def main(url, output): driver = webdriver.Chrome() remote_url = url driver.get(remote_url) png = chrome_takeFullScreenshot(driver) with open("website_image.png", 'wb') as f: f.write(png) driver.close() clip = ImageClip('website_image.png') video_width = int(clip.size[0] + 800) video_height = int(video_width/1.5) bg_clip = ColorClip(size=(video_width, video_height), color=[228, 220, 220]) scroll_speed = 180 total_duration = (clip.h - 800)/scroll_speed fl = lambda gf,t : gf(t)[int(scroll_speed*t):int(scroll_speed*t)+800,:] clip = clip.fl(fl, apply_to=['mask']) video = CompositeVideoClip([bg_clip, clip.set_pos("center")]) video.duration = total_duration if not output.endswith('.mp4'): output += '.mp4' video.write_videofile(output, fps=26) os.remove('website_image.png')
def chart_highlights(week, position): gains = ['airplay_gain', 'stream_gain', 'digital_gain', 'highest_ranking_debut'] top_offset = 0 n_movies = 0 gainer_movies = [] for gain in gains: if getattr(week, gain) == position: top_offset = n_movies * 50 n_movies += 1 gainer_image = ImageClip( join(settings.IMAGE_ASSETS, "{}.png".format(gain)) ).set_duration(duration) gainer_movies.append(gainer_image.set_pos( lambda t, top_offset=top_offset: (min(10, -position_image_size['x'] + t * 400), (1080 - 20 - position_image_size['y'] - 55 - top_offset, int(1060 - position_image_size['y'] + 380*t - 380*13))[t > 13]))) return gainer_movies
def generate_video(test=True): video_list = [] sub_video = subscribers_video() video_list.append(sub_video) week = Week.objects.all()[0] for i, position in enumerate(week.position_set.all()): if i == 2 and test: break if i == 50: break video = VideoFileClip(join(settings.VIDEO_ASSETS, "{} - {}.mp4".format(, # video = audio_fadeout(video, 2) graph = (ImageClip(join(settings.IMAGES, "graph{}.png".format(position.position))). set_duration(duration)) graph = graph.set_pos(lambda t: ( (max(1445, 1800 - t * 700), (5, int(20 - 400*t + 400*13.2))[t > 13.2]))) #### w, h = video.size position_image = ImageClip( join(settings.IMAGES, "pos{}.png".format(position.position)) ).set_duration(duration) change_image = ImageClip( join(settings.IMAGES, "change{}.png".format(position.position)) ).set_duration(duration) lower_third_image = ImageClip( join(settings.IMAGES, "lower_third{}.png".format(position.position)) ).set_duration(duration) # I am *NOT* explaining the formula, understands who can/want. # txt_mov = txt_col.set_pos(lambda t: (max(w/30, int(w-0.5*w*t)), max(5*h/6, int(100*t))) ) txt_mov = position_image.set_pos( lambda t: (min(0, -position_image_size['x'] + t * 400), (1080 - 20 - position_image_size['y'], int(1060 - position_image_size['y'] + 380*t - 380*13))[t > 13])) change_image_mov = change_image.set_pos( lambda t: (min(change_image_size['x'], -position_image_size['x'] + t * 700), (1080 - 20 - position_image_size['y'], int(1060 - position_image_size['y'] + 400*t - 400*13.2))[t > 13.2])) lower_third_mov = lower_third_image.set_pos( lambda t: (min(change_image_size['x'] + position_image_size['y'], -lower_third_size['x'] + t * 2500), (1080 - 20 - lower_third_size['y'], int(1060 - lower_third_size['y'] + 430*t - 430*13.4))[t > 13.4])) gainer_mov = chart_highlights(week, position.position) final = CompositeVideoClip([video, lower_third_mov, change_image_mov, txt_mov, graph] + gainer_mov, size=((1920, 1080))).fadeout(0.2) video_list.append(final) FINAL = concatenate_videoclips(list(reversed(video_list))) FINAL.write_videofile(join(settings.VIDEOS, "billboard_top_50_this_week.mp4"), fps=24, codec='libx264')
songClip = AudioFileClip("./Dekhte_Dekhte.mp3") # extract audio clip lrcFile = open('./Dekhte_Dekhte.lrc', 'r') lines = lrcFile.readlines() # read the lyrics bgImageClip = ImageClip('./img/background.jpg') # background image for the video beginTimeStamp = '00:00.00' firstLyricTimeStamp = lines[5][1:9] songDuration = lines[-1][1:9] screensize = (1920, 1080) lastLineFlag = 0 fillerText = TextClip('Dekthe Dekthe',color='white', font="Amiri-Bold", kerning = 5, fontsize=100) # Text to dispaly before lyrics start fillerDuration = timeDiff(firstLyricTimeStamp, beginTimeStamp) # time before lyrics start fillerVideoClip = CompositeVideoClip( [bgImageClip.set_pos('center').set_duration(fillerDuration), fillerText.set_pos('center').set_duration(fillerDuration)], size=screensize) # video clip where filler text is displayed on background image videoClips = [fillerVideoClip] # add the video clip to a list for i in range(5, len(lines)): #start reading lyrics lyricStrip = lines[i][10:] currentLineTimeStamp = lines[i][:10][1:-1] print(currentLineTimeStamp) origLyric = lyricStrip.split('!!')[0].lstrip().rstrip() # lyric strip in original language engLyric = lyricStrip.split('!!')[1].lstrip().rstrip() # lyric strip in translated language disaplayText = origLyric+'\n'+'\n'+'*******************'+'\n'+engLyric # display text at each time step LyricClip = TextClip(disaplayText, color='white', font="Amiri-Bold", kerning = 5, fontsize=60) # text clip for combined lyrics if (lines[i+1] == '\n'): duration = timeDiff(songDuration, currentLineTimeStamp) # calculate time period to display lyric lastLineFlag = 1 # if last lyric is reached else: nextLineTimeStep = lines[i+1][:10][1:-1]
PEP-0008, with exceptions made for the purposes of improving book formatting. Example code is provided "as is". Permissions ============ In general, you may use the code we've provided with this book in your programs . You do not need to contact us for permission unless you're reproducing a significant portion of the code and using it in educational distributions. Examples: * Writing an education program or book that uses several chunks of code from this course requires permission. * Selling or distributing a digital package from material taken from this book does require permission. * Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Attributions usually include the title, author, publisher and an ISBN. For example, "Practical Python Projects, by Yasoob Khalid. Copyright 2020 Yasoob." If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use of the permission given here, please contact me at [email protected]. """ from moviepy.editor import ImageClip, ColorClip, CompositeVideoClip clip = ImageClip('website_image.png') bg_clip = ColorClip(size=(1600, 1000), color=[228, 220, 220]) scroll_speed = 180 total_duration = (clip.h - 800) / scroll_speed fl = lambda gf, t: gf(t)[int(scroll_speed * t):int(scroll_speed * t) + 800, :] clip = clip.fl(fl, apply_to=['mask']) video = CompositeVideoClip([bg_clip, clip.set_pos("center")]) video.duration = total_duration video.write_videofile("movie.mp4", fps=26)