Пример #1
def append_review_jsoncsv(jstr, rev):
    jstr = jstr or ""
    if jstr:
        jstr += ","
    jstr += moracct.obj2JSON(rev)
    if rev.ctmid:
        # append coop srcrevs for client cache reference
        srcrev = Review.get_by_id(int(rev.srcrev))
        if not srcrev:
            logging.error("Missing srcrev for Review " + str(rev.key().id()))
            jstr += "," + moracct.obj2JSON(srcrev)
    return jstr
Пример #2
def get_review_feed_pool(revtype):
    feedcsv, blocks = get_cached_feed_pool(revtype)
    if feedcsv:
        return feedcsv, blocks
    feedcsv, blocks = get_precomp_feed_pool(revtype)
    if feedcsv:
        return feedcsv, blocks
    logging.info("rebuilding feedcsv for " + revtype)
    cacheavail = 1040000  # db limit max 1,048,487 
    feedcsv = ""
    blocks = ["" for i in range(numblocks)]
    bidx = 0
    count = 0
    where = "WHERE ctmid = 0 AND mainfeed = 1"
    if revtype and revtype != "all":
        where += " AND revtype = '" + revtype + "'"
    where += " ORDER BY modhist DESC"
    vq = VizQuery(rev.Review, where)
    reviews = vq.fetch(revpoolsize, read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY, 
    for review in reviews:
        entry = feedcsventry(review)
        if csv_contains(entry, feedcsv):
            continue  # already added, probably from earlier srcrev reference
        objson = moracct.obj2JSON(review)
        cacheavail -= len(entry) + len(objson)
        feedcsv = append_to_csv(entry, feedcsv)
        blocks[bidx] = append_to_csv(objson, blocks[bidx])
        count += 1
        if review.srcrev and review.srcrev > 0:  # ensure src included in block
            source = rev.Review.get_by_id(review.srcrev)
            if source:
                entry = feedcsventry(source)
                if not csv_contains(entry, feedcsv):
                    objson = moracct.obj2JSON(source)
                    feedcsv = append_to_csv(entry, feedcsv)
                    cacheavail -= len(entry) + len(objson)
                    blocks[bidx] = append_to_csv(objson, blocks[bidx])
                    count += 1
        if count >= revblocksize:
            bidx += 1
            count = 0
        if cacheavail <= 0:
    for i in range(numblocks):
        blocks[i] = "[" + blocks[i] + "]"
    write_precomp_feed_pool(revtype, feedcsv, blocks, True)
    write_cached_feed_pool(revtype, feedcsv, blocks)
    return feedcsv, blocks
Пример #3
def smart_retrieve_revinst(revid, penid, coopid=0):
    jstr = memcache.get("allRevBlock0")
    if jstr and str(revid) in jstr:  # skip loads if id not in string
        revlist = json.loads(jstr)
        for rev in revlist:
            if rev["_id"] == str(revid):
                return rev
    if int(penid) > 0:  # typically pass zero for penid if already searched
        jstr = memcache.get("pen" + str(penid))
        if jstr and str(revid) in jstr:
            revlist = json.loads(jstr)[1:]  # first element is PenName
            for rev in revlist:
                if rev["_id"] == str(revid):
                    return rev
    if int(coopid) > 0:  # coopid passed only if relevant
        jstr = memcache.get("coop" + str(coopid))
        if jstr and str(revid) in jstr:
            revlist = json.loads(jstr)[1:]  # first element is Coop
            for rev in revlist:
                if rev["_id"] == str(revid):
                    return rev
    rev = visible_get_instance(Review, revid)
    if rev:
        rev = json.loads(moracct.obj2JSON(rev))  # return cache representation
    return rev
Пример #4
 def get(self):
         pct, pgid, mypen = find_pen_or_coop_type_and_id(self)
         if pgid: # pgid may be zero if no pen name yet
             if self.request.get('supp'):
                 return supplemental_recent_reviews(self, pgid)
             jstr = mblock.get_membics_json_for_profile(pct, pgid)
         else:  # return empty array with no first item pen
             jstr = "[]"
         if jstr and mypen:  # replace first element with private pen data
             i = 2 
             brackets = 1
             while i < len(jstr) and brackets > 0:
                 if jstr[i] == '{':
                     brackets += 1
                 elif jstr[i] == '}':
                     brackets -= 1
                 i += 1
             jstr = '[' + moracct.obj2JSON(mypen) + jstr[i:]
         if not jstr:
             srverr(handler, 404, pct + " " + str(pgid) + " not found")
             moracct.writeJSONResponse(jstr, self.response)
     except Exception as e:
         if str(e) == "Token expired":
             return srverr(self, 401, "Your access token has expired, you will need to sign in again.")
         logging.warn("FetchAllReviews failed: " + str(e))
         return srverr(self, 500, "FetchAllReviews failed: " + str(e))
Пример #5
def prepare_content(handler, gcname, content):
    # Same index retrieval used for unique group name checking
    groups = Group.gql("WHERE name_c=:1 LIMIT 1", gcname)
    if groups.count() != 1:
        handler.response.out.write("Group identifier " + gcname + " not found")
    group = groups[0];
    qres = recent_group_reviews(group)
    picurl = "img/emptyprofpic.png"
    if group.picture:
        picurl = "grppic?groupid=" + str(group.key().id())
    # facebook doesn't like "../" relative urls
    if "localhost" in handler.request.url:
        picurl = "../" + picurl
        picurl = "http://www.fgfweb.com/" + picurl
    content = re.sub('\$GROUPNAME', group.name, content)
    content = re.sub('\$GROUPDESCR', group.description, content)
    content = re.sub('\$IMGSRC', picurl, content)
    content = re.sub('\$GROUPID', str(group.key().id()), content)
    content = re.sub('\$GROUPJSON', obj2JSON(group), content)
    content = re.sub('\$REVDATA', qres2JSON(
            qres.objects, "", -1, ""), content)
    refer = handler.request.referer
    if refer:
        refer = "<img src=\"../bytheimg?grpinqref=" +\
            safeURIEncode(refer) + "\"/>\n"
        refer = "<img id=\"btwimg\" src=\"../bytheimg?grpinq=" +\
            str(group.key().id()) + "\"/>\n"
    content = re.sub('\$REFER', refer, content)
    content = re.sub('\&quot;', "\\\"", content)  #browser interp pre-parse
    return content
Пример #6
 def get(self, revid):
     review = cached_get(intz(revid), Review)
     if not review:
         self.response.out.write("Review " + revid + " not found")
     pen = cached_get(review.penid, PenName)
     if not pen:
         self.response.out.write("PenName " + review.penid + " not found")
     # filter sensitive PenName fields
     pen.mid = 0
     pen.gsid = "0"
     pen.fbid = 0
     pen.twid = 0
     pen.ghid = 0
     pen.abusive = ""
     # write content
     logging.info("request: " + str(self.request))
     revtitle = review.title;
     if not revtitle:
         revtitle = review.name;
     rdesc = descrip(review)
     timg = "../img/" + typeImage(review.revtype)
     simg = timg[0:-6] + "Pic2.png"
     content = html
     content = write_group_content(content, review)
     content = re.sub('\$REVDESC', rdesc, content)
     content = re.sub('\$IMGSRC', simg, content)
     content = re.sub('\$PENNAME', pen.name, content)
     content = re.sub('\$REVTITLE', revtitle, content)
     content = re.sub('\$PENID', str(pen.key().id()), content)
     content = re.sub('\$PENJSON', obj2JSON(pen), content)
     content = re.sub(', "abusive": ""', '', content)  #ugly field name 2 C
     content = re.sub('\$REVJSON', obj2JSON(review), content)
     refer = self.request.referer
     if refer:
         refer = "<img src=\"../bytheimg?statinqref=" +\
             safeURIEncode(refer) + "\"/>\n"
         refer = "<img id=\"btwimg\" src=\"../bytheimg?statinq=" +\
             str(review.key().id()) + "\"/>\n"
     content = re.sub('\$REFER', refer, content)
     content = re.sub('\&quot;', "\\\"", content)  #browser interp pre-parse
     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
Пример #7
def prepend_instance_to_json(review, jtxt):
    # not safe to use prepend_to_csv due to upperbound limit
    jtxt = jtxt or ""
    if jtxt:
        if len(jtxt) > 2:
            jtxt = jtxt[1:-1]  # strip array brackets
            jtxt = ""
    if jtxt:
        jtxt = "," + jtxt
    jtxt = moracct.obj2JSON(review) + jtxt
    return "[" + jtxt + "]"
Пример #8
def replace_instance_in_json(review, jtxt, remove):
    objs = json.loads(jtxt)
    rt = ""
    for obj in objs:
        idstr = str(review.key().id())
        if obj["_id"] == idstr:
            if not remove:
                moracct.debuginfo("Replaced json for _id " + idstr)
                rt = append_to_csv(moracct.obj2JSON(review), rt)
                moracct.debuginfo("Removed json for _id " + idstr)
            rt = append_to_csv(json.dumps(obj), rt)
    return "[" + rt + "]"
Пример #9
def update_prof_cache(ckey, rev):
    if isinstance(rev, db.Model):
        rev = json.loads(moracct.obj2JSON(rev))
    jstr = memcache.get(ckey)
    if jstr and rev["_id"] in jstr:
        moracct.debuginfo("update_prof_cache Review " + rev["_id"] + 
                          " in " + ckey)
        replist = []
        cachelist = json.loads(jstr)
        for idx, cached in enumerate(cachelist):
            if idx > 0 and cached["_id"] == rev["_id"]:
        memcache.set(ckey, json.dumps(replist))
Пример #10
 def add_instance(self, inst, supporting=False, prepend=False):
     if isinstance(inst, db.Model):
         inst = json.loads(moracct.obj2JSON(inst))
     if str(inst["_id"]) not in self.cache:
         if supporting:
             if prepend:
                 self.mainlist.insert(0, inst)
     elif prepend:  # need to move existing instance to top
         self.mainlist = [inst] + [r for r in self.mainlist if\
                                       r["_id"] != inst["_id"]]
     self.cache[str(inst["_id"])] = inst
Пример #11
def rebuild_membics_block(pct, pgid):
    logging.info("rebuild_membics_block " + pct + " " + str(pgid))
    acc = None
    pco = None
    if pct == "coop":
        pco = coop.Coop.get_by_id(int(pgid))
        if pco and pco.preb and not coop.prebuilt_membics_stale(pco):
            return pco.preb
    elif pct == "pen":
        pco = pen.PenName.get_by_id(int(pgid))
        if pco:
    if not pco:
        logging.info("rmb " + pct + " " + str(pgid) + " not found")
        return None
    where = "WHERE ctmid = 0 AND penid = :1 ORDER BY modified DESC"
    if pct == "coop":
        where = "WHERE ctmid = :1 ORDER BY modified DESC"
    vq = VizQuery(rev.Review, where, pco.key().id())
    fsz = 100  # 11/30/16 complaint that 50 makes "recent" tab feel lossy
    fmax = fsz
    if pct == "coop":
        fmax = 500
    jstr = ""
    js2 = ""
    membics = vq.fetch(fmax, read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY, deadline=60)
    idx = 0  # idx not initialized if enumerate punts due to no membics...
    for idx, membic in enumerate(membics):
        if idx < fsz:
            jstr = rev.append_review_jsoncsv(jstr, membic)
            js2 = rev.append_review_jsoncsv(js2, membic)
    jstr = append_top20_membics_to_jsoncsv(jstr, membics, pct, pco, 450 * 1024)
    if jstr:
        jstr = "," + jstr;
    jstr = moracct.obj2JSON(pco) + jstr;
    if pct == "coop":
        pco.preb = "[" + jstr + "]"
        pco.preb2 = "[" + js2 + "]"
        coop.update_coop_stats(pco, idx)
        # rebuild preb to include updated stats, maybe s1 off by one but ok.
        pco.preb = "[" + jstr + "]"
    return "[" + jstr + "]"
Пример #12
def prepare_content(handler, cpen, content):
    # Same index retrieval already used by pen.py NewPenName
    pens = PenName.gql("WHERE name_c=:1 LIMIT 1", cpen)
    if pens.count() != 1:
        handler.response.out.write("Blog identifier " + cpen + " not found")
    pen = pens[0];
    # filter sensitive PenName fields
    pen.mid = 0
    pen.gsid = "0"
    pen.fbid = 0
    pen.twid = 0
    pen.ghid = 0
    pen.abusive = ""
    # retrieve reviews
    qres = fetch_blog_reviews(pen)
    # write content
    picurl = "img/emptyprofpic.png"
    if pen.profpic:
        picurl = "profpic?profileid=" + str(pen.key().id())
    # facebook doesn't like "../" relative urls
    if "localhost" in handler.request.url:
        picurl = "../" + picurl
        picurl = "http://www.fgfweb.com/" + picurl
    content = re.sub('\$PENNAME', pen.name, content)
    content = re.sub('\$PAGEDESCR', make_page_desc(handler, pen), content)
    content = re.sub('\$IMGSRC', picurl, content)
    content = re.sub('\$PENID', str(pen.key().id()), content)
    content = re.sub('\$PENJSON', obj2JSON(pen), content)
    content = re.sub(', "abusive": ""', '', content)  #bad SEO :-)
    content = re.sub('\$REVDATA', qres2JSON(
            qres.objects, "", -1, ""), content)
    refer = handler.request.referer
    if refer:
        refer = "<img src=\"../bytheimg?bloginqref=" +\
            safeURIEncode(refer) + "\"/>\n"
        refer = "<img id=\"btwimg\" src=\"../bytheimg?bloginq=" +\
            str(pen.key().id()) + "\"/>\n"
    content = re.sub('\$REFER', refer, content)
    content = re.sub('\&quot;', "\\\"", content)  #browser interp pre-parse
    return content
Пример #13
def update_top_membics(cacheprefix, dbprofinst, rev, prc):
    topmax = 30  # how many top membics of each type to keep
    jstr = dbprofinst.top20s or "{}"
    orgdict = json.loads(jstr)
    newdict = json.loads(jstr)
    # remove any references to rev id across all types in case type changed
    ridstr = str(rev.key().id())
    for mtype in newdict:
        if newdict[mtype] and ridstr in newdict[mtype]:
    # rebuild the top id list for the current type
    tids = []
    if rev.revtype in newdict:
        tids = newdict[rev.revtype]
    trevs = []  # list of resolved top instances to sort
    if rev.srcrev not in [-604, -101]:  # include rev unless deleted or future
        cacherev = json.loads(moracct.obj2JSON(rev))  # cache dict repr
        trevs = [cacherev]
    for tidstr in tids:  # append instances for existing ids to trevs
        inst = fetch_validated_instance(tidstr, prc, rev, dbprofinst)
        if inst:
    # moracct.debuginfo("update_top_membics about to sort trevs.")
    # for idx in range(len(trevs)):
    #     moracct.debuginfo("trevs[" + str(idx) + "] " + str(trevs[idx]))
    trevs = sorted(trevs, key=itemgetter('rating', 'modified'), 
    tids = idlist_from_instlist(trevs, topmax)
    newdict[rev.revtype] = tids
    if "latestrevtype" in orgdict:
        newdict["latestrevtype"] = orgdict["latestrevtype"]
    if "t20lastupdated" in orgdict:
        newdict["t20lastupdated"] = orgdict["t20lastupdated"]
    # moracct.debuginfo("orgdict: " + str(orgdict))
    # moracct.debuginfo("newdict: " + str(newdict))
    if newdict == orgdict:
        logging.info("update_top_membics: no change")
        return None
    newdict["latestrevtype"] = rev.revtype
    newdict["t20lastupdated"] = str(nowISO())
    logging.info("update_top_membics: recalculated")
    return json.dumps(newdict)
Пример #14
 def set_db_prof_inst(self, dbprofinst):
     self.publicprofinst = json.loads(moracct.obj2JSON(dbprofinst))
     if dbprofinst.__class__.__name__ == "PenName":