(LostFilmQuality.parse(quality), download_url) cookies = self.get_cookies() download_redirect_url = self.download_url_pattern.format( cat=cat, season=season, episode=episode) download_redirect = scraper.get( download_redirect_url, headers=self._headers, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(download_redirect.text) meta_content = soup.find('meta').attrs['content'] download_page_url = meta_content.split(';')[1].strip()[4:] download_page = scraper.get( download_page_url, headers=self._headers, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(download_page.text) return list( map(parse_download, soup.find_all('div', class_='inner-box--item')))
def get_download_info(self, url, season, episode): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None def parse_download(table): quality = table.find('img').attrs['src'][11:-4] download_url = table.find('a').attrs['href'] return { 'quality': self._parse_quality(quality), 'download_url': download_url } cat = int('cat')) cookies = self.get_cookies() download_redirect_url = self.download_url_pattern.format(cat=cat, season=season, episode=episode) download_redirecy = requests.get(download_redirect_url, headers=self._headers, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) soup = get_soup(download_redirecy.text) meta_content = soup.find('meta').attrs['content'] download_page_url = meta_content.split(';')[1].strip()[4:] download_page = requests.get(download_page_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) soup = get_soup(download_page.text) return list(map(parse_download, soup.find_all('table')[2:]))
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None parsed_url = urlparse(url) match = self._regex.match(parsed_url.path) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) soup = get_soup(r.content) if soup.h2 is None: # rutracker doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.h2.string.strip() if title.lower().startswith(self.title_header_start): title = title[len(self.title_header_start):].strip() if title.lower().endswith(self.title_header_end): title = title[:-len(self.title_header_end)].strip() return self._get_title(title)
def get_download_url(self, url, vformat): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None match = self._tracker_regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.text) flist = self._find_format_list(soup) try: torrent_idx = -1 if flist is not None and vformat is not None: torrent_idx = flist.index(vformat) if vformat in flist else -1 a = soup.find_all("a", class_="torrent-download-link")[torrent_idx] except IndexError: return None return None if a is None else "" + a["href"]
def login(cls, username, password): login_url = "" profile_url = '' search_usess_re = re.compile(u'\(usess=([a-f0-9]{32})\)', re.IGNORECASE) cls_params = {'login': username, 'password': password} s = Session() # login over params = {"login": username, "password": password} r1 =, params, verify=False) # in case of failed login, bogi redirects to: # if r1.request.url != login_url: raise Exception('Can\'t login into') soup = get_soup(r1.text) inputs = soup.findAll("input") action = soup.find("form")['action'] cparams = dict([(i['name'], i['value']) for i in inputs if 'value' in i.attrs]) cls_params['bogi_uid'] = cparams['uid'] cls_params['email'] = cparams['email'], cparams, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) r3 = s.get(profile_url) cls_params['uid'] = s.cookies['uid'] cls_params['_pass'] = s.cookies['pass'] cls_params['usess'] = search_usess_re.findall(r3.text)[0] return cls(**cls_params)
def parse_url(self, url, parse_series=False): """ :rtype: requests.Response | LostFilmShow """ name, url = LostFilmShow.get_seasons_url_info(url) if url is None: return None response = scraper.get(url, headers=self._headers, allow_redirects=False, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) if response.status_code != 200 or response.url != url \ or '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/">' in response.text: return response # lxml have some issue with parsing lostfilm on Windows, so replace it on html5lib for Windows soup = get_soup(response.text, 'html5lib' if sys.platform == 'win32' else None) title_block = soup.find('div', class_='title-block') follow_show = title_block.find( 'div', onclick=self._follow_show_re).attrs['onclick'] follow_show_match = self._follow_show_re.match(follow_show) result = LostFilmShow( original_name=title_block.find('h2', class_='title-en').text, russian_name=title_block.find('h1', class_='title-ru').text, url_name=name, cat=int('cat'))) if parse_series: for season in self._parse_series(soup): result.add_season(season) return result
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) download = page_soup.find("a", {"class": "genmed"}) return "" + download.attrs['href']
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) download = page_soup.find("a", href=re.compile("download")) return "" + download.attrs['href']
def get_download_url(self, url, vformat): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) flist = self._find_format_list(page_soup) for f in flist: if f.text.strip() == vformat: href = f['href'][1:] at = page_soup.select_one('div[class="torrent"] div#'+href+' a') return self.root_url + at['href'] return None
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.text, 'html5lib' if sys.platform == 'win32' else None) anchors = page_soup.find_all("a") da = list(filter(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('href') and tag.attrs['href'].startswith("download.php?id="), anchors)) # not a free torrent if len(da) == 0: return None download_url = 'http://' + self.tracker_domains[0] + '/forum/' + da[0].attrs['href'] return download_url
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.text, 'html5lib' if sys.platform == 'win32' else None) anchors = page_soup.find_all("a") da = list(filter(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('href') and tag.attrs['href'].startswith("download.php?id="), anchors)) # not a free torrent if len(da) == 0: return None download_url = 'https://' + self.tracker_domains[0] + '/forum/' + da[0].attrs['href'] return download_url
def test_default_not_lxml_parser(self): lxml_module = sys.modules.get('lxml', None) if 'lxml' in sys.modules: del sys.modules['lxml'] try: soup = get_soup(self.CONTENT) self.assertIsNotNone(soup) self.assertTrue(isinstance(soup.builder, HTMLParserTreeBuilder)) finally: if lxml_module: sys.modules['lxml'] = lxml_module
def parse_url(self, url): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) soup = get_soup(r.text) if soup.h1 is None: # rutracker doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.h1.text.strip() return {'original_name': title}
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None r = requests.get(url, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) if r.status_code != 200 or (r.url != url and not self.can_parse_url(r.url)): return None r.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = get_soup(r.text) title = soup.title.string.strip() for title_header in self.title_headers: if title.lower().startswith(title_header): title = title[len(title_header):].strip() break return self._get_title(title)
def parse_url(self, url): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.content) if soup.h1 is None: # rutracker doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.h1.text.strip() return {'original_name': title}
def get_download_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None match = self._tracker_regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.text) try: a = soup.find_all("a", class_="torrent-download-link")[-1] except IndexError: return None return None if a is None else "https://www."+self.tracker_domain+a["href"]
def parse_url(self, url, parse_series=False): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, headers=self._headers, allow_redirects=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) if r.status_code != 200: return r # lxml have some issue with parsing lostfilm on Windows, so replace it on html5lib for Windows soup = get_soup(r.text, 'html5lib' if sys.platform == 'win32' else None) title = soup.find('div', class_='mid').find('h1').string result = self._parse_title(title) result['cat'] = int('cat')) if parse_series: result.update(self._parse_series(soup)) return result
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None match = self._tracker_regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.text) if not soup.title.string.endswith(self.title_end): return None title = soup.title.string[:-len(self.title_end)].strip() return {'original_name': title}
def parse_url(self, url): url = self.get_url(url) if not url or not self.can_parse_url(url): return None parsed_url = urlparse(url) if not parsed_url.path == '/forum/viewtopic.php': return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) if r.status_code != 200: return None soup = get_soup(r.text) title = soup.title.string.strip() for title_header in self.title_headers: if title.lower().endswith(title_header): title = title[:-len(title_header)].strip() break return self._get_title(title)
def get_last_torrent_update(self, url): response = requests.get(url, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) response.raise_for_status() soup = get_soup(response.text) content = soup.find("div", {"class": "mn1_content"}) last_update_text_element = content.find('b', text=self.last_update_text_re) if last_update_text_element is None: return None last_update_all_text = six.text_type(last_update_text_element.string) last_update_text_match = self.last_update_text_re.match( last_update_all_text) last_update_text = parsed_datetime = self.date_parser.parse(last_update_text) return parsed_datetime.astimezone(pytz.utc)
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None parsed_url = urlparse(url) match = self._regex.match(parsed_url.path) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) if r.status_code != 200: return None r.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = get_soup(r.text) title = soup.title.string.strip() for title_header in self.title_headers: if title.lower().startswith(title_header): title = title[len(title_header):].strip() break return self._get_title(title)
def test_parse_all_series(self):"This test need to be updated") error_hrefs = [] lock = Lock() queue = Queue() tracker = LostFilmTVTracker() threads = [] def process(): while True: try: url = queue.get(False) except Empty: return try: tracker.parse_url(url, True) except Exception: with lock: error_hrefs.append(url) all_series = requests.get('') soup = get_soup(all_series.text, 'html5') mid = soup.find('div', class_='mid') series = mid.find_all('a', class_='bb_a') for s in series: queue.put('' + s.attrs['href']) for i in range(0, 20): t = Thread(target=process) threads.append(t) t.start() for i in range(0, len(threads)): threads[i].join() for e in error_hrefs: print("Error parse: {0}".format(e)) self.assertEqual(0, len(error_hrefs))
def _get_params(self): with DBSession() as db: cred = db.query(UTorrentCredentials).first() if not cred: return False if not cred.port: cred.port = self.DEFAULT_PORT try: session = requests.Session() session.auth = (cred.username, cred.password) target = self.REQUEST_FORMAT.format(, cred.port) response = session.get(target + "token.html", auth=(cred.username, cred.password)) soup = get_soup(response.text) token = soup.div.text return {'session': session, 'target': target, 'token': token} except Exception as e: return False
def parse_url(self, url): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) # doesn't return encoding in content-type r.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = get_soup(r.text) title = soup.find('span', id='news-title') if title is None: return None title = title.text.strip() result = {'original_name': title} # Format format_list = [] flist = self._find_format_list(soup) for q in flist: format_list.append(q.text.strip()) result['format_list'] = format_list return result
def parse_url(self, url): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None # without slash response gets f****d up if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.content) if soup.h1 is None: # tapochek doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.title.string.strip() if title.lower().endswith(self.title_header): title = title[:-len(self.title_header)].strip() return {'original_name': title}
def test_parse_all_series(self): error_hrefs = [] lock = Lock() queue = Queue() tracker = LostFilmTVTracker() threads = [] def process(): while True: try: url = queue.get(False) except Empty: return try: tracker.parse_url(url, True) except Exception: with lock: error_hrefs.append(url) all_series = requests.get('') soup = get_soup(all_series.text, 'html5') mid = soup.find('div', class_='mid') series = mid.find_all('a', class_='bb_a') for s in series: queue.put('' + s.attrs['href']) for i in range(0, 20): t = Thread(target=process) threads.append(t) t.start() for i in range(0, len(threads)): threads[i].join() for e in error_hrefs: print("Error parse: {0}".format(e)) self.assertEqual(0, len(error_hrefs))
def parse_url(self, url): match = self._regex.match(url) if match is None: return None # without slash response gets f****d up if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) soup = get_soup(r.content) if soup.h1 is None: # tapochek doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.title.string.strip() if title.lower().endswith(self.title_header): title = title[:-len(self.title_header)].strip() return {'original_name': title}
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None match = self._tracker_regex.match(url) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.text) title = soup.title.string if self._title_regex.match(title) is None: return None format_list = self._find_format_list(soup) if format_list is not None: format_list.sort() return {'original_name': title, 'format_list': format_list}
def parse_url(self, url): if not self.can_parse_url(url): return None parsed_url = urlparse(url) match = self._regex.match(parsed_url.path) if match is None: return None r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(r.content) if soup.h2 is None: # rutracker doesn't return 404 for not existing topic # it return regular page with text 'Тема не найдена' # and we can check it by not existing heading of the requested topic return None title = soup.h2.string.strip() if title.lower().startswith(self.title_header_start): title = title[len(self.title_header_start):].strip() if title.lower().endswith(self.title_header_end): title = title[:-len(self.title_header_end)].strip() return self._get_title(title)
def login(self, username, password): s = Session() s.headers.update(self._headers) # login over params = {"login": username, "password": password} r1 =, params, verify=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) # in case of failed login, bogi redirects to: # if r1.request.url != self.login_url: url = urlparse(r1.url) if url.netloc == self.netloc: query = parse_qs(url.query) code = int(query.get('code', ['-1'])[0]) text = query.get('text', ["-"])[0] r1.encoding = 'windows-1251' message = r1.text raise LostFilmTVLoginFailedException(code, text, message) else: raise LostFilmTVLoginFailedException(-1, None, None) # callback to soup = get_soup(r1.text) inputs = soup.findAll("input") action = soup.find("form")['action'] cparams = dict([(i['name'], i['value']) for i in inputs if 'value' in i.attrs]) r2 =, cparams, verify=False, allow_redirects=False, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) if r2.status_code != 302 or r2.headers.get('location', None) != '/': raise LostFilmTVLoginFailedException(-2, None, None) # call to profile page r3 = s.get(self.profile_url, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) # read required params self.c_uid = s.cookies['uid'] self.c_pass = s.cookies['pass'] self.c_usess = self.search_usess_re.findall(r3.text)[0]
def test_direct_lxml_parser(self): soup = get_soup(self.CONTENT, 'lxml') self.assertIsNotNone(soup) self.assertTrue(isinstance(soup.builder, LXMLTreeBuilder))
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.tracker_settings.requests_timeout) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) download = page_soup.find("a", {"class": "genmed"}) return download.attrs['href']
def upgrade_0_to_1(operations_factory): from monitorrent.settings_manager import SettingsManager settings_manager = SettingsManager() tracker_settings = None with operations_factory() as operations: operations.add_column(AnilibriaTvTopic.__tablename__, Column('format', String, nullable=True)) operations.add_column(AnilibriaTvTopic.__tablename__, Column('format_list', String, nullable=True)) topic_values = [] m = MetaData() ani_topics = Table( AnilibriaTvTopic.__tablename__, m, Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), Column("hash", String, nullable=True), Column("format", String, nullable=True), Column("format_list", String, nullable=True)) m1 = MetaData() base_topics = Table(Topic.__tablename__, m1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("url", String), Column("type", String), Column('status', String)) topics = operations.db.query(base_topics).filter( base_topics.c.type == PLUGIN_NAME) for topic in topics: raw_topic = row2dict(topic, base_topics) # noinspection PyBroadException try: if tracker_settings is None: tracker_settings = settings_manager.tracker_settings response = requests.get( raw_topic['url'], **tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(response.text) format_list = AnilibriaTvTracker._find_format_list(soup) format_list.sort() topic_values.append({ 'id': raw_topic['id'], 'format_list': ",".join(format_list), 'format': format_list[0], 'status': Status.Ok.__str__() }) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() print(u''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))) topic_values.append({ 'id': raw_topic['id'], 'status': Status.Error.__str__() }) for upd in topic_values: if 'format' in upd: operations.db.execute( ani_topics.update( whereclause=( == upd['id']), values={ 'format_list': upd['format_list'], 'format': upd['format'] })) operations.db.execute( base_topics.update(whereclause=( == upd['id']), values={'status': upd['status']}))
def test_direct_html5lib_parser(self): soup = get_soup(self.CONTENT, 'html5lib') self.assertIsNotNone(soup) self.assertTrue(isinstance(soup.builder, HTML5TreeBuilder))
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) download = page_soup.find("a", {"class": "genmed"}) return ""+download.attrs['href']
def get_download_url(self, url): cookies = self.get_cookies() page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, **self.tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) page_soup = get_soup(page.content) download = page_soup.find("a", {"class": "genmed"}) return download.attrs['href']
def upgrade_3_to_4(engine, operations_factory): # Version 3 m3 = MetaData() lostfilm_series_3 = Table( 'lostfilmtv_series', m3, Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), Column("search_name", String, nullable=False), Column("season", Integer, nullable=True), Column("episode", Integer, nullable=True), Column("quality", String, nullable=False)) lostfilm_credentials_3 = Table( "lostfilmtv_credentials", m3, Column('username', String, primary_key=True), Column('password', String, primary_key=True), Column('uid', String), Column('pass', String), Column('usess', String), Column('default_quality', String, nullable=False, server_default='SD')) # Version 4 m4 = MetaData(engine) topic_last = Table('topics', m4, *[c.copy() for c in Topic.__table__.columns]) lostfilm_series_4 = Table( 'lostfilmtv_series4', m4, Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), Column("cat", Integer, nullable=False), Column("season", Integer, nullable=True), Column("episode", Integer, nullable=True), Column("quality", String, nullable=False)) lostfilm_credentials_4 = Table( "lostfilmtv_credentials4", m4, Column('username', String, primary_key=True), Column('password', String, primary_key=True), Column('session', String), Column('default_quality', String, nullable=False, server_default='SD')) cat_re = re.compile( six.text_type( r'https?://(www|old)\.lostfilm\.tv/browse\.php\?cat=_?(?P<cat>\d+)' ), re.UNICODE) from monitorrent.settings_manager import SettingsManager settings_manager = SettingsManager() tracker_settings = None with operations_factory() as operations: # if previuos run fails, it can not delete this table if operations.has_table( operations.drop_table( operations.create_table(lostfilm_series_4) lostfilm_topics = operations.db.query(lostfilm_series_3) topics = operations.db.query(topic_last) topics = [row2dict(t, topic_last) for t in topics] topics = {t['id']: t for t in topics} for topic in lostfilm_topics: raw_lostfilm_topic = row2dict(topic, lostfilm_series_3) raw_topic = topics[raw_lostfilm_topic['id']] match = cat_re.match(raw_topic['url']) topic_values = {} if not match: print("can't parse old url: {0}".format(raw_topic['url'])) raw_lostfilm_topic['cat'] = 0 topic_values['status'] = Status.Error else: cat = int('cat')) raw_lostfilm_topic['cat'] = cat try: if tracker_settings is None: tracker_settings = settings_manager.tracker_settings old_url = '{0}'.format( cat) url_response = scraper.get( old_url, **tracker_settings.get_requests_kwargs()) soup = get_soup(url_response.text) meta_content = soup.find('meta').attrs['content'] redirect_url = meta_content.split(';')[1].strip()[4:] if redirect_url.startswith('/'): redirect_url = redirect_url[1:] redirect_url = u'{0}'.format( redirect_url) url = LostFilmShow.get_seasons_url(redirect_url) if url is None: raise Exception( "Can't parse url from {0} it was redirected to {1}" .format(old_url, redirect_url)) topic_values['url'] = url except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() print(u''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))) topic_values['status'] = Status.Error operations.db.execute(lostfilm_series_4.insert(), raw_lostfilm_topic) operations.db.execute( topic_last.update( whereclause=( == raw_topic['id']), values=topic_values)) # drop original table operations.drop_table( # rename new created table to old one operations.rename_table(, # if previuos run fails, it can not delete this table if operations.has_table( operations.drop_table( operations.create_table(lostfilm_credentials_4) credentials = list(operations.db.query(lostfilm_credentials_3)) for credential in credentials: raw_credential = row2dict(credential, lostfilm_credentials_3) operations.db.execute(lostfilm_credentials_4.insert(), raw_credential) # drop original table operations.drop_table( # rename new created table to old one operations.rename_table(,