Пример #1
def compute(run_func, parameter_combinations, sample_size, save_path,
    Calls the 'run_func' for several 'parameter_combiantions' and
    'sample_size's and provides a unique ID for each run to store the data at
    the 'save_path' + ID

    run_func : function
        The function the executes the model for a given set of parameters.
        The first P paramters need to fit to the parameter_combinations.
        The last parameter of run_func has to be named filename
        If all went well run_func needs to return '1', otherwise another number
    parameter_combinations : list
        A list of tuples of each parameter combination to compute
    sample_size : int
        The size of samples of each parameter combiantion
    save_path : string
        The path to the folder where to store the computed results
    skipbadruns : bool (Default: False)
        If you don't want this function to check for bad runs that shall be
        recalculated, than set to "True". Possible reason: speed.
    # add "/" to save_path if it does not end already with a "/"
    save_path += "/" if not save_path.endswith("/") else ""

    def master():
        if not os.path.exists(save_path):
        elif skipbadruns:
            badruns = []
            badruns = find_bad_runs(save_path)

        # preprocessing - Obtaining the data
        tocalc = []
        for s in range(sample_size):
            for p in parameter_combinations:
                if not os.path.exists(save_path + _get_ID(p, s)) or\
                       _get_ID(p, s)[: -4] in badruns:
                    tocalc.append((p, s))

        lentocalc = len(tocalc)
        totallen = len(parameter_combinations) * sample_size
        print ("%i%% already computed" % (100 - (float(lentocalc) * 100 /
        print str(lentocalc) + " of " + str(totallen) +\
            " single computations left"

        n_nodes = mpi.size - 1
        if n_nodes > 0:
            jobs_per_node = int(lentocalc / n_nodes)
            jobs_per_node = lentocalc
            n_nodes = 1
        print "Splitting calculations to {} nodes.".format(n_nodes)

        for i in range(n_nodes):
            mpi.submit_call("slave", (tocalc[i*jobs_per_node:
                            (i+1)*jobs_per_node], i), module=__name__)
        if lentocalc > (jobs_per_node * n_nodes):
            mpi.submit_call("slave", (tocalc[(i+1)*jobs_per_node:], i),

    global slave  # slave into the globe scope to work with mpi

    def slave(slavecalcs, sid):
        lentocalc = len(slavecalcs)
        for i, (p, s) in enumerate(slavecalcs):
            _progress_report(i, lentocalc, "computation {} ... ".format(sid))
            exit_status = run_func(*p, filename=save_path + _get_ID(p, s))
            if exit_status != 1:  # Checking for expected execution
                # TODO: proper logging
                print "!!! " + _get_ID(p, s) + " returned with: " \
                    + str(exit_status)

    mpi.run(verbose=0, master_func=master)
Пример #2
        mpi.submit_call("loop", (par1, pars2), id=index)

    for i in xrange(nstep):
        print i
        a = mpi.get_result(id=i)
        if i == 0:
            a_alpha_max_thresh_geo = a
            a_alpha_max_thresh_geo = np.vstack([a_alpha_max_thresh_geo, a])

    print a_alpha_max_thresh_geo
    np.save('/save/a_alpha_max_thresh_geo_c_max=0.2', a_alpha_max_thresh_geo)

nstep = mpi.size  # steps of parameter variation
print nstep
tmax = 600  # length of time series for diff. eq. solution
n_tm = 100  # length of initial condition vector

# boundaries
b_a = 0.21
b_m = 0.31
b_l = 0.59

# model parameters 
main.c_max = 0.2 


Пример #3
def compute(run_func,
    Calls the 'run_func' for several 'parameter_combiantions' and
    'sample_size's and provides a unique ID for each run to store the data at
    the 'save_path' + ID

    run_func : function
        The function the executes the model for a given set of parameters.
        The first P paramters need to fit to the parameter_combinations.
        The last parameter of run_func has to be named filename
        If all went well run_func needs to return '1', otherwise another number
    parameter_combinations : list
        A list of tuples of each parameter combination to compute
    sample_size : int
        The size of samples of each parameter combiantion
    save_path : string
        The path to the folder where to store the computed results
    skipbadruns : bool (Default: False)
        If you don't want this function to check for bad runs that shall be
        recalculated, than set to "True". Possible reason: speed.
    # add "/" to save_path if it does not end already with a "/"
    save_path += "/" if not save_path.endswith("/") else ""

    def master():
        if not os.path.exists(save_path):
        elif skipbadruns:
            badruns = []
            badruns = find_bad_runs(save_path)

        # preprocessing - Obtaining the data
        tocalc = []
        for s in range(sample_size):
            for p in parameter_combinations:
                if not os.path.exists(save_path + _get_ID(p, s)) or\
                       _get_ID(p, s)[: -4] in badruns:
                    tocalc.append((p, s))

        lentocalc = len(tocalc)
        totallen = len(parameter_combinations) * sample_size
        print("%i%% already computed" % (100 -
                                         (float(lentocalc) * 100 / totallen)))
        print str(lentocalc) + " of " + str(totallen) +\
            " single computations left"

        n_nodes = mpi.size - 1
        if n_nodes > 0:
            jobs_per_node = int(lentocalc / n_nodes)
            jobs_per_node = lentocalc
            n_nodes = 1
        print "Splitting calculations to {} nodes.".format(n_nodes)

        for i in range(n_nodes):
                (tocalc[i * jobs_per_node:(i + 1) * jobs_per_node], i),
        if lentocalc > (jobs_per_node * n_nodes):
            mpi.submit_call("slave", (tocalc[(i + 1) * jobs_per_node:], i),

    global slave  # slave into the globe scope to work with mpi

    def slave(slavecalcs, sid):
        lentocalc = len(slavecalcs)
        for i, (p, s) in enumerate(slavecalcs):
            _progress_report(i, lentocalc, "computation {} ... ".format(sid))
            exit_status = run_func(*p, filename=save_path + _get_ID(p, s))
            if exit_status != 1:  # Checking for expected execution
                # TODO: proper logging
                print "!!! " + _get_ID(p, s) + " returned with: " \
                    + str(exit_status)

    mpi.run(verbose=0, master_func=master)