Пример #1
 def mark_user(self, user_id):
     user, status = get(f"{self.addr}/users/" + str(user_id))
     if status != 200 or user is None:
         return None, None
     user['is_positive'] = True
     user['positive_datetime'] = datetime.today().isoformat()
     return put(f"{self.addr}/users/" + str(user_id), json=user)
Пример #2
 def get_restaurants_tables(self, rest_id, capacity=None):
     url = f"{self.addr}/restaurants/{rest_id}/tables?"
     if capacity is not None:
         url += "capacity=" + str(capacity)
     if url[-1] == "?":
         url = url[:-1]
     return get(url)
Пример #3
    def get_bookings(self, user=None, rest=None, table=None, begin=None, end=None, begin_entrance=None,
                     end_entrance=None, with_user=True):

        """ Return the list of bookings.

        GET /bookings?[user=U_ID&][rest=R_ID&][table=T_ID&][begin=BEGING_DT&][end=END_DT&][begin_entrance=BEGING_ENT_DT&][end_entrance=END_ENT_DT&][with_user=true/false]

        It's possible to filter the bookings thanks the query's parameters.
        The parameters can be overlapped in any way.
        All paramters are optional.

        - user: All the booking of a specific user (by id)
        - rest: All the booking of a specific restaurant (by id)
        - table: All the booking of a specific table (by id)
        - begin: All bookings from a certain date onwards (datetime ISO 8601 - Chapter 5.6)
        - end: All bookings up to a certain date onwards (datetime ISO 8601 - Chapter 5.6)
        - begin_entrance: All bookings from a certain entrance date onwards (datetime ISO 8601 - Chapter 5.6)
        - end_entrance: All bookings up to a certain entrance date onwards (datetime ISO 8601 - Chapter 5.6)
        - with_user: If true adds at each bookings the user information

        If begin and not end is specified, all those starting from begin are taken. Same thing for end.

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            400 - Wrong datetime format

        url = self.addr + "/bookings?"

        if user is not None:
            url += "user="******"&"

        if rest is not None:
            url += "rest=" + str(rest) + "&"

        if table is not None:
            url += "table=" + str(table) + "&"

        if begin is not None:
            url += "begin=" + str(begin) + "&"

        if end is not None:
            url += "end=" + str(end) + "&"

        if begin_entrance is not None:
            url += "begin_entrance=" + str(begin_entrance) + "&"

        if end_entrance is not None:
            url += "end_entrance=" + str(end_entrance) + "&"

        if with_user:
            url += "with_user=true"

        return get(url)
Пример #4
    def get_a_booking(self, id, with_user=True):

        """ Return a specific booking (request by id)

        GET /bookings/{booking_id}?[with_user=true/false]

        - with_user: [optional] If true adds the user information

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            404 - Booking not found

        url = self.addr + "/bookings/" + str(id)
        if with_user:
            url += "?with_user=true"
        return get(url)
Пример #5
 def get_restaurants(self, name=None, opening_time=None, open_day=None, cuisine_type=None, menu=None):
     url = f"{self.addr}/restaurants?"
     if name is not None:
         url += "name=" + str(name) + "&"
     if opening_time is not None:
         url += "opening_time=" + str(opening_time) + "&"
     if open_day is not None:
         url += "open_day=" + str(open_day) + "&"
     if cuisine_type is not None:
         url += "cuisine_type=" + str(cuisine_type) + "&"
     if menu is not None:
         url += "menu=" + str(menu) + "&"
     if url[-1] == "&":
         url = url[:-1]
     if url[-1] == "?":
         url = url[:-1]
     return get(url)
Пример #6
    def get_users(self, ssn=None, phone=None, email=None, is_positive=None):
        url = self.addr + "/users"
        params = '?'
        if ssn is not None:
            params += 'ssn=' + str(ssn) + '&'

        if phone is not None:
            params += 'phone=' + str(phone) + '&'

        if email is not None:
            params += 'email=' + str(email) + '&'

        if is_positive is True:
            params += 'is_positive=True'
        elif is_positive is False:
            params += 'is_positive=False'

        return get(url + params)
Пример #7
 def get_notification(self, notification_id: int):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/notifications/{notification_id}")
Пример #8
 def get_notifications(self, user_id: int, read: int = None):
     base_url = f"{self.addr}/notifications?user_id={user_id}"
     if read is not None:
         base_url += f"&read={'true' if read else 'false'}"
     return get(base_url)
Пример #9
 def unmark_user(self, user_id):
     user, status = get(f"{self.addr}/users/" + str(user_id))
     if status != 200 or user is None:
         return None, None
     user['is_positive'] = False
     return put(f"{self.addr}/users/" + str(user_id), json=user)
Пример #10
 def get_user_contacts(self, user_id, begin, end):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/users/{user_id}/contacts?begin={begin}&end={end}")
Пример #11
 def get_positive_users(self):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/users?is_positive=True")
Пример #12
 def get_user(self, user_id: int):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/users/{user_id}")
Пример #13
 def get_restaurants_table(self,rest_id, table_id):
     url = f"{self.addr}/restaurants/{rest_id}/tables/{table_id}"
     return get(url)
Пример #14
 def get_restaurant_rate(self, rest_id):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/restaurants/{rest_id}/rate")
Пример #15
 def get_restaurant(self, rest_id):
     return get(f"{self.addr}/restaurants/{rest_id}")