def createGrasp(grasp_pose, allowed_touch_objects=[], pre_grasp_posture=None, grasp_posture=None, pre_grasp_approach=None, post_grasp_retreat=None, id_grasp="grasp_"):
    """Create a grasp for object in grasp_pose, allowing collisions with allowed_touch_objects list,
     with pre_grasp_posture and grasp_posture as positions of the hand. Also id name id_grasp."""
    grasp = Grasp() = id_grasp
#     header = Header()
#     header.frame_id = "base_link"
#     header.stamp =
#     grasp_pose_msg = PoseStamped(header, grasp_pose)
    grasp_pose_with_offset = add_offset_reem_hand(grasp_pose)
    grasp.grasp_pose = grasp_pose_with_offset
    if pre_grasp_posture == None:
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture = getPreGraspPosture
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture
    if grasp_posture == None:
        grasp.grasp_posture = getGraspPosture
        grasp.grasp_posture = grasp_posture
    grasp.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects # ["table", "part"]
    if pre_grasp_approach != None:
        grasp.pre_grasp_approach = pre_grasp_approach
    if post_grasp_retreat != None:
        grasp.post_grasp_retreat = post_grasp_retreat

    grasp.max_contact_force = 0
    #grasp.grasp_quality = 0
    return grasp
Пример #2
def create_grasp(grasp_pose, allowed_touch_objects=[], pre_grasp_posture=None, grasp_posture=None,
                 pre_grasp_approach=None, post_grasp_retreat=None, id_grasp="grasp_"):
    grasp = Grasp() = id_grasp
    grasp.grasp_pose = grasp_pose
    if pre_grasp_posture is None:
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture = get_grasp_posture(True)
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture

    if grasp_posture is None:
        grasp.grasp_posture = get_grasp_posture(False)
        grasp.grasp_posture = grasp_posture

    grasp.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects

    if pre_grasp_approach is not None:
        grasp.pre_grasp_approach = pre_grasp_approach

    if post_grasp_retreat is not None:
        grasp.post_grasp_retreat = post_grasp_retreat

    grasp.max_contact_force = 0

    return grasp
Пример #3
  def make_grasps(self, pose_stamped, mega_angle=False):
      # setup defaults for the grasp
      g = Grasp()
      g.pre_grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_OPEN)
      g.grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_CLOSED)
      g.pre_grasp_approach = self.make_gripper_translation(0.05, 0.1)
      g.post_grasp_retreat = self.make_gripper_translation(0.05, 0.1, -1.0)
      g.grasp_pose = pose_stamped
      pitch_vals = [0, 0.2, -0.2, 0.4, -0.4]
      #pitch_vals = [0]
      yaw_vals = [-0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2]
      #yaw_vals = [0]
      if mega_angle:
          pitch_vals += [0.78, -0.78, 0.3, -0.3, 0.5, -0.5, 0.6, -0.6]
      # generate list of grasps
      grasps = []
      #for y in [-1.57, -0.78, 0, 0.78, 1.57]:
      for y in yaw_vals:
          for p in pitch_vals:
              q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 1.57-p, y)
              g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
              g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
              g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
              g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]
     = str(len(grasps))
              g.allowed_touch_objects = ["part"]
              g.max_contact_force = 0
              #g.grasp_quality = 1.0 - abs(p/2.0)
      return grasps
    def make_grasps(self, initial_pose_stamped, allowed_touch_objects):
        # Initialize the grasp object
        g = Grasp()

        # Set the pre-grasp and grasp postures appropriately
        g.pre_grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_OPEN)
        g.grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_CLOSED)

        # Set the approach and retreat parameters as desired
        g.pre_grasp_approach = self.make_gripper_translation(0.01, 0.2, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        g.post_grasp_retreat = self.make_gripper_translation(0.1, 0.2, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # Set the first grasp pose to the input pose
        g.grasp_pose = initial_pose_stamped

        # Pitch angles to try
        pitch_vals = [0, 0.1, -0.1, 0.2, -0.2, 0.3, -0.3]

        # Yaw angles to try
        yaw_vals = [0]

        # A list to hold the grasps
        grasps = []

        # Generate a grasp for each pitch and yaw angle
        for y in yaw_vals:
            for p in pitch_vals:
                # Create a quaternion from the Euler angles
                # q = quaternion_from_euler(0, p, y)

                # # Set the grasp pose orientation accordingly
                # g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
                # g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
                # g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
                # g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

                q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, -1.57079633)
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

                # Set and id for this grasp (simply needs to be unique)
       = str(len(grasps))

                # Set the allowed touch objects to the input list
                g.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects

                # Don't restrict contact force
                g.max_contact_force = 0

                # Degrade grasp quality for increasing pitch angles
                g.grasp_quality = 1.0 - abs(p)

                # Append the grasp to the list

        # Return the list
        return grasps
    def make_grasps(self, initial_pose, allow_touch_objects):
        # initialise a grasp object
        g = Grasp()

        g.pre_grasp_posture = self.make_grab_posture(self.open_joint_values)
        g.grasp_posture = self.make_grab_posture(self.closed_joint_values)

        g.pre_grasp_approach = self.make_grab_translation(0.01, 0.1, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        g.post_grasp_retreat = self.make_grab_translation(0.1, 0.15, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        g.grasp_pose = initial_pose

        # pitch_vals = [0, 0.1, -0.1, 0.2, -0.2, 0.4, -0.4]
        # target_pose_arm_ref = self.tf_buffer.transform(initial_pose,'hand_iiwa_link_0')
        # x = target_pose_arm_ref.pose.position.x
        # y = target_pose_arm_ref.pose.position.y
        # yaw_vals = [math.atan2(y,x) + inc for inc in [0, 0.1, -0.1]]
        grasps = []
        # for yaw in yaw_vals:
        #     for pitch in pitch_vals:
        #         q = quaternion_from_euler(0,pitch,yaw)
        #         g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
        #         g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
        #         g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
        #         g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] = str(len(grasps))

        g.allowed_touch_objects = allow_touch_objects
        g.max_contact_force = 0
        g.grasp_quality = 1.0 #- abs(pitch)


        return grasps
Пример #6
    def create_grasp(self, pose, grasp_id):
        :type pose: Pose
            pose of the gripper for the grasp
        :type grasp_id: str
            name for the grasp
        :rtype: Grasp
        g = Grasp() = grasp_id

        pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
        pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id
        pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [
            name for name in self._gripper_joint_names.split()]
        jtpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_pre_grasp_positions.split()]
        jtpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._time_pre_grasp_posture)

        grasp_posture = copy.deepcopy(pre_grasp_posture)
        grasp_posture.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture)
        jtpoint2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint2.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_grasp_positions.split()]
        jtpoint2.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture +
            self._time_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture_final)

        g.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture
        g.grasp_posture = grasp_posture

        header = Header()
        header.frame_id = self._grasp_pose_frame_id  # base_footprint
        q = [pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
             pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w]
        # Fix orientation from gripper_link to parent_link (tool_link)
        fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q = quaternion_from_euler(
        q = quaternion_multiply(q, fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q)
        fixed_pose = copy.deepcopy(pose)
        fixed_pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        g.grasp_pose = PoseStamped(header, fixed_pose)
        g.grasp_quality = self._grasp_quality

        g.pre_grasp_approach = GripperTranslation()
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = self._pre_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = self._pre_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = self._pre_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance
        g.post_grasp_retreat = GripperTranslation()
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = self._post_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = self._post_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = self._post_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance

        g.max_contact_force = self._max_contact_force
        g.allowed_touch_objects = self._allowed_touch_objects

        return g
    def create_grasp(self, pose, grasp_id):
        :type pose: Pose
            pose of the gripper for the grasp
        :type grasp_id: str
            name for the grasp
        :rtype: Grasp
        g = Grasp() = grasp_id

        pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
        pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id
        pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [
            name for name in self._gripper_joint_names.split()
        jtpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_pre_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._time_pre_grasp_posture)

        grasp_posture = copy.deepcopy(pre_grasp_posture)
        grasp_posture.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture)
        jtpoint2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint2.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint2.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture +
        jtpoint2.effort = [-2.5] * len(jtpoint2.positions)

        g.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture
        g.grasp_posture = grasp_posture

        header = Header()
        header.frame_id = self._grasp_pose_frame_id  # base_footprint
        q = [
            pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z,
        # Fix orientation from gripper_link to parent_link (tool_link)
        fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q = quaternion_from_euler(
        q = quaternion_multiply(q, fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q)
        fixed_pose = copy.deepcopy(pose)
        fixed_pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        g.grasp_pose = PoseStamped(header, fixed_pose)
        g.grasp_quality = self._grasp_quality

        g.pre_grasp_approach = GripperTranslation()
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = self._pre_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = self._pre_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = self._pre_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance
        g.post_grasp_retreat = GripperTranslation()
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = self._post_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = self._post_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = self._post_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance

        g.max_contact_force = self._max_contact_force
        g.allowed_touch_objects = self._allowed_touch_objects

        return g
Пример #8
    def make_grasps(self,
        # Initialize the grasp object
        g = Grasp()

        # Set the pre-grasp and grasp postures appropriately;
        # grasp_opening should be a bit smaller than target width
        g.pre_grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(self.gripper_opened)
        g.grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(grasp_opening)

        # Set the approach and retreat parameters as desired
        g.pre_grasp_approach = self.make_gripper_translation(
            0.01, 0.1, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        g.post_grasp_retreat = self.make_gripper_translation(
            0.1, 0.15, [0.0, -1.0, 1.0])

        # Set the first grasp pose to the input pose
        g.grasp_pose = initial_pose_stamped

        # Pitch angles to try
        pitch_vals = [0, 0.1, -0.1, 0.2, -0.2, 0.4, -0.4]

        # Yaw angles to try; given the limited dofs of turtlebot_arm, we must calculate the heading
        # from arm base to the object to pick (first we must transform its pose to arm base frame)
        target_pose_arm_ref = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
            ARM_BASE_FRAME, initial_pose_stamped)
        x = target_pose_arm_ref.pose.position.x
        y = target_pose_arm_ref.pose.position.y

        self.pick_yaw = atan2(
            x)  # check in make_places method why we store the calculated yaw
        yaw_vals = [self.pick_yaw]

        # A list to hold the grasps
        grasps = []

        # Generate a grasp for each pitch and yaw angle
        for yaw in yaw_vals:
            for pitch in pitch_vals:
                # Create a quaternion from the Euler angles
                q = quaternion_from_euler(0, pitch, yaw)

                # Set the grasp pose orientation accordingly
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
                g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

                # Set and id for this grasp (simply needs to be unique)
       = str(len(grasps))

                # Set the allowed touch objects to the input list
                g.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects

                # Don't restrict contact force
                g.max_contact_force = 0

                # Degrade grasp quality for increasing pitch angles
                g.grasp_quality = 1.0 - abs(pitch)

                # Append the grasp to the list

        # Return the list
        return grasps
Пример #9
    scene.add_box("target", p, (0.01, 0.01, 0.08))

    # rospy.sleep(20)
    # (aim_x, aim_y, aim_z, aim_yaw) = onine_arm.get_valid_pose(item_translation[0], item_translation[1], item_translation[2], - 0.080)

    grasp_pose = PoseStamped()
    grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "left_gripper_link"
    grasp_pose.header.stamp =
    grasp_pose.pose.position.x = aim_x
    grasp_pose.pose.position.y = aim_y
    grasp_pose.pose.position.z = aim_z
    grasp_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(
        *quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0, aim_yaw))

    g = Grasp()
    g.pre_grasp_posture = onine_arm.make_gripper_posture(0.09)
    g.grasp_posture = onine_arm.make_gripper_posture(0.01)
    g.pre_grasp_approach = onine_arm.make_gripper_translation(0.08, 0.10)
    g.post_grasp_retreat = onine_arm.make_gripper_translation(0.08, 0.10, -1.0)
    g.grasp_pose = grasp_pose

    #2 degrees resolution
    pitch_vals = [
        -0.10472, -0.0698132, -0.0349066, 0, 0.0349066, 0.0698132, 0.10472
    height_vals = [
        -0.005, -0.004, -0.003, -0.002, -0.001, 0, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004,
    # generate list of grasps
    grasps = []
Пример #10
    def make_grasps(self, initial_pose_stamped, allowed_touch_objects):
        # Initialize the grasp object
        g = Grasp()

        # Set the pre-grasp and grasp postures appropriately
        g.pre_grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_OPEN)
        g.grasp_posture = self.make_gripper_posture(GRIPPER_GRASP)

        # Set the approach and retreat parameters as desired
        g.pre_grasp_approach = self.make_gripper_translation(
            0.1, 0.1, [0, 1, 0])
        g.post_grasp_retreat = self.make_gripper_translation(
            0.1, 0.15, [1, 0, 0])

        # Set the first grasp pose to the input pose
        g.grasp_pose = initial_pose_stamped

        ideal_roll = 0
        ideal_pitch = 0
        ideal_yaw = 0

        step_size = 0.1
        idx = 0.1
        idx_roll = ideal_roll + idx
        idx_pitch = ideal_pitch + idx
        idx_yaw = ideal_yaw + idx
        roll_vals = []
        pitch_vals = []
        yaw_vals = []
        while idx >= -0.1:
            idx -= step_size
            idx_roll -= step_size
            idx_pitch -= step_size
            idx_yaw -= step_size

        # A list to hold the grasps
        grasps = []

        print "Generating Poses"

        # Generate a grasp for each roll pitch and yaw angle
        for r in roll_vals:
            for y in yaw_vals:
                for p in pitch_vals:
                    # Create a quaternion from the Euler angles
                    q = quaternion_from_euler(r, p, y)

                    # Set the grasp pose orientation accordingly
                    g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
                    g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
                    g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
                    g.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

                    # Set and id for this grasp (simply needs to be unique)
           = str(len(grasps))

                    # Set the allowed touch objects to the input list
                    g.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects

                    # Don't restrict contact force
                    g.max_contact_force = 0

                    # Degrade grasp quality for increasing pitch angles
                    g.grasp_quality = 1.0 - abs(p)

                    # Append the grasp to the list

        print "Generated " + + " poses"
        # Return the list
        return grasps
Пример #11
    def create_grasp_2(self, pose, grasp_id):
        :type pose: Pose
            pose of the gripper for the grasp
        :type grasp_id: str
            name for the grasp
        :rtype: Grasp
        g = Grasp() = grasp_id

        pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
        pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id
        pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [
            name for name in self._gripper_joint_names.split()
        jtpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_pre_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._time_pre_grasp_posture)

        grasp_posture = copy.deepcopy(pre_grasp_posture)
        grasp_posture.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture)
        jtpoint2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint2.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint2.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture +

        g.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture
        g.grasp_posture = grasp_posture

        header = Header()
        header.frame_id = self._grasp_pose_frame_id

        fixed_pose = copy.deepcopy(pose)

        g.grasp_pose = PoseStamped(header, fixed_pose)
        g.grasp_quality = self._grasp_quality

        g.pre_grasp_approach = GripperTranslation()
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = self._pre_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = self._pre_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = self._pre_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance
        g.post_grasp_retreat = GripperTranslation()
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = self._post_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = self._post_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = self._post_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = 0.13  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance

        g.max_contact_force = self._max_contact_force
        g.allowed_touch_objects = self._allowed_touch_objects

        return g