def demo_grid_with_each_cbar(fig): """ A grid of 2x2 images. Each image has its own colobar. """ grid = AxesGrid( F, 133, # similar to subplot(122) nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.1, label_mode="1", share_all=True, cbar_location="top", cbar_mode="each", cbar_size="7%", cbar_pad="2%", ) Z, extent = get_demo_image() for i in range(4): im = grid[i].imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") grid.cbar_axes[i].colorbar(im) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. grid.axes_llc.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2]) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks([-2, 0, 2])
def display_kernels(kgrid, n1, n2): # default: n1=12(mag), n2=17(Re) fig = figure(1, figsize=(12, 8)) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.1, 0.15, 0.9, 0.58), nrows_ncols=(n2, n1), axes_pad=0.0, share_all=True, aspect=False) #grid.set_aspect(0.6) for i in arange(n1): for j in range(n2)[::-1]: kernel = maximum(kgrid.kernels[(i, j)].kernel, 1.e-50) if kgrid.kernels[(i, j)].completeness < 0: kernel = kernel * 0. else: #nf = 1.0/max(kernel.ravel()) kernel = kernel * kgrid.kernels[(i, j)].completeness #grid[(n2-j-1)*n1+i]. grid[(n2 - j - 1) * n1 + i].imshow(kernel.swapaxes(0, 1), origin='lower', vmax=0.002, aspect=0.4) #grid[(n2-j-1)*n1+i].xscale=1.5 #grid[(n2-j-1)*n1+i].yscale=1.0 grid[(n2 - j - 1) * n1 + i].get_aspect() grid.axes_llc.set_xticks([]) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks([]) draw()
def AnnotateS1Activity(exp, image, scale=0, cols=2, colorbar=True, normalize=True): """Plot the S1 activation for a given image. This shows the image in the background, with the activation plotted on top. There is one plot for each orientation band. :param image: Path to image on disk, or index of image in experiment. :param int scale: Index of scale band to use. :param bool colorbar: Whether to show colorbar with plot. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid # import must be delayed s1 = GetActivity(exp, image, Layer.S1)[scale] image = _ScaleImage(exp, GetActivity(exp, image, Layer.IMAGE), scale) params = exp.extractor.model.params left = bottom = params.s1_kwidth/2 scale_factor = params.s1_sampling top = bottom + s1.shape[-2] * scale_factor right = left + s1.shape[-1] * scale_factor rows = int(np.ceil(len(s1) / float(cols))) grid = AxesGrid(plt.gcf(), 111, nrows_ncols = (rows, cols), axes_pad = 0.5, share_all = True, label_mode = "L", # XXX value can be "L" or "1" -- what is this? cbar_location = "right", cbar_mode = "single", ) vmin = s1.min() vmax = s1.max() for i in range(len(s1)):[i]) plt.imshow(image, plt.imshow(s1[i], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=.5, extent=(left,right,top,bottom), plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) if colorbar: img = grid[0].images[-1] grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(img) for cax in grid.cbar_axes: cax.toggle_label(True)
def demo_simple_grid(fig): """ A grid of 2x2 images with 0.05 inch pad between images and only the lower-left axes is labeld. """ grid = AxesGrid( fig, 131, # similar to subplot(131) nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.05, label_mode="1", ) Z, extent = get_demo_image() for i in range(4): im = grid[i].imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") # This only affects axes in first column and second row as share_all = False. grid.axes_llc.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2]) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks([-2, 0, 2])
def demo_grid_with_single_cbar(fig): """ A grid of 2x2 images with a single colobar """ grid = AxesGrid( fig, 132, # similar to subplot(132) nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.0, share_all=True, label_mode="L", cbar_mode="single", ) Z, extent = get_demo_image() for i in range(4): im = grid[i].imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar(im, cax=grid.cbar_axes[0]) grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im) # This affects all axes as share_all = True. grid.axes_llc.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2]) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks([-2, 0, 2])
def plot(net, n, p): classname = net.__class__.__name__ axes.set_xticks([]) axes.set_yticks([]) divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) subaxes = divider.new_vertical(1.0, pad=0.4, sharex=axes) fig.add_axes(subaxes) subaxes.set_xticks([]) subaxes.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(2)) subaxes.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') subaxes.set_ylabel('Distortion') subaxes.set_xlabel('Time') Y = net.distortion[::1] X = np.arange(len(Y)) / float(len(Y) - 1) subaxes.plot(X, Y) if classname == 'NG': plt.title('Neural Gas', fontsize=20) elif classname == 'SOM': plt.title('Self-Organizing Map', fontsize=20) elif classname == 'DSOM': plt.title('Dynamic Self-Organizing Map', fontsize=20) axes.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) axes.set_aspect(1) bounds = divider.locate(0, 0).bounds grid = AxesGrid(fig, bounds, nrows_ncols=(n, n), axes_pad=0.05, label_mode="1") for row in range(n): for col in range(n): index = row * n + col Z = net.codebook[row, col].reshape(p, p) im = grid[index].imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1, grid[index].set_yticks([]) grid[index].set_xticks([]) classname = net.__class__.__name__ if classname == 'NG': axes.text( 0.5, -0.01, r'$\lambda_i = %.3f,\lambda_f = %.3f, \varepsilon_i=%.3f, \varepsilon_f=%.3f$' % (net.sigma_i, net.sigma_f, net.lrate_i, net.lrate_f), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes) if classname == 'SOM': axes.text( 0.5, -0.01, r'$\sigma_i = %.3f,\sigma_f = %.3f, \varepsilon_i=%.3f, \varepsilon_f=%.3f$' % (net.sigma_i, net.sigma_f, net.lrate_i, net.lrate_f), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes) elif classname == 'DSOM': axes.text(0.5, -0.01, r'$elasticity = %.2f$, $\varepsilon = %.3f$' % (net.elasticity, net.lrate), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes)
# This affects all axes as share_all = True. grid.axes_llc.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2]) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks([-2, 0, 2]) """ fig = plt.figure() #fig.set_figheight(5) #fig.set_figwidth(10) #fig.subplots_adjust(right = 0.95) grid = AxesGrid( fig, 111, # similar to subplot(132) nrows_ncols=(1, 2), aspect=True, axes_pad=1, share_all=False, label_mode="all", cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="single", cbar_pad="2%") maxL = 5 Np = 5 ps = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, Np) lines1 = [] lines2 = [] for p in ps:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid from demo_image import get_demo_image F = plt.figure(1, (5.5, 3.5)) grid = AxesGrid( F, 111, # similar to subplot(111) nrows_ncols=(1, 3), axes_pad=0.1, add_all=True, label_mode="L", ) Z, extent = get_demo_image() # demo image im1 = Z im2 = Z[:, :10] im3 = Z[:, 10:] vmin, vmax = Z.min(), Z.max() for i, im in enumerate([im1, im2, im3]): ax = grid[i] ax.imshow(im, origin="lower", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="nearest") plt.draw()
import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid from import MultiImage from scikits.image import data_dir # Load the multi-layer image fname = os.path.join(data_dir, 'multipage.tif') img = MultiImage(fname) # Create an image grid fig = plt.figure() grid = AxesGrid(fig, rect=(1, 1, 1), nrows_ncols=(1, 2), axes_pad=0.1) # Plot the layers on the image grid for i, frame in enumerate(img): grid[i].imshow(frame, grid[i].set_xlabel('Frame %s' % i) grid[i].set_xticks([]) grid[i].set_yticks([])
def Show2dArrayList(xs, annotations=None, normalize=True, colorbar=False, colorbars=False, cols=None, center_zero=True, axes=None, figure=None, show=True, title=None, titles=None, **args): """Display a list of 2-D arrays using matplotlib. :param xs: Input arrays. :type xs: iterable of 2D ndarray :param annotations: Small images to show with each array visualization. :type annotations: list of 2D ndarray :param bool normalize: Whether to use the same colormap range for all subplots. :param bool colorbar: Whether to show the meaning of the colormap as an extra subplot (implies *normalize* = True). Implies ``colorbars`` is False. :param bool colorbars: Whether to show a different colorbar for each subplot. :param int cols: Number of subplot columns to use. :param bool center_zero: When normalizing a range that spans zero, make sure zero is in the center of the colormap range. :param figure: The matplotlib figure into which to plot. :param bool show: Whether to show the figure on screen after it is drawn. :param str title: String to display above the set of plots. :param titles: Title string to include above each plotted array. :type titles: list of str :param vmin: Minimum value for colormap range. :param vmax: Maximum value for colormap range. :param mapper: Function to map locations in the foreground to corresponding locations in the background. (Required if *bg* is set.) Any remaining keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` for each 2D array. """ if 'vmin' in args and 'vmax' in args: vmin = args['vmin'] vmax = args['vmax'] elif colorbar or normalize: vmin = min([x.min() for x in xs]) vmax = max([x.max() for x in xs]) if center_zero and vmin < 0 and vmax > 0: vmax = max(abs(vmin), vmax) vmin = -vmax args = misc.MergeDict(args, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if annotations == None: annotations = [None] * len(xs) else: assert len(annotations) == len(xs), \ "Got %d arrays, but %d annotations (these numbers should match)" % \ (len(xs), len(annotations)) assert 'mapper' in args, "Using annotations requires a 'mapper'." if titles == None: titles = [""] * len(xs) else: assert len(titles) == len(xs), \ "Got %d arrays, but %d title strings (these numbers should match)" % \ (len(xs), len(titles)) # Compute rows & cols max_plots = 64 if len(xs) > max_plots: xs = xs[:max_plots] if cols == None: if len(xs) <= 16: cols = min(4, len(xs)) else: cols = min(8, len(xs)) rows = int(math.ceil(len(xs) / float(cols))) # Create the image grid if figure == None: figure = pyplot.gcf() figure.clf() if colorbar: grid_args = dict(cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="single") elif colorbars: grid_args = dict(cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="each", cbar_pad="2%") else: grid_args = {} grid = AxesGrid( figure, 111, nrows_ncols=(rows, cols), axes_pad=0.5, share_all=True, label_mode="L", # XXX value can be "L" or "1" -- what is this? **grid_args) if title is not None: figure.suptitle(title) # Add all subplots for i in range(len(xs)): Show2dArray(xs[i], annotation=annotations[i], axes=grid[i], show=False, title=titles[i], **args) # Add the colorbar(s) if colorbar: img = grid[0].images[-1] grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(img) for cax in grid.cbar_axes: cax.toggle_label(True) elif colorbars: for i in range(len(xs)): img = grid[i].images[-1] ca = grid.cbar_axes[i] ca.colorbar(img) ca.toggle_label(True) if hasattr(figure, 'show') and show:
def klfYoung(): dbfile = '/u/jlu/data/gc/database/stars.sqlite' # Create a connection to the database file connection = sqlite.connect(dbfile) # Create a cursor object cur = connection.cursor() # Get info on the stars cur.execute('select * from stars where young = "T" and cuspPaper = "T"') rows = cur.fetchall() starCnt = len(rows) starName = [] x = [] y = [] kp = [] Ak = [] starInField = [] # Loop through each star and pull out the relevant information for ss in range(starCnt): record = rows[ss] name = record[0] # Check that we observed this star and what field it was in. cur.execute('select field from spectra where name = "%s"' % (name)) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: starInField.append(row[0]) starName.append(name) kp.append(record[4]) x.append(record[7]) y.append(record[9]) Ak.append(record[24]) else: #print 'We do not have data on this star???' #starInField.append('C') continue starCnt = len(starName) starName = np.array(starName) starInField = np.array(starInField) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) kp = np.array(kp) Ak = np.array(Ak) # Now get the completeness corrections for each field. completenessFile = '/u/jlu/work/gc/imf/klf/2010_04_02/' completenessFile += 'completeness_extinct_correct.txt' completeness = fields = ['C', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'W', 'N', 'NE', 'SW', 'NW'] compKp = completeness[0].tonumpy() comp = {} for ff in range(len(fields)): field = fields[ff] comp[field] = completeness[1 + ff].tonumpy() # Load up the areas for each field masksDir = '/u/jlu/work/gc/imf/klf/2010_04_02/osiris_fov/masks/' area = {} area['C'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'central.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['E'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'east.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['SE'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'southeast.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['S'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'south.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['W'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'west.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['N'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'north.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['NE'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'northeast.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['SW'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'southwest.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 area['NW'] = pyfits.getdata(masksDir + 'northwest.fits').sum() * 0.01**2 KLFs = np.zeros((len(fields), len(compKp)), dtype=float) KLFs_ext = np.zeros((len(fields), len(compKp)), dtype=float) KLFs_ext_cmp = np.zeros((len(fields), len(compKp)), dtype=float) eKLFs_ext_cmp = np.zeros((len(fields), len(compKp)), dtype=float) kp_ext = kp - Ak + 3.0 for ff in range(len(fields)): field = fields[ff] # Pull out all the stars in the field sdx = np.where(starInField == field)[0] kpInField = kp[sdx] AkInField = Ak[sdx] nameInField = starName[sdx] # Set all stars to Ak = 3 kpInField_ext = kpInField - AkInField + 3.0 # Make a binned luminosity function binSizeKp = compKp[1] - compKp[0] perAsec2Mag = area[field] * binSizeKp for kk in range(len(compKp)): kp_lo = compKp[kk] kp_hi = compKp[kk] + binSizeKp idx1 = np.where((kpInField >= kp_lo) & (kpInField < kp_hi))[0] KLFs[ff, kk] = len(idx1) / perAsec2Mag idx2 = np.where((kpInField_ext >= kp_lo) & (kpInField_ext < kp_hi))[0] KLFs_ext[ff, kk] = len(idx2) / perAsec2Mag KLFs_ext_cmp[ff, kk] = KLFs_ext[ff, kk] / comp[field][kk] eKLFs_ext_cmp[ff, kk] = math.sqrt(len(idx2)) eKLFs_ext_cmp[ff, kk] /= perAsec2Mag * comp[field][kk] idx = np.where(np.isnan(KLFs_ext_cmp[ff]) == True)[0] for ii in idx: KLFs_ext_cmp[ff, ii] = 0.0 # ========== # Plot the KLF # ========== outputDir = '/u/jlu/work/gc/imf/klf/2010_04_02/plots/' py.clf() colors = [ 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'purple', 'orange', 'brown' ] legendItems = [] for ff in range(len(fields)): plt = py.plot(compKp, KLFs_ext_cmp[ff], 'k-', color=colors[ff]) py.plot(compKp, KLFs_ext[ff], 'k--', color=colors[ff]) #py.plot(compKp, KLFs[ff], 'k-.', color=colors[ff]) legendItems.append(plt) print 'KLF for field ' + fields[ff] py.xlabel('Kp magnitude (A_Kp = 3)') py.ylabel('N_stars / (arcsec^2 mag)') py.legend(legendItems, fields, loc='upper left') py.savefig(outputDir + 'klf_young_fields_all.png') # Make a global KLF KLFall = KLFs_ext_cmp.sum(axis=0) KLFouter = KLFs_ext_cmp[1:, :].sum(axis=0) KLFinner = KLFs_ext_cmp[0, :] eKLFall = np.sqrt((eKLFs_ext_cmp**2).sum(axis=0)) eKLFouter = np.sqrt((eKLFs_ext_cmp[1:, :]**2).sum(axis=0)) eKLFinner = eKLFs_ext_cmp[0, :] p_compKp, p_KLFall = histNofill.convertForPlot(compKp, KLFall) p_compKp, p_KLFouter = histNofill.convertForPlot(compKp, KLFouter) p_compKp, p_KLFinner = histNofill.convertForPlot(compKp, KLFinner) py.clf() fig = py.figure(1) py.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, right=0.95) grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(3, 1), axes_pad=0.12, add_all=True, share_all=True, aspect=False) grid[2].plot(p_compKp, p_KLFall, 'k-', linewidth=2) grid[2].errorbar(compKp + 0.25, KLFall, yerr=eKLFall, fmt='k.') grid[2].text(9.25, 25, 'KLF all') grid[2].set_xlabel('Kp magnitude (A_Kp = 3)') grid[1].plot(p_compKp, p_KLFouter, 'k-', linewidth=2) grid[1].errorbar(compKp + 0.25, KLFouter, yerr=eKLFouter, fmt='k.') grid[1].set_ylabel('N_stars / (arcsec^2 mag)') grid[1].text(9.25, 25, 'KLF outer') grid[0].plot(p_compKp, p_KLFinner, 'k-', linewidth=2) grid[0].errorbar(compKp + 0.25, KLFinner, yerr=eKLFinner, fmt='k.') grid[0].text(9.25, 25, 'KLF central') grid[0].set_xlim(9, 16) grid[0].set_ylim(0, 12) grid[1].set_ylim(0, 12) grid[2].set_ylim(0, 12) py.savefig(outputDir + 'klf_young_fields.png') py.clf() py.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, right=0.95) p1 = py.plot(p_compKp, p_KLFinner, 'k-', linewidth=2) py.errorbar(compKp + 0.25, KLFinner, yerr=eKLFinner, fmt='k.') p2 = py.plot(p_compKp, p_KLFouter, 'b-', linewidth=2) py.errorbar(compKp + 0.25, KLFouter, yerr=eKLFouter, fmt='b.') py.xlabel('Kp magnitude (A_Kp = 3)') py.ylabel('N_stars / (arcsec^2 mag)') py.legend((p1, p2), ('Inner', 'Outer')) py.xlim(9, 16) py.ylim(0, 12) py.savefig(outputDir + 'klf_young_fields_inout.png') # ========== # Convert to masses # Assume solar metallicity, A_K=3, distance = 8 kpc, age = 6 Myr # ========== genevaFile = '/u/jlu/work/models/geneva/iso/020/c/' genevaFile += 'iso_c020_0680.UBVRIJHKLM' model = modMass = model[1].tonumpy() modV = model[6].tonumpy() modVK = model[11].tonumpy() modHK = model[15].tonumpy() modK = modV - modVK modH = modK + modHK # Convert from K to Kp (Wainscoat and Cowie 1992) modKp = modK + 0.22 * (modH - modK) dist = 8000.0 distMod = -5.0 + 5.0 * math.log10(dist) # Convert our observed magnitudes to absolute magnitudes. # Use the differential extinction corrected individual magnitudes. # Also use the diff. ex. corrected and completeness corrected KLF. absKp = kp_ext - 3.0 - distMod absKpKLF = compKp - 3.0 - distMod p_absKpKLF = p_compKp - 3.0 - distMod # First, calculate the indvidiual masses modMassStar = np.zeros(len(absKp), dtype=float) modKpStar = np.zeros(len(absKp), dtype=float) for ii in range(len(absKp)): idx = abs(absKp[ii] - modKp).argmin() modMassStar[ii] = modMass[idx] modKpStar[ii] = modKp[idx] # Calculate the mass function modMassIMF = np.zeros(len(absKpKLF), dtype=float) modKpIMF = np.zeros(len(absKpKLF), dtype=float) for ii in range(len(absKpKLF)): idx = abs(absKpKLF[ii] - modKp).argmin() modMassIMF[ii] = modMass[idx] modKpIMF[ii] = modKp[idx] # Calculate the mass function we can plot p_modMassIMF = np.zeros(len(p_absKpKLF), dtype=float) p_modKpIMF = np.zeros(len(p_absKpKLF), dtype=float) for ii in range(len(p_absKpKLF)): idx = abs(p_absKpKLF[ii] - modKp).argmin() p_modMassIMF[ii] = modMass[idx] p_modKpIMF[ii] = modKp[idx] # ========== # Plot the masses and mass functions # ========== py.clf() py.plot(modMassStar, absKp, 'rs') py.plot(modMassStar, modKpStar, 'b.') py.xlabel('Mass (Msun)') py.ylabel('Kp (mag)') py.legend(('Observed Absolute', 'Model Absolute')) py.savefig(outputDir + 'pdmf_young_indiv.png') py.clf() py.plot(modMassIMF, KLFall, 'ks') py.plot(p_modMassIMF, p_KLFall, 'k-') py.xlabel('Mass (Msun)') py.ylabel('N') # Completeness correction (polynomial fits) comp = { 'C': [44.6449, -14.4162, 1.75114, -0.0923230, 0.00177092], 'E': [228.967, -71.9702, 8.43935, -0.435115, 0.00830836], 'SE': [527.679, -172.892, 21.1500, -1.14200, 0.0229464], 'S': [-293.901, 90.8734, -10.4823, 0.537018, -0.0103230], 'W': [2476.22, -795.154, 95.1204, -5.02096, 0.0986629], 'N': [334.286, -107.820, 12.8997, -0.676552, 0.0131203], 'NE': [-686.107, 224.631, -27.3240, 1.46633, -0.0293125], 'all': [-142.858, 58.5277, -9.49619, 0.768180, -0.0309478, 0.000495177] } # Make a mass function massEdges = 10**np.arange(1, 1.5, 0.05) massBins = massEdges[:-1] + ((massEdges[1:] - massEdges[:-1]) / 2.0) massHist = np.zeros(len(massBins), dtype=float) p_massBins = np.zeros(len(massBins) * 2, dtype=float) p_massHist = np.zeros(len(massBins) * 2, dtype=float) for mm in range(len(massBins)): m_lo = massEdges[mm] m_hi = massEdges[mm + 1] idx = np.where((modMassStar > m_lo) & (modMassStar <= m_hi))[0] # Find the completeness factor for this mass bin kpInBin = kp_ext[idx].mean() cmpCorr = comp['all'][0] + comp['all'][1]*kpInBin + \ comp['all'][2]*kpInBin**2 + comp['all'][3]*kpInBin**3 +\ comp['all'][4]*kpInBin**4 + comp['all'][5]*kpInBin**5 print m_lo, m_hi, cmpCorr, len(idx), kpInBin massHist[mm] = len(idx) # / cmpCorr p_massBins[2 * mm] = m_lo p_massBins[2 * mm + 1] = m_hi p_massHist[2 * mm] = len(idx) # / cmpCorr p_massHist[2 * mm + 1] = len(idx) # / cmpCorr py.clf() py.plot(p_massBins, p_massHist, 'k-') py.plot(massBins, massHist, 'ks')
data_path + 'ngc6946_cross_robust_ca.fits', data_path + 'ngc6946_cross_robust_cs.fits', data_path + 'ngc6946_cross_robust.fits', ] letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] letters = ['(' + l + ')' for l in letters] out_fname = data_path + 'ngc6946_cross_robust_maps_grid' + '.png' # create grid # figure #plt.gray() fig = plt.figure() grid = AxesGrid( fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(3, 2), axes_pad=0.0, share_all=True, ) # loop on each map for i, fname in enumerate(fname_ext): data = np.flipud(pyfits.fitsopen(fname)[0].data.T) if i == 0: data /= 8. data = data**.25 data[np.isnan(data)] = 0 extent = [0., 192., 0., 192.] im = grid[i].imshow(data, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") grid[i].text(10, 170, letters[i], fontsize=20, color="white") data_zoom = data[135:155, 80:100, ] axins = zoomed_inset_axes(grid[i], 2, loc=3) # zoom = 6
def sort_func(a, b): ai,aj = map(int, a.split(',')) bi,bj = map(int, b.split(',')) if bi > ai or (bi == ai and bj > aj): return -1 return 1 bls.sort(cmp=sort_func) if len(bls) == 0: print 'No data to plot.' sys.exit(0) m2 = int(math.sqrt(len(bls))) m1 = int(math.ceil(float(len(bls)) / m2)) # Generate all the plots dmin,dmax = None, None fig = p.figure() grid = AxesGrid(fig,111,aspect=False,nrows_ncols=(m2,m1),axes_pad=0.,share_all=1,cbar_mode='single',cbar_location='top') if not opts.src is None:fig.suptitle(opts.src) for cnt, bl in enumerate(bls): d =[bl], axis=0) if opts.df: d = d[:,:-2]/2 + d[:,2:]/2 - d[:,1:-1] if opts.dt: d = d[:-2]/2 + d[2:]/2 - d[1:-1] if opts.fringe: d = d.filled(0) flags = n.where(d[:,0] != 0, 1., 0.) gain = n.sqrt(n.average(flags**2)) ker = n.fft.ifft(flags) d = n.fft.ifft(d, axis=0) if not opts.clean is None: for chan in range(d.shape[1]): d[:,chan],info = a.deconv.clean(d[:,chan],ker,tol=opts.clean) d[:,chan] += info['res'] / gain
def plot_face_edge(isnap=28, selected_field='h2density', sizekpc=7., cutLow=1.e-5, f_out=None, save_plot=True, overplot_clumps=True, incut=6., field_cut='h2density', n_cell_min=8, largeNum=1.e+42, data=None, ds=None, dd=None, leaf_clumps=None, plotClumpID=False ): """ Parameters ---------- isnap: int number of snaphot select for the plot selected_field: str field for image plot sizekpc: float size of the extracted region from isnap cutLow: float dynamical range for the colorbar f_out: str output filename save_plot: bool print to file overplot_clumps: bool overplot clumps incut: float threshold for clump definition field_cut: str field out of which clumps are identified n_cell_min: int min cell to define a clump largeNum: float BS to have YT to collaborate """ if f_out is None: f_out = 'test_' + selected_field + '_out' + \ str(isnap) + '_yt_unit_plot.png' from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # prepare input data, if not already passed as arguments # if data is None: data = import_fetch_gal(isnap=isnap) # if (ds is None) and (dd is None): ds, dd = prepare_unigrid(data=data, add_unit=True, regionsize_kpc=sizekpc, debug=False) # if overplot_clumps and (leaf_clumps is None): __, leaf_clumps = ytclumpfind_H2(ds, dd, field_cut, incut, c_max=None, step=1e+6, N_cell_min=n_cell_min, save=False, plot=False, saveplot=None, fold_out='./') if overplot_clumps: id_sorted = sorted(range(len(leaf_clumps)), key=lambda x: np.sum(leaf_clumps[x]["density"])) # compute inertia tensor and it principal axes e_value, e_vectors = calculate_eigenvektoren(data=data, sizekpc=sizekpc) # references # los_vec = e_vectors[0,:] # face on # los_vec = e_vectors[1,:] # edge on # los_vec = e_vectors[2,:] # face on (again, perpendicular direction) # # set the camera axes along the principal axes of the inertia tensor vec_list = [e_vectors[2, :], e_vectors[1, :]] up_list = [e_vectors[0, :], e_vectors[0, :]] # setup the plot # fig = plt.figure() # grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.075, 0.075, 0.85, 0.85), nrows_ncols=(1, 2), axes_pad=0.7, #label_mode = "L", label_mode="1", share_all=True, cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="single", cbar_size="3%", cbar_pad=0.03) # plot edge on and face on # for iplot, los_vec, up_vec in zip(xrange(2), vec_list, up_list): prj = yt.OffAxisProjectionPlot(ds=ds, center=[0, 0, 0], normal=los_vec, fields=selected_field, width=(4, 'kpc'), north_vector=up_vec, weight_field='density', ) prj.set_cmap(field=selected_field, cmap='inferno') if selected_field == 'density': selected_unit = 'Msun/pc**3' elif selected_field == 'h2density': selected_unit = '1/cm**3' else: raise TypeError('unit not implemented for the field') prj.set_unit(selected_field, selected_unit) prj.set_zlim(selected_field, cutLow * dd[selected_field].max().to(selected_unit), dd[selected_field].max().to(selected_unit)) # annotate clump if asked for if overplot_clumps: prj.annotate_contour(field=field_cut, ncont=1, factor=1, clim=(incut, largeNum), plot_args={ 'colors': 'white'} ) # to deal w/ stupid yt annotate_clump() bug for ileaf in id_sorted: _fc = np.mean(leaf_clumps[ileaf].data.fcoords[:], axis=0) if plotClumpID: prj.annotate_marker(_fc, coord_system='data', plot_args={'color': 'red', 's': 50}) prj.annotate_text(_fc, ileaf + 1, coord_system='data', text_args={'color': 'red', 'size': 25}, inset_box_args={'boxstyle': 'square', 'facecolor': 'white', 'linewidth': 1.0, 'edgecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.}) prj.set_ylabel('kpc') prj.set_xlabel('kpc') prj.set_font({'family': 'Times', # 'style': 'italic', # 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 26}) # set the plot into the grid plot = prj.plots[selected_field] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[iplot].axes plot.cax = grid.cbar_axes[iplot] if iplot == 1: plot.axes.set_axis_off() # plot.axes.set_label('') # plot.axes.set_visible(False) plot.axes.set_xlabel('') plot.axes.set_xticks(()) plot.axes.set_xticklabels('') # Finally, this actually redraws the plot. prj._setup_plots() for cax in grid.cbar_axes: cax.toggle_label(True) # cax.axis[cax.orientation].set_label(field_select) if save_plot:, mpl_kwargs={'bbox_inches': 'tight'}) print 'dump to ', f_out return prj, plot.axes
im0 = data[..., idx].copy() m = np.mean(data, axis=-1) for i in xrange(data.shape[-1]): data[..., i] -= m im = data[..., idx] im_fht = fht.fht(im0) im_fht[0, 0] = 0. # figure fig = pl.figure() pl.gray() grid = AxesGrid( fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(3, 1), axes_pad=0.0, share_all=True, # cbar_mode="each", ) ims = grid[0].imshow(im0, interpolation="nearest") grid[0].text(2, 4, '(a)', fontsize=20, color="white") grid[0].set_xticks(()) grid[0].set_yticks(()) ims = grid[1].imshow(im, interpolation="nearest") grid[1].text(2, 4, '(b)', fontsize=20, color="white") #grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(ims) ims = grid[2].imshow(im_fht, interpolation="nearest")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid import numpy as np im = np.arange(100) im.shape = 10, 10 fig = plt.figure(1, (4., 4.)) grid = AxesGrid( fig, 111, # similar to subplot(111) nrows_ncols=(2, 2), # creates 2x2 grid of axes axes_pad=0.1, # pad between axes in inch. ) for i in range(4): grid[i].imshow(im) # The AxesGrid object work as a list of axes.