Пример #1
def getFramesArray(video: VideoClip,
                   fps: int = 15) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        get all frame arrays by fps
        And, if can't use frame or audio data, filter at try/except AttributeError
            - video : VideoClip class
            - fps : fps getting frames
            - _frame_list : all frame array in video
            - _sound_list : all sound array in video
    _frame_list = []
    _sound_list = []
    _i = 0

    while _i / fps < video.duration:
            _frame = video.get_frame(_i / fps)
            _sound = audio_util.getSubAudio(video.audio,
                                            start=_i / fps,
                                            end=(_i + 1) / fps)

        except AttributeError:
            print("[Warning] Error get frame and sound")
        _i += 1

#     _sound_len_min = min([len(_sound) for _sound in _sound_list])
#     _sound_list = [_sound[:_sound_len_min] for _sound in _sound_list]

    return np.array(_frame_list), np.array(_sound_list)
Пример #2
def concatenate(clipslist, method = 'chain', transition=None,
           bg_color=(0, 0, 0), transparent=False, ismask=False, crossover = 0):
    """ Concatenates several video clips
    Returns a video clip made by clip by concatenating several video clips.
    (Concatenated means that they will be played one after another).
    if the clips do not have the same resolution, the final
    resolution will be such that no clip has to be resized. As
    a consequence the final clip has the height of the highest
    clip and the width of the widest clip of the list. All the
    clips with smaller dimensions will appear centered. The border
    will be transparent if mask=True, else it will be of the
    color specified by ``bg_color``.
    Returns a VideoClip instance if all clips have the same size and
    there is no transition, else a composite clip.

      A list of video clips which must all have their ``duration``
      attributes set.
      A clip that will be played between each two clips of the list.  
      Color of the background, if any.

      If True, the resulting clip's mask will be the concatenation of
      the masks of the clips in the list. If the clips do not have the
      same resolution, the border around the smaller clips will be
    if transition != None:
        l = [[v, transition] for v in clipslist[:-1]]
        clipslist = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) + [clipslist[-1]]
        transition = None
    tt = np.cumsum([0] + [c.duration for c in clipslist])
    sizes = [v.size for v in clipslist]
    w = max([r[0] for r in sizes])
    h = max([r[1] for r in sizes])
    if method == 'chain':
        result = VideoClip(ismask = ismask)
        result.size = (w,h)

        def gf(t):
            i = max([i for i, e in enumerate(tt) if e <= t])
            return clipslist[i].get_frame(t - tt[i])
        result.get_frame = gf
        if (len(set(map(tuple,sizes)))>1) and (bg_color is not None):
            # If not all clips have the same size, flatten the result
            # on some color
            result = result.fx( on_color, (w,h), bg_color, 'center')
    elif method == 'compose':
        tt = np.maximum(0, tt - crossover*np.arange(len(tt)))
        result = concatenate( [c.set_start(t).set_pos('center')
                                    for (c, t) in zip(clipslist, tt)],
                   size = (w, h), bg_color=bg_color, ismask=ismask,
    result.tt = tt
    result.clipslist = clipslist
    result.start_times = tt[:-1]
    result.start, result.duration, result.end = 0, tt[-1] , tt[-1]
    # Compute the mask if any
    if transparent and (not ismask):
        # add a mask to the clips which have none
        clips_withmask = [(c if (c.mask!=None) else c.add_mask())
                          for c in clipslist] 
        result.mask = concatenate([c.mask for c in clips_withmask],
                    bg_color=0, ismask=True, transparent=False)
    # Compute the audio, if any.
    audio_t = [(c.audio,t) for c,t in zip(clipslist,tt) if c.audio!=None]
    if len(audio_t)>0:
        result.audio = CompositeAudioClip([a.set_start(t)
                                for a,t in audio_t])
    return result