def plot_hzszq(options,args): """Plot sz,hz, q""" if len(args) == 0.: print "Must provide a savefilename ..." print "Returning ..." return None nqs, nszs, nhzs= 31, 51, 51 #nqs, nszs, nhzs= 5,5,5 if os.path.exists(args[0]): #Load savefile= open(args[0],'rb') hzs= pickle.load(savefile) szs= pickle.load(savefile) qs= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: qs= numpy.linspace(0.5,1.,nqs) szs= numpy.linspace(15.,50.,nszs) hzs= numpy.zeros((nqs,nszs)) for ii in range(nqs): print "Working on potential %i / %i ..." % (ii+1,nqs) #Setup potential lp= LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.,q=qs[ii]) if options.aAmethod.lower() == 'staeckel': aA= actionAngleStaeckel(pot=lp,delta=0.45,c=True) else: aA=actionAngleAdiabaticGrid(pot=pot,nR=16,nEz=16,nEr=31,nLz=31, zmax=1.,Rmax=5.) for jj in range(nszs): qdf= quasiisothermaldf(,2.*szs[jj]/220., szs[jj]/220.,7./8.,7./8.,pot=lp, aA=aA,cutcounter=True) hzs[ii,jj]= qdf.estimate_hz(1.,z=0.125) #Save save_pickles(args[0],hzs,szs,qs) #Re-sample hzsgrid= numpy.linspace(50.,1500.,nhzs)/8000. qs2d= numpy.zeros((nhzs,nszs)) for ii in range(nszs): interpQ= interpolate.UnivariateSpline(hzs[:,ii],qs,k=3) qs2d[:,ii]= interpQ(hzsgrid) qs2d[(hzsgrid < hzs[0,ii]),ii]= numpy.nan qs2d[(hzsgrid > hzs[-1,ii]),ii]= numpy.nan #Now plot bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_width=6., text_fontsize=20., legend_fontsize=24., xtick_labelsize=18., ytick_labelsize=18., axes_labelsize=24.) bovy_plot.bovy_dens2d(qs2d.T,origin='lower',cmap='jet', interpolation='gaussian', # interpolation='nearest', ylabel=r'$\sigma_z\ [\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}]$', xlabel=r'$h_z\ [\mathrm{pc}]$', zlabel=r'$\mathrm{flattening}\ q$', yrange=[szs[0],szs[-1]], xrange=[8000.*hzsgrid[0],8000.*hzsgrid[-1]], # vmin=0.5,vmax=1., contours=False, colorbar=True,shrink=0.78) _OVERPLOTMAPS= True if _OVERPLOTMAPS: fehs= monoAbundanceMW.fehs() afes= monoAbundanceMW.afes() npops= len(fehs) mapszs= [] maphzs= [] for ii in range(npops): thissz, thiserr= monoAbundanceMW.sigmaz(fehs[ii],afes[ii],err=True) if thiserr/thissz > 0.1: continue thishz, thiserr= monoAbundanceMW.hz(fehs[ii],afes[ii],err=True) if thiserr/thishz > 0.1: continue mapszs.append(thissz) maphzs.append(thishz) mapszs= numpy.array(mapszs) maphzs= numpy.array(maphzs) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(maphzs,mapszs,'ko',overplot=True,mfc='none',mew=1.5) bovy_plot.bovy_text(r'$h_R = %i\,\mathrm{kpc}$' % int(, bottom_right=True) bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(options.plotfilename)
import monoAbundanceMW as mam colormap = def _squeeze(o,omin,omax): return (o-omin)/(omax-omin) d = pickle.load(open('01024/g1536.01024.z0agedecomp.dat')) hz = d['hz']*1000 hzerr = d['hzerr']*1000 rexp = d['rexp'][(d['hzerr'] < 99)] rexperr = d['rexperr'][(d['hzerr'] < 99)] mass = d['mass'][(d['hzerr'] < 99)] #Bovy stuff bovyhz,bovyhzerr=zip(*[mam.hz(u[0],u[1],err=True) for u in zip(mam.fehs(),mam.afes())]) bovyrexp,bovyrexperr=zip(*[[0],u[1],err=True) for u in zip(mam.fehs(),mam.afes())]) bovymass=np.array([mam.abundanceDist(u[0],u[1]) for u in zip(mam.fehs(),mam.afes())]) maxhr = 5 maxhz = 2000 bovyplotrexp = np.copy(bovyrexp) bighr = bovyrexp > maxhr bovyplotrexp[bighr] = maxhr-0.3 ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1) ages = [i['mean'] for i in d['age']] sizes = 10*(d['mass']/4e8) print sizes scat = plt.scatter(d['rexp'],hz,c=ages,s=sizes,edgecolors='none')
def plot2d(options,args): """Make a plot of a quantity's best-fit vs. FeH and aFe""" if options.sample.lower() == 'g': npops= 62 elif options.sample.lower() == 'k': npops= 54 if options.sample.lower() == 'g': savefile= open('binmapping_g.sav','rb') elif options.sample.lower() == 'k': savefile= open('binmapping_k.sav','rb') fehs= pickle.load(savefile) afes= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() #First calculate the derivative properties if not options.multi is None: derivProps= multi.parallel_map((lambda x: calcAllDerivProps(x,options,args)), range(npops), numcores=numpy.amin([options.multi, npops, multiprocessing.cpu_count()])) else: derivProps= [] for ii in range(npops): derivProps.append(calcAllDerivProps(ii,options,args)) xprop= options.subtype.split(',')[0] yprop= options.subtype.split(',')[1] if xprop == 'fracfaint' or yprop == 'fracfaint': #Read the data print "Reading the data ..." raw= read_rawdata(options) #Bin the data binned= pixelAfeFeh(raw,dfeh=0.1,dafe=0.05) for ii in range(npops): if numpy.log([ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k')) /8.) > -0.5 \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'g' and (ii == 50 or ii == 57)) \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'k' and ii < 7): continue data= binned(fehs[ii],afes[ii]) indx= (data.dered_r > 17.8) derivProps[ii]['fracfaint']= numpy.sum(indx)/float(len(indx)) derivProps[ii]['fracfaint_err']= 0. if xprop == 'nfaint' or yprop == 'nfaint': #Read the data print "Reading the data ..." raw= read_rawdata(options) #Bin the data binned= pixelAfeFeh(raw,dfeh=0.1,dafe=0.05) for ii in range(npops): if numpy.log([ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k')) /8.) > -0.5 \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'g' and ii < 6) \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'k' and ii < 7): continue data= binned(fehs[ii],afes[ii]) indx= (data.dered_r > 17.8) derivProps[ii]['nfaint']= numpy.sum(indx) derivProps[ii]['nfaint_err']= 0. if xprop == 'hz' or yprop == 'hz': for ii in range(npops): if numpy.log([ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k')) /8.) > -0.5 \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'g' and ii < 6) \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'k' and ii < 7): continue hz, hzerr= monoAbundanceMW.hz(fehs[ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k'), err=True) derivProps[ii]['hz']= hz derivProps[ii]['hz_err']= hzerr if xprop == 'hr' or yprop == 'hr': for ii in range(npops): if numpy.log([ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k')) /8.) > -0.5 \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'g' and ii < 6) \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'k' and ii < 7): continue hr, hrerr=[ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k'), err=True) derivProps[ii]['hr']= hr derivProps[ii]['hr_err']= hrerr #Load into plotthis plotthis_x= numpy.zeros(npops)+numpy.nan plotthis_y= numpy.zeros(npops)+numpy.nan plotthis_x_err= numpy.zeros(npops)+numpy.nan plotthis_y_err= numpy.zeros(npops)+numpy.nan for ii in range(npops): if numpy.log([ii],afes[ii], k=(options.sample.lower() == 'k')) /8.) > -0.5 \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'g' and ii < 6) \ or (options.sample.lower() == 'k' and ii < 7): continue plotthis_x[ii]= derivProps[ii][xprop] plotthis_y[ii]= derivProps[ii][yprop] plotthis_x_err[ii]= derivProps[ii][xprop+'_err'] plotthis_y_err[ii]= derivProps[ii][yprop+'_err'] #Now plot bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_width=6.) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotthis_x,plotthis_y, s=25.,c=afes, cmap='jet', xlabel=labels[xprop],ylabel=labels[yprop], clabel=r'$[\alpha/\mathrm{Fe}]$', xrange=ranges[xprop],yrange=ranges[yprop], vmin=0.,vmax=0.5, scatter=True,edgecolors='none', colorbar=True) colormap = cm.jet for ii in range(npops): if numpy.isnan(plotthis_x[ii]): continue pyplot.errorbar(plotthis_x[ii], plotthis_y[ii], xerr=plotthis_x_err[ii], yerr=plotthis_y_err[ii], color=colormap(_squeeze(afes[ii], numpy.amax([numpy.amin(afes)]), numpy.amin([numpy.amax(afes)]))), elinewidth=1.,capsize=3,zorder=0) bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(options.outfilename) return None