def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if (port is None): port = self.open_args if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) if self.__is_open() == False: time.sleep(3) self.__connect(None)
def mpsetup(request): """ Initial setup. Mainly clear out everything from FS except "" and "" :param request: Request object """ if not request.config.getoption("--nosetup"): fe = MpFileExplorer(request.config.getoption("--testcon")) fe.puts("", """ def rm(path): import os files = os.listdir(path) for f in files: if f not in ['', '']: try: os.remove(path + '/' + f) except: rm(path + '/' + f) os.remove(path + '/' + f) """) fe.exec_("import pytest") fe.exec_("pytest.rm('')")
def _connect(self, num_connection_retries=3): """ Connect to the antenny device, update the FileExplorer. """ for retry_count in range(num_connection_retries): try: self._file_explorer = MpFileExplorer( f'ser:{self._serial_path}') break except: LOG.warning( f"Retrying to connect to the ESP32 device, attempt " f"{retry_count}/{num_connection_retries}")
def mpsetup(request): """ Initial setup. Mainly clear out everything from FS except "" and "" :param request: Request object """ if not request.config.getoption("--nosetup"): fe = MpFileExplorer(request.config.getoption("--testcon")) fe.puts( "", """ def rm(path): import os files = os.listdir(path) for f in files: if f not in ['', '']: try: os.remove(path + '/' + f) except: try: os.rmdir(path + '/' + f) except: rm(path + '/' + f) """) fe.exec_("import pytest") fe.exec_("pytest.rm(os.getcwd())")
def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port)
def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port)
def mpfexp(request): """ Fixture providing connected mMpFileExplorer instance :param request: Request object :return: MpFileExplorer instance """ global _mpfexp_inst def teardown(): _mpfexp_inst.close() if request.config.getoption("--caching"): _mpfexp_inst = MpFileExplorerCaching(request.config.getoption("--testcon")) else: _mpfexp_inst = MpFileExplorer(request.config.getoption("--testcon")) request.addfinalizer(teardown) return _mpfexp_inst
class MpFileShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, color=False, caching=False, reset=False): if color: colorama.init() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=colorama.initialise.wrapped_stdout) else: cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.use_rawinput = False self.color = color self.caching = caching self.reset = reset self.fe = None self.repl = None self.tokenizer = Tokenizer() self.__intro() self.__set_prompt_path() def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() def __intro(self): if self.color: self.intro = ("\n" + colorama.Fore.GREEN + "** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] ** " % version.FULL + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n") else: self.intro = ( "\n** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] **\n" % version.FULL) self.intro += "-- Running on Python %d.%d using PySerial %s --\n" % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], serial.VERSION, ) def __set_prompt_path(self): if self.fe is not None: pwd = self.fe.pwd() else: pwd = "/" if self.color: self.prompt = (colorama.Fore.BLUE + "mpfs [" + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + pwd + colorama.Fore.BLUE + "]> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: self.prompt = "mpfs [" + pwd + "]> " def __error(self, msg): if self.color: print("\n" + colorama.Fore.RED + msg + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n") else: print("\n" + msg + "\n") def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() return True except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) return False def __disconnect(self): if self.fe is not None: try: self.fe.close() self.fe = None self.__set_prompt_path() except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def __is_open(self): if self.fe is None: self.__error("Not connected to device. Use 'open' first.") return False return True def __parse_file_names(self, args): tokens, rest = self.tokenizer.tokenize(args) if rest != "": self.__error("Invalid filename given: %s" % rest) else: return [token.value for token in tokens] return None def do_exit(self, args): """exit Exit this shell. """ self.__disconnect() return True do_EOF = do_exit def do_open(self, args): """open <TARGET> Open connection to device with given target. TARGET might be: - a serial port, e.g. ttyUSB0, ser:/dev/ttyUSB0 - a telnet host, e.g tn: or tn:,login,passwd - a websocket host, e.g. ws: or ws:,passwd """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <PORT>") return False if (not args.startswith("ser:/dev/") and not args.startswith("ser:COM") and not args.startswith("tn:") and not args.startswith("ws:")): if platform.system() == "Windows": args = "ser:" + args else: args = "ser:/dev/" + args return self.__connect(args) def complete_open(self, *args): ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") return [i[5:] for i in ports if i[5:].startswith(args[0])] def do_close(self, args): """close Close connection to device. """ self.__disconnect() def do_ls(self, args): """ls List remote files. """ if self.__is_open(): try: files = if self.fe.pwd() != "/": files = [("..", "D")] + files print("\nRemote files in '%s':\n" % self.fe.pwd()) for elem, type in files: if type == "F": if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % elem) else: if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % elem) print("") except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_pwd(self, args): """pwd Print current remote directory. """ if self.__is_open(): print(self.fe.pwd()) def do_cd(self, args): """cd <TARGET DIR> Change current remote directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) self.__set_prompt_path() except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_cd(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_md(self, args): """md <TARGET DIR> Create new remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_lls(self, args): """lls List files in current local directory. """ files = os.listdir(".") print("\nLocal files:\n") for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % f) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % f) print("") def do_lcd(self, args): """lcd <TARGET DIR> Change current local directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL DIR>") else: try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL DIR>") return os.chdir(s_args[0]) except OSError as e: self.__error(str(e).split("] ")[-1]) def complete_lcd(self, *args): dirs = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in dirs if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_lpwd(self, args): """lpwd Print current local directory. """ print(os.getcwd()) def do_put(self, args): """put <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Upload local file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote file name. Otherwise the remote file will be named the same as the local file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = lfile_name try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_put(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_mput(self, args): """mput <SELECTION REGEX> Upload all local files that match the given regular expression. The remote files will be named the same as the local files. "mput" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mput(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_get(self, args): """get <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>] Download remote file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local file name. Otherwise the locale file will be named the same as the remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]" ) return rfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: lfile_name = s_args[1] else: lfile_name = rfile_name try: self.fe.get(rfile_name, lfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_mget(self, args): """mget <SELECTION REGEX> Download all remote files that match the given regular expression. The local files will be named the same as the remote files. "mget" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mget(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_get(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_rm(self, args): """rm <REMOTE FILE or DIR> Delete a remote file or directory. Note: only empty directories could be removed. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: self.fe.rm(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_mrm(self, args): """mrm <SELECTION REGEX> Delete all remote files that match the given regular expression. "mrm" does not delete directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mrm(args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_rm(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_cat(self, args): """cat <REMOTE FILE> Print the contents of a remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: print(self.fe.gets(s_args[0])) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) complete_cat = complete_get def do_exec(self, args): """exec <STATEMENT> Execute a Python statement on remote. """ def data_consumer(data): data = str(data.decode("utf-8")) sys.stdout.write(data.strip("\x04")) if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <STATEMENT>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.exec_raw_no_follow(args + "\n") ret = self.fe.follow(None, data_consumer) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(ret[-1].decode("utf-8")) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_repl(self, args): """repl Enter Micropython REPL. """ import serial ver = serial.VERSION.split(".") if int(ver[0]) < 2 or (int(ver[0]) == 2 and int(ver[1]) < 7): self.__error("REPL needs PySerial version >= 2.7, found %s" % serial.VERSION) return if self.__is_open(): if self.repl is None: from mp.term import Term self.repl = Term(self.fe.con) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x11) else: self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x1D) self.repl.raw = True self.repl.set_rx_encoding("UTF-8") self.repl.set_tx_encoding("UTF-8") else: self.repl.serial = self.fe.con pwd = self.fe.pwd() self.fe.teardown() self.repl.start() if self.repl.exit_character == chr(0x11): print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+Q ***") else: print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+] ***") try: self.repl.join(True) except Exception: pass self.repl.console.cleanup() if self.caching: # Clear the file explorer cache so we can see any new files. self.fe.cache = {} self.fe.setup() try: except RemoteIOError as e: # Working directory does not exist anymore self.__error(str(e)) finally: self.__set_prompt_path() print("") def do_mpyc(self, args): """mpyc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path). The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy'. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL FILE>") else: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL FILE>") return try: self.fe.mpy_cross(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_mpyc(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) and o.endswith(".py")) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_putc(self, args): """mputc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path) and upload it. The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy' by default. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = (lfile_name[:lfile_name.rfind(".")] if "." in lfile_name else lfile_name) + ".mpy" _, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() try: self.fe.mpy_cross(src=lfile_name, dst=tmp) self.fe.put(tmp, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) os.unlink(tmp) complete_putc = complete_mpyc
class MpFileShell(cmd.Cmd): def view_all_serial(self): import print(colorama.Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + "\nlooking for computer port...") plist = list( if len(plist) <= 0: print("serial not found!") else: for serial in plist: print("serial name :", serial[0].split('/')[-1]) print("input ' open", plist[len(plist) - 1][0].split('/')[-1], "' and enter connect your board.") def __init__(self, color=False, caching=False, reset=False): if color: colorama.init() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=colorama.initialise.wrapped_stdout) else: cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.color = color self.caching = caching self.reset = reset self.open_args = None self.fe = None self.repl = None self.tokenizer = Tokenizer() if platform.system() == 'Windows': self.use_rawinput = False if platform.system() == 'Darwin': self.reset = True self.__intro() self.__set_prompt_path() self.do_help(None) print( colorama.Fore.YELLOW + "All support commands, can input help ls or other command if you don't know how to use it(ls)." ) self.view_all_serial() def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() def __intro(self): if self.color: self.intro = '\n' + colorama.Fore.GREEN + \ '** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] & [email protected] ** ' % version.FULL + \ colorama.Fore.RESET + '\n' else: self.intro = '\n** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] & [email protected] **\n' % version.FULL self.intro += '-- Running on Python %d.%d using PySerial %s --\n' \ % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], serial.VERSION) def __set_prompt_path(self): if self.fe is not None: pwd = self.fe.pwd() else: pwd = "/" if self.color: self.prompt = colorama.Fore.BLUE + "mpfs [" + \ colorama.Fore.YELLOW + pwd + \ colorama.Fore.BLUE + "]> " + colorama.Fore.RESET else: self.prompt = "mpfs [" + pwd + "]> " def __error(self, msg): if self.color: print('\n' + colorama.Fore.RED + msg + colorama.Fore.RESET + '\n') else: print('\n' + msg + '\n') def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if (port is None): port = self.open_args if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) if self.__is_open() == False: time.sleep(3) self.__connect(None) def __reconnect(self): import time for a in range(3): self.__connect(None) if self.__is_open(): break print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + 'try reconnect... ' + colorama.Fore.RESET) time.sleep(3) def __disconnect(self): if self.fe is not None: try: self.fe.close() self.fe = None self.__set_prompt_path() except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def __is_open(self): if self.fe is None: self.__error("Not connected to device. Use 'open' first.") return False return True def __parse_file_names(self, args): tokens, rest = self.tokenizer.tokenize(args) if rest != '': self.__error("Invalid filename given: %s" % rest) else: return [token.value for token in tokens] return None def do_q(self, args): return self.do_quit(args) def do_quit(self, args): """quit(q) Exit this shell. """ self.__disconnect() return True do_EOF = do_quit def do_o(self, args): return self.do_open(args) def do_open(self, args): """open(o) <TARGET> Open connection to device with given target. TARGET might be: - a serial port, e.g. ttyUSB0, ser:/dev/ttyUSB0 - a telnet host, e.g tn: or tn:,login,passwd - a websocket host, e.g. ws: or ws:,passwd """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <PORT>") else: if not args.startswith("ser:/dev/") \ and not args.startswith("ser:COM") \ and not args.startswith("tn:") \ and not args.startswith("ws:"): if platform.system() == "Windows": args = "ser:" + args elif '/dev' in args: args = "ser:" + args else: args = "ser:/dev/" + args self.open_args = args self.__connect(args) def complete_open(self, *args): ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') return [i[5:] for i in ports if i[5:].startswith(args[0])] def do_close(self, args): """close Close connection to device. """ self.__disconnect() def do_ls(self, args): """ls List remote files. """ if self.__is_open(): try: files = if self.fe.pwd() != "/": files = [("..", "D")] + files print("\nRemote files in '%s':\n" % self.fe.pwd()) for elem, type in files: if type == 'F': if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % elem) else: if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % elem) print("") except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_pwd(self, args): """pwd Print current remote directory. """ if self.__is_open(): print(self.fe.pwd()) def do_cd(self, args): """cd <TARGET DIR> Change current remote directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) self.__set_prompt_path() except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_cd(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_md(self, args): """md <TARGET DIR> Create new remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_lls(self, args): """lls List files in current local directory. """ files = os.listdir(".") print("\nLocal files:\n") for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % f) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % f) print("") def do_lcd(self, args): """lcd <TARGET DIR> Change current local directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL DIR>") else: try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL DIR>") return os.chdir(s_args[0]) except OSError as e: self.__error(str(e).split("] ")[-1]) def complete_lcd(self, *args): dirs = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in dirs if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_lpwd(self, args): """lpwd Print current local directory. """ print(os.getcwd()) def do_put(self, args): """put <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Upload local file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote file name. Otherwise the remote file will be named the same as the local file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = lfile_name try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_put(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_mput(self, args): """mput <SELECTION REGEX> Upload all local files that match the given regular expression. The remote files will be named the same as the local files. "mput" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mput(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_get(self, args): """get <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>] Download remote file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local file name. Otherwise the locale file will be named the same as the remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]" ) return rfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: lfile_name = s_args[1] else: lfile_name = rfile_name try: self.fe.get(rfile_name, lfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_mget(self, args): """mget <SELECTION REGEX> Download all remote files that match the given regular expression. The local files will be named the same as the remote files. "mget" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mget(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_get(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_rm(self, args): """rm <REMOTE FILE or DIR> Delete a remote file or directory. Note: only empty directories could be removed. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: self.fe.rm(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_mrm(self, args): """mrm <SELECTION REGEX> Delete all remote files that match the given regular expression. "mrm" does not delete directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mrm(args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_rm(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_c(self, args): self.do_cat(args) def do_cat(self, args): """cat(c) <REMOTE FILE> Print the contents of a remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: print(self.fe.gets(s_args[0])) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) complete_cat = complete_get def do_rf(self, args): self.do_runfile(args) def do_runfile(self, args): """runfile(rf) <LOCAL FILE> download and running local file in board. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error( "Only one ore one arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> ") return lfile_name = s_args[0] try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, lfile_name) self.do_ef(args) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_ef(self, args): self.do_execfile(args) def do_execfile(self, args): """execfile(ef) <REMOTE FILE> Execute a Python filename on remote. """ if self.__is_open(): try: self.do_exec("execfile('%s')" % args) ret = self.fe.follow(2) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(str(ret[-1].decode('utf-8'))) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: self.fe.keyboard_interrupt() except PyboardError as e: print(e) finally: if (self.open_args.startswith("ser:")): self.__reconnect() if (self.__is_open()): self.fe.enter_raw_repl() def do_lef(self, args): self.do_lexecfile(args) def do_lexecfile(self, args): """execfile(ef) <LOCAL FILE> Execute a Python filename on local. """ if self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error( "Only one ore one arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> ") return lfile_name = s_args[0] try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, lfile_name) self.do_repl('execfile("{0}")\r\n'.format(args)) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_e(self, args): self.do_exec(args) def do_exec(self, args): """exec(e) <Python CODE> Execute a Python CODE on remote. """ def data_consumer(data): data = str(data.decode('utf-8')) sys.stdout.write(data.strip("\x04")) if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <Python CODE>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.exec_raw_no_follow( "print('Enter remote execution and stop using Ctrl+C.')\n" + args + "\n") ret = self.fe.follow(None, data_consumer) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(str(ret[-1].decode('utf-8'))) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except Exception as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_r(self, args): self.do_repl(args) def do_repl(self, args): """repl(r) Enter Micropython REPL. """ import serial ver = serial.VERSION.split(".") if int(ver[0]) < 2 or (int(ver[0]) == 2 and int(ver[1]) < 7): self.__error("REPL needs PySerial version >= 2.7, found %s" % serial.VERSION) return if self.__is_open(): if self.repl is None: from mp.term import Term self.repl = Term(self.fe.con) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x11) else: self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x1d) self.repl.raw = True self.repl.set_rx_encoding('UTF-8') self.repl.set_tx_encoding('UTF-8') else: self.repl.serial = self.fe.con self.fe.teardown() self.repl.start() if self.repl.exit_character == chr(0x11): print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+Q ***") else: print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+] ***") try: if args != None: self.fe.con.write(bytes(args, encoding="utf8")) self.repl.join(True) except Exception as e: # print(e) pass self.repl.console.cleanup() self.fe.setup() print("") def do_mpyc(self, args): """mpyc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path). The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy'. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL FILE>") else: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL FILE>") return try: self.fe.mpy_cross(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_mpyc(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) and o.endswith(".py")) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])]
class MpFileShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, color=False, caching=False, reset=False): if color: colorama.init() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=colorama.initialise.wrapped_stdout) else: cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.use_rawinput = False self.color = color self.caching = caching self.reset = reset self.fe = None self.repl = None self.tokenizer = Tokenizer() self.__intro() self.__set_prompt_path() def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() def __intro(self): if self.color: self.intro = '\n' + colorama.Fore.GREEN + \ '** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] ** ' % version.FULL + \ colorama.Fore.RESET + '\n' else: self.intro = '\n** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] **\n' % version.FULL self.intro += '-- Running on Python %d.%d using PySerial %s --\n' \ % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], serial.VERSION) def __set_prompt_path(self): if self.fe is not None: pwd = self.fe.pwd() else: pwd = "/" if self.color: self.prompt = colorama.Fore.BLUE + "mpfs [" + \ colorama.Fore.YELLOW + pwd + \ colorama.Fore.BLUE + "]> " + colorama.Fore.RESET else: self.prompt = "mpfs [" + pwd + "]> " def __error(self, msg): if self.color: print('\n' + colorama.Fore.RED + msg + colorama.Fore.RESET + '\n') else: print('\n' + msg + '\n') def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) def __disconnect(self): if self.fe is not None: try: self.fe.close() self.fe = None self.__set_prompt_path() except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def __is_open(self): if self.fe is None: self.__error("Not connected to device. Use 'open' first.") return False return True def __parse_file_names(self, args): tokens, rest = self.tokenizer.tokenize(args) if rest != '': self.__error("Invalid filename given: %s" % rest) else: return [token.value for token in tokens] return None def do_exit(self, args): """exit Exit this shell. """ self.__disconnect() return True do_EOF = do_exit def do_open(self, args): """open <TARGET> Open connection to device with given target. TARGET might be: - a serial port, e.g. ttyUSB0, ser:/dev/ttyUSB0 - a telnet host, e.g tn: or tn:,login,passwd - a websocket host, e.g. ws: or ws:,passwd """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <TARGET>") else: if not args.startswith("ser:/dev/") \ and not args.startswith("ser:COM") \ and not args.startswith("tn:") \ and not args.startswith("ws:"): if platform.system() == "Windows": args = "ser:" + args else: args = "ser:/dev/" + args self.__connect(args) def complete_open(self, *args): ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') return [i[5:] for i in ports if i[5:].startswith(args[0])] def do_close(self, args): """close Close connection to device. """ self.__disconnect() def do_ls(self, directory): """ls [directory] List remote files, optionally in directory """ if self.__is_open(): olddir = self.fe.pwd() try: if len(directory) != 0: files = if self.fe.pwd() != "/": files = [("..", "D")] + files print("\nRemote files in '%s':\n" % self.fe.pwd()) # Sort alphabetically, then sort folders over files files = sorted(sorted(files, key=lambda file: file[0]), key=lambda file: file[1]) for elem, type in files: if type == 'F': if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % elem) else: if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % elem) print("") except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) if len(directory) != 0: def do_tree(self, directory): """tree [directory] List remote files recursively, optionally in directory """ if self.__is_open(): olddir = self.fe.pwd() if len(directory) != 0: else: directory = self.fe.pwd() self.rec_tree(directory) if len(directory) != 0: def rec_tree(self, directory, prefix=""): try: olddir = self.fe.pwd() files = if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + ("%s%s" % (prefix, self.fe.pwd().split("/")[-1])) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print("%s%s" % (prefix, self.fe.pwd().split("/")[-1])) if len(prefix) >= 4: if prefix[-4] == '└': prefix = prefix[:-4] + ' ' * 4 files = sorted(sorted(files, key=lambda file: file[0]), key=lambda file: file[1]) i = 0 for elem, type in files: if type == 'F': if len(prefix) >= 3: fprefix = prefix[:-4] + (' ' if prefix[-4] == ' ' else '│') + ' ' * 3 else: fprefix = prefix if len(files) == i + 1: fprefix = fprefix + "└── " else: fprefix = fprefix + "├── " if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + ("%s%s" % (fprefix, elem)) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print("%s%s" % (fprefix, elem)) else: if len(files) == i + 1: self.rec_tree(self.fe._fqn(elem), prefix + "└── ") else: self.rec_tree(self.fe._fqn(elem), prefix + "├── ") i += 1 except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_pwd(self, args): """pwd Print current remote directory. """ if self.__is_open(): print(self.fe.pwd()) def do_cd(self, args): """cd <TARGET DIR> Change current remote directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) self.__set_prompt_path() except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_cd(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_md(self, args): """md <TARGET DIR> Create new remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_lls(self, args): """lls List files in current local directory. """ files = os.listdir(".") print("\nLocal files:\n") for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % f) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % f) print("") def do_lcd(self, args): """lcd <TARGET DIR> Change current local directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL DIR>") else: try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL DIR>") return os.chdir(s_args[0]) except OSError as e: self.__error(str(e).split("] ")[-1]) def complete_lcd(self, *args): dirs = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in dirs if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_lpwd(self, args): """lpwd Print current local directory. """ print(os.getcwd()) def do_put(self, args): """put <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Upload local file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote file name. Otherwise the remote file will be named the same as the local file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return try: self.fe.put(src=s_args[0], dst=(s_args[1] if len(s_args) > 1 else None)) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_putr(self, args): """putr <LOCAL DIRECTORY> [<REMOTE DIRECTORY>] Upload local directory recursively. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote directory name. Otherwise the remote directory will be named the same as the local directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error( "Missing arguments: <LOCAL DIRECTORY> [<REMOTE DIRECTORY>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL DIRECTORY> [<REMOTE DIRECTORY>]" ) return try: self.fe.putr(src=s_args[0], dst=(s_args[1] if len(s_args) > 1 else None)) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_put(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_mput(self, args): """mput <SELECTION REGEX> Upload all local files that match the given regular expression. The remote files will be named the same as the local files. "mput" does not get directories, and it is note recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mput(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_get(self, args): """get <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>] Download remote file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local file name. Otherwise the locale file will be named the same as the remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]" ) return try: self.fe.get(src=s_args[0], dst=(s_args[1] if len(s_args) > 1 else None)) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_getr(self, args): """get <REMOTE DIRECTORY> [<LOCAL DIRECTORY>] Download remote directory recursively. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local directory name. Otherwise the locale directory will be named the same as the remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error( "Missing arguments: <REMOTE DIRECTORY> [<LOCAL DIRECTORY>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE DIRECTORY> [<LOCAL DIRECTORY>]" ) return try: self.fe.getr(src=s_args[0], dst=(s_args[1] if len(s_args) > 1 else None)) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_mget(self, args): """mget <SELECTION REGEX> Download all remote files that match the given regular expression. The local files will be named the same as the remote files. "mget" does not get directories, and it is note recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mget(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_get(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_rm(self, args): """rm <REMOTE FILE> Delete a remote file or empty directory. Note: to delete directories recursively see rmr. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: self.fe.rm(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_rmr(self, args): """rm <REMOTE DIR> Delete a remote directory recursively. Note: to delete single files and empty directories see rm. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIRECTORY>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIRECTORY>") return try: self.fe.rmr(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_mrm(self, args): """mrm <SELECTION REGEX> Delete all remote files that match the given regular expression. "mrm" does not delete directories, and it is note recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mrm(args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_rm(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_cat(self, args): """cat <REMOTE FILE> Print the contents of a remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: print(self.fe.gets(s_args[0])) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) complete_cat = complete_get def do_exec(self, args): """exec <STATEMENT> Execute a Python statement on remote. """ def data_consumer(data): data = str(data.decode('utf-8')) sys.stdout.write(data.strip("\x04")) if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <STATEMENT>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.exec_raw_no_follow(args + "\n") ret = self.fe.follow(None, data_consumer) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(ret[-1]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_repl(self, args): """repl Enter Micropython REPL. """ import serial ver = serial.VERSION.split(".") if int(ver[0]) < 2 or (int(ver[0]) == 2 and int(ver[1]) < 7): self.__error("REPL needs PySerial version >= 2.7, found %s" % serial.VERSION) return if self.__is_open(): if self.repl is None: from mp.term import Term self.repl = Term(self.fe.con) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x11) else: self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x1d) self.repl.raw = True self.repl.set_rx_encoding('UTF-8') self.repl.set_tx_encoding('UTF-8') else: self.repl.serial = self.fe.con self.fe.teardown() self.repl.start() if self.repl.exit_character == chr(0x11): print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+Q ***") else: print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+] ***") try: self.repl.join(True) except Exception: pass self.repl.console.cleanup() self.fe.setup() print("") def do_mpyc(self, args): """mpyc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path). The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy'. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL FILE>") else: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL FILE>") return try: self.fe.mpy_cross(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) #def do_crash(self, args): # """crash # Runs some test code which likely crashes # """ # if self.__is_open(): # try: # self.fe.crash() # except IOError as e: # self.__error(str(e)) def complete_mpyc(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) and o.endswith(".py")) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])]
class AntennyInstaller(object): """ Install the antenny source code """ def __init__( self, serial_path: str, ): self._serial_path = serial_path self._file_explorer = None self._connect() def _connect(self, num_connection_retries=3): """ Connect to the antenny device, update the FileExplorer. """ for retry_count in range(num_connection_retries): try: self._file_explorer = MpFileExplorer( f'ser:{self._serial_path}') break except: LOG.warning( f"Retrying to connect to the ESP32 device, attempt " f"{retry_count}/{num_connection_retries}") def _clean_files(self, in_subdirectory=False): """ Clean up the existing files on the device. """ files = if not in_subdirectory:"Cleaning {len(files)} file(s) on the device") for file_ in files: try: self._file_explorer.rm(file_) except Exception as e: # Try to explore subdirectory"Attempting to clean directory {file_}") self._clean_files(in_subdirectory=True) if in_subdirectory:'..') else:"Done cleaning FS") def _ensure_directory(self): """ Ensure we're in the main antenny directory. """ curr_working_dir = os.getcwd() if os.path.basename(curr_working_dir) != REPO_NAME: if REPO_NAME not in curr_working_dir: # TODO: should we clone the git repo instead? raise RuntimeError( "Cannot find the antenny repository, please run this from the root " "of that directory.") # walk back up the directory tree, it's in the current working dir while os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) != REPO_NAME: os.chdir(UP_ONE_DIRECTORY) os.chdir(STATION_CODE_RELATIVE_PATH) def _recursive_put_files(self, is_subdirectory=False, sub_directory_name=None): """ Recursively copy all files from a starting directory to the pyboard. """ current_path = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())"Copying files from the directory '{current_path}'") for path_ in os.listdir(): # Skip dotfiles and __pycache__ if path_.startswith('.') or path_.startswith('__'): continue if os.path.isdir(path_): if sub_directory_name is not None: dir_name = os.path.join(sub_directory_name, path_) else: dir_name = path_ try: except Exception as e: print(e) os.chdir(dir_name.split(os.path.sep)[-1]) self._recursive_put_files( is_subdirectory=True, sub_directory_name=dir_name, ) else: try: if sub_directory_name is not None: self._file_explorer.put( path_, os.path.join(sub_directory_name, path_)) else: self._file_explorer.put(path_) except RemoteIOError as e: print(path_, e) if is_subdirectory: os.chdir(UP_ONE_DIRECTORY) def _put_antenny_files_on_device(self): """ Copy antenny source files to the device """ self._ensure_directory() self._recursive_put_files() def _put_library_files_on_device(self): """ Copy required antenny library files. """"Putting {len(LIBRARY_FILES)} library files on the device.") for file_ in LIBRARY_FILES: try: self._file_explorer.put(file_, os.path.basename(file_)) except Exception as e: print(f"Didn't put library file {file_} on the device: {e}")"Library files installed") def _query_user_for_wifi_credentials(self): """ Optional: Query user for their login credentials (wifi & webrepl) """"Credentials gathering [ctrl-c to skip]") try: if os.path.exists(WIFI_CONFIG_PATH): with open(WIFI_CONFIG_PATH, 'r') as f: wifi_config = json.load(f) ssid, password = wifi_config.get(SSID_KEY, ''), wifi_config.get( PASSWORD_KEY, '') printed_password = '******' * len(password) use_cached = input( f"Do you want to proceed with these wifi credentials - " f"{ssid}:{printed_password} (Y/n)?") use_cached = use_cached == '' or use_cached == 'y' or use_cached == 'Y' if use_cached: self._file_explorer.put(WIFI_CONFIG_PATH) return True wifi_config = { SSID_KEY: input("WiFi SSID: "), PASSWORD_KEY: getpass.getpass("Wifi password: "******"Skipping! You can change {WIFI_CONFIG_PATH} on the device after installation!" ) return False def _query_user_for_webrepl_creation(self): """ Ask the user for new webrepl credentials. """"Getting webREPL credentials") try: if os.path.exists(WEBREPL_CONFIG_PATH): self._file_explorer.put(WEBREPL_CONFIG_PATH) return True webrepl_pass = getpass.getpass('Create WiFi console password: '******'w') as f: f.write("PASS = '******'\n".format(webrepl_pass)) self._file_explorer.put(WEBREPL_CONFIG_PATH) return True except KeyboardInterrupt: return False def _install_packages( self, packages: List[str], reboot_timeout=60, wifi_connect_timeout=60, ): """ Install packages required by antenny. """"Installing {len(packages)} packages.") try: "Resetting the device in order to trigger + WiFi connection logic." ) self._file_explorer.exec("import sys") self._file_explorer.exec("sys.exit()") except Exception as e: LOG.critical(f"Unable to reboot the device! {e}") return False try: self._file_explorer.exec("from boot import Connection") f"Connecting the device to WiFi (this can take up to {wifi_connect_timeout} " "seconds in some cases)") self._file_explorer.exec_raw("Connection()", timeout=wifi_connect_timeout)"connected!") except Exception as e: LOG.warning( f"Unable to create a WiFi connection, please check wifi_config.json: {e}" ) return False try: start = time.time() while (time.time() - start) < reboot_timeout: try: self._file_explorer.exec("import upip") break except PyboardError: continue for package in packages:"Installing {package}") try: t1 = time.time() self._file_explorer.exec_raw(f"upip.install('{package}')", timeout=30) elapsed = time.time() - t1 if elapsed < .5: LOG.warning("Package installed too quickly, retrying") self._file_explorer.exec_raw( f"upip.install('{package}')", timeout=30) except Exception as e: print("Issue with insalling: {}".format(e)) except: LOG.warning( "Unable to install packages, please double check internet connectivity!" ) return False return True def install( self, package_install_retry: int = 3, ): """ Perform the antenny installation. """ self._clean_files() self._put_library_files_on_device() self._put_antenny_files_on_device() has_wifi = self._query_user_for_wifi_credentials() has_web_repl = self._query_user_for_webrepl_creation() if has_wifi: num_retries = 0 packages_installed = False while not packages_installed: try: packages_installed = self._install_packages( PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL) except: pass num_retries += 1 if num_retries > package_install_retry: raise RuntimeError( "Some packages weren't installed. To fix this, please run `import upip; " "upip.install('logging')` from the REPL after you have successfully " "connected to WiFi.")
class MpFileShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, color=False, caching=False, reset=False): if color: colorama.init() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=colorama.initialise.wrapped_stdout) else: cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.use_rawinput = False self.color = color self.caching = caching self.reset = reset self.fe = None self.repl = None self.tokenizer = Tokenizer() self.__intro() self.__set_prompt_path() def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() def __intro(self): if self.color: self.intro = ( "\n" + colorama.Fore.GREEN + "** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] ** " % version.FULL + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n" ) else: self.intro = ( "\n** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] **\n" % version.FULL ) self.intro += "-- Running on Python %d.%d using PySerial %s --\n" % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], serial.VERSION, ) def __set_prompt_path(self): if self.fe is not None: pwd = self.fe.pwd() else: pwd = "/" if self.color: self.prompt = ( colorama.Fore.BLUE + "mpfs [" + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + pwd + colorama.Fore.BLUE + "]> " + colorama.Fore.RESET ) else: self.prompt = "mpfs [" + pwd + "]> " def __error(self, msg): if self.color: print("\n" + colorama.Fore.RED + msg + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n") else: print("\n" + msg + "\n") def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) def __disconnect(self): if self.fe is not None: try: self.fe.close() self.fe = None self.__set_prompt_path() except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def __is_open(self): if self.fe is None: self.__error("Not connected to device. Use 'open' first.") return False return True def __parse_file_names(self, args): tokens, rest = self.tokenizer.tokenize(args) if rest != "": self.__error("Invalid filename given: %s" % rest) else: return [token.value for token in tokens] return None def do_exit(self, args): """exit Exit this shell. """ self.__disconnect() return True do_EOF = do_exit def do_open(self, args): """open <TARGET> Open connection to device with given target. TARGET might be: - a serial port, e.g. ttyUSB0, ser:/dev/ttyUSB0 - a telnet host, e.g tn: or tn:,login,passwd - a websocket host, e.g. ws: or ws:,passwd """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <PORT>") else: if ( not args.startswith("ser:/dev/") and not args.startswith("ser:COM") and not args.startswith("tn:") and not args.startswith("ws:") ): if platform.system() == "Windows": args = "ser:" + args else: args = "ser:/dev/" + args self.__connect(args) def complete_open(self, *args): ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") return [i[5:] for i in ports if i[5:].startswith(args[0])] def do_close(self, args): """close Close connection to device. """ self.__disconnect() def do_ls(self, args): """ls List remote files. """ if self.__is_open(): try: files = if self.fe.pwd() != "/": files = [("..", "D")] + files print("\nRemote files in '%s':\n" % self.fe.pwd()) for elem, type in files: if type == "F": if self.color: print( colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET ) else: print(" %s" % elem) else: if self.color: print( colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET ) else: print(" <dir> %s" % elem) print("") except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_pwd(self, args): """pwd Print current remote directory. """ if self.__is_open(): print(self.fe.pwd()) def do_cd(self, args): """cd <TARGET DIR> Change current remote directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) self.__set_prompt_path() except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_cd(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_md(self, args): """md <TARGET DIR> Create new remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_lls(self, args): """lls List files in current local directory. """ files = os.listdir(".") print("\nLocal files:\n") for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): if self.color: print( colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET ) else: print(" <dir> %s" % f) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % f) print("") def do_lcd(self, args): """lcd <TARGET DIR> Change current local directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL DIR>") else: try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL DIR>") return os.chdir(s_args[0]) except OSError as e: self.__error(str(e).split("] ")[-1]) def complete_lcd(self, *args): dirs = [o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(".", o))] return [i for i in dirs if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_lpwd(self, args): """lpwd Print current local directory. """ print(os.getcwd()) def do_put(self, args): """put <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Upload local file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote file name. Otherwise the remote file will be named the same as the local file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = lfile_name try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_put(self, *args): files = [o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o))] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_mput(self, args): """mput <SELECTION REGEX> Upload all local files that match the given regular expression. The remote files will be named the same as the local files. "mput" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mput(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_get(self, args): """get <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>] Download remote file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local file name. Otherwise the locale file will be named the same as the remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]" ) return rfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: lfile_name = s_args[1] else: lfile_name = rfile_name try: self.fe.get(rfile_name, lfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_mget(self, args): """mget <SELECTION REGEX> Download all remote files that match the given regular expression. The local files will be named the same as the remote files. "mget" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mget(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_get(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_rm(self, args): """rm <REMOTE FILE or DIR> Delete a remote file or directory. Note: only empty directories could be removed. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: self.fe.rm(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_mrm(self, args): """mrm <SELECTION REGEX> Delete all remote files that match the given regular expression. "mrm" does not delete directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mrm(args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_rm(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_cat(self, args): """cat <REMOTE FILE> Print the contents of a remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: print(self.fe.gets(s_args[0])) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) complete_cat = complete_get def do_exec(self, args): """exec <STATEMENT> Execute a Python statement on remote. """ def data_consumer(data): data = str(data.decode("utf-8")) sys.stdout.write(data.strip("\x04")) if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <STATEMENT>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.exec_raw_no_follow(args + "\n") ret = self.fe.follow(None, data_consumer) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(ret[-1]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_repl(self, args): """repl Enter Micropython REPL. """ import serial ver = serial.VERSION.split(".") if int(ver[0]) < 2 or (int(ver[0]) == 2 and int(ver[1]) < 7): self.__error( "REPL needs PySerial version >= 2.7, found %s" % serial.VERSION ) return if self.__is_open(): if self.repl is None: from mp.term import Term self.repl = Term(self.fe.con) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x11) else: self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x1D) self.repl.raw = True self.repl.set_rx_encoding("UTF-8") self.repl.set_tx_encoding("UTF-8") else: self.repl.serial = self.fe.con self.fe.teardown() self.repl.start() if self.repl.exit_character == chr(0x11): print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+Q ***") else: print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+] ***") try: self.repl.join(True) except Exception: pass self.repl.console.cleanup() if self.caching: # Clear the file explorer cache so we can see any new files. self.fe.cache = {} self.fe.setup() print("") def do_mpyc(self, args): """mpyc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path). The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy'. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL FILE>") else: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL FILE>") return try: self.fe.mpy_cross(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_mpyc(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) and o.endswith(".py")) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_putc(self, args): """mputc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path) and upload it. The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy' by default. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = (lfile_name[:lfile_name.rfind(".")] if "." in lfile_name else lfile_name) + ".mpy" _, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() try: self.fe.mpy_cross(src=lfile_name, dst=tmp) self.fe.put(tmp, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) os.unlink(tmp) complete_putc = complete_mpyc
class MpFileShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, color=False, caching=False, reset=False): if color: colorama.init() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=colorama.initialise.wrapped_stdout) else: cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.emptyline = lambda: None if platform.system() == "Windows": self.use_rawinput = False self.color = color self.caching = caching self.reset = reset self.fe = None self.repl = None self.tokenizer = Tokenizer() self.__intro() self.__set_prompt_path() # Change prompts to be more descriptive self.prompts = { "gps_uart_tx": ("GPS UART TX pin#: ", int), "gps_uart_rx": ("GPS UART RX pin#: ", int), "i2c_servo_scl": ("Servo SCL pin#: ", int), "i2c_servo_sda": ("Servo SDA pin#: ", int), "i2c_bno_scl": ("BNO055 SCL pin#: ", int), "i2c_bno_sda": ("BNO055 SDA pin#: ", int), "i2c_screen_scl": ("Screen SCL pin#: ", int), "i2c_screen_sda": ("Screen SDA pin#: ", int), "elevation_servo_index": ("Servo default elevation index: ", float), "azimuth_servo_index": ("Servo default azimuth index: ", float), "elevation_max_rate": ("Servo elevation max rate: ", float), "azimuth_max_rate": ("Servo azimuth max rate: ", float) } def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() def __intro(self): if self.color: self.intro = ("\n" + colorama.Fore.GREEN + "** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] ** " % version.FULL + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n") else: self.intro = ( "\n** Micropython File Shell v%s, [email protected] **\n" % version.FULL) self.intro += "-- Running on Python %d.%d using PySerial %s --\n" % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], serial.VERSION, ) def __set_prompt_path(self): if self.fe is not None: pwd = self.fe.pwd() else: pwd = "/" if self.color: self.prompt = (colorama.Fore.BLUE + "mpfs [" + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + pwd + colorama.Fore.BLUE + "]> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: self.prompt = "mpfs [" + pwd + "]> " def __error(self, msg): if self.color: print("\n" + colorama.Fore.RED + msg + colorama.Fore.RESET + "\n") else: print("\n" + msg + "\n") def __connect(self, port): try: self.__disconnect() if self.reset: print("Hard resetting device ...") if self.caching: self.fe = MpFileExplorerCaching(port, self.reset) else: self.fe = MpFileExplorer(port, self.reset) print("Connected to %s" % self.fe.sysname) self.__set_prompt_path() return True except PyboardError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error(str(e)) except ConError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) except AttributeError as e: logging.error(e) self.__error("Failed to open: %s" % port) return False def __disconnect(self): if self.fe is not None: try: self.fe.close() self.fe = None self.__set_prompt_path() except RemoteIOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def __is_open(self): if self.fe is None: self.__error("Not connected to device. Use 'open' first.") return False return True def __parse_file_names(self, args): tokens, rest = self.tokenizer.tokenize(args) if rest != "": self.__error("Invalid filename given: %s" % rest) else: return [token.value for token in tokens] return None def __config_set(self, key, val): if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float): self.do_exec("config.set(\"%s\", %d)" % (key, val)) elif isinstance(val, str): self.do_exec("config.set(\"%s\", %s)" % (key, val)) def __config_get(self, key): command = "config.get(\"{}\")".format(key).encode('utf-8') return self.fe.eval_string_mode(command).decode() def do_exit(self, args): """exit Exit this shell. """ self.__disconnect() return True do_EOF = do_exit def do_open(self, args): """open <TARGET> Open connection to device with given target. TARGET might be: - a serial port, e.g. ttyUSB0, ser:/dev/ttyUSB0 - a telnet host, e.g tn: or tn:,login,passwd - a websocket host, e.g. ws: or ws:,passwd """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <PORT>") return False if (not args.startswith("ser:/dev/") and not args.startswith("ser:COM") and not args.startswith("tn:") and not args.startswith("ws:")): if platform.system() == "Windows": args = "ser:" + args else: args = "ser:/dev/" + args return self.__connect(args) def complete_open(self, *args): ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") return [i[5:] for i in ports if i[5:].startswith(args[0])] def do_close(self, args): """close Close connection to device. """ self.__disconnect() def do_ls(self, args): """ls List remote files. """ if self.__is_open(): try: files = if self.fe.pwd() != "/": files = [("..", "D")] + files print("\nRemote files in '%s':\n" % self.fe.pwd()) for elem, type in files: if type == "F": if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % elem) else: if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % elem) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % elem) print("") except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_pwd(self, args): """pwd Print current remote directory. """ if self.__is_open(): print(self.fe.pwd()) def do_cd(self, args): """cd <TARGET DIR> Change current remote directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) self.__set_prompt_path() except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_cd(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_md(self, args): """md <TARGET DIR> Create new remote directory. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE DIR>") elif self.__is_open(): try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE DIR>") return[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_lls(self, args): """lls List files in current local directory. """ files = os.listdir(".") print("\nLocal files:\n") for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + (" <dir> %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" <dir> %s" % f) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): if self.color: print(colorama.Fore.CYAN + (" %s" % f) + colorama.Fore.RESET) else: print(" %s" % f) print("") def do_lcd(self, args): """lcd <TARGET DIR> Change current local directory to given target. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL DIR>") else: try: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL DIR>") return os.chdir(s_args[0]) except OSError as e: self.__error(str(e).split("] ")[-1]) def complete_lcd(self, *args): dirs = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in dirs if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_lpwd(self, args): """lpwd Print current local directory. """ print(os.getcwd()) def do_put(self, args): """put <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Upload local file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the remote file name. Otherwise the remote file will be named the same as the local file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = lfile_name try: self.fe.put(lfile_name, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_put(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_mput(self, args): """mput <SELECTION REGEX> Upload all local files that match the given regular expression. The remote files will be named the same as the local files. "mput" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mput(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_get(self, args): """get <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>] Download remote file. If the second parameter is given, its value is used for the local file name. Otherwise the locale file will be named the same as the remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <REMOTE FILE> [<LOCAL FILE>]" ) return rfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: lfile_name = s_args[1] else: lfile_name = rfile_name try: self.fe.get(rfile_name, lfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_mget(self, args): """mget <SELECTION REGEX> Download all remote files that match the given regular expression. The local files will be named the same as the remote files. "mget" does not get directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mget(os.getcwd(), args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_get(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_rm(self, args): """rm <REMOTE FILE or DIR> Delete a remote file or directory. Note: only empty directories could be removed. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: self.fe.rm(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError: self.__error("Unable to send request to %s" % self.fe.sysname) def do_mrm(self, args): """mrm <SELECTION REGEX> Delete all remote files that match the given regular expression. "mrm" does not delete directories, and it is not recursive. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <SELECTION REGEX>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.mrm(args, True) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_rm(self, *args): try: files = except Exception: files = [] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_cat(self, args): """cat <REMOTE FILE> Print the contents of a remote file. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <REMOTE FILE>") return try: print(self.fe.gets(s_args[0])) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) complete_cat = complete_get def do_exec(self, args): """exec <STATEMENT> Execute a Python statement on remote. """ def data_consumer(data): data = str(data.decode("utf-8")) sys.stdout.write(data.strip("\x04")) if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <STATEMENT>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.fe.exec_raw_no_follow(args + "\n") ret = self.fe.follow(None, data_consumer) if len(ret[-1]): self.__error(ret[-1].decode("utf-8")) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) except PyboardError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def do_repl(self, args): """repl Enter Micropython REPL. """ import serial ver = serial.VERSION.split(".") if int(ver[0]) < 2 or (int(ver[0]) == 2 and int(ver[1]) < 7): self.__error("REPL needs PySerial version >= 2.7, found %s" % serial.VERSION) return if self.__is_open(): if self.repl is None: from mp.term import Term self.repl = Term(self.fe.con) if platform.system() == "Windows": self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x11) else: self.repl.exit_character = chr(0x1D) self.repl.raw = True self.repl.set_rx_encoding("UTF-8") self.repl.set_tx_encoding("UTF-8") else: self.repl.serial = self.fe.con pwd = self.fe.pwd() self.fe.teardown() self.repl.start() if self.repl.exit_character == chr(0x11): print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+Q ***") else: print("\n*** Exit REPL with Ctrl+] ***") try: self.repl.join(True) except Exception: pass self.repl.console.cleanup() if self.caching: # Clear the file explorer cache so we can see any new files. self.fe.cache = {} self.fe.setup() try: except RemoteIOError as e: # Working directory does not exist anymore self.__error(str(e)) finally: self.__set_prompt_path() print("") def do_mpyc(self, args): """mpyc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path). The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy'. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <LOCAL FILE>") else: s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Only one argument allowed: <LOCAL FILE>") return try: self.fe.mpy_cross(s_args[0]) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) def complete_mpyc(self, *args): files = [ o for o in os.listdir(".") if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", o)) and o.endswith(".py")) ] return [i for i in files if i.startswith(args[0])] def do_putc(self, args): """mputc <LOCAL PYTHON FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>] Compile a Python file into byte-code by using mpy-cross (which needs to be in the path) and upload it. The compiled file has the same name as the original file but with extension '.mpy' by default. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if not s_args: return elif len(s_args) > 2: self.__error( "Only one ore two arguments allowed: <LOCAL FILE> [<REMOTE FILE>]" ) return lfile_name = s_args[0] if len(s_args) > 1: rfile_name = s_args[1] else: rfile_name = (lfile_name[:lfile_name.rfind(".")] if "." in lfile_name else lfile_name) + ".mpy" _, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() try: self.fe.mpy_cross(src=lfile_name, dst=tmp) self.fe.put(tmp, rfile_name) except IOError as e: self.__error(str(e)) os.unlink(tmp) complete_putc = complete_mpyc def do_edit(self, args): """edit <REMOTE FILE> Copies file over, opens it in your editor, copies back when done. """ if not len(args): self.__error("Missing argument: <REMOTE_FILE>") elif self.__is_open(): try: self.do_get(args) except IOError as e: if "No such file" in str(e): # make new file locally, then copy # Not implemented yet self.__error(str(e)) pass rfile_name, = self.__parse_file_names(args) if platform.system() == 'Windows': EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'notepad')[EDITOR, rfile_name], shell=True) else: EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim')[EDITOR, rfile_name]) self.do_put(rfile_name) complete_edit = complete_get def do_setup(self, args): """setup Interactive script to populate the initial config file. """ if self.__is_open(): print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Welcome to Antenny!" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print( "Please enter the following information about your hardware\n") for k, info in self.prompts.items(): prompt_text, typ = info try: new_val = typ(input(prompt_text)) except ValueError: new_val = config._defaults[k] self.__config_set(k, new_val) print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + "\nConfiguration set!\n" + colorama.Fore.RESET + "You can use \"set\" to change individual parameters\n" \ "or \"edit config.json\" to change the config file " \ "directly") def do_set(self, args): """set <CONFIG_PARAM> <NEW_VAL> Set a parameter in the configuration file to a new value.""" if not len(args): self.__error("missing arguments: <config_param> <new_val>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if len(s_args) < 2: self.__error("Missing argument: <new_val>") return key, new_val = s_args try: old_val = self.__config_get(key) except: self.__error("No such configuration parameter") return _, typ = self.prompts[key] try: new_val = typ(new_val) except ValueError: self.__error(str(e)) return self.__config_set(key, new_val) print("Changed " + "\"" + key + "\" from " + str(old_val) + " --> " + str(new_val)) def complete_set(self, *args): if self.__is_open(): return [ key for key in self.prompts.keys() if key.startswith(args[0]) ] else: return [] def do_configs(self, args): """configs Print a list of all configuration parameters.""" if self.__is_open(): print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + "-Config parameters-\n" + colorama.Fore.RESET) for key in self.prompts.keys(): print(key + ": " + self.__config_get(key)) def do_clear(self, args): """clear Clear the currently used config file.""" ## FIX if self.__is_open(): self.do_exec("config.clear()") def do_revert(self, args): """revert Switch to using the backup config file. Current config will be deleted.""" if self.__is_open(): self.do_exec("config.revert()") def do_switch(self, args): """switch <CONFIG_FILE> Switch to using a different config file.""" if not len(args): self.__error("Missing arguments: <config_file>") elif self.__is_open(): s_args = self.__parse_file_names(args) if len(s_args) > 1: self.__error("Usage: switch <CONFIG_FILE>") return name, = s_args self.do_exec("config.switch({})".format(name))