Пример #1
    def get_object_global_bbox(self, object_name):
        """ Returns the global bounding box of an object as list encapsulated as
        string: "[[x0, y0, z0 ], ... ,[x7, y7, z7]]".
        :param string object_name: The name of the object.
        # Test whether the object exists in the scene
        b_obj = get_obj_by_name(object_name)

        # Get bounding box of object
        bb = blenderapi.objectdata(object_name).bound_box

        # Group x,y,z-coordinates as lists
        bbox_local = [[bb_corner[i] for i in range(3)] for bb_corner in bb]

        world_pos = b_obj.worldPosition
        world_ori = b_obj.worldOrientation.to_3x3()

        bbox_global = []
        for corner in bbox_local:
            vec = world_ori * mathutils.Vector(corner) + \
            bbox_global.append([vec.x, vec.y, vec.z])

        return json.dumps(bbox_global)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # The robot needs a physics controller!
        # Since the imu does not have physics,
        self.has_physics = bool(self.robot_parent.bge_object.getPhysicsId())

        if not self.has_physics:
            logger.warning("The robot doesn't have a physics controller," \
                           "falling back to simple IMU sensor.")

        if self.has_physics:
            # make new references to the robot velocities and use those.
            self.robot_w = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localAngularVelocity
            self.robot_vel = self.robot_parent.bge_object.worldLinearVelocity
            # reference to sensor position
            self.pos = self.bge_object.worldPosition
            # previous position
            self.pp = self.pos.copy()
            # previous attitude euler angles as vector
            self.patt = mathutils.Vector(self.position_3d.euler)

        # previous linear velocity
        self.plv = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        # previous angular velocity
        self.pav = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        # get gravity from scene?
        #g = bpy.data.scenes[0].game_settings.physics_gravity
        g = 9.81
        self.gravity = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, g))

        # imu2body will transform a vector from imu frame to body frame
        self.imu2body = self.sensor_to_robot_position_3d()
        # rotate vector from body to imu frame
        self.rot_b2i = self.imu2body.rotation.conjugated()
        logger.debug("imu2body rotation RPY [% .3f % .3f % .3f]" %
                     tuple(math.degrees(a) for a in self.imu2body.euler))
        logger.debug("imu2body translation [% .3f % .3f % .3f]" %

        if (self.imu2body.translation.length > 0.01):
            self.compute_offset_acceleration = True
            self.compute_offset_acceleration = False

        # reference for rotating a vector from imu frame to world frame
        self.rot_i2w = self.bge_object.worldOrientation

        logger.info("IMU Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ",
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.core.sensor.Sensor.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        has_physics = bool(self.robot_parent.bge_object.getPhysicsId())
        if self._type == 'Automatic':
            if has_physics:
                self._type = 'Velocity'
                self._type = 'Position'

        if self._type == 'Velocity' and not has_physics:
                "Invalid configuration : Velocity computation without "

        if self._type == 'Velocity':
            # make new references to the robot velocities and use those.
            self.robot_w = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localAngularVelocity
            self.robot_vel = self.robot_parent.bge_object.worldLinearVelocity
            self.pp = copy(self.position_3d)

        # previous linear velocity
        self.plv = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        # previous angular velocity
        self.pav = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        self.gravity = -blenderapi.gravity()

        # imu2body will transform a vector from imu frame to body frame
        self.imu2body = self.sensor_to_robot_position_3d()
        # rotate vector from body to imu frame
        self.rot_b2i = self.imu2body.rotation.conjugated()
        logger.debug("imu2body rotation RPY [% .3f % .3f % .3f]" %
                     tuple(math.degrees(a) for a in self.imu2body.euler))
        logger.debug("imu2body translation [% .3f % .3f % .3f]" %

        if self.imu2body.translation.length > 0.01:
            self.compute_offset_acceleration = True
            self.compute_offset_acceleration = False

        # reference for rotating a vector from imu frame to world frame
        self.rot_i2w = self.bge_object.worldOrientation

        self.mag = MagnetoDriver()

        logger.info("IMU Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ",
Пример #4
    def _store_joint_position(self, joints, ik_target, joint_index):
        joint_position = joints[joint_index].position
        # Convert the GEN_POINT_3D into a Blender vector
        position_vector = mathutils.Vector([joint_position.x, joint_position.y, joint_position.z])
        if transformation_matrix:
            #logger.error("Kinect position: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (transformation_matrix[0][3], transformation_matrix[1][3], transformation_matrix[2][3]))
            new_position = position_vector * transformation_matrix
            new_position = new_position + mathutils.Vector([transformation_matrix[0][3], transformation_matrix[1][3], transformation_matrix[2][3]])
            new_position = position_vector

        self.data[ik_target] = new_position
Пример #5
    def get_wheels(self):
        # get pointers to and physicsIds of all objects
        # get wheel pointers - needed by wheel speed sensors and to
        # set up constraints
        # bullet vehicles always have 4 wheels
        scene = blenderapi.scene()

        self._wheel_radius = None

        caster_wheel_name = self.bge_object.get('CasterWheelName', None)

        #  inherited from the parent robot
        for index in self._wheel_index:
            name = "Wheel%sName" % index
            # Get the actual name of the object from the properties
            #  of the parent robot
                wheel = scene.objects[self.bge_object[name]]
                #import traceback
                wheel = None

            if wheel:
                self._wheels[index] = wheel
                logger.info("\tWheel %s: %s" % (index, wheel.name))
                self._wheel_positions[index] = \
                self._wheel_orientations[index] = \
                # Make the wheels orphans
                # Keep their transformations
                #wheel.worldPosition = self._wheel_positions[index]
                #wheel.worldOrientation = self._wheel_orientations[index]

                # get wheel radius if not already computed
                if wheel.name != caster_wheel_name and not self._wheel_radius:
                    self._wheel_radius = self.get_wheel_radius(

        logger.debug("get_wheels %s" % self._wheels)

        # Add a free rotating wheel if indicated in the robot
        if caster_wheel_name and caster_wheel_name != 'None':
            wheel = scene.objects[caster_wheel_name]
            wheel_position = mathutils.Vector(wheel.worldPosition)
            self.attach_caster_wheel_to_body(wheel, self.bge_object,
Пример #6
    def apply_speed(self, kind, linear_speed, angular_speed):
        Apply speed parameter to the robot

        :param string kind: the kind of control to apply. Can be one of
        ['Position', 'Velocity'].
        :param list linear_speed: the list of linear speed to apply, for
        each axis, in m/s.
        :param list angular_speed: the list of angular speed to apply,
        for each axis, in rad/s.

        parent = self.bge_object
        must_fight_against_gravity = self.is_dynamic and self._no_gravity

        if must_fight_against_gravity:

        if kind == 'Position':
            if must_fight_against_gravity:
                parent.worldLinearVelocity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            parent.applyMovement(linear_speed, True)
            parent.applyRotation(angular_speed, True)
        elif kind == 'Velocity':
            if self._is_ground_robot:
                A ground robot cannot control its vz not rx, ry speed in
                the world frame. So convert {linear, angular}_speed in
                world frame, remove uncontrolable part and then pass it
                against in the robot frame"""
                linear_speed = mathutils.Vector(linear_speed)
                angular_speed = mathutils.Vector(angular_speed)
                linear_speed[2] = parent.worldLinearVelocity[2]
                angular_speed[0] = parent.worldAngularVelocity[0]
                angular_speed[1] = parent.worldAngularVelocity[1]

            # Workaround against 'strange behaviour' for robot with
            # 'Dynamic' Physics Controller. [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] seems to be
            # considered in a special way, i.e. is basically ignored.
            # Setting it to 1e-6 instead of 0.0 seems to do the trick!
            if angular_speed == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
                angular_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 1e-6]
            parent.setLinearVelocity(linear_speed, True)
            parent.setAngularVelocity(angular_speed, True)
Пример #7
    def sim_imu_simple(self):
        Simulate angular velocity and linear acceleration measurements via simple differences.
        # Compute the differences with the previous loop
        #dp = self.pos - self.pp
        #deuler = mathutils.Vector(self.position_3d.euler - self.peuler)

        # linear and angular velocities
        lin_vel = (self.pos - self.pp) * self.frequency
        att = mathutils.Vector(self.position_3d.euler)
        ang_vel = (att - self.patt) * self.frequency

        # linear acceleration in imu frame
        dv_imu = self.rot_w2i.transposed() * (lin_vel - self.plv) * self.frequency

        # measurement includes gravity and acceleration 
        accel_meas = dv_imu + self.rot_w2i.transposed() * self.gravity

        # save current position and attitude for next step
        self.pp = self.pos.copy()
        self.peuler = att
        # save velocity for next step
        self.plv = lin_vel
        self.pav = ang_vel

        return (ang_vel, accel_meas)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.name = obj.name
        self.type = obj['Type']
        self.obj = obj

        mesh = obj.meshes[0]

        # Get list of unique vertexes
        vertexes_ = set()
        for v_index in range(24):
            vertex = mesh.getVertex(0, v_index)

        vertexes = [mathutils.Vector(p) for p in vertexes_]

        # Compute range
        self._min_values = [float_info.max, float_info.max, float_info.max]
        self._max_values = [-float_info.max, -float_info.max, -float_info.max]

        for i in range(len(vertexes)):
            for j in range(3):
                # XXX Here, we assume there is no rotation
                vertexes[i][j] = vertexes[i][j] * obj.worldScale[j] + obj.worldPosition[j]
                if self._min_values[j] > vertexes[i][j]:
                    self._min_values[j] = vertexes[i][j]
                if self._max_values[j] < vertexes[i][j]:
                    self._max_values[j] = vertexes[i][j]
Пример #9
    def transform_to_obj_frame(self, object_name, point):
        """ Transforms a 3D point with respect to the origin into the coordinate
        frame of an object and returns the global coordinates.
        :param string object_name: The name of the object.
        :param string point: coordinates as a list "[x, y, z]"
        # Test whether the object exists in the scene
        b_obj = get_obj_by_name(object_name)

        world_pos = b_obj.worldPosition
        world_ori = b_obj.worldOrientation.to_3x3()

        pos =  world_ori * mathutils.Vector(json.loads(point)) + \

        return [pos.x, pos.y, pos.z]
Пример #10
 def compute(self, pose):
     pos = numpy.matrix(pose.translation)
     pos_lla = self._coord_conv.ltp_to_geodetic(pos)
     (decl, incl, f, h, x, y,
      z) = self._mag.compute(degrees(pos_lla[0, 0]), degrees(pos_lla[0, 1]),
                             pos_lla[0, 2] / 1000.0, self._date)
     mag_field = mathutils.Vector((x, y, z))
     return mag_field * pose.rotation_matrix
Пример #11
 def force_pose(self, position, orientation):
     me = self.aruco['aruco']
     parent = self.aruco['parent']
     pose3d = parent.position_3d
     parent_pose = mathutils.Vector((pose3d.x, pose3d.y, pose3d.z))
     if position:
         me.worldPosition = position + parent_pose
     if orientation:
         me.worldOrientation = orientation
Пример #12
    def set_gravity(self, gravity=9.81):
        """ Set the gravity for the specific scene

        :param gravity: float, default: 9.81
        if isinstance(gravity, float):
            ).game_settings.physics_gravity = gravity
            bpymorse.get_context_scene().gravity = mathutils.Vector(
                (0.0, 0.0, -gravity))
Пример #13
    def sim_attitude_simple(self):
        Simulate angular velocity measurements via simple differences.
        # linear and angular velocities
        att = mathutils.Vector(self.position_3d.euler)
        ang_vel = (att - self.patt) * self.frequency
        self.patt = att

        return ang_vel
Пример #14
    def default_action(self):
        """ Apply (force, torque) to the parent robot. """
        # Get the the parent robot
        robot = self.robot_parent

        if self._robot_frame:
            # directly apply local forces and torques to the blender object of the parent robot
            robot.bge_object.applyForce(self.local_data['force'], True)
            robot.bge_object.applyTorque(self.local_data['torque'], True)
            (loc, rot, scale) = robot.position_3d.transformation3d_with(
            # rotate into robot frame, but still at actuator origin
            force = rot * mathutils.Vector(self.local_data['force'])
            torque = rot * mathutils.Vector(self.local_data['torque'])
            # add torque due to lever arm
            torque += loc.cross(force)
            robot.bge_object.applyForce(force, True)
            robot.bge_object.applyTorque(torque, True)
Пример #15
def gravity():
    if not fake:
        sce = scene()
        # All supported version of blender do not support it, so well
        # guess if we don't have the support
        if hasattr(sce, 'gravity'):
            return sce.gravity
            return mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, -9.81))
        return None
Пример #16
    def default_action(self):
        position = mathutils.Vector( (self.local_data['z']+self._xoffset,
                                     (-1.0*self.local_data['y']+self._zoffset)) )

        orientation = mathutils.Euler([ self.local_data['roll' ],
                                        self.local_data['yaw'  ] ])
        """ Convert Euler to Matrix, worldOrientation accepts Quat, Mat """
        orientation.order = "YZX"
        orientation_mat = orientation.to_matrix()
        self.force_pose(position, orientation_mat)
Пример #17
    def default_action(self):
        ''' Change the parent robot pose. '''

        # New parent position
        position = mathutils.Vector(
            (self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'], self.local_data['z']))

        # New parent orientation
        phi = self.local_data['phi']
        theta = self.local_data['theta']
        psi = self.local_data['psi']

        rotation_matrix = self.get_taitbryan_xyz(phi, theta, psi)
        self.robot_parent.force_pose(position, rotation_matrix)
Пример #18
    def default_action(self):
        """ Change the parent robot pose. """

        # New parent position
        position = mathutils.Vector(
            (self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'], self.local_data['z']))

        # New parent orientation
        orientation = mathutils.Euler([
            self.local_data['roll'], self.local_data['pitch'],

        self.robot_parent.force_pose(position, orientation.to_matrix())
    def default_action(self):
        """ Apply ... to the parent robot. """
        # Ticks
        dt = 1.0 / self.frequency

        # Compute height and Euler Angles
        self.f_phi.simulate(self.local_data['phi_c'], dt)
        self.f_theta.simulate(self.local_data['theta_c'], dt)
        self.f_psi.simulate(self.f_psi.x[0]-self.local_data['psi_c'], dt)
        self.f_h.simulate(self.local_data['h_c'], dt)
        rot = mathutils.Euler([self.f_phi.x[0], self.f_theta.x[0],

        # Get the parent
        parent = self.robot_parent.bge_object

        # Compute acceleration
        # get previous height and vert. velocity
        main_to_origin = self.robot_parent.position_3d
        h =  main_to_origin.z

        # assume velocity
        acc_b = mathutils.Vector([0.0, 0.0,
                                  10.0 + 9.0 * (self.local_data['h_c'] - h) -
                                  2.0 * 0.7 * 3.0 * self.v[2]])
        acc_i = mathutils.Vector( rot.to_matrix()*acc_b )
        self.v[0] += dt * acc_i[0]
        self.v[1] += dt * acc_i[1]
        self.v[2] += dt * (acc_i[2] - 10.0)

        #Change the parent position
        prev_pos = parent.localPosition
        parent.localPosition = mathutils.Vector(prev_pos +
                dt * mathutils.Vector([self.v[0],self.v[1],self.v[2]]))
        #Change the parent orientation
        parent.orientation = rot.to_matrix()
Пример #20
def angular_velocities(prev, now, dt):
    Return angular velocities between two poses

    :param prev: the precedent pose, as a Transformation3d
    :param now: the current pose, as a Transformation3d
    :param dt: time elapsed between the two poses acquisition, in sec

    See https://www.astro.rug.nl/software/kapteyn/_downloads/attitude.pdf
    for equation description
    patt = mathutils.Vector(prev.euler)
    att = mathutils.Vector(now.euler)
    euler_rate = (att - patt) / dt

    c0 = cos(att[0])
    c1 = cos(att[1])
    s0 = sin(att[0])
    s1 = sin(att[1])

    m = mathutils.Matrix(([1, 0, -s1], [0, c0, c1 * s0], [0, -s0, c1 * c0]))

    return m * euler_rate
Пример #21
    def default_action(self):
        """ Change the parent robot pose. """

        # New parent position
        position = mathutils.Vector(
            (self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'], self.local_data['z']))

        # New parent orientation
        orientation = mathutils.Euler([
            self.local_data['roll'], self.local_data['pitch'],

        world2actuator = Transformation3d(None)
        world2actuator.translation = position
        world2actuator.rotation = orientation

        (loc, rot,
         _) = (world2actuator.matrix * self.actuator2robot.matrix).decompose()

        self.robot_parent.force_pose(loc, rot)
Пример #22
    def default_action(self):
        """ Change the parent robot pose. """
        # Get the Blender object of the parent robot
        parent = self.robot_parent.bge_object

        # New parent position
        position = mathutils.Vector((self.local_data['x'], \
                                     self.local_data['y'], \

        # New parent orientation
        orientation = mathutils.Euler([self.local_data['roll'], \
                                       self.local_data['pitch'], \

        # Suspend Bullet physics engine, which doesnt like teleport
        # or instant rotation done by the Orientation actuator (avoid tilt)
        parent.worldPosition = position
        parent.worldOrientation = orientation.to_matrix()
Пример #23
 def convert_LTP_to_ECEF(P):
     converts point in LTP(Blender) to ECEF-r coordinates
     x0 = convert_GPS_to_ECEF(P)  #P->x0
     x0 = mathutils.Vector(x0)
     transform_matrix = [[-math.sin(P[0]),
                          math.cos(P[0]), 0],
                             -math.cos(P[0]) * math.sin(P[1]),
                             -math.sin(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
                             math.cos(P[1]) * math.cos(P[0]),
                             math.cos(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
     transform_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(transform_matrix)
     xe = x0 + transform_matrix * xt  #transformed xt -> xe
     return xe
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.core.sensor.Sensor.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        has_physics = bool(self.robot_parent.bge_object.getPhysicsId())
        if self._type == 'Automatic':
            if has_physics:
                self._type = 'Velocity'
                self._type = 'Position'

        if self._type == 'Velocity' and not has_physics:
                "Invalid configuration : Velocity computation without "

        if self._type == 'Velocity':
            # make new references to the robot velocities and use those.
            self.robot_w = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localAngularVelocity
            # previous attitude euler angles as vector
            self.patt = mathutils.Vector(self.position_3d.euler)

        # previous angular velocity

        # imu2body will transform a vector from imu frame to body frame
        self.imu2body = self.sensor_to_robot_position_3d()
        # rotate vector from body to imu frame
        self.rot_b2i = self.imu2body.rotation.conjugated()

        logger.info("Attitude Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ",
Пример #25
    def set_object_pose(self, object_name, position, orientation):
        """ Sets the pose of the object.
        :param string object_name: The name of the object.
        :param string position: new position of the object [x, y, z]
        :param string position: new orientation of the object [qw, qx, qy, qz]
        b_obj = get_obj_by_name(object_name)

        pos = mathutils.Vector(json.loads(position))
        ori = mathutils.Quaternion(json.loads(orientation)).to_matrix()

        # Suspend Physics of that object
        b_obj.setLinearVelocity([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], True)
        b_obj.setAngularVelocity([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], True)
        b_obj.applyForce([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], True)
        b_obj.applyTorque([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], True)

        logger.debug("%s goes to %s" % (b_obj, pos))
        b_obj.worldPosition = pos
        b_obj.worldOrientation = ori
        # Reset physics simulation
Пример #26
    def default_action(self):
        Calculates speed and GPS-position

        Configurations are the GPS-values for the Blenderorigin
        Transforms point from LTP to Geodetic coordinates

        Refer to:
        - Conversion of Geodetic coordinates to the Local Tangent Plane,
          Version 2.01,
        - Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Iterative and Non-iterative
          Solutions to the Cartesian to Geodetic Coordinate Transformation, 
          Hok Sum Fok and H.   Bâki Iz,

        ##copied from accelerometer
        # Compute the difference in positions with the previous loop
        self.dx = self.p[0] - self.ppx
        self.dy = self.p[1] - self.ppy
        self.dz = self.p[2] - self.ppz

        # Store the position in this instant
        self.ppx = self.p[0]
        self.ppy = self.p[1]
        self.ppz = self.p[2]

        # Scale the speeds to the time used by Blender
        self.v[0] = self.dx * self.frequency
        self.v[1] = self.dy * self.frequency
        self.v[2] = self.dz * self.frequency

        # Update the data for the velocity
        self.pvx = self.v[0]
        self.pvy = self.v[1]
        self.pvz = self.v[2]


        #constants in calculations
        #a: WGS-84 Earth semimajor axis
        #ecc: first eccentricity
        a = float(6378137)
        ecc = 8.181919191e-2

        def convert_GPS_to_ECEF(P):
            converts gps-data(radians) to ECEF-r coordinates
            N = a / math.sqrt(1 - (ecc**2 * (math.sin(P[1])**2)))
            h = P[2]
            x0 = [(h + N) * math.cos(P[1]) * math.cos(P[0]),
                  (h + N) * math.cos(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
                  (h + (1 - ecc**2) * N) * math.sin(P[1])]
            return x0

        def convert_LTP_to_ECEF(P):
            converts point in LTP(Blender) to ECEF-r coordinates
            x0 = convert_GPS_to_ECEF(P)  #P->x0
            x0 = mathutils.Vector(x0)
            transform_matrix = [[-math.sin(P[0]),
                                 math.cos(P[0]), 0],
                                    -math.cos(P[0]) * math.sin(P[1]),
                                    -math.sin(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
                                    math.cos(P[1]) * math.cos(P[0]),
                                    math.cos(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
            transform_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(transform_matrix)
            xe = x0 + transform_matrix * xt  #transformed xt -> xe
            return xe

        def vermeille_method(xe):
            converts point in ECEF-r coordinates into Geodetic (GPS) via
            Vermeille's method
            #"just intermediary parameters" see FoIz
            p = (xe[0]**2 + xe[1]**2) / a**2
            q = (1 - ecc**2) / a**2 * xe[2]**2
            r = (p + q - ecc**4) / 6
            s = ecc**4 * (p * q) / (4 * r**3)
            t = (1 + s + math.sqrt(s * (2 + s)))**(1 / 3.0)
            u = r * (1 + t + 1 / t)
            v = math.sqrt(u**2 + (ecc**4 * q))
            w = ecc**2 * ((u + v - q) / (2 * v))
            k = math.sqrt(u + v + w**2) - w
            D = (k * (math.sqrt(xe[0]**2 + xe[1]**2))) / (k + ecc**2)
            gps_coords = [
                2 * math.atan(xe[1] / (xe[0] +
                                       (math.sqrt(xe[0]**2 + xe[1]**2)))),
                2 * math.atan(xe[2] / (D + math.sqrt(D**2 + xe[2]**2))),
                ((k + ecc**2 - 1) / k) * math.sqrt(D**2 + xe[2]**2)
            return gps_coords

        #P -> Blender origin in Geodetic coordinates
        P = [self.longitude, self.latitude, self.altitude]

        #current position
        xt = self.position_3d.translation
        xt = mathutils.Vector(xt)

        #P (in degrees) to radians
        for i in range(len(P) - 1):
            P[i] = math.radians(P[i])

        #GPS -> ECEF-r
        xe = convert_LTP_to_ECEF(P)

        #ECEF-r -> GPS
        gps_coords = vermeille_method(xe)

        #gps_coords (in radians) to degrees
        for i in range(len(gps_coords) - 1):
            gps_coords[i] = math.degrees(gps_coords[i])

        #compose message as close as possible to a GPS-standardprotocol
        self.local_data['longitude'] = gps_coords[0]
        self.local_data['latitude'] = gps_coords[1]
        self.local_data['altitude'] = gps_coords[2]
        self.local_data['velocity'] = self.v
Пример #27
    def default_action(self):
        """ Apply the positions read to the IK targets of the joints """

        # Compute a rotation angle for the whole body, based on the
        # angle of the shoulders
        world_x_vector = mathutils.Vector([1, 0, 0])
        shoulders_vector = mathutils.Vector([
            (self._shoulder_empty_l.worldPosition[0] -
            (self._shoulder_empty_l.worldPosition[1] -
            (self._shoulder_empty_l.worldPosition[2] -
        logger.debug ("Shoulder Vector: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % \
            (shoulders_vector[0], shoulders_vector[1], shoulders_vector[2]))

            # Measure the angle with respect to the X axis (in front of the man)
            body_rotation = shoulders_vector.angle(world_x_vector)
            # Correct the angle
            body_rotation -= pi / 2
        except ValueError:
            # There will be an error if there is no user being tracked
            # by the Kinect
            body_rotation = 0.0
        logger.debug("Angle with Y vector = %.4f" % body_rotation)

        # Apply the rotation to the toroso. The rest of the body should follow
        self._torso_empty.worldOrientation = [0.0, 0.0, body_rotation]

        # Put the ik targets in the correct positions
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):

        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Direction of the global vectors
        self.world_x_vector = mathutils.Vector([1, 0, 0])
        self.world_y_vector = mathutils.Vector([0, 1, 0])
        self.world_z_vector = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 1])

        self._destination = self.bge_object.position
        self._projection = self.bge_object.position
        self._wp_object = None
        self._collisions = False

        # Variable to store current speed. Used for the stop/resume services
        self._previous_speed = 0

        # Choose the type of function to move the object
        #self._type = 'Velocity'
        self._type = 'Position'

        self.local_data['x'] = self._destination[0]
        self.local_data['y'] = self._destination[1]
        self.local_data['z'] = self._destination[2]
        # Waypoint tolerance (in meters)
        self.local_data['tolerance'] = 0.5
        self.local_data['speed'] = self._speed

        # Identify an object as the target of the motion
            wp_name = self.bge_object['Target']
            if wp_name != '':
                scene = blenderapi.scene()
                self._wp_object = scene.objects[wp_name]
                logger.info("Using object '%s' to indicate motion target" %
        except KeyError:
            self._wp_object = None

        # Identify the collision detectors for the sides
        if self._obstacle_avoidance:
            for child in self.bge_object.children:
                if "Radar.R" in child.name:
                    self._radar_r = child
                if "Radar.L" in child.name:
                    self._radar_l = child
                logger.info("Radar Right is '%s'" % self._radar_r.name)
                logger.info("Radar Left  is '%s'" % self._radar_l.name)
                self._collisions = True
            except AttributeError:
                logger.warning("No radars found attached to the waypoint \
                               actuator.There will be no obstacle avoidance")

            # Convert a string listing the properties to avoid into a list
            # Objects with any of these properties will be ignored
            #  when doing obstacle avoidance
                props = self.bge_object['Ignore'].split(',')
                self.bge_object['Ignore'] = props
            except KeyError:
                self.bge_object['Ignore'] = []

        logger.info('Component initialized')
    def default_action(self):
        """ Move the object towards the destination. """
        parent = self.robot_parent
        speed = self.local_data['speed']
        v = 0
        rz = 0

        self._destination = [
            self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'], self.local_data['z']
        self._projection = [
            self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'],

        logger.debug("Robot {0} move status: '{1}'".format(
            parent.bge_object.name, parent.move_status))
        # Place the target marker where the robot should go
        if self._wp_object:
            self._wp_object.position = self._destination

        # Vectors returned are already normalized
        projection_distance, projection_vector, local_vector = \
        true_distance, global_vector, local_vector = \
        # Convert to the Blender Vector object
        global_vector = mathutils.Vector(global_vector)
        projection_vector = mathutils.Vector(projection_vector)
        # if Z is not free, distance is the projection distance
        if self._free_z:
            distance = true_distance
            distance = projection_distance

        logger.debug("GOT DISTANCE: xy: %.4f ; xyz: %.4f" %
                     (projection_distance, true_distance))
        logger.debug("Global vector: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f" %
                     (global_vector[0], global_vector[1], global_vector[2]))
        logger.debug("Local vector: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f" %
                     (local_vector[0], local_vector[1], local_vector[2]))
            "Projection vector: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f" %
            (projection_vector[0], projection_vector[1], projection_vector[2]))

        # If the target has been reached, change the status
        if distance - self.local_data['tolerance'] <= 0:
            parent.move_status = "Arrived"

            #Do we have a running request? if yes, notify the completion
            self.completed(status.SUCCESS, parent.move_status)

            logger.debug("TARGET REACHED")
            logger.debug("Robot {0} move status: '{1}'".format(
                parent.bge_object.name, parent.move_status))

            # Do nothing if the speed is zero
            if speed == 0:

            parent.move_status = "Transit"

            angle_diff = 0
            rotation_direction = 0

            # If the projected distance is not null: else computing the
            # target angle is not possible!
            if projection_distance - self.local_data['tolerance'] / 2 > 0:
                ### Get the angle of the robot ###
                robot_angle = parent.position_3d.yaw

                ### Get the angle to the target ###
                target_angle = projection_vector.angle(self.world_x_vector)

                # Correct the direction of the turn according to the angles
                dot = projection_vector.dot(self.world_y_vector)
                logger.debug("Vector dot product = %.2f" % dot)
                if dot < 0:
                    target_angle = target_angle * -1

                ### Get the angle that the robot must turn ###
                if target_angle < robot_angle:
                    angle_diff = robot_angle - target_angle
                    rotation_direction = -1
                    angle_diff = target_angle - robot_angle
                    rotation_direction = 1

                # Make a correction when the angles change signs
                if angle_diff > math.pi:
                    angle_diff = (2 * math.pi) - angle_diff
                    rotation_direction = rotation_direction * -1

                    "Angles: R=%.4f, T=%.4f Diff=%.4f Direction = %d" %
                    (robot_angle, target_angle, angle_diff,

                # Compute the speeds
                if self._type == 'Position':
                    v = speed / self.frequency
                    rotation_speed = (speed / self.frequency) / 2.0
                elif self._type == 'Velocity':
                    v = speed
                    rotation_speed = 1.0  #speed / 2.0
            # For the moment ignoring the division by zero
            # It happens apparently when the simulation starts
            except ZeroDivisionError:

            # Allow the robot to rotate in place if the waypoing is
            #  to the side or behind the robot
            if angle_diff >= math.pi / 3.0:
                logger.debug("Turning on the spot!!!")
                v = 0

            # Collision avoidance using the Blender radar sensor
            if self._collisions and v != 0 and self._radar_r['Rcollision']:
                # No obstacle avoidance when the waypoint is near
                if distance + self.local_data['tolerance'] > \
                    # Ignore obstacles with the properties specified
                    ignore = False
                    for prop in self.bge_object['Ignore']:
                        if prop in self._radar_r.sensors["Radar"].hitObject:
                            ignore = True
                                "Ignoring object '%s' "
                                "with property '%s'" %
                    if not ignore:
                        rz = rotation_speed
                        logger.debug("Obstacle detected to the RIGHT, "
                                     "turning LEFT")
            elif self._collisions and v != 0 and self._radar_l['Lcollision']:
                # No obstacle avoidance when the waypoint is near
                if distance + self.local_data['tolerance'] > \
                    # Ignore obstacles with the properties specified
                    ignore = False
                    for prop in self.bge_object['Ignore']:
                        if prop in self._radar_l.sensors["Radar"].hitObject:
                            ignore = True
                            logger.debug("Ignoring object '%s' "
                                         "with property '%s'" % \
                              (self._radar_l.sensors["Radar"].hitObject, prop))
                    if not ignore:
                        rz = -rotation_speed
                        logger.debug("Obstacle detected to the LEFT, "
                                     "turning RIGHT")
            # Test if the orientation of the robot is within tolerance
            elif -self._angle_tolerance < angle_diff < self._angle_tolerance:
                rz = 0
            # If not, rotate the robot in the corresponding direction
                rz = rotation_speed * rotation_direction

            if self._free_z:
                vx = math.fabs(v * local_vector.dot(self.world_x_vector))
                vz = v * local_vector.dot(self.world_z_vector)
                vx = v
                vz = 0
                "Applying vx = %.4f, vz = %.4f, rz = %.4f (v = %.4f)" %
                (vx, vz, rz, v))

            # Give the movement instructions directly to the parent
            # The second parameter specifies a "local" movement
            if self._type == 'Position':
                parent.bge_object.applyMovement([vx, 0, vz], True)
                parent.bge_object.applyRotation([0, 0, rz], True)
            elif self._type == 'Velocity':
                parent.bge_object.setLinearVelocity([vx, 0, vz], True)
                parent.bge_object.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, rz], True)
Пример #30
 def translation(self):
     return mathutils.Vector((self.x, self.y, self.z))