def diagplot(data, tsys, noise, dataset): pl.figure(1) pl.clf() mpl_plot_templates.imdiagnostics(data) pl.savefig(dataset+"_diagnostics.pdf",bbox_inches='tight') pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(tsys,np.arange(tsys.size),alpha=0.5) pl.xlabel("TSYS") pl.ylabel("Integration") pl.subplot(2,1,2) pl.plot(tsys, noise, '.',alpha=0.5) pl.xlabel("TSYS") pl.ylabel("Noise") pl.savefig(dataset+"_tsys.pdf",bbox_inches='tight')
def quickmap(filename, headerfile, diagnostics=True): d = fits.getdata(filename) if diagnostics: import mpl_plot_templates p = mpl_plot_templates.imdiagnostics(d['DATA']) h = fits.getheader(headerfile) w = wcs.WCS(h) m = np.zeros([h['NAXIS2'],h['NAXIS1']]) glon,glat = radec_to_gal(d['CRVAL2'],d['CRVAL3']) x,y = w.wcs_world2pix(glon,glat,0) md = (median(d['DATA'],axis=1)) m[y.astype('int'),x.astype('int')] = md return m
def quickmap(filename, headerfile, diagnostics=True): d = fits.getdata(filename) if diagnostics: import mpl_plot_templates p = mpl_plot_templates.imdiagnostics(d['DATA']) h = fits.getheader(headerfile) w = wcs.WCS(h) m = np.zeros([h['NAXIS2'], h['NAXIS1']]) glon, glat = radec_to_gal(d['CRVAL2'], d['CRVAL3']) x, y = w.wcs_world2pix(glon, glat, 0) md = (median(d['DATA'], axis=1)) m[y.astype('int'), x.astype('int')] = md return m
def add_data_to_cube(cubefilename, data=None, filename=None, fileheader=None, flatheader='header.txt', cubeheader='cubeheader.txt', nhits=None, smoothto=1, baselineorder=5, velocityrange=None, excludefitrange=None, noisecut=np.inf, do_runscript=False, linefreq=None, allow_smooth=True, data_iterator=data_iterator, coord_iterator=coord_iterator, velo_iterator=velo_iterator, progressbar=False, coordsys='galactic', datalength=None, velocity_offset=0.0, negative_mean_cut=None, add_with_kernel=False, kernel_fwhm=None, fsw=False, kernel_function=Gaussian2DKernel, diagnostic_plot_name=None, chmod=False, continuum_prefix=None, debug_breakpoint=False,, make_continuum=True, weightspec=None, varweight=False): """ Given a .fits file that contains a binary table of spectra (e.g., as you would get from the GBT mapping "pipeline" or the aoidl file provided by Adam Ginsburg), adds each spectrum into the cubefile. velocity_offset : 0.0 Amount to add to the velocity vector before adding it to the cube (useful for FSW observations) weightspec : np.ndarray A spectrum with the same size as the input arrays but containing the relative weights of the data """ #if not default_unit.is_equivalent( # raise TypeError("Default unit is not a velocity equivalent.") if type(nhits) is str: log.debug("Loading nhits from %s" % nhits) nhits = pyfits.getdata(nhits) elif type(nhits) is not np.ndarray: raise TypeError("nhits must be a .fits file or an ndarray, but it is ",type(nhits)) naxis2,naxis1 = nhits.shape if velocity_offset and not fsw: raise ValueError("Using a velocity offset, but obs type is not " "frequency switched; this is almost certainly wrong, " "but if there's a case for it I'll remove this.") if not hasattr(velocity_offset,'unit'): velocity_offset = velocity_offset*default_unit contimage = np.zeros_like(nhits) nhits_once = np.zeros_like(nhits) log.debug("Loading data cube {0}".format(cubefilename)) t0 = time.time() # rescale image to weight by number of observations image = pyfits.getdata(cubefilename)*nhits log.debug(" ".join(("nhits statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(nhits.mean()),str(nhits.std()),str(np.sum(nhits==0)), str(nhits.size)))) log.debug(" ".join(("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(image.mean()),str(image.std()),str(np.sum(image==0)), str(image.size), str(np.sum(np.isnan(image)))))) log.debug(" ".join(("nhits shape: ",str(nhits.shape)))) # default is to set empty pixels to NAN; have to set them # back to zero image[image!=image] = 0.0 header = pyfits.getheader(cubefilename) # debug print "Cube shape: ",image.shape," naxis3: ",header.get('NAXIS3')," nhits shape: ",nhits.shape log.debug("".join(("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(image.mean()),str(image.std()),str(np.sum(image==0)), str(image.size)))) flathead = get_header(flatheader) naxis3 = image.shape[0] wcs = pywcs.WCS(flathead) cwcs = pywcs.WCS(header) vwcs = cwcs.sub([pywcs.WCSSUB_SPECTRAL]) vunit = u.Unit(vwcs.wcs.cunit[vwcs.wcs.spec]) cubevelo = vwcs.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(naxis3),0)[0] * vunit cd3 = vwcs.wcs.cdelt[vwcs.wcs.spec] * vunit if not vunit.is_equivalent(default_unit): raise ValueError("The units of the cube and the velocity axis are " "possibly not equivalent. Change default_unit to " "the appropriate unit (probably {0})".format(vunit)) if add_with_kernel: if wcs.wcs.has_cd(): cd = np.abs([1,1]) else: cd = np.abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) # Alternative implementation; may not work for .cd? #cd = np.abs( * wcs.wcs.get_pc().diagonal())))**0.5 if velocityrange is not None: if hasattr(velocityrange, 'unit'): v1,v4 = velocityrange else: v1,v4 = velocityrange * default_unit ind1 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-cubevelo))) ind2 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-cubevelo)))+1 # stupid hack. REALLY stupid hack. Don't crop. if np.abs(ind2-image.shape[0]) < 5: ind2 = image.shape[0] if np.abs(ind1) < 5: ind1 = 0 #print "Velo match for v1,v4 = %f,%f: %f,%f" % (v1,v4,cubevelo[ind1],cubevelo[ind2]) # print "Updating CRPIX3 from %i to %i. Cropping to indices %i,%i" % (header.get('CRPIX3'),header.get('CRPIX3')-ind1,ind1,ind2) # I think this could be disastrous: cubevelo is already set, but now we're changing how it's set in the header! # I don't think there's any reason to have this in the first place # header.set('CRPIX3',header.get('CRPIX3')-ind1) # reset v1,v4 to the points we just selected v1 = cubevelo[ind1] v4 = cubevelo[ind2-1] else: ind1=0 ind2 = image.shape[0] v1,v4 = min(cubevelo),max(cubevelo) # debug print "Cube has %i v-axis pixels from %f to %f. Crop range is %f to %f" % (naxis3,cubevelo.min(),cubevelo.max(),v1,v4) #if abs(cdelt) < abs(cd3): # print "Spectra have CD=%0.2f, cube has CD=%0.2f. Will smooth & interpolate." % (cdelt,cd3) # Disable progressbar if debug-logging is enabled (they clash) if progressbar and 'ProgressBar' in globals() and log.level > 10: if datalength is None: pb = ProgressBar(len(data)) else: pb = ProgressBar(datalength) else: progressbar = False skipped = [] for spectrum,pos,velo in zip(data_iterator(data,fsw=fsw), coord_iterator(data,coordsys_out=coordsys), velo_iterator(data,linefreq=linefreq)): if log.level <= 10: t1 = time.time() if not hasattr(velo,'unit'): velo = velo * default_unit glon,glat = pos cdelt = velo[1]-velo[0] if cdelt < 0: # for interpolation, require increasing X axis spectrum = spectrum[::-1] velo = velo[::-1] if log.level < 5: log.debug("Reversed spectral axis... ") if (velo.max() < cubevelo.min() or velo.min() > cubevelo.max()): raise ValueError("Data out of range.") if progressbar and log.level > 10: pb.update() velo += velocity_offset if glon != 0 and glat != 0: x,y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(glon,glat,0) if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): log.warn("".join(("Skipping NaN point {0}, {1} ...".format(glon,glat)))) continue if log.level < 10: log.debug("".join(("At point {0},{1} ...".format(glon,glat),))) if abs(cdelt) < abs(cd3) and allow_smooth: # need to smooth before interpolating to preserve signal kernwidth = abs(cd3/cdelt/2.35).decompose().value if kernwidth > 2 and kernwidth < 10: xr = kernwidth*5 npx = np.ceil(xr*2 + 1) elif kernwidth > 10: raise ValueError('Too much smoothing') else: xr = 5 npx = 11 #kernel = np.exp(-(np.linspace(-xr,xr,npx)**2)/(2.0*kernwidth**2)) #kernel /= kernel.sum() kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=kernwidth, x_size=npx) smspec = np.convolve(spectrum,kernel,mode='same') datavect = np.interp(,, smspec) else: datavect = np.interp(,, spectrum) OK = (datavect[ind1:ind2] == datavect[ind1:ind2]) if excludefitrange is None: include = OK else: # Exclude certain regions (e.g., the spectral lines) when computing the noise include = OK.copy() if not hasattr(excludefitrange,'unit'): excludefitrange = excludefitrange * default_unit # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-cubevelo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") noiseestimate = datavect[ind1:ind2][include].std() contestimate = datavect[ind1:ind2][include].mean() if noiseestimate > noisecut:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had excessive noise %f" % (x,y,filename,noiseestimate)) skipped.append(True) continue elif negative_mean_cut is not None and contestimate < negative_mean_cut:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had negative continuum %f" % (x,y,filename,contestimate)) skipped.append(True) continue elif OK.sum() == 0:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had NANs" % (x,y,filename)) skipped.append(True) continue elif OK.sum()/float(abs(ind2-ind1)) < 0.5:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had %i NANs" % (x,y,filename,np.isnan(datavect[ind1:ind2]).sum())) skipped.append(True) continue if log.level < 10: log.debug("did not skip...") if varweight: weight = 1./noiseestimate**2 else: weight = 1. if weightspec is None: wspec = weight else: wspec = weight * weightspec if 0 < int(np.round(x)) < naxis1 and 0 < int(np.round(y)) < naxis2: if add_with_kernel: fwhm = np.sqrt(8*np.log(2)) kernel_size = kd = int(np.ceil(kernel_fwhm/fwhm/cd * 5)) if kernel_size < 5: kernel_size = kd = 5 if kernel_size % 2 == 0: kernel_size = kd = kernel_size+1 if kernel_size > 100: raise ValueError("Huge kernel - are you sure?") kernel_middle = mid = (kd-1)/2. xinds,yinds = (np.mgrid[:kd,:kd]-mid+np.array([np.round(x),np.round(y)])[:,None,None]).astype('int') # This kernel is NOT centered, and that's the bloody point. # (I made a very stupid error and used Gaussian2DKernel, # which is strictly centered, in a previous version) kernel2d = np.exp(-((xinds-x)**2+(yinds-y)**2)/(2*(kernel_fwhm/fwhm/cd)**2)) dim1 = ind2-ind1 vect_to_add = np.outer(datavect[ind1:ind2],kernel2d).reshape([dim1,kd,kd]) vect_to_add[True-OK] = 0 # need to slice out edges if yinds.max() >= naxis2 or yinds.min() < 0: yok = (yinds[0,:] < naxis2) & (yinds[0,:] >= 0) xinds,yinds = xinds[:,yok],yinds[:,yok] vect_to_add = vect_to_add[:,:,yok] kernel2d = kernel2d[:,yok] if xinds.max() >= naxis1 or xinds.min() < 0: xok = (xinds[:,0] < naxis1) & (xinds[:,0] >= 0) xinds,yinds = xinds[xok,:],yinds[xok,:] vect_to_add = vect_to_add[:,xok,:] kernel2d = kernel2d[xok,:] image[ind1:ind2,yinds,xinds] += vect_to_add*wspec # NaN spectral bins are not appropriately downweighted... but they shouldn't exist anyway... nhits[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d*weight contimage[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d * contestimate*weight nhits_once[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d*weight else: image[ind1:ind2,int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))][OK] += datavect[ind1:ind2][OK]*weight nhits[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += weight contimage[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += contestimate*weight nhits_once[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += weight if log.level < 10: log.debug("Z-axis indices are %i,%i..." % (ind1,ind2,)) log.debug("Added a data point at %i,%i" % (int(np.round(x)),int(np.round(y)))) skipped.append(False) else: skipped.append(True)"Skipped a data point at x,y=%f,%f " "lon,lat=%f,%f in file %s because " "it's out of the grid" % (x,y,glon,glat,filename)) if debug_breakpoint: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() if log.level <= 10: dt = time.time() - t1 log.debug("Completed x,y={x:4.0f},{y:4.0f}" " ({x:6.2f},{y:6.2f}) in {dt:6.2g}s".format(x=float(x), y=float(y), dt=dt))"Completed 'add_data' loop for" " {0} in {1}s".format(cubefilename, time.time()-t0)) if excludefitrange is not None: # this block redefining "include" is used for diagnostics (optional) ind1a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-velo))) ind2a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-velo)))+1 dname = 'DATA' if 'DATA' in data.dtype.names else 'SPECTRA' OK = (data[dname][0,:]==data[dname][0,:]) OK[:ind1a] = False OK[ind2a:] = False include = OK # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-velo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") else: dname = 'DATA' if 'DATA' in data.dtype.names else 'SPECTRA' include = slice(None) if diagnostic_plot_name: from mpl_plot_templates import imdiagnostics pylab.clf() dd = data[dname][:,include] imdiagnostics(dd,axis=pylab.gca()) pylab.savefig(diagnostic_plot_name, bbox_inches='tight') # Save a copy with the bad stuff flagged out; this should tell whether flagging worked skipped = np.array(skipped,dtype='bool') dd[skipped,:] = -999 maskdata =,-999) pylab.clf() imdiagnostics(maskdata, axis=pylab.gca()) dpn_pre,dpn_suf = os.path.splitext(diagnostic_plot_name) dpn_flagged = dpn_pre+"_flagged"+dpn_suf pylab.savefig(dpn_flagged, bbox_inches='tight')"Saved diagnostic plot %s and %s" % (diagnostic_plot_name,dpn_flagged)) log.debug("nhits statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(nhits.mean(),nhits.std(),np.sum(nhits==0), nhits.size)) log.debug("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(image.mean(),image.std(),np.sum(image==0), image.size)) imav = image/nhits if log.level <= 10: nnan = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(imav)) log.debug("imav statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size, nnan, ngood: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}".format(imav.mean(),imav.std(),np.sum(imav==0), imav.size, nnan, imav.size-nnan)) log.debug("imav shape: {0}".format(imav.shape)) subcube = imav[ind1:ind2,:,:] if log.level <= 10: nnan = np.sum(np.isnan(subcube)) print("subcube statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size, nnan, ngood:",np.nansum(subcube)/subcube.size,np.std(subcube[subcube==subcube]),np.sum(subcube==0), subcube.size, nnan, subcube.size-nnan) print("subcube shape: ",subcube.shape) H = header.copy() if fileheader is not None: for k,v in fileheader.items(): if 'RESTFRQ' in k or 'RESTFREQ' in k: header.set(k,v) #if k[0] == 'C' and '1' in k and k[-1] != '1': # header.set(k.replace('1','3'), v) moreH = get_header(cubeheader) for k,v in H.items(): header.set(k,v) for k,v in moreH.items(): header.set(k,v) HDU = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=subcube,header=header) HDU.writeto(cubefilename,clobber=True,output_verify='fix') outpre = cubefilename.replace(".fits","") include = np.ones(imav.shape[0],dtype='bool') if excludefitrange is not None: # this block redifining "include" is used for continuum ind1a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-cubevelo))) ind2a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-cubevelo)))+1 # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-cubevelo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") HDU2 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=nhits,header=flathead) HDU2.writeto(outpre+"_nhits.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') #OKCube = (imav==imav) #contmap = np.nansum(imav[naxis3*0.1:naxis3*0.9,:,:],axis=0) / OKCube.sum(axis=0) if make_continuum: contmap = np.nansum(imav[include,:,:],axis=0) / include.sum() HDU2 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=contmap,header=flathead) HDU2.writeto(outpre+"_continuum.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') if continuum_prefix is not None: # Solo continuum image (just this obs set) = contimage / nhits_once HDU2.writeto(continuum_prefix+"_continuum.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') = nhits_once HDU2.writeto(continuum_prefix+"_nhits.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix')"Writing script file {0}".format(outpre+"")) scriptfile = open(outpre+"",'w') outpath,outfn = os.path.split(cubefilename) outpath,pre = os.path.split(outpre) print(("#!/bin/bash"), file=scriptfile) if outpath != '': print(('cd %s' % outpath), file=scriptfile) print(('. /star/etc/profile'), file=scriptfile) print(('kappa > /dev/null'), file=scriptfile) print(('convert > /dev/null'), file=scriptfile) print(('fits2ndf %s %s' % (outfn,outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"))), file=scriptfile) if excludefitrange is not None: v2v3 = "" for v2,v3 in zip(excludefitrange[::2],excludefitrange[1::2]): v2v3 += "%0.2f %0.2f " % (, print(('mfittrend %s ranges=\\\"%0.2f %s %0.2f\\\" order=%i axis=3 out=%s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),,v2v3,,baselineorder,outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) else: print(('mfittrend %s ranges=\\\"%0.2f %0.2f\\\" order=%i axis=3 out=%s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),,,baselineorder,outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) print(('sub %s %s %s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"),outfn.replace(".fits","_sub.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) print(('sqorst %s_sub mode=pixelscale axis=3 pixscale=%i out=%s_vrebin' % (pre,smoothto,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('gausmooth %s_vrebin fwhm=1.0 axes=[1,2] out=%s_smooth' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('#collapse %s estimator=mean axis="VRAD" low=-400 high=500 out=%s_continuum' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_sub.fits' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('ndf2fits %s_sub %s_sub.fits' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_smooth.fits' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('ndf2fits %s_smooth %s_smooth.fits' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(("# Fix STARLINK's failure to respect header keywords."), file=scriptfile) print(('sethead %s_smooth.fits RESTFRQ=`gethead RESTFRQ %s.fits`' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_baseline.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_smooth.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_sub.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_vrebin.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) scriptfile.close() if chmod: scriptfilename = (outpre+"").replace(" ","")"chmod +x {0}".format(scriptfilename), shell=True) st = os.stat(scriptfilename) os.chmod(scriptfilename, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IXUSR) if do_runscript: runscript(outpre) _fix_ms_kms_file(outpre+"_sub.fits") _fix_ms_kms_file(outpre+"_smooth.fits") if log.level <= 20:"Completed {0} in {1}s".format(pre, time.time()-t0))
import numpy as np from mpl_plot_templates import imdiagnostics import pylab as pl arr = np.random.rand(1024 / 8, 1024) pl.figure(1) pl.clf() ax1 = imdiagnostics(arr) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() ax2 = imdiagnostics(arr, square_aspect=True) arr = np.random.rand(1024 / 256, 1024) pl.figure(3) pl.clf() ax3 = imdiagnostics(arr) pl.figure(4) pl.clf() ax4 = imdiagnostics(arr, square_aspect=True)
import numpy as np from mpl_plot_templates import imdiagnostics import pylab as pl arr = np.random.rand(1024/8,1024) pl.figure(1) pl.clf() ax1 = imdiagnostics(arr) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() ax2 = imdiagnostics(arr,square_aspect=True) arr = np.random.rand(1024/256,1024) pl.figure(3) pl.clf() ax3 = imdiagnostics(arr) pl.figure(4) pl.clf() ax4 = imdiagnostics(arr,square_aspect=True)
def add_data_to_cube(cubefilename, data=None, filename=None, fileheader=None, flatheader='header.txt', cubeheader='cubeheader.txt', nhits=None, smoothto=1, baselineorder=5, velocityrange=None, excludefitrange=None, noisecut=np.inf, do_runscript=False, linefreq=None, allow_smooth=True, data_iterator=data_iterator, coord_iterator=coord_iterator, velo_iterator=velo_iterator, progressbar=False, coordsys='galactic', datalength=None, velocity_offset=0.0, negative_mean_cut=None, add_with_kernel=False, kernel_fwhm=None, fsw=False, kernel_function=Gaussian2DKernel, diagnostic_plot_name=None, chmod=False, continuum_prefix=None, debug_breakpoint=False,, make_continuum=True, weightspec=None, varweight=False): """ Given a .fits file that contains a binary table of spectra (e.g., as you would get from the GBT mapping "pipeline" or the aoidl file provided by Adam Ginsburg), adds each spectrum into the cubefile. velocity_offset : 0.0 Amount to add to the velocity vector before adding it to the cube (useful for FSW observations) weightspec : np.ndarray A spectrum with the same size as the input arrays but containing the relative weights of the data """ #if not default_unit.is_equivalent( # raise TypeError("Default unit is not a velocity equivalent.") if type(nhits) is str: log.debug("Loading nhits from %s" % nhits) nhits = pyfits.getdata(nhits) elif type(nhits) is not np.ndarray: raise TypeError("nhits must be a .fits file or an ndarray, but it is ",type(nhits)) naxis2,naxis1 = nhits.shape if velocity_offset and not fsw: raise ValueError("Using a velocity offset, but obs type is not " "frequency switched; this is almost certainly wrong, " "but if there's a case for it I'll remove this.") if not hasattr(velocity_offset,'unit'): velocity_offset = velocity_offset*default_unit contimage = np.zeros_like(nhits) nhits_once = np.zeros_like(nhits) log.debug("Loading data cube {0}".format(cubefilename)) t0 = time.time() # rescale image to weight by number of observations image = pyfits.getdata(cubefilename)*nhits log.debug(" ".join(("nhits statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(nhits.mean()),str(nhits.std()),str(np.sum(nhits==0)), str(nhits.size)))) log.debug(" ".join(("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(image.mean()),str(image.std()),str(np.sum(image==0)), str(image.size), str(np.sum(np.isnan(image)))))) log.debug(" ".join(("nhits shape: ",str(nhits.shape)))) # default is to set empty pixels to NAN; have to set them # back to zero image[image!=image] = 0.0 header = pyfits.getheader(cubefilename) # debug print "Cube shape: ",image.shape," naxis3: ",header.get('NAXIS3')," nhits shape: ",nhits.shape log.debug("".join(("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size",str(image.mean()),str(image.std()),str(np.sum(image==0)), str(image.size)))) flathead = get_header(flatheader) naxis3 = image.shape[0] wcs = pywcs.WCS(flathead) cwcs = pywcs.WCS(header) vwcs = cwcs.sub([pywcs.WCSSUB_SPECTRAL]) vunit = u.Unit(vwcs.wcs.cunit[vwcs.wcs.spec]) cubevelo = vwcs.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(naxis3),0)[0] * vunit cd3 = vwcs.wcs.cdelt[vwcs.wcs.spec] * vunit if not vunit.is_equivalent(default_unit): raise ValueError("The units of the cube and the velocity axis are " "possibly not equivalent. Change default_unit to " "the appropriate unit (probably {0})".format(vunit)) if add_with_kernel: if wcs.wcs.has_cd(): cd = np.abs([1,1]) else: cd = np.abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) # Alternative implementation; may not work for .cd? #cd = np.abs( * wcs.wcs.get_pc().diagonal())))**0.5 if velocityrange is not None: if hasattr(velocityrange, 'unit'): v1,v4 = velocityrange else: v1,v4 = velocityrange * default_unit ind1 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-cubevelo))) ind2 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-cubevelo)))+1 # stupid hack. REALLY stupid hack. Don't crop. if np.abs(ind2-image.shape[0]) < 5: ind2 = image.shape[0] if np.abs(ind1) < 5: ind1 = 0 #print "Velo match for v1,v4 = %f,%f: %f,%f" % (v1,v4,cubevelo[ind1],cubevelo[ind2]) # print "Updating CRPIX3 from %i to %i. Cropping to indices %i,%i" % (header.get('CRPIX3'),header.get('CRPIX3')-ind1,ind1,ind2) # I think this could be disastrous: cubevelo is already set, but now we're changing how it's set in the header! # I don't think there's any reason to have this in the first place # header.set('CRPIX3',header.get('CRPIX3')-ind1) # reset v1,v4 to the points we just selected v1 = cubevelo[ind1] v4 = cubevelo[ind2-1] else: ind1=0 ind2 = image.shape[0] v1,v4 = min(cubevelo),max(cubevelo) # debug print "Cube has %i v-axis pixels from %f to %f. Crop range is %f to %f" % (naxis3,cubevelo.min(),cubevelo.max(),v1,v4) #if abs(cdelt) < abs(cd3): # print "Spectra have CD=%0.2f, cube has CD=%0.2f. Will smooth & interpolate." % (cdelt,cd3) # Disable progressbar if debug-logging is enabled (they clash) if progressbar and 'ProgressBar' in globals() and log.level > 10: if datalength is None: pb = ProgressBar(len(data)) else: pb = ProgressBar(datalength) else: progressbar = False skipped = [] for spectrum,pos,velo in zip(data_iterator(data,fsw=fsw), coord_iterator(data,coordsys_out=coordsys), velo_iterator(data,linefreq=linefreq)): if log.level <= 10: t1 = time.time() if not hasattr(velo,'unit'): velo = velo * default_unit glon,glat = pos cdelt = velo[1]-velo[0] if cdelt < 0: # for interpolation, require increasing X axis spectrum = spectrum[::-1] velo = velo[::-1] if log.level < 5: log.debug("Reversed spectral axis... ") if (velo.max() < cubevelo.min() or velo.min() > cubevelo.max()): raise ValueError("Data out of range.") if progressbar and log.level > 10: pb.update() velo += velocity_offset if glon != 0 and glat != 0: x,y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(glon,glat,0) if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): log.warn("".join(("Skipping NaN point {0}, {1} ...".format(glon,glat)))) continue if log.level < 10: log.debug("".join(("At point {0},{1} ...".format(glon,glat),))) if abs(cdelt) < abs(cd3) and allow_smooth: # need to smooth before interpolating to preserve signal kernwidth = abs(cd3/cdelt/2.35).decompose().value if kernwidth > 2 and kernwidth < 10: xr = kernwidth*5 npx = np.ceil(xr*2 + 1) elif kernwidth > 10: raise ValueError('Too much smoothing') else: xr = 5 npx = 11 #kernel = np.exp(-(np.linspace(-xr,xr,npx)**2)/(2.0*kernwidth**2)) #kernel /= kernel.sum() kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=kernwidth, x_size=npx) smspec = np.convolve(spectrum,kernel,mode='same') datavect = np.interp(,, smspec) else: datavect = np.interp(,, spectrum) OK = (datavect[ind1:ind2] == datavect[ind1:ind2]) if excludefitrange is None: include = OK else: # Exclude certain regions (e.g., the spectral lines) when computing the noise include = OK.copy() if not hasattr(excludefitrange,'unit'): excludefitrange = excludefitrange * default_unit # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-cubevelo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") noiseestimate = datavect[ind1:ind2][include].std() contestimate = datavect[ind1:ind2][include].mean() if noiseestimate > noisecut:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had excessive noise %f" % (x,y,filename,noiseestimate)) skipped.append(True) continue elif negative_mean_cut is not None and contestimate < negative_mean_cut:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had negative continuum %f" % (x,y,filename,contestimate)) skipped.append(True) continue elif OK.sum() == 0:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had NANs" % (x,y,filename)) skipped.append(True) continue elif OK.sum()/float(abs(ind2-ind1)) < 0.5:"Skipped a data point at %f,%f in file %s because it had %i NANs" % (x,y,filename,np.isnan(datavect[ind1:ind2]).sum())) skipped.append(True) continue if log.level < 10: log.debug("did not skip...") if varweight: weight = 1./noiseestimate**2 else: weight = 1. if weightspec is None: wspec = weight else: wspec = weight * weightspec if 0 < int(np.round(x)) < naxis1 and 0 < int(np.round(y)) < naxis2: if add_with_kernel: fwhm = np.sqrt(8*np.log(2)) kernel_size = kd = int(np.ceil(kernel_fwhm/fwhm/cd * 5)) if kernel_size < 5: kernel_size = kd = 5 if kernel_size % 2 == 0: kernel_size = kd = kernel_size+1 if kernel_size > 100: raise ValueError("Huge kernel - are you sure?") kernel_middle = mid = (kd-1)/2. xinds,yinds = (np.mgrid[:kd,:kd]-mid+np.array([np.round(x),np.round(y)])[:,None,None]).astype('int') # This kernel is NOT centered, and that's the bloody point. # (I made a very stupid error and used Gaussian2DKernel, # which is strictly centered, in a previous version) kernel2d = np.exp(-((xinds-x)**2+(yinds-y)**2)/(2*(kernel_fwhm/fwhm/cd)**2)) dim1 = ind2-ind1 vect_to_add = np.outer(datavect[ind1:ind2],kernel2d).reshape([dim1,kd,kd]) vect_to_add[True-OK] = 0 # need to slice out edges if yinds.max() >= naxis2 or yinds.min() < 0: yok = (yinds[0,:] < naxis2) & (yinds[0,:] >= 0) xinds,yinds = xinds[:,yok],yinds[:,yok] vect_to_add = vect_to_add[:,:,yok] kernel2d = kernel2d[:,yok] if xinds.max() >= naxis1 or xinds.min() < 0: xok = (xinds[:,0] < naxis1) & (xinds[:,0] >= 0) xinds,yinds = xinds[xok,:],yinds[xok,:] vect_to_add = vect_to_add[:,xok,:] kernel2d = kernel2d[xok,:] image[ind1:ind2,yinds,xinds] += vect_to_add*wspec # NaN spectral bins are not appropriately downweighted... but they shouldn't exist anyway... nhits[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d*weight contimage[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d * contestimate*weight nhits_once[yinds,xinds] += kernel2d*weight else: image[ind1:ind2,int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))][OK] += datavect[ind1:ind2][OK]*weight nhits[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += weight contimage[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += contestimate*weight nhits_once[int(np.round(y)),int(np.round(x))] += weight if log.level < 10: log.debug("Z-axis indices are %i,%i..." % (ind1,ind2,)) log.debug("Added a data point at %i,%i" % (int(np.round(x)),int(np.round(y)))) skipped.append(False) else: skipped.append(True)"Skipped a data point at x,y=%f,%f " "lon,lat=%f,%f in file %s because " "it's out of the grid" % (x,y,glon,glat,filename)) if debug_breakpoint: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() if log.level <= 10: dt = time.time() - t1 log.debug("Completed x,y={x:4.0f},{y:4.0f}" " ({x:6.2f},{y:6.2f}) in {dt:6.2g}s".format(x=float(x), y=float(y), dt=dt))"Completed 'add_data' loop for" " {0} in {1}s".format(cubefilename, time.time()-t0)) if data.dtype.names is not None: dname = 'DATA' if 'DATA' in data.dtype.names else 'SPECTRA' else: dname = slice(None) if excludefitrange is not None: # this block redefining "include" is used for diagnostics (optional) ind1a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-velo))) ind2a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-velo)))+1 OK = (data[dname][0,:]==data[dname][0,:]) OK[:ind1a] = False OK[ind2a:] = False include = OK # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-velo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") else: include = slice(None) if diagnostic_plot_name: from mpl_plot_templates import imdiagnostics pylab.clf() dd = data[dname][:,include] imdiagnostics(dd,axis=pylab.gca()) pylab.savefig(diagnostic_plot_name, bbox_inches='tight') # Save a copy with the bad stuff flagged out; this should tell whether flagging worked skipped = np.array(skipped,dtype='bool') dd[skipped,:] = -999 maskdata =,-999) pylab.clf() imdiagnostics(maskdata, axis=pylab.gca()) dpn_pre,dpn_suf = os.path.splitext(diagnostic_plot_name) dpn_flagged = dpn_pre+"_flagged"+dpn_suf pylab.savefig(dpn_flagged, bbox_inches='tight')"Saved diagnostic plot %s and %s" % (diagnostic_plot_name,dpn_flagged)) log.debug("nhits statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(nhits.mean(),nhits.std(),np.sum(nhits==0), nhits.size)) log.debug("Image statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(image.mean(),image.std(),np.sum(image==0), image.size)) imav = image/nhits if log.level <= 10: nnan = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(imav)) log.debug("imav statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size, nnan, ngood: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}".format(imav.mean(),imav.std(),np.sum(imav==0), imav.size, nnan, imav.size-nnan)) log.debug("imav shape: {0}".format(imav.shape)) subcube = imav[ind1:ind2,:,:] if log.level <= 10: nnan = np.sum(np.isnan(subcube)) print("subcube statistics: mean, std, nzeros, size, nnan, ngood:",np.nansum(subcube)/subcube.size,np.std(subcube[subcube==subcube]),np.sum(subcube==0), subcube.size, nnan, subcube.size-nnan) print("subcube shape: ",subcube.shape) H = header.copy() if fileheader is not None: for k,v in fileheader.items(): if 'RESTFRQ' in k or 'RESTFREQ' in k: header.set(k,v) #if k[0] == 'C' and '1' in k and k[-1] != '1': # header.set(k.replace('1','3'), v) moreH = get_header(cubeheader) for k,v in H.items(): header.set(k,v) for k,v in moreH.items(): header.set(k,v) HDU = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=subcube,header=header) HDU.writeto(cubefilename,clobber=True,output_verify='fix') outpre = cubefilename.replace(".fits","") include = np.ones(imav.shape[0],dtype='bool') if excludefitrange is not None: # this block redifining "include" is used for continuum ind1a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v1-cubevelo))) ind2a = np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(v4-cubevelo)))+1 # Convert velocities to indices exclude_inds = [np.argmin(np.abs(np.floor(v-cubevelo))) for v in excludefitrange] # Loop through exclude_inds pairwise for (i1,i2) in zip(exclude_inds[:-1:2],exclude_inds[1::2]): # Do not include the excluded regions include[i1:i2] = False if include.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("All data excluded.") HDU2 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=nhits,header=flathead) HDU2.writeto(outpre+"_nhits.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') #OKCube = (imav==imav) #contmap = np.nansum(imav[naxis3*0.1:naxis3*0.9,:,:],axis=0) / OKCube.sum(axis=0) if make_continuum: contmap = np.nansum(imav[include,:,:],axis=0) / include.sum() HDU2 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=contmap,header=flathead) HDU2.writeto(outpre+"_continuum.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') if continuum_prefix is not None: # Solo continuum image (just this obs set) = contimage / nhits_once HDU2.writeto(continuum_prefix+"_continuum.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix') = nhits_once HDU2.writeto(continuum_prefix+"_nhits.fits",clobber=True,output_verify='fix')"Writing script file {0}".format(outpre+"")) scriptfile = open(outpre+"",'w') outpath,outfn = os.path.split(cubefilename) outpath,pre = os.path.split(outpre) print(("#!/bin/bash"), file=scriptfile) if outpath != '': print(('cd %s' % outpath), file=scriptfile) print(('. /star/etc/profile'), file=scriptfile) print(('kappa > /dev/null'), file=scriptfile) print(('convert > /dev/null'), file=scriptfile) print(('fits2ndf %s %s' % (outfn,outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"))), file=scriptfile) if excludefitrange is not None: v2v3 = "" for v2,v3 in zip(excludefitrange[::2],excludefitrange[1::2]): v2v3 += "%0.2f %0.2f " % (, print(('mfittrend %s ranges=\\\"%0.2f %s %0.2f\\\" order=%i axis=3 out=%s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),,v2v3,,baselineorder,outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) else: print(('mfittrend %s ranges=\\\"%0.2f %0.2f\\\" order=%i axis=3 out=%s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),,,baselineorder,outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) print(('sub %s %s %s' % (outfn.replace(".fits",".sdf"),outfn.replace(".fits","_baseline.sdf"),outfn.replace(".fits","_sub.sdf"))), file=scriptfile) print(('sqorst %s_sub mode=pixelscale axis=3 pixscale=%i out=%s_vrebin' % (pre,smoothto,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('gausmooth %s_vrebin fwhm=1.0 axes=[1,2] out=%s_smooth' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('#collapse %s estimator=mean axis="VRAD" low=-400 high=500 out=%s_continuum' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_sub.fits' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('ndf2fits %s_sub %s_sub.fits' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_smooth.fits' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('ndf2fits %s_smooth %s_smooth.fits' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(("# Fix STARLINK's failure to respect header keywords."), file=scriptfile) print(('sethead %s_smooth.fits RESTFRQ=`gethead RESTFRQ %s.fits`' % (pre,pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_baseline.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_smooth.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_sub.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s_vrebin.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) print(('rm %s.sdf' % (pre)), file=scriptfile) scriptfile.close() if chmod: scriptfilename = (outpre+"").replace(" ","")"chmod +x {0}".format(scriptfilename), shell=True) st = os.stat(scriptfilename) os.chmod(scriptfilename, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IXUSR) if do_runscript: runscript(outpre) _fix_ms_kms_file(outpre+"_sub.fits") _fix_ms_kms_file(outpre+"_smooth.fits") if log.level <= 20:"Completed {0} in {1}s".format(pre, time.time()-t0))