Пример #1
    def addSynapses(self):
        ##### Excitatory + Inhibitory Synpase combo taken from the paper Djurisic etal 2008 JNeurosci.
        ##### Actually it's only an excitatory synapse, but they have used the inhibitory one to model the later time course.
        ##### Though this might be needed to account for PG cell inhibition?
        ##### Gbar-s have been set to ensure 16mV EPSP at the glom tuft as done in the paper.
        ##### Paper's defaults give only 8mV EPSP peak at glom tuft. So here multiplied by two. Cannot use supplemental table values as no cytoplasmic resistivity Ri in this model. Only axial resistance from glom to prim which doesn't matter much [maybe it does - loading rather than input resistance?]. Makes sense only if dendritic tree with many compartments.
        ##### Also no idea of how much to change the inhibitory part without Ri, so multiplied that also by 2
        self._ExcORNSyn = moose.SynChan(self.path + "/ExcSyn")
        self._ExcORNSyn.Ek = EREST + 0.07  # Volts, 70mV above EREST
        self._ExcORNSyn.Gbar = 0.3 * SYN_EXC_G  # Siemens
        ### The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
        ### delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse
        self._ExcORNSyn.tau1 = 1.6094e-3  # seconds
        self._ExcORNSyn.tau2 = 1.6094e-3  # seconds

        self._InhORNSyn = moose.SynChan(self.path + "/InhSyn")
        self._InhORNSyn.Ek = EREST - 0.01  # Volts, 10mV below EREST
        self._InhORNSyn.Gbar = 0.3 * SYN_INH_G  # Siemens
        ### The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
        ### delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse
        self._InhORNSyn.tau1 = 5.6631e-3  # seconds
        self._InhORNSyn.tau2 = 5.6631e-3  # seconds

        self._mitralGlom.connect("channel", self._ExcORNSyn, "channel")
        self._mitralGlom.connect("channel", self._InhORNSyn, "channel")
Пример #2
def make_synapse(path):
    """Create a synapse with two time constants."""
    syn = moose.SynChan(path)
    syn.tau1 = 5.0  # ms
    syn.tau2 = 1.0  # ms
    syn.Gbar = 1.0  # mS
    syn.Ek = 0.0
    synsh = moose.SimpleSynHandler(path + '/sh')
    synsh.synapse.num = 1
    # syn.bufferTime = 1.0 # ms
    synsh.synapse.delay = 1.0
    synsh.synapse.weight = 1.0
    print(('Synapses:', len(synsh.synapse), 'w=', synsh.synapse[0].weight))
    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('%s/spike' % (syn.parent.path))
    spikegen.edgeTriggered = False  # Make it fire continuously when input is high
    spikegen.refractT = 10.0  # With this setting it will fire at 1 s / 10 ms = 100 Hz
    spikegen.threshold = 0.5
    # This will send alternatind -1 and +1 to SpikeGen to make it fire
    spike_stim = moose.PulseGen('%s/spike_stim' % (syn.parent.path))
    spike_stim.delay[0] = 50.0
    spike_stim.level[0] = 1.0
    spike_stim.width[0] = 100.0
    moose.connect(spike_stim, 'output', spikegen, 'Vm')
    m = moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', synsh.synapse[0], 'addSpike')
    return syn, spikegen
Пример #3
def make_NMDA(comp):
    """This function is modified from proto18.py by Upi, which is again
    based on Dave Beeman's implementation.

    This implementation of NMDA uses the formulation by Zador, Koch
    and Brown (1990) where

    Gk = Gbar * (exp(- t / tau1) - exp(-t / tau2)) / (1 + eta * [Mg2+] * exp(- gmma * Vm))

    The MgBlock object sits between the SynChan and teh Compartment
    and scales the Gk of regular SynChan Gk by [Mg2+] such that the
    resulting conductance is as above formula, where the fields are :

    CMg = [Mg2+]
    KMg_A = 1 / eta
    KMg_B = 1 / gamma

    nmda = moose.SynChan('%s/nmda' % (comp.path))
    nmda.synapse.num = 1
    nmda.Ek = 0.0
    nmda.tau1 = 20e-3
    nmda.tau2 = 20e-3
    nmda.Gbar = 0.2 * 8e-9 # channel open probability is 0.2
    nmda.bufferTime = 0.0001
    mgblock = moose.MgBlock('%s/mgblock' % (nmda.path))
    mgblock.CMg = 1.2		#	[Mg] in mM
    mgblock.Zk = 2
    mgblock.KMg_A = 1.0/0.28
    mgblock.KMg_B = 1.0/62
    moose.connect( nmda, 'channelOut', mgblock, 'origChannel', 'OneToOne' )
    moose.connect(mgblock, 'channel', comp, 'channel')
    return nmda, mgblock
Пример #4
def make_NMDA():
    if moose.exists('NMDA'):
    NMDA = moose.SynChan('NMDA')
    NMDA.Ek = 0.0
    NMDA.tau1 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.tau2 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.Gbar = 5 * SOMA_A

    block = moose.MgBlock('/library/NMDA/block')
    block.CMg = 1.2  #	[Mg] in mM
    block.Zk = 2
    block.KMg_A = 1.0 / 0.28
    block.KMg_B = 1.0 / 62

    moose.connect(NMDA, 'channelOut', block, 'origChannel', 'OneToOne')
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. channel	./block	channel'
    #Here we want to also tell the cell reader to _remove_ the original
    #Gk, Ek term going from the channel to the compartment, as this is
    # now handled by the MgBlock.
    #addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( 'NMDA/addmsg2'
    #addmsg2.value = 'DropMsg	..	channel'
    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '.. VmOut	.	Vm'
def create_compartment(path):
    comp = moose.Compartment(path)
    comp.diameter = soma_dia
    comp.Em = EREST_ACT + 10.613e-3
    comp.initVm = EREST_ACT
    sarea = np.pi * soma_dia * soma_dia
    comp.Rm = 1/(0.3e-3 * 1e4 * sarea)
    comp.Cm = 1e-6 * 1e4 * sarea
    if moose.exists('/library/na'):
        nachan = moose.element(moose.copy('/library/na', comp, 'na'))
        nachan = create_na_chan(comp.path)
    nachan.Gbar = 120e-3 * sarea * 1e4
    moose.connect(nachan, 'channel', comp, 'channel')
    if moose.exists('/library/k'):
        kchan = moose.element(moose.copy('/library/k', comp, 'k'))
        kchan = create_k_chan(comp.path)
    kchan.Gbar = 36e-3 * sarea * 1e4
    moose.connect(kchan, 'channel', comp, 'channel')
    synchan = moose.SynChan(comp.path + '/synchan')
    synchan.Gbar = 1e-8
    synchan.tau1 = 2e-3
    synchan.tau2 = 2e-3
    synchan.Ek = 0.0
    m = moose.connect(comp, 'channel', synchan, 'channel')
    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(comp.path + '/spikegen')
    spikegen.threshold = 0.0
    m = moose.connect(comp, 'VmOut', spikegen, 'Vm')
    return comp
Пример #6
def make_synapse(path):
    """Create a synapse with two time constants. Connect a spikegen to the
    synapse. Create a pulsegen to drive the spikegen."""
    syn = moose.SynChan(path)
    syn.tau1 = 5.0  # ms
    syn.tau2 = 1.0  # ms
    syn.Gk = 1.0  # mS
    syn.Ek = 0.0
    syn.synapse.num = 1
    # syn.bufferTime = 1.0 # ms
    syn.synapse.delay = 1.0
    syn.synapse.weight = 1.0
    print 'Synapses:', len(syn.synapse), 'w=', syn.synapse[0].weight
    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('%s/spike' % (syn.parent.path))
    spikegen.edgeTriggered = False  # Make it fire continuously when input is high
    spikegen.refractT = 10.0  # With this setting it will fire at 1 s / 10 ms = 100 Hz
    spikegen.threshold = 0.5
    # This will send alternatind -1 and +1 to SpikeGen to make it fire
    spike_stim = moose.PulseGen('%s/spike_stim' % (syn.parent.path))
    spike_stim.delay[0] = 1.0
    spike_stim.level[0] = 1.0
    spike_stim.width[0] = 100.0
    moose.connect(spike_stim, 'output', spikegen, 'Vm')
    # m = moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', syn.synapse.vec, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    # m.setRandomConnectivity(1.0, 1)
    m = moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0],
                      'addSpike')  # this causes segfault
    return syn, spikegen
Пример #7
def make_new_synapse(syn_name, postcomp, syn_name_full, nml_params):
    ## if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
    if not moose.exists('/library/' + syn_name):
        cmlR = ChannelML(nml_params)
        model_filename = syn_name + '.xml'
        model_path = utils.find_first_file(model_filename,
        if model_path is not None:
            raise IOError(
                'For mechanism {0}: files {1} not found under {2}.'.format(
                    syn_name, model_filename, nml_params['model_dir']))
    ## deep copies the library SynChan and SynHandler
    ## to instances under postcomp named as <arg3>
    synid = moose.copy(moose.element('/library/' + syn_name), postcomp,
    #synhandlerid = moose.copy(moose.element('/library/'+syn_name+'/handler'), postcomp,syn_name_full+'/handler') This line was a bug: double handler
    synhandler = moose.element(synid.path + '/handler')
    syn = moose.SynChan(synid)
    synhandler = moose.element(
        synid.path + '/handler')  # returns SimpleSynHandler or STDPSynHandler

    ## connect the SimpleSynHandler or the STDPSynHandler to the SynChan (double exp)
    moose.connect(synhandler, 'activationOut', syn, 'activation')
    # mgblock connections if required
    childmgblock = mu.get_child_Mstring(syn, 'mgblockStr')
    #### connect the post compartment to the synapse
    if childmgblock.value == 'True':  # If NMDA synapse based on mgblock, connect to mgblock
        mgblock = moose.Mg_block(syn.path + '/mgblock')
        moose.connect(postcomp, "channel", mgblock, "channel")
    else:  # if SynChan or even NMDAChan, connect normally
        moose.connect(postcomp, "channel", syn, "channel")
Пример #8
def make_NMDA():
    if moose.exists('NMDA'):
    NMDA = moose.SynChan('NMDA')
    NMDA.Ek = 0.0
    NMDA.tau1 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.tau2 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.Gbar = 5 * SOMA_A

    block = moose.MgBlock('/library/NMDA/block')
    block.CMg = 1.2  #        [Mg] in mM
    block.Zk = 2
    block.KMg_A = 1.0 / 0.28
    block.KMg_B = 1.0 / 62

    moose.connect(NMDA, 'channelOut', block, 'origChannel', 'OneToOne')
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. channel        ./block        channel'
    #Here we want to also tell the cell reader to _remove_ the original
    #Gk, Ek term going from the channel to the compartment, as this is
    # now handled by the MgBlock.
    #addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( 'NMDA/addmsg2'
    #addmsg2.value = 'DropMsg        ..        channel'
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. VmOut        ./block        Vm'
    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = './block        IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '.. VmOut        .        Vm'

    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('NMDA/sh')
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', NMDA, 'activation')
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
Пример #9
def many_ematrix_to_one_element():
    """This is an example of event messages from multiple SpikeGen objects
    into a synchan.

    Create a SynChan element with 2 elements in synapse field.

    Create 5 SpikeGen elements.

    Connect alternet SpikeGen elements to synapse[0] and synapse[1]

    ... This is a minimal example. In real simulations the SpikeGens
    will be embedded in compartments representing axon terminals and
    the SynChans will be embedded in somatic/dendritic compartments.

    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    # data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    synchan = moose.SynChan('/model/synchan')
    synh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/model/synchan/synh')
    moose.connect(synh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    synh.synapse.num = 2
    num_spikegen = 5
    spikegens = [
        moose.SpikeGen('/model/spikegen_%d' % (ii))
        for ii in range(num_spikegen)
    for ii in range(num_spikegen):
        msg = moose.connect(spikegens[ii], 'spikeOut', synh.synapse[ii % 2],
        # synchan.synapse[ii].delay = ii  * 1e-3
        # synchan.synapse[ii].weight = (ii+1) * 0.1
    for sg in spikegens:
        print(sg.path, '-->', end=' ')
        for m in sg.msgOut:
Пример #10
def create_spine_with_receptor(compt, cell, index, frac):
    FaradayConst = 96485.3415  # s A / mol
    spineLength = 5.0e-6
    spineDia = 4.0e-6
    head = create_spine(compt, cell, index, frac, spineLength, spineDia, 0.0)
    gluR = moose.SynChan(head.path + '/gluR')
    gluR.tau1 = 4e-3
    gluR.tau2 = 4e-3
    gluR.Gbar = 1e-6
    gluR.Ek = 10.0e-3
    moose.connect(head, 'channel', gluR, 'channel', 'Single')

    caPool = moose.CaConc(head.path + '/ca')
    caPool.CaBasal = 1e-4  # 0.1 micromolar
    caPool.tau = 0.01
    B = 1.0 / (FaradayConst * spineLength * spineDia * spineDia * math.pi / 4)
    B = B / 20.0  # scaling factor for Ca buffering
    caPool.B = B
    moose.connect(gluR, 'IkOut', caPool, 'current', 'Single')

    synHandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler(head.path + '/gluR/handler')
    synHandler.synapse.num = 1
    moose.connect(synHandler, 'activationOut', gluR, 'activation', 'Single')

    return gluR
Пример #11
def create_cell():
    """Create a single-compartment Hodgking-Huxley neuron with a
    synaptic channel.

    This uses the :func:`ionchannel.create_1comp_neuron` function for
    model creation.

    Returns a dict containing the neuron, the synchan and the
    synhandler for accessing the synapse,
    neuron = create_1comp_neuron('/neuron')
    #: SynChan for post synaptic neuron
    synchan = moose.SynChan('/neuron/synchan')
    synchan.Gbar = 1e-8
    synchan.tau1 = 2e-3
    synchan.tau2 = 2e-3
    msg = moose.connect(neuron, 'channel', synchan, 'channel')
    #: Create SynHandler to handle spike event input and set the
    #: activation input of synchan
    synhandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/neuron/synhandler')
    synhandler.synapse.num = 1
    synhandler.synapse[0].delay = 5e-3
    moose.connect(synhandler, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    return {'neuron': neuron,
            'synchan': synchan,
            'synhandler': synhandler}
def createSynapseOnCompartment(compt):
    FaradayConst = 96485.3415  # s A / mol
    length = compt.length
    dia = compt.diameter

    gluR = moose.SynChan(compt.path + '/gluR')
    gluR.tau1 = 4e-3
    gluR.tau2 = 4e-3
    gluR.Gbar = 1e-6
    gluR.Ek = 10.0e-3
    moose.connect(compt, 'channel', gluR, 'channel', 'Single')
    gluSyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(compt.path + '/gluR/sh')
    moose.connect(gluSyn, 'activationOut', gluR, 'activation')
    gluSyn.synapse.num = 1
    # Ca comes in through this channel, at least for this example.
    caPool = moose.CaConc(compt.path + '/ca')
    caPool.CaBasal = 1e-4  # 0.1 micromolar
    caPool.tau = 0.01
    B = 1.0 / (FaradayConst * length * dia * dia * math.pi / 4)
    B = B / 20.0  # scaling factor for Ca buffering
    caPool.B = B
    moose.connect(gluR, 'IkOut', caPool, 'current', 'Single')
    # Provide a regular synaptic input.
    synInput = moose.SpikeGen('/n/elec/compt/synInput')
    synInput.refractT = 47e-3
    synInput.threshold = -1.0
    synInput.edgeTriggered = 0
    syn = moose.element(gluSyn.path + '/synapse')
    moose.connect(synInput, 'spikeOut', syn, 'addSpike', 'Single')
    syn.weight = 0.2
    syn.delay = 1.0e-3
    return gluR
Пример #13
def create_synaptic_channel(name,
    lib = moose.Neutral('/library') if not moose.exists(
        '/library') else moose.element('/library')
    if name == 'nmda':
        synchan = moose.NMDAChan(lib.path + '/' + name)
            synchan = set_nmda_magnesium_parameters(synchan, params)
            synchan = set_ghk_equation_factors(synchan, params)
            raise ValueError("No NMDA params provided")
        synchan = moose.SynChan(lib.path + '/' + name)
    synchan.Gbar = Gbar
    synchan.tau1 = tau1
    synchan.tau2 = tau2
    synchan.Ek = ek
    sh = create_synaptic_handle(synchan, synapse_count, delay)
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    return (synchan, sh)
def make_synapses(spikegen, synchan, delay=5e-3):
    Create synapses from spikegens to synchans in a manner similar to
    OneToAll connection.

spikegen:   list of spikegen objects
            These are sources of synaptic event messages.

synchan:    list of synchan objects
            These are the targets of the synaptic event messages.

delay:      mean delay of synaptic transmission.
            Individual delays are normally distributed with sd=0.1*mean.

    scount = len(spikegen)
    for ii, sid in enumerate(synchan):
        s = moose.SynChan(sid)
        sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( sid.path + "/synh" )
        moose.connect( sh, "activationOut", s, "activation" )
        sh.synapse.num = scount
        delay_list = np.random.normal(delay, delay*0.1, scount)
        # print delay_list
        for jj in range(scount):
            sh.synapse[jj].delay = delay_list[jj]
            # Connect all spikegens to this synchan except that from
            # same compartment - we assume if parents are same the two belong to the same compartment
            if s.parent.path != spikegen[jj].parent.path:
                m = moose.connect(spikegen[jj], 'spikeOut', moose.element(sh.path + '/synapse'),  'addSpike')
Пример #15
def make_AMPA(comp):
    ampa = moose.SynChan('%s/ampa' % (comp.path))
    ampa.synapse.num = 1
    ampa.tau1 = 2e-3
    ampa.Gbar = 0.5e-9
    ampa.bufferTime = 0.0001
    moose.connect(ampa, 'channel', comp, 'channel')
    return ampa
Пример #16
def connectSynapse(compartment, synname, gbar_factor):
    Creates a synname synapse under compartment, sets Gbar*gbar_factor, and attaches to compartment.
    synname must be a synapse in /library of MOOSE.
    synapseid = moose.copy(moose.SynChan("/library/" + synname), compartment,
    synapse = moose.SynChan(synapseid)
    synapse.Gbar = synapse.Gbar * gbar_factor
    synapse_mgblock = moose.Mstring(synapse.path + "/mgblockStr")
    if (synapse_mgblock.value == "True"
        ):  # If NMDA synapse based on mgblock, connect to mgblock
        mgblock = moose.Mg_block(synapse.path + "/mgblock")
        compartment.connect("channel", mgblock, "channel")
        compartment.connect("channel", synapse, "channel")
    return synapse
Пример #17
def make_glu():
    if moose.exists('glu'):
    glu = moose.SynChan('glu')
    glu.Ek = 0.0
    glu.tau1 = 2.0e-3
    glu.tau2 = 9.0e-3
    glu.Gbar = 40 * SOMA_A
Пример #18
def timetable_demo():
    tt_array, sp_array = timetable_nparray()
    tt_file, sp_file = timetable_file()
    # Create a synchan inside a compartment to demonstrate how to use
    # TimeTable to send artificial spike events to a synapse.
    comp = moose.Compartment('/model/comp')
    comp.Em = -60e-3
    comp.Rm = 1e9
    comp.Cm = 1e-12
    synchan = moose.SynChan('/model/comp/synchan')
    synchan.Gbar = 1e-6
    synchan.Ek = 0.0
    moose.connect(synchan, 'channel', comp, 'channel')
    synh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/model/comp/synchan/synh')
    moose.connect(synh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    synh.synapse.num = 1
    moose.connect(tt_file, 'eventOut', moose.element(synh.path + '/synapse'),
    # Data recording: record the `state` of the time table filled
    # using array.
    data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    tab_array = moose.Table('/data/tab_array')
    moose.connect(tab_array, 'requestOut', tt_array, 'getState')
    # Record the synaptic conductance for the other time table, which
    # is filled from a text file and sends spike events to a synchan.
    tab_file = moose.Table('/data/tab_file')
    moose.connect(tab_file, 'requestOut', synchan, 'getGk')

    # Scheduling
    moose.setClock(0, simdt)
    moose.setClock(1, simdt)
    moose.useClock(1, '/model/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'init')
    moose.useClock(1, '/model/##,/data/##', 'process')

    # Plotting
    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
               label='spike times from numpy array')
    pylab.plot(np.linspace(0, simtime, len(tab_array.vector)),
               label='TimeTable state')
    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
               label='spike times from file')
    pylab.plot(np.linspace(0, simtime, len(tab_file.vector)),
               tab_file.vector * 1e6,
               label='Syn Gk (uS)')
Пример #19
def test_synintegration(filename, target_cell, source_type):
    sim = Simulation('synintegration')
    cell = SpinyStellate(SpinyStellate.prototype, 
                         sim.model.path + '/SpinyStellate')
    vm_table = cell.comp[cell.presyn].insertRecorder('Vm', 'Vm', sim.data)
    # Create a common spike gen object
    sp = moose.SpikeGen('spike', sim.model)
    sp.threshold = 0.0
    sp.edgeTriggered = 1
    sptab = moose.Table('spike', sim.data)
    sptab.stepMode = 3
    sptab.connect('inputRequest', sp, 'state')
    (comp_indices, syntype, gbar, tau1, tau2, Ek, ) = \
        get_syninfo(filename, target_cell, source_type)    
    # Set up the synapses
    for ii in range(len(comp_indices)):
        print '%d\t%s\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g' % (comp_indices[ii], 
        comp = cell.comp[comp_indices[ii]]
        weight = 1.0
        if syntype[ii] == 'nmda':
            chan = moose.NMDAChan('nmda_from_%s' % (source_type), comp)
            chan.MgConc = 1.5            
            weight = gbar[ii]
            chan = moose.SynChan('%s_from_%s' % (syntype[ii], source_type), 
        chan.Gbar = gbar[ii]
        chan.tau1 = tau1[ii]
        chan.tau2 = tau2[ii]
        chan.Ek = Ek[ii]
        comp.connect('channel', chan, 'channel')
        sp.connect('event', chan, 'synapse')
        count = chan.numSynapses
        if source_type == 'TCR':
            chan.delay[count-1] = 1e-3 # thalamocortical delay
            chan.delay[count-1] = 0.05e-3 # default delay
        chan.weight[count-1] = weight
        gktable = moose.Table('%s_%s_%s' % (cell.name, comp.name, chan.name), sim.data)
        gktable.stepMode = 3
        gktable.connect('inputRequest', chan, 'Gk')
    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('pulse', sim.model)
    pulsegen.firstDelay = 3.0
    pulsegen.firstLevel = 1.0
    pulsegen.firstWidth = 1e-3
    pulsegen.trigMode = moose.FREE_RUN
    pulsegen.connect('outputSrc', sp, 'Vm')
    ptable = moose.Table('pulse', sim.data)
    ptable.stepMode = 3
    ptable.connect('inputRequest', pulsegen, 'output')
    sim.schedule(simdt=1e-6, plotdt=1e-6)
    sim.save_data_h5(filename.replace('network_', 'synintegration_'))
Пример #20
def create_synaptic_channel(name, Gbar, tau1, tau2, ek, synapse_count, delay):
    synchan = moose.SynChan(name)
    synchan.Gbar = Gbar
    synchan.tau1 = tau1
    synchan.tau2 = tau2
    synchan.Ek = ek
    sh = create_synaptic_handle(synchan, synapse_count, delay)
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    return (synchan, sh)
Пример #21
def setup_two_cells():
    Create two cells with leaky integrate and fire compartments. Each
    cell is a single compartment a1 and b2. a1 is stimulated by a step
    current injection.

    The compartment a1 is connected to the compartment b2 through a
    synaptic channel.

    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    a1 = LIFComp('/model/a1')
    b2 = LIFComp(moose.copy(a1, '/model', 'b2'))
    a1.Vthreshold = 10e-3
    a1.Vreset = 0
    b2.Vthreshold = 10e-3
    b2.Vreset = 0
    syn = moose.SynChan('%s/syn' % (b2.path))
    syn.tau1 = 1e-3
    syn.tau2 = 5e-3
    syn.Ek = 90e-3
    synh = moose.SimpleSynHandler(syn.path + '/synh')
    moose.connect(synh, 'activationOut', syn, 'activation')
    synh.synapse.num += 1
    # syn.numSynapses = 1
    synh.synapse.delay = delayMax
    moose.connect(b2, 'channel', syn, 'channel')
    ## Single message works most of the time but occassionally gives a
    ## core dump

    # m = moose.connect(a1.spikegen, 'spikeOut',
    #                   syn.synapse.vec, 'addSpike')

    ## With Sparse message and random connectivity I did not get core
    ## dump.
    m = moose.connect(a1.spikegen, 'spikeOut', synh.synapse.vec, 'addSpike',
    m.setRandomConnectivity(1.0, 1)
    stim = moose.PulseGen('/model/stim')
    stim.delay[0] = 100e-3
    stim.width[0] = 1e3
    stim.level[0] = 11e-9
    moose.connect(stim, 'output', a1, 'injectMsg')
    tables = []
    data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    for c in moose.wildcardFind('/##[ISA=Compartment]'):
        tab = moose.Table('%s/%s_Vm' % (data.path, c.name))
        moose.connect(tab, 'requestOut', c, 'getVm')
    syntab = moose.Table('%s/%s' % (data.path, 'Gk'))
    moose.connect(syntab, 'requestOut', syn, 'getGk')
    synh.synapse[0].delay = 1e-3
    syn.Gbar = 1e-6
    return tables
Пример #22
def addSynChan(compname, synparams):
    synchan = moose.SynChan(compname.path + '/' + synparams['name'])
    synchan.Gbar = synparams['Gbar']
    synchan.tau1 = synparams['tau1']
    synchan.tau2 = synparams['tau2']
    synchan.Ek = synparams['erev']
    msg = moose.connect(compname, 'channel', synchan, 'channel')
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler(synchan.path + '/' + synparams['name'])
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
    return sh
Пример #23
    def __init__(self,
        moose.IntFire.__init__(self, path)
        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Em = Em
        self.Rm = Rm
        self.Vr = Vr
        self.Vt = Vt
        self.refractT = refractT
        self.inject = inject

        self.syn_shape = syn_shape
        self.esyn = moose.SynChan("%s/excitatory" % path)
        self.isyn = moose.SynChan("%s/inhibitory" % path)
        for syn in self.esyn, self.isyn:
            syn.tau2 = 1e-6  # instantaneous rise, for shape=='exp'
            syn.Gbar = 1 * uS
            self.connect("channel", syn, "channel")
            syn.n_incoming_connections = 0

        self.tau_e = tau_e
        self.tau_i = tau_i
        self.e_e = e_e
        self.e_i = e_i

        self.source = moose.SpikeGen("source", self)
        self.source.thresh = 0.0
        self.source.abs_refract = 2.0
        self.connect("VmSrc", self.source, "Vm")
        self.comp = self  # for recorder mixin
Пример #24
def make_GABA( name ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name ):
    GABA = moose.SynChan( '/library/' + name )
    GABA.Ek = -0.065            # V
    GABA.tau1 = 4.0e-3          # s
    GABA.tau2 = 9.0e-3          # s
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( GABA.path + '/sh' )
    moose.connect( sh, 'activationOut', GABA, 'activation' )
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
Пример #25
    def readSynapseML(self, synapseElement, units="SI units"):
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:  # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e-3  # S from mS
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            pu.fatal("Wrong units %s exiting ..." % units)
        if not moose.exists('/library'):
        synname = synapseElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            pu.info("Loading synapse : %s into /library" % synname)
        moosesynapse = moose.SynChan('/library/' + synname)
        doub_exp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}doub_exp_syn')
        moosesynapse.Ek = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['reversal_potential']) * Vfactor
        moosesynapse.Gbar = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['max_conductance']) * Gfactor
        moosesynapse.tau1 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['rise_time']) * Tfactor  # seconds
        moosesynapse.tau2 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['decay_time']) * Tfactor  # seconds
        ## The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
        ## delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse

        ## graded synapses are not supported by neuroml, so set to False here,
        ## see my Demo/neuroml/lobster_pyloric/STG_net.py for how to still have graded synapses
        moosesynapse_graded = moose.Mstring(moosesynapse.path + '/graded')
        moosesynapse_graded.value = 'False'
        moosesynapse_mgblock = moose.Mstring(moosesynapse.path + '/mgblockStr')
        moosesynapse_mgblock.value = 'False'
        ## check if STDP synapse is present or not
        stdp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}stdp_syn')
        if stdp_syn is None:
            moosesynhandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/library/' + synname +
            moosesynhandler = moose.STDPSynHandler('/library/' + synname +
            moosesynhandler.aPlus0 = float(stdp_syn.attrib['del_weight_ltp'])
            moosesynhandler.aMinus0 = float(stdp_syn.attrib['del_weight_ltd'])
            moosesynhandler.tauPlus = float(stdp_syn.attrib['tau_ltp'])
            moosesynhandler.tauMinus = float(stdp_syn.attrib['tau_ltd'])
            moosesynhandler.weightMax = float(
            moosesynhandler.weightMin = 0.0
        ## connect the SimpleSynHandler or the STDPSynHandler to the SynChan (double exp)
        moose.connect(moosesynhandler, 'activationOut', moosesynapse,
Пример #26
def buildSyn( name, compt, Ek, tau1, tau2, Gbar, CM ):
    syn = moose.SynChan( compt.path + '/' + name )
    syn.Ek = Ek
    syn.tau1 = tau1
    syn.tau2 = tau2
    syn.Gbar = Gbar * compt.Cm / CM
    moose.connect( compt, 'channel', syn, 'channel' )
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( syn.path + '/sh' )
    moose.connect( sh, 'activationOut', syn, 'activation' )
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
    return syn
Пример #27
def make_glu( name ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name ):
    glu = moose.SynChan( '/library/' + name )
    glu.Ek = 0.0
    glu.tau1 = 2.0e-3
    glu.tau2 = 9.0e-3
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( glu.path + '/sh' )
    moose.connect( sh, 'activationOut', glu, 'activation' )
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
    return glu
Пример #28
def make_glu():
    if moose.exists('glu'):
    glu = moose.SynChan('glu')
    glu.Ek = 0.0
    glu.tau1 = 2.0e-3
    glu.tau2 = 9.0e-3
    glu.Gbar = 40 * SOMA_A
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('glu/sh')
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', glu, 'activation')
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
Пример #29
def createSynapse(comp, numInputs):
    synchan = moose.SynChan(comp.path + "/synchan")
    synchan.Gbar = 1e-8
    synchan.tau1 = 2e-3
    synchan.tau2 = 2e-3
    synchan.Ek = -0.01
    moose.connect(comp, "channel", synchan, "channel")
    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler(comp.path + "/synhandler")
    moose.connect(sh, "activationOut", synchan, "activation")
    sh.synapse.num = numInputs
    for i in range(numInputs):
        sh.synapse[i].delay = 5e-3
    return sh
Пример #30
def synintegration2(filename, target_cell):
    raise NotImplementedError
    syntab = None
    netfile = h5.File(filename, 'r')
    syntab = netfile['network/synapse'][:]
    idx = np.char.startswith(syntab['dest'], target_cell)
    syntab = syntab[idx]
    sim = Simulation('synintegration')
    cell = SpinyStellate(SpinyStellate.prototype, 
                         sim.model.path + '/SpinyStellate')
    vm_table = cell.comp[cell.presyn].insertRecorder('Vm', 'Vm', sim.data)
    # Create a common spike gen object
    sp = moose.SpikeGen('spike', sim.model)
    sp.threshold = 0.0
    sp.edgeTriggered = 1
    sptab = moose.Table('spike', sim.data)
    sptab.stepMode = 3
    sptab.connect('inputRequest', sp, 'state')
    for ii in range(len(syntab)):
        source = syntab['source'][ii].partition('/')[0]
        dest, compname = syntab['dest'][ii].split('/')
        if source == dest:
            print 'source = dest', source, filename
        comp_no = compname.split('_')[-1]
        comp = cell[int(comp_no)]
        weight = 1.0
        if syntab['type'][ii] == 'nmda':
            chan = moose.NMDAChan('nmda_from_%s' % 
                                  (source.split('_')[0]), comp)
            chan.MgConc = 1.5            
            weight = syntab['Gbar'][ii]
            chan = moose.SynChan('%s_from_%s' % 
                                 (syntab['type'][ii], source.split('_')[0]), 
        chan.Gbar = syntab['Gbar'][ii]
        chan.tau1 = syntab['tau1'][ii]
        chan.tau2 = syntab['tau2'][ii]
        chan.Ek = syntab['Ek'][ii]
        comp.connect('channel', chan, 'channel')
        sp.connect('event', chan, 'synapse')
        count = chan.numSynapses
        if source_type == 'TCR':
            chan.delay[count-1] = 1e-3 # thalamocortical delay
            chan.delay[count-1] = 0.05e-3 # default delay
        chan.weight[count-1] = weight
        gktable = moose.Table('%s_%s_%s' % (cell.name, comp.name, chan.name), sim.data)
        gktable.stepMode = 3
        gktable.connect('inputRequest', chan, 'Gk')