Пример #1
def lsq_pos_l1_penalty(matrix, rhs, cost_multiplier, weights_0):
    min 2-norm (matrix*w - rhs)** + 1-norm(cost_multiplier*(w-w0))
    s.t. e'w = 1
           w >= 0
    # define model
    with Model('lsqSparse') as model:
        # introduce n non-negative weight variables
        weights = model.variable("weights", matrix.shape[1], Domain.inRange(0.0, +np.infty))

        # e'*w = 1
        model.constraint(Expr.sum(weights), Domain.equalsTo(1.0))

        # sum of squared residuals
        v = __l2_norm_squared(model, "2-norm(res)**", __residual(matrix, rhs, weights))

        # \Gamma*(w - w0), p is an expression
        p = Expr.mulElm(cost_multiplier, Expr.sub(weights, weights_0))

        cost = model.variable("cost", matrix.shape[1], Domain.unbounded())
        model.constraint(Expr.sub(cost, p), Domain.equalsTo(0.0))

        t = __l1_norm(model, 'abs(weights)', cost)

        # Minimise v + t
        model.objective(ObjectiveSense.Minimize, __sum_weighted(1.0, v, 1.0, t))
        # solve the problem

        return np.array(weights.level())
Пример #2
def lsq_pos_l1_penalty(matrix, rhs, cost_multiplier, weights_0):
    min 2-norm (matrix*w - rhs)** + 1-norm(cost_multiplier*(w-w0))
    s.t. e'w = 1
           w >= 0
    # define model
    with Model('lsqSparse') as model:
        # introduce n non-negative weight variables
        weights = model.variable("weights", matrix.shape[1],
                                 Domain.inRange(0.0, +np.infty))

        # e'*w = 1
        model.constraint(Expr.sum(weights), Domain.equalsTo(1.0))

        # sum of squared residuals
        v = __l2_norm_squared(model, "2-norm(res)**",
                              __residual(matrix, rhs, weights))

        # \Gamma*(w - w0), p is an expression
        p = Expr.mulElm(cost_multiplier, Expr.sub(weights, weights_0))

        cost = model.variable("cost", matrix.shape[1], Domain.unbounded())
        model.constraint(Expr.sub(cost, p), Domain.equalsTo(0.0))

        t = __l1_norm(model, 'abs(weights)', cost)

        # Minimise v + t
                        __sum_weighted(1.0, v, 1.0, t))
        # solve the problem

        return np.array(weights.level())
Пример #3
def __linfty_norm(model, name, expr):
    t = model.variable(name, 1, Domain.unbounded())

    # (t, w_i) \in Q2
    for i in range(0, expr.size()):
        __quad_cone(model, t, expr.index(i))

    return t
Пример #4
def __absolute(model, name, expr):
    t = model.variable(name, expr.size(), Domain.unbounded())

    # (t_i, w_i) \in Q2
    for i in range(0, int(expr.size())):
        __quad_cone(model, t.index(i), expr.index(i))

    return t
Пример #5
def __linfty_norm(model, name, expr):
    t = model.variable(name, 1, Domain.unbounded())

    # (t, w_i) \in Q2
    for i in range(0, expr.size()):
        __quad_cone(model, t, expr.index(i))

    return t
Пример #6
def __absolute(model, name, expr):
    t = model.variable(name, expr.size(), Domain.unbounded())

    # (t_i, w_i) \in Q2
    for i in range(0, int(expr.size())):
        __quad_cone(model, t.index(i), expr.index(i))

    return t
Пример #7
def __l2_norm_squared(model, name, expr):
    Given an expression (e.g. a vector) this returns the squared L2-norm of this vector as an expression.
    It also introduces an auxiliary variables. Mosek requires a name
    for any variable that is added to a model. The user has to specify this name explicitly.
    This requirement may disappear in future version of this API.
    t = model.variable(name, 1, Domain.unbounded())
    __rotated_quad_cone(model, 0.5, t, expr)
    return t
Пример #8
def __l2_norm_squared(model, name, expr):
    Given an expression (e.g. a vector) this returns the squared L2-norm of this vector as an expression.
    It also introduces an auxiliary variables. Mosek requires a name
    for any variable that is added to a model. The user has to specify this name explicitly.
    This requirement may disappear in future version of this API.
    t = model.variable(name, 1, Domain.unbounded())
    __rotated_quad_cone(model, 0.5, t, expr)
    return t
Пример #9
    def __Declare_SpeedUp_Vars(self, COModel):
        n, N = self.n, 2 * self.m + 2 * self.n + len(self.roads)
        if self.co_params['speedup']['Tau'] is True:
            Tau = COModel.variable('Tau', 1, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))  # scalar
            Tau = COModel.variable('Tau', 1, Domain.unbounded())  # scalar

        if self.co_params['speedup']['Eta'] is True:
            Eta = COModel.variable('Eta', [n, n],
                                   Domain.inPSDCone(n))  # n by n matrix
            Eta = COModel.variable('Eta', [n, n],
                                   Domain.unbounded())  # n by n matrix

        if self.co_params['speedup']['W'] is True:
            W = COModel.variable('W', [N, N],
                                 Domain.inPSDCone(N))  # N by N matrix
            W = COModel.variable('W', [N, N],
                                 Domain.unbounded())  # N by N matrix
        return Tau, Eta, W
Пример #10
    def Build_Co_Model(self):
        r = len(self.roads)
        mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
        m, n, r = self.m, self.n, len(self.roads)
        f, h = self.f, self.h
        M, N = m + n + r, 2 * m + 2 * n + r
        A = self.__Construct_A_Matrix()
        A_Mat = Matrix.dense(A)
        b = self.__Construct_b_vector()

        # ---- build Mosek Model
        COModel = Model()

        # -- Decision Variable
        Z = COModel.variable('Z', m, Domain.inRange(0.0, 1.0))
        I = COModel.variable('I', m, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        Alpha = COModel.variable('Alpha', M,
                                 Domain.unbounded())  # M by 1 vector
        Beta = COModel.variable('Beta', M, Domain.unbounded())  # M by 1 vector
        Theta = COModel.variable('Theta', N,
                                 Domain.unbounded())  # N by 1 vector
        # M1_matrix related decision variables
            [tau, xi^T, phi^T
        M1 = xi, eta,   psi^t
             phi, psi,   w  ]
        # no-need speedup variables
        Psi = COModel.variable('Psi', [N, n], Domain.unbounded())
        Xi = COModel.variable('Xi', n, Domain.unbounded())  # n by 1 vector
        Phi = COModel.variable('Phi', N, Domain.unbounded())  # N by 1 vector
        # has the potential to speedup
        Tau, Eta, W = self.__Declare_SpeedUp_Vars(COModel)

        # M2 matrix decision variables
            [a, b^T, c^T
        M2 = b, e,   d^t
             c, d,   f  ]
        a_M2 = COModel.variable('a_M2', 1, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        b_M2 = COModel.variable('b_M2', n, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        c_M2 = COModel.variable('c_M2', N, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        e_M2 = COModel.variable('e_M2', [n, n], Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        d_M2 = COModel.variable('d_M2', [N, n], Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
        f_M2 = COModel.variable('f_M2', [N, N], Domain.greaterThan(0.0))

        # -- Objective Function
        obj_1 = Expr.dot(f, Z)
        obj_2 = Expr.dot(h, I)
        obj_3 = Expr.dot(b, Alpha)
        obj_4 = Expr.dot(b, Beta)
        obj_5 = Expr.dot([1], Expr.add(Tau, a_M2))
        obj_6 = Expr.dot([2 * mean for mean in mu], Expr.add(Xi, b_M2))
        obj_7 = Expr.dot(sigma, Expr.add(Eta, e_M2))
            Expr.add([obj_1, obj_2, obj_3, obj_4, obj_5, obj_6, obj_7]))

        # Constraint 1
        _expr = Expr.sub(Expr.mul(A_Mat.transpose(), Alpha), Theta)
        _expr = Expr.sub(_expr, Expr.mul(2, Expr.add(Phi, c_M2)))
        _expr_rhs = Expr.vstack(Expr.constTerm([0.0] * n), Expr.mul(-1, I),
                                Expr.constTerm([0.0] * M))
        COModel.constraint('constr1', Expr.sub(_expr, _expr_rhs),
        del _expr, _expr_rhs

        # Constraint 2
        _first_term = Expr.add([
                     np.outer(A[row], A[row]).tolist()) for row in range(M)
        _second_term = Expr.add([
            Expr.mul(Theta.index(k), Matrix.sparse(N, N, [k], [k], [1]))
            for k in range(N)
        _third_term = Expr.add(W, f_M2)
        _expr = Expr.sub(Expr.add(_first_term, _second_term), _third_term)
        COModel.constraint('constr2', _expr, Domain.equalsTo(0.0))
        del _expr, _first_term, _second_term, _third_term

        # Constraint 3
        _expr = Expr.mul(-2, Expr.add(Psi, d_M2))
        _expr_rhs = Matrix.sparse([[Matrix.eye(n)], [Matrix.sparse(N - n, n)]])
        COModel.constraint('constr3', Expr.sub(_expr, _expr_rhs),
        del _expr, _expr_rhs

        # Constraint 4: I <= M*Z
        COModel.constraint('constr4', Expr.sub(Expr.mul(20000.0, Z), I),

        # Constraint 5: M1 is SDP
            Expr.vstack(Expr.hstack(Tau, Xi.transpose(), Phi.transpose()),
                        Expr.hstack(Xi, Eta, Psi.transpose()),
                        Expr.hstack(Phi, Psi, W)), Domain.inPSDCone(1 + n + N))

        return COModel