Пример #1
def BuildSatts(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i, n):
    CrystalCost = 2000 * n / IdealPlanet[0].ResScaleFactor
    DeutCost = 500 * n / IdealPlanet[0].ResScaleFactor
    TotalMetal, TotalCrystal, TotalDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
    if TotalDeut > 0:
        if TotalCrystal >= CrystalCost and TotalDeut >= DeutCost and (
                PlanetList[i].Resource[1] < CrystalCost
                or PlanetList[i].Resource[2] < DeutCost
        ) and PlanetList[i].Shipyard >= 1:
            CrystalCost -= PlanetList[i].Resource[1]
            DeutCost -= PlanetList[i].Resource[2]
            if CrystalCost < 0:
                CrystalCost = 0
            if DeutCost < 0:
                DeutCost = 0
            if CrystalCost > 0 or DeutCost > 0:
                CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, 0,
                            CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[1] > CrystalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                2] > DeutCost and PlanetList[i].Shipyard >= 1:
            print "Built " + str(n) + " Solar Satellites on Planet " + str(i)
            PlanetList[i].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].Satellites += n
            calcenergy(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i)
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0 and PlanetList[i].Shipyard >= 1:
                print "Flagged Satts"
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = 0
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = DeutCost
        if PlanetList[i].Shipyard < 1:
            IdealPlanet[0].Shipyard = 1
Пример #2
def CheckUpSolar(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    MetalCost = 75 * 1.5**PlanetList[i].SolarPlant / IdealPlanet[
    CrystalCost = 30 * 1.5**PlanetList[i].SolarPlant / IdealPlanet[
    checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, MetalCost,
                  CrystalCost, 0, i)
    TotalMetal, TotalCrystal, TotalDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
    CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                CrystalCost, 0, i)
    if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
            1] >= CrystalCost:
        print "Built Solar Plant Level " + str(
            PlanetList[i].SolarPlant + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
        PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
        PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
        PlanetList[i].SolarPlant += 1
        calcenergy(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i)
        IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
        if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
            print "Flagged Solar"
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = 0
Пример #3
def CheckUpAstrophysics(PlanetList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, TechList):
    MetalCost = 100 * round(
        40 * 1.75**TechList[0].Astrophysics) / IdealPlanet[0].ResScaleFactor
    CrystalCost = 100 * round(
        80 * 1.75**TechList[0].Astrophysics) / IdealPlanet[0].ResScaleFactor
    DeutCost = 100 * round(
        40 * 1.75**TechList[0].Astrophysics) / IdealPlanet[0].ResScaleFactor
    TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
    if TMetal >= MetalCost and TCrystal >= CrystalCost and TDeut >= DeutCost and PlanetList[
            0].ResearchLab >= 3:
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, DeutCost, 0)
        print "Consolidated resources!"
        if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0 and TCrystal >= 0.8 * CrystalCost:
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = DeutCost
    if PlanetList[0].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[0].Resource[
            1] >= CrystalCost and PlanetList[0].Resource[
                2] >= DeutCost and PlanetList[0].ResearchLab >= 3:
        IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
        print "Found Planet was enough for astro!"
        print "Researched Astrophysics level " + str(TechList[0].Astrophysics +
                                                     1) + "!"
        PlanetList[0].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
        PlanetList[0].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
        PlanetList[0].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
        TechList[0].Astrophysics += 1
        IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
Пример #4
def CheckRocketLaunchers(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    if PlanetList[i].Shipyard == 0:
        checkupshipyard(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i)
        TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList)
        if PlanetList[i].RocketLauncher < IdealPlanet[0].RocketLauncher:
            Rockets = IdealPlanet[0].RocketLauncher - PlanetList[
            RocketCost = Rockets * 2000
            if RocketCost > PlanetList[i].Resource[0]:
                CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, RocketCost, 0, 0,
            if RocketCost < PlanetList[i].Resource[0]:
                PlanetList[i].RocketLauncher += Rockets
                PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= 2000 * Rockets
                print "Built " + str(
                    Rockets) + " Rocket Launchers on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = RocketCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = 0
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = 0
        elif (PlanetList[i].Resource[0] > (0.6 * PlanetList[i].MetalCap) and
              (PlanetList[i].Resource[1] <
               (0.3 * PlanetList[i].CrystalCap) or PlanetList[i].Resource[2] <
               (0.3 * PlanetList[i].DeuteriumCap))
              ) or PlanetList[i].Resource[0] > (0.80 * PlanetList[i].MetalCap):
            Rockets = int(PlanetList[i].Resource[0] / 4000)
            PlanetList[i].RocketLauncher += Rockets
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= 2000 * Rockets
            print "Built " + str(
                Rockets) + " Rocket Launchers on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
Пример #5
def CheckUpMissileSilo(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    MetalCost = 20000 * 2**PlanetList[i].MissileSilo
    CrystalCost = 20000 * 2**PlanetList[i].MissileSilo
    DeutCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].MissileSilo
    checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, MetalCost,
                  CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
    CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
    if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
            1] >= CrystalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[2] >= DeutCost:
        print "Built Missile Silo Level " + str(
            PlanetList[i].MissileSilo + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
        PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
        PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
        PlanetList[i].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
        PlanetList[i].MissileSilo += 1
Пример #6
def CheckUpTerraformer(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    CrystalCost = 50000 * 2**PlanetList[i].Terraformer
    DeutCost = 100000 * 2**PlanetList[i].Terraformer
    EnergyCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].Terraformer
    checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, 0, CrystalCost,
                  DeutCost, i)
    CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, 0, CrystalCost,
                DeutCost, i)
    if PlanetList[i].Resource[1] >= CrystalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
            2] >= DeutCost and PlanetList[
                i].EnergyProd >= EnergyCost and PlanetList[
                    i].Nanites >= 1 and TechList[0].Computer >= 12:
        print "Built Terraformer Level " + str(
            PlanetList[i].Terraformer + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
        PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
        PlanetList[i].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
        PlanetList[i].Terraformer += 1
Пример #7
def CheckUpCombustion(PlanetList, FleetList, TechList, IdealPlanet):
    TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
    MetalCost = 400 * 2**TechList[0].CombustionDrive / IdealPlanet[
    DeutCost = 600 * 2**TechList[0].CombustionDrive / IdealPlanet[
    if TMetal >= MetalCost and TDeut >= DeutCost and PlanetList[
            0].ResearchLab >= 1 and TechList[0].CombustionDrive >= 2 and (
                PlanetList[0].Resource[0] < MetalCost
                or PlanetList[0].Resource[2] < DeutCost):
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost, 0,
                    DeutCost, 0)
        print "Consolidated resources!"
    if PlanetList[0].Resource[0] > MetalCost and PlanetList[0].Resource[
            2] > DeutCost:
        print "Researched Combustion Drive level " + str(
            TechList[0].CombustionDrive + 1) + " on planet 1!"
        PlanetList[0].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
        PlanetList[0].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
        TechList[0].CombustionDrive += 1
Пример #8
def CheckUpFusion(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    TotalMetal, TotalCrystal, TotalDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
    if PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine >= 5 and TechList[0].Energy >= 3:
        MetalCost = 900 * 1.8**PlanetList[i].FusionPlant / IdealPlanet[
        CrystalCost = 360 * 1.8**PlanetList[i].FusionPlant / IdealPlanet[
        DeutCost = 180 * 1.8**PlanetList[i].FusionPlant / IdealPlanet[
        checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, MetalCost,
                      CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                1] >= CrystalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[2] >= DeutCost:
            print "Built Fusion Plant Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].FusionPlant + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
            PlanetList[i].FusionPlant += 1
            calcenergy(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i)
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
                print "Flagged Fusion"
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = DeutCost
        if PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine < 5 and IdealPlanet[0].DeuteriumMine < 5:
            IdealPlanet[0].DeuteriumMine = 5
        if PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine < 5 and IdealPlanet[
                0].DeuteriumMine >= 5:
            CheckUpDeut(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i)
        if TechList[0].Energy < 3:
            TechList[1].Energy = 3
Пример #9
def CheckUpNanites(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    MetalCost = 1000000 * 2**PlanetList[i].Nanites
    CrystalCost = 500000 * 2**PlanetList[i].Nanites
    DeutCost = 100000 * 2**PlanetList[1].Nanites
    if PlanetList[i].Robots == 10 and TechLst[0].Computer >= 10:
        checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, MetalCost,
                      CrystalCost, DeutCost, i)
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, 0, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                1] >= CrystalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[2] >= DeutCost:
            print "Built Nanites Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].Nanites + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[2] -= DeutCost
            PlanetList[i].Nanites += 1
            print "Flagged Nanites"
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = DeutCost
Пример #10
def CheckUpDeut(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i):
    MetalCost = 225 * 1.5**PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine / IdealPlanet[
    CrystalCost = 75 * 1.5**PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine / IdealPlanet[
    SparePower = PlanetList[i].EnergyProd - PlanetList[i].EnergyUsed + 10
    PowerBoost = 10 * (PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine + 1) * 1.1**(
        PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine + 1
    ) - 10 * PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine * 1.1**PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine
    checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, MetalCost,
                  CrystalCost, 0, i)
    if SparePower > PowerBoost:
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, 0, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] > MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                1] > CrystalCost:
            print "Built Deuterium Mine Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].EnergyUsed += PowerBoost
            PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine += 2
            PlanetList[i].Prod[2] = unispeed * (
                20 * PlanetList[i].DeuteriumMine *
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
                print "Flagged DM"
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingDeut = 0
        CheckUpPower(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, i,
                     PowerBoost - SparePower)
Пример #11
def checkupstores(PlanetList, TechList, IdealPlanet, FleetList, Metal, Crystal,
                  Deut, i):
    calcstores(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet)
    if Metal >= PlanetList[i].MetalCap - PlanetList[i].Prod[0] / 60:
        TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
        MetalCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].MetalStorage / IdealPlanet[
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost, 0,
                    0, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost:
            print "Built Metal Storage Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].MetalStorage + 1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].MetalStorage += 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
    if Crystal >= PlanetList[i].CrystalCap - PlanetList[i].Prod[1] / 60:
        TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
        MetalCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage / IdealPlanet[
        CrystalCost = 500 * 2**PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage / IdealPlanet[
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, 0, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                1] >= CrystalCost:
            print "Built Crystal Storage Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage +
                1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage += 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
    if Deut >= PlanetList[i].DeuteriumCap - PlanetList[i].Prod[2] / 60:
        TMetal, TCrystal, TDeut = TotalRes(PlanetList, IdealPlanet)
        MetalCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage / IdealPlanet[
        CrystalCost = 1000 * 2**PlanetList[i].CrystalStorage / IdealPlanet[
        CheckToMove(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet, MetalCost,
                    CrystalCost, 0, i)
        if PlanetList[i].Resource[0] >= MetalCost and PlanetList[i].Resource[
                1] >= CrystalCost:
            print "Built Deuterium Storage Level " + str(
                PlanetList[i].DeuteriumStorage +
                1) + " on Planet " + str(i) + "!"
            PlanetList[i].Resource[0] -= MetalCost
            PlanetList[i].Resource[1] -= CrystalCost
            PlanetList[i].DeuteriumStorage += 1
            IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 0
            if IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag == 0:
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingFlag = 1
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingMetal = MetalCost
                IdealPlanet[0].WaitingCrystal = CrystalCost
    calcstores(PlanetList, TechList, FleetList, IdealPlanet)