Пример #1
def obstacles_to_volume_2dpcd(geoms, n_pts):
    points = geoms.compute_volume_pcd(int(1.5 * n_pts))
    points[:, 2] = 0
    # sparse representation
    points, indices = utils.sparse_subset(points, 0.015)
    # match required size
    points, indices = utils.match_size(points, n_pts)
    return points
Пример #2
    def compute_volume_pcd(self, n_points):
        if len(self.geom_objs) == 0:
            return np.zeros((0, 3)), np.zeros((0, 3))

        # buggy function
        # points = trimesh.sample.volume_mesh(self.union_mesh, 6 * n_points)
        ray_intersector, scene = self.ray_intersector()
        rand_points = (np.random.random(
            (6 * n_points, 3)) * scene.extents) + scene.bounds[0]
        contains = ray_intersector.contains_points(rand_points)
        points = rand_points[contains]
        points, indices = utils.match_size(points, n_points)
        return points
Пример #3
def obstacles_to_surface_2dpcd(geoms, n_pts):
    points, normals = geoms.compute_surface_pcd(5 * n_pts)
    # reject points with normals in the z direction or outside of [0, 1]
    within_box = np.logical_and(points[:, :2] < 1.0,
                                points[:, :2] > 0.0).all(axis=1)
    hori_normals = np.abs(normals[:, 2]) < 1e-3
    valid_pts = np.logical_and(within_box, hori_normals)
    points = points[valid_pts]
    normals = normals[valid_pts]
    points[:, 2] = 0
    # sparse representation
    points, indices = utils.sparse_subset(points, 0.015)
    normals = normals[indices]
    # match required size
    points, indices = utils.match_size(points, n_pts)
    normals = normals[indices]
    return points, normals
Пример #4
    def represent_obstacles(self, oMi, oMg):
        ref = oMi[1]
        ref_inv = ref.inverse()
        rays_origins = self.witness_points(self.env.robot_name, oMi, oMg)

        origins, rays = self.geoms.compute_origins_rays(rays_origins, self.rays)
        points, normals, _ = self.geoms.ray_intersections(
            self.ray_intersector, self.geoms_scene, origins, rays

        # points in reference frame
        points_ref = utils.apply_transformation(ref_inv, points)
        # only keep points close to reference
        norm_ref = np.linalg.norm(points_ref, axis=1)
        close = np.where(norm_ref < self.visibility_radius)[0]
        points = points[close]
        points_ref = points_ref[close]
        normals = normals[close]
        normals_ref = normals.dot(ref_inv.rotation.T)
        norm_ref = norm_ref[close]

        # local
        indices = np.argsort(norm_ref)
        points_ref = points_ref[indices]
        normals_ref = normals_ref[indices]
        local_pcd = np.hstack((points_ref, normals_ref))
        if local_pcd.shape[0] == 0:
            local_pcd = np.zeros((1, 6))
        sparse_pcd, indices = utils.sparse_subset(local_pcd, self.memory_distance)
        obstacles_repr = sparse_pcd[: self.n_samples]
        obstacles_repr = utils.match_size(sparse_pcd, self.n_samples)[0]

        # uncomment for visualization
        # points, normals = obstacles_repr[:, :3], obstacles_repr[:, 3:]
        # self.env.o3d_viz.show_pcd(points, normals, blocking=False)

        obstacles_repr[:, :3] = self.normalize(
            obstacles_repr[:, :3], self.coordinate_frame

        return obstacles_repr