def validParams(): """ `TestCase` objects are not designed for internal use and the `validParams` are only set when the objects are constructed, which occurs within the `` function. As such, only add parameters that you expect that function to set, since there is no configuration file based way for altering these. """ params = MooseObject.validParams() params.add('runner', vtype=Runner, required=True, mutable=False, doc="The `Runner` object to execute.") params.add( 'controllers', vtype=Controller, array=True, mutable=False, doc="`Controller` object(s) that dictate if the Runner should run." ) params.add( 'min_fail_state', vtype=TestCase.Result, mutable=False, default=TestCase.Result.TIMEOUT, doc= "The minimum state considered a failure for the entire test case.") return params
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() params.addParam('average_load', 64.0, "Average load to allow") params.addParam('max_processes', None, "Hard limit of maxium processes to use") params.addParam( 'min_reported_time', 10, "The minimum time elapsed before a job is reported as taking to long to run.") return params
def testInitAndName(self): obj = MooseObject() self.assertFalse(obj.isParamValid("name")) self.assertEqual(, None) obj = MooseObject(name='Andrew') self.assertEqual(, 'Andrew')
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() params.add( 'progress_interval', default=10., vtype=(int, float), mutable=False, doc="Number of seconds in between progress updates for a test case." ) return params
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): MooseObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._parameters.set('prereq', self.getParam('prereq').split()) self._parameters.set('cli_args', self.getParam('cli_args').split()) self.specs = self._parameters self.outfile = None self.errfile = None self.joined_out = '' self.exit_code = 0 self.process = None self.tags = self.specs['tags'] self.__caveats = set([]) # Alternate text we want to print as part of our status instead of the # pre-formatted status text (SYNTAX PASS instead of OK for example) self.__tester_message = '' # Bool if test can run self._runnable = None # Set up common paramaters self.should_execute = self.specs['should_execute'] self.check_input = self.specs['check_input'] if self.specs["allow_test_objects"]: self.specs["cli_args"].append("--allow-test-objects") ### Enumerate the tester statuses we want to use self.test_status = StatusSystem() self.no_status = self.test_status.no_status self.queued = self.test_status.queued self.skip = self.test_status.skip self.silent = self.test_status.silent self.success = self.test_status.success = self.diff = self.test_status.diff self.deleted = self.test_status.deleted self.__failed_statuses = [, self.diff, self.deleted] self.__skipped_statuses = [self.skip, self.silent]
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() params.add('par') params.add('par_int', vtype=int) params.add('par_float', vtype=float) params.add('par_str', vtype=str) params.add('par_bool', vtype=bool) params.add('vec_int', vtype=int, array=True) params.add('vec_float', vtype=float, array=True) params.add('vec_str', vtype=str, array=True) params.add('vec_bool', vtype=bool, array=True) return params
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): MooseObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._runner = self.getParam('runner') self._differs = self._runner.getParam('differs') or tuple() self._controllers = self.getParam('controllers') or tuple() self._min_fail_state = self.getParam('min_fail_state') self.parameters().setValue('name', self.__results = None # results from the Runner/Differ objects self.__progress = None # execution progress of this TestCase self.__state = None # the overall state (TestCase.Result) # The following are various time settings managed via the `setProgress` method self.__create_time = None # time when the object was created self.__start_time = None # time when progress change to running self.__execute_time = None # duration of execution running to finished self.__unique_id = uuid.uuid4( ) # a unique identifier for this instance self.setProgress(TestCase.Progress.WAITING) TestCase.__TOTAL__ += 1
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() raise Exception('validParams failed') return params
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): MooseObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) raise Exception('__init__ failed')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('name', self.__class__.__name__) MooseObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__progress_time = dict() self.__progress_interval = self.getParam('progress_interval')
def testIsParamValid(self): obj = MooseObject() self.assertFalse(obj.isParamValid('name')) obj = MooseObject(name='Andrew') self.assertTrue(obj.isParamValid('name'))
def testLogs(self): msg = "This is a test: {}" obj = MooseObject(log_level='DEBUG') with self.assertLogs(level='DEBUG') as log: obj.debug(msg, 'DEBUG') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('DEBUG'), log.output[0]) obj = MooseObject() with self.assertLogs(level='INFO') as log:, 'INFO') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('INFO'), log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING') as log: obj.warning(msg, 'WARNING') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('WARNING'), log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as log: obj.error(msg, 'ERROR') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('ERROR'), log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='CRITICAL') as log: obj.critical(msg, 'CRITICAL') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('CRITICAL'), log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='CRITICAL') as log: obj.critical(msg, 'CRITICAL', stack_info=True) self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn('Stack (most recent call last):', log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='CRITICAL') as log: try: raise MooseException("You messed up!") except MooseException: obj.exception(msg, 'CRITICAL') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn(msg.format('CRITICAL'), log.output[0]) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: obj.exception('You called exception wrong') self.assertEqual( "No Exception raised, see `MooseObject.exception` for help.", str(e.exception)) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: self.assertEqual( "The supplied 'message' must be a python `str` type, see `MooseObject.log`.", str(e.exception))
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() params.add("year") return params
def testResetAndStatus(self): obj = MooseObject( _error_mode=parameters.InputParameters.ErrorMode.CRITICAL) self.assertEqual(obj.status(), 0) with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR'): obj.getParam('wrong') self.assertEqual(obj.status(), 1) obj.reset() self.assertEqual(obj.status(), 0) with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as log: obj.reset('WRONG') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn("Attempting to reset logging count for 'WRONG'", log.output[0])
def testGetParam(self): obj = MooseObject() self.assertEqual(obj.getParam('name'), None) obj = MooseObject(name='Andrew') self.assertEqual(obj.getParam('name'), 'Andrew') with self.assertRaises(MooseException) as me: obj.getParam('wrong') self.assertEqual("The parameter 'wrong' does not exist.", me.exception.message) with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING') as log: obj = MooseObject( _error_mode=parameters.InputParameters.ErrorMode.WARNING) obj.getParam('wrong') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn("The parameter 'wrong' does not exist.", log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as log: obj = MooseObject( _error_mode=parameters.InputParameters.ErrorMode.ERROR) obj.getParam('wrong') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn("The parameter 'wrong' does not exist.", log.output[0]) with self.assertLogs(level='CRITICAL') as log: obj = MooseObject( _error_mode=parameters.InputParameters.ErrorMode.CRITICAL) obj.getParam('wrong') self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1) self.assertIn("The parameter 'wrong' does not exist.", log.output[0])
def testParameters(self): obj = MooseObject() self.assertIs(obj._parameters, obj.parameters())
def __init__(self, harness, *args, **kwargs): MooseObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) ## The test harness to run callbacks on self.harness = harness # Retrieve and store the TestHarness options for use in this object self.options = harness.getOptions() # The Scheduler class can be initialized with no "max_processes" argument and it'll default # to a soft limit. If however a max_processes is passed we'll treat it as a hard limit. # The difference is whether or not we allow single jobs to exceed the number of slots. if self.getParam('max_processes') == None: self.available_slots = 1 self.soft_limit = True else: self.available_slots = self.getParam('max_processes') # hard limit self.soft_limit = False self.average_load = self.getParam('average_load') self.min_report_time = self.getParam('min_reported_time') # Initialize run_pool based on available slots self.run_pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.available_slots) # Initialize status_pool to only use 1 process (to prevent status messages from getting clobbered) self.status_pool = ThreadPool(processes=1) # Slot lock when processing resource allocations and modifying slots_in_use self.slot_lock = threading.Lock() # Job lock when modifying a jobs status self.activity_lock = threading.Lock() # A combination of processors + threads (-j/-n) currently in use, that a job requires self.slots_in_use = 0 # List of Lists containing all scheduled jobs self.__scheduled_jobs = [] # Set containing jobs entering the run_pool self.__job_bank = set([]) # Total running Job and Test failures encountered self.__failures = 0 # Allow threads to set a global exception self.__error_state = False # Private set of jobs currently running self.__active_jobs = set([]) # Jobs that are taking longer to finish than the alloted time are reported back early to inform # the user 'stuff' is still running. Jobs entering this set will not be reported again. self.jobs_reported = set([]) # The last time the scheduler reported something self.last_reported_time = clock() # Sets of threading objects created by jobs entering and exiting the queues. When scheduler.waitFinish() # is called, and both thread pools are empty, the pools shut down, and the call to waitFinish() returns. self.__status_pool_lock = threading.Lock() self.__runner_pool_lock = threading.Lock() self.__status_pool_jobs = set([]) self.__runner_pool_jobs = set([]) # True when scheduler.waitFinish() is called. This alerts the scheduler, no more jobs are # to be scheduled. KeyboardInterrupts are then handled by the thread pools. self.__waiting = False
def validParams(): params = MooseObject.validParams() # Common Options #params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.") params.addParam( 'max_time', int(os.getenv('MOOSE_TEST_MAX_TIME', 300)), "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.") params.addParam('skip', "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.") params.addParam( 'deleted', "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented)." ) params.addParam('unique_test_id', "The unique hash given to a test") params.addParam( 'heavy', False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used." ) params.add('group', vtype=str, array=True, doc="A list of groups for which this test belongs.") params.addParam( 'prereq', "", "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test. When 'prereq = ALL', TestHarness will run this test last. Multiple 'prereq = ALL' tests, or tests that depend on a 'prereq = ALL' test will result in cyclic errors. Naming a test 'ALL' when using 'prereq = ALL' will also result in an error." ) params.addParam( 'skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)" ) params.addParam('scale_refine', 0, "The number of refinements to do when scaling") params.addParam('success_message', 'OK', "The successful message") params.addParam( 'redirect_output', False, "Redirect stdout to files. Neccessary when expecting an error when using parallel options" ) params.addParam('cli_args', "", "Additional arguments to be passed to the test.") params.addParam( 'allow_test_objects', False, "Allow the use of test objects by adding --allow-test-objects to the command line." ) params.addParam( 'valgrind', 'NONE', "Set to (NONE, NORMAL, HEAVY) to determine which configurations where valgrind will run." ) params.addParam('tags', [], "A list of strings") params.addParam( 'max_buffer_size', None, "Bytes allowed in stdout/stderr before it is subjected to being trimmed. Set to -1 to ignore output size restrictions. " "If 'max_buffer_size' is not set, the default value of 'None' triggers a reasonable value (e.g. 100 kB)" ) params.addParam( 'parallel_scheduling', False, "Allow all tests in test spec file to run in parallel (adheres to prereq rules)." ) # Test Filters params.addParam( 'platform', ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')" ) params.addParam( 'compiler', ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')" ) params.add( 'petsc_version', vtype=str, array=True, default=('ALL', ), doc= "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)" ) params.addParam( 'petsc_version_release', ['ALL'], "A test that runs against PETSc master if FALSE ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.add( 'slepc_version', vtype=str, array=True, default=('ALL', ), doc= "A list of slepc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)" ) params.addParam( 'mesh_mode', ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('DISTRIBUTED', 'REPLICATED')" ) params.addParam('min_ad_size', None, "A minimum AD size for which this test will run") params.addParam( 'ad_mode', ['ALL'], "A list of AD modes for which this test will run ('SPARSE', 'NONSPARSE')" ) params.addParam( 'ad_indexing_type', ['ALL'], "A list of AD indexing types for which this test will run ('LOCAL', 'GLOBAL')" ) params.addParam( 'method', ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')" ) params.addParam( 'library_mode', ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')" ) params.addParam( 'dtk', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam('unique_ids', ['ALL'], "Deprecated. Use unique_id instead.") params.addParam('recover', True, "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled") params.addParam( 'vtk', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'tecplot', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.add( 'dof_id_bytes', vtype=str, array=True, default=('ALL', ), doc= "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured --with-dof-id-bytes = a specific number, e.g. '4', '8'" ) params.addParam( 'petsc_debug', ['ALL'], "{False,True} -> test only runs when PETSc is configured with --with-debugging={0,1}, otherwise test always runs." ) params.addParam( 'curl', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CURL is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'threading', ['ALL'], "A list of threading models ths tests runs with ('ALL', 'TBB', 'OPENMP', 'PTHREADS', 'NONE')" ) params.addParam( 'superlu', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if SuperLU is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'mumps', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if MUMPS is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'strumpack', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if STRUMPACK is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'chaco', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Chaco (partitioner) is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'parmetis', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Parmetis (partitioner) is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'party', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Party (partitioner) is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'ptscotch', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if PTScotch (partitioner) is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'slepc', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if SLEPc is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'unique_id', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured with --enable-unique-id ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'cxx11', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CXX11 is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'asio', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if ASIO is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'fparser_jit', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if FParser JIT is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'libpng', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libpng is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'depend_files', [], "A test that only runs if all depend files exist (files listed are expected to be relative to the base directory, not the test directory" ) params.addParam( 'env_vars', [], "A test that only runs if all the environment variables listed exist" ) params.addParam( 'should_execute', True, 'Whether or not the executable needs to be run. Use this to chain together multiple tests based off of one executeable invocation' ) params.addParam( 'required_submodule', [], "A list of initialized submodules for which this test requires.") params.addParam( 'required_objects', [], "A list of required objects that are in the executable.") params.addParam( 'required_applications', [], "A list of required registered applications that are in the executable." ) params.addParam('check_input', False, "Check for correct input file syntax") params.addParam( 'display_required', False, "The test requires and active display for rendering (i.e., ImageDiff tests)." ) params.addParam( 'timing', True, "If True, the test will be allowed to run with the timing flag (i.e. Manually turning on performance logging)." ) params.addParam( 'boost', ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if BOOST is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')" ) params.addParam( 'python', None, "Restrict the test to s specific version of python (e.g., 3.6 or 3.7.1)." ) params.addParam( 'required_python_packages', None, "Test will only run if the supplied python packages exist.") params.addParam( 'requires', None, "A list of programs required for the test to operate, as tested with shutil.which." ) params.addParam( "working_directory", None, "When set, TestHarness will enter this directory before running test" ) params.addParam( "moosetools", True, "When False the test will not when using the moosetools version of Tester." ) # SQA params.addParam( "requirement", None, "The SQA requirement that this test satisfies (e.g., 'The Marker system shall provide means to mark elements for refinement within a box region.')" ) params.addParam( "design", [], "The list of markdown files that contain the design(s) associated with this test (e.g., '/Markers/ /')." ) params.addParam( "issues", [], "The list of github issues associated with this test (e.g., '#1234 #4321')" ) params.addParam( "detail", None, "Details of SQA requirement for use within sub-blocks.") params.addParam("validation", False, "Set to True to mark test as a validation problem.") params.addParam("verification", False, "Set to True to mark test as a verification problem.") params.addParam( "deprecated", False, "When True the test is no longer considered part SQA process and as such does not include the need for a requirement definition." ) params.addParam( "collections", [], "A means for defining a collection of tests for SQA process.") params.addParam( "classification", 'functional', "A means for defining a requirement classification for SQA process." ) return params