Пример #1
    def __init__(self, machine, name):
        """Create the playfield."""
        super().__init__(machine, name)
        self.ball_search = BallSearch(self.machine, self)

        self.delay = DelayManager(self.machine.delayRegistry)

        self.machine.ball_devices[name] = self

        # Attributes
        self._balls = 0
        self.available_balls = 0
        self.unexpected_balls = 0
        self.num_balls_requested = 0
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, machine, name):
        """Create the playfield."""
        super().__init__(machine, name)
        self.ball_search = BallSearch(self.machine, self)
        """An instance of :class:`mpf.core.ball_search.BallSearch` which
        handles ball search for this playfield."""

        self.delay = DelayManager(self.machine.delayRegistry)
        """An instance of :class:`mpf.core.delays.DelayManager` which
        handles delays for this playfield."""

        self.machine.ball_devices[name] = self

        # Attributes
        self._balls = 0
        self.available_balls = 0
        self.num_balls_requested = 0

        self._incoming_balls = []
Пример #3
class Playfield(SystemWideDevice):
    """One playfield in a pinball machine."""

    config_section = 'playfields'
    collection = 'playfields'
    class_label = 'playfield'

    def __init__(self, machine, name):
        """Create the playfield."""
        super().__init__(machine, name)
        self.ball_search = BallSearch(self.machine, self)

        self.delay = DelayManager(self.machine.delayRegistry)

        self.machine.ball_devices[name] = self

        # Attributes
        self._balls = 0
        self.available_balls = 0
        self.num_balls_requested = 0

        self._incoming_balls = []

    def _initialize(self):
        if 'default' in self.config['tags']:
            self.machine.playfield = self

        # Set up event handlers

        # Watch for balls added to the playfield
        for device in self.machine.ball_devices:
            if device.is_playfield():
            for target in device.config['eject_targets']:
                if target.name == self.name:
                        event='balldevice_' + device.name +
                        event='balldevice_' + device.name +
                        event='balldevice_' + device.name + '_ejecting_ball',

        # Watch for balls removed from the playfield
            'balldevice_captured_from_' + self.name,

        # Watch for any switch hit which indicates a ball on the playfield
        self.machine.events.add_handler('sw_' + self.name + '_active',

        for device in self.machine.playfield_transfers:
            if device.config['eject_target'] == self:
                    event='balldevice_' + device.name + '_ball_eject_success',
                    event='balldevice_' + device.name + '_ejecting_ball',

    def expected_ball_received(self):
        """Handle an expected ball."""
        # We do nothing in that case

    def unexpected_ball_received(self):
        """Handle an unexpected ball."""
        # We do nothing in that case

    def wait_for_ready_to_receive(source):
        """Playfield is always ready to receive."""
        del source
        return True

    def add_missing_balls(self, balls):
        """Notify the playfield that it probably received a ball which went missing elsewhere."""
        # TODO: add incoming ball only and wait for confirm or timeout
        self.available_balls += balls
        self.balls += balls

    def balls(self):
        """The number of balls on the playfield."""
        return self._balls

    def balls(self, balls):

        prior_balls = self._balls
        ball_change = balls - prior_balls

        if ball_change:
                "Ball count change. Prior: %s, Current: %s, Change:"
                " %s", prior_balls, balls, ball_change)

        self._balls = balls

        self.debug_log("New Ball Count: %s. (Prior count: %s)", self._balls,

        if ball_change > 0:
            self.machine.events.post_relay('balldevice_' + self.name +
        # event docstring covered in base class

        if ball_change:
            self.machine.events.post(self.name + '_ball_count_change',
        '''event: (playfield)_ball_count_change

        desc: The playfield with the name "playfield" has changed the number
        of balls that are live.

        balls: The current number of balls on the playfield.
        change: The change in balls from the last count.

        if balls <= 0:

    def get_additional_ball_capacity(cls):
        """The number of ball which can be added.

        Used to find out how many more balls this device can hold. Since this
        is the playfield device, this method always returns 999.

        Returns: 999

        return 999

    def add_ball(self, balls=1, source_device=None, player_controlled=False):
        """Add live ball(s) to the playfield.

            balls: Integer of the number of balls you'd like to add.
            source_device: Optional ball device object you'd like to add the
                ball(s) from.
            player_controlled: Boolean which specifies whether this event is
                player controlled. (See not below for details)

            True if it's able to process the add_ball() request, False if it

        The source_device arg is included to give you an options for specifying
        the source of the ball(s) to be added. This argument is optional, so if
        you don't supply them then MPF will look for a device
        tagged with 'ball_add_live'. If you don't provide a source and you don't
        have a device with the 'ball_add_live' tag, MPF will quit.

        This method does *not* increase the game controller's count of the
        number of balls in play. So if you want to add balls (like in a
        multiball scenario), you need to call this method along with

        MPF tracks the number of balls in play separately from the actual balls
        on the playfield because there are numerous situations where the two
        counts are not the same. For example, if a ball is in a VUK while some
        animation is playing, there are no balls on the playfield but still one
        ball in play, or if the player has a two-ball multiball and they shoot
        them both into locks, there are still two balls in play even though
        there are no balls on the playfield. The opposite can also be true,
        like when the player tilts then there are still balls on the playfield
        but no balls in play.

        Explanation of the player_controlled parameter:

        Set player_controlled to True to indicate that MPF should wait for the
        player to eject the ball from the source_device rather than firing a
        coil. The logic works like this:

        If the source_device does not have an eject_coil defined, then it's
        assumed that player_controlled is the only option. (e.g. this is a
        traditional plunger.) If the source_device does have an eject_coil
        defined, then there are two ways the eject could work. (1) there could
        be a "launch" button of some kind that's used to fire the eject coil,
        or (2) the device could be the auto/manual combo style where there's a
        mechanical plunger but also a coil which can eject the ball.

        If player_controlled is true and the device has an eject_coil, MPF will
        look for the player_controlled_eject_tag and eject the ball when a
        switch with that tag is activated.

        If there is no player_controlled_eject_tag, MPF assumes it's a manual
        plunger and will wait for the ball to disappear from the device based
        on the device's ball count decreasing.

        if balls == 0:
            return False
        elif balls < 0:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Received request to add negative balls, which "
                "doesn't  make sense. Not adding any balls...")

        # Figure out which device we'll get a ball from

        if source_device:
            for device in self.machine.ball_devices.items_tagged(
                if self in device.config['eject_targets']:
                    source_device = device

        if not source_device:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Received request to add a ball to the playfield"
                ", but no source device was passed and no ball "
                "devices are tagged with 'ball_add_live'. Cannot"
                " add a ball.")

            "Received request to add %s ball(s). Source device: %s."
            " Player-controlled: %s", balls, source_device.name,

        if player_controlled:
            for _ in range(balls):
            source_device.eject(balls=balls, target=self, get_ball=True)

        return True

    def ball_arrived(self):
        """Confirm first ball in queue."""
        for incoming_ball in self._incoming_balls:
            # skip balls which cannot have possibly arrived
            if not incoming_ball.can_arrive:

            self.debug_log("Received ball from %s", incoming_ball.source)
            # confirm eject

    def _mark_playfield_active(self):
        self.machine.events.post_boolean(self.name + "_active")
        '''event: (playfield)_active
        desc: The playfield called "playfield" is now active, meaning there's
        at least one loose ball on it.

    def mark_playfield_active_from_device_action(self):
        """Mark playfield active because a device on the playfield detected activity."""

    def _playfield_switch_hit(self, **kwargs):
        """Playfield switch was hit.

        A switch tagged with '<this playfield name>_active' was just hit,
        indicating that there is at least one ball on the playfield.

        if self.balls <= 0 or (kwargs.get('balls')
                               and self.balls - kwargs['balls'] < 0):

            if not self.num_balls_requested:
                    "Playfield was activated with no balls expected.")
                self.machine.events.post('unexpected_ball_on_' + self.name)
                '''event: unexpected_ball_on_(playfield)
                desc: The playfield named "playfield" just had a switch hit,
                meaning a ball is on it, but that ball was not expected.


    def _ball_removed_handler(self, balls, **kwargs):
        del kwargs
        # somebody got a ball from us so we obviously had one
        self.machine.events.post('sw_' + self.name + "_active",
        '''event: sw_(playfield)_active
        desc: The playfield called (playfield) was active, though a ball
        was just removed from it.

        balls: The number of balls that were just removed from this playfield.

    def _ball_removed_handler2(self, balls):
        self.debug_log("%s ball(s) removed from the playfield", balls)
        self.balls -= balls
        self.available_balls -= balls
        for _ in range(balls):

    def _source_device_ball_lost(self, target, **kwargs):
        del kwargs
        if target == self:
            self.available_balls -= 1

    def _source_device_ejecting_ball(self, balls, target, **kwargs):
        # A source device is attempting to eject a ball. We need to know if it's
        # headed to the playfield.
        del kwargs
        if target == self:
                "A source device is attempting to eject %s ball(s)"
                " to the playfield.", balls)
            self.num_balls_requested += balls

    def _source_device_eject_failed(self, balls, target, **kwargs):
        # A source device failed to eject a ball. We need to know if it was
        # headed to the playfield.
        del kwargs
        if target == self:
                "A source device has failed to eject %s ball(s)"
                " to the playfield.", balls)
            self.num_balls_requested -= balls

    def _source_device_eject_success(self, balls, target, **kwargs):
        del kwargs
        # A source device has just confirmed that it has successfully ejected a
        # ball. Note that we don't care what type of confirmation it used.
        # (Playfield switch hit, count of its ball switches, etc.)

        if target == self:
                "A source device has confirmed it's ejected %s "
                "ball(s) to the playfield.", balls)
            self.balls += balls
            self.num_balls_requested -= balls

            if self.num_balls_requested < 0:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "num_balls_requested is smaller 0, which doesn't make sense. Quitting..."

    def is_playfield(cls):
        """True since it is a playfield."""
        return True

    def add_incoming_ball(self, incoming_ball: IncomingBall):
        """Track an incoming ball."""

    def remove_incoming_ball(self, incoming_ball: IncomingBall):
        """Stop tracking an incoming ball."""

    def ball_search_disable(self, **kwargs):
        """Disable ball search for this playfield.

        If the ball search timer is running, it will stop and disable it. If
        an actual ball search process is running, it will stop.
        del kwargs

    def ball_search_enable(self, **kwargs):
        """Enable ball search for this playfield.

        Note this does not start the ball search process, rather, it starts the
        timer running.
        del kwargs

    def ball_search_block(self, **kwargs):
        """Block ball search for this playfield.

        Blocking will disable ball search if it's enabled or running, and will
        prevent ball search from enabling if it's disabled until
        ball_search_resume() is called.
        del kwargs

    def ball_search_unblock(self, **kwargs):
        """Unblock ball search for this playfield.

        This will check to see if there are balls on the playfield, and if so,
        enable ball search.
        del kwargs